Is food and wine getting out of hand?

Wowsers. By far the worst account of F&W I have read here IMHO. Just, no. Your kids > your need for a drink. Grow up.
As horrible as the situation was, the two CM's handled it very well. They separated the two groups and tended to needs of both. They quickly called for a wheelchair for the passed out mother and got her out of the area. For the other group, they wrote vouchers to stop at Mouse Gear on the way out of the park to get a complimentary change of clothes. I was impressed with them trying to make the situation right.
As horrible as the situation was, the two CM's handled it very well. They separated the two groups and tended to needs of both. They quickly called for a wheelchair for the passed out mother and got her out of the area. For the other group, they wrote vouchers to stop at Mouse Gear on the way out of the park to get a complimentary change of clothes. I was impressed with them trying to make the situation right.
I have to agree with you. I've heard so many wonderful things about CM's and I'm excited to meet them all over the park next year. I got to interact with about 0 my first and last trip, so this will be nice. Although, I hope to get nice CM's not the ones that people complain about!
Just returned from a trip October 2 to October 9 of this year. My family purposely avoided Epcot on the weekend due to poor experiences during the F&W Festival on the weekend during our last trip (two years ago). However, we still managed to have a bad experience again. We were at the Chase viewing area for Illuminations. A middle age woman with two small children in a double stroller parked near us at the railing, along with her husband and parents. She was drunk out of her mind. About five minutes into the show, she started throwing up and doused two older ladies (who were absolutely adorable and sweet) standing between us and the drunk. When she finished, she collapsed back into the kid's stroller (kids were standing at the railing for the fireworks). When the lights finally came back up after the show, two CM's came to check on the uproar where the incident had occurred. They ended up bringing a wheelchair to cart her out. Can you say mother of the year award?

Needless to say, there's a good chance we will skip Epcot if we vacation again during the F&W Festival.

You can file that ugly scene under 'forgettable vacation memories'. Just horrible, and as PP have pointed out, if reasonably sober people can buy drinks for those who are really drunk, then in fact, Disney has very little control other than removing offenders after the damage has been done.
It is scary to think about how these people even make it back to their hotel rooms.:eek:

You can file that ugly scene under 'forgettable vacation memories'. Just horrible, and as PP have pointed out, if reasonably sober people can buy drinks for those who are really drunk, then in fact, Disney has very little control other than removing offenders after the damage has been done.
It is scary to think about how these people even make it back to their hotel rooms.:eek:

Thankfully most take the bus.
F&W has always been a family event since my kids were little. I will agree it has definitely become more and more crowded over the years, but I enjoy the fact that the park is not centered around kids' stuff. Sure, there are rides and attractions that are fun for kids, but this park was *designed* to make you *Think*. All of Future World was, and is, meant to expand your thinking, use your imagination. World Showcase is just that, a place to explore the World without leaving the US.
The F&W is an awesome celebration to take it even a step further and Really enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of other nations. So there are rowdy drunks sometimes, big deal, walk away, thats life. ADULTS totally enjoy this time of year spending thousands of dollars to attend this festival, months of planning, to let loose and enjoy themselves.
Your complaint is totally valid in MK, I get that, but F&W is basically an adult-themed event that kids enjoy, too.
Sorry you had a bad experience, and maybe when your kids get a little older they will enjoy it more :)
Ironic I just posted that I spent at least three hours at EPCOT November 4-9 including Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights (Saturday night at post-race party), and I was very impressed with the behavior- crowds weren't bad either- DW and I had our 19 month old twins and had a great time!
I haven't read much of this current discussion, but I just returned from a weekend at F&W, having also attended it several times previously. In the past I have read people complain that F&W doesn't offer a family atmosphere, and have completely disagreed with that, thinking that if people just focused on enjoying themselves and not worry about what other people were doing, everyone would have a great time. After my experience this past Sat, Nov 7, I finally saw some behavior that I thought was questionable. We were in World Showcase on Sat afternoon from about 3:30-6 PM. I have no problem with people attending F&W to have a few drinks, or even get a little drunk (as I admit that I usually over-indulge). What I saw though, were many groups of about 10-15 people each (as evidenced by their matching t-shirts) that seemed not only interested in getting drunk, but also in acting obnoxiously and drawing attention to themselves. I'm not a prude, but these people seem to have completely forgotten that they were at a Disney theme park. I don't have any children, and my primary reason for not attending F&W in the future on a weekend is due to the crowds that I experienced, I can also now better understand why others may not want to attend F&W on weekends, or any day for that matter.
We go in October and always spend a day or two at food and wine with our kids who love the food samples. We go early and leave by 6pm or so. Crowds, drunks all avoided.
I haven't read much of this current discussion, but I just returned from a weekend at F&W, having also attended it several times previously. In the past I have read people complain that F&W doesn't offer a family atmosphere, and have completely disagreed with that, thinking that if people just focused on enjoying themselves and not worry about what other people were doing, everyone would have a great time. After my experience this past Sat, Nov 7, I finally saw some behavior that I thought was questionable. We were in World Showcase on Sat afternoon from about 3:30-6 PM. I have no problem with people attending F&W to have a few drinks, or even get a little drunk (as I admit that I usually over-indulge). What I saw though, were many groups of about 10-15 people each (as evidenced by their matching t-shirts) that seemed not only interested in getting drunk, but also in acting obnoxiously and drawing attention to themselves. I'm not a prude, but these people seem to have completely forgotten that they were at a Disney theme park. I don't have any children, and my primary reason for not attending F&W in the future on a weekend is due to the crowds that I experienced, I can also now better understand why others may not want to attend F&W on weekends, or any day for that matter.

I was at EPCOT from 11:00-3:30, so I must have just missed them on Saturday! DW and I were commenting on how funny some of the shirts were though.
We have always avoided weekends during F&W. The cocktails are so expensive, we can't afford to over-indulge!
I haven't gone to the F&W festival so forgive my ignorance of how it actually operates but from reading a lot of people's comments some of the overall reputation could be helped if people felt like there was more watchful eyes on A) beverages consumed (since some get plastered off of 1 but others take 6) and B) Guest behavior (those who for lack of a better word cannot hold their liquor). Honestly, both of these would be difficult but bars do it all the time (cut people off when they appear too intoxicated and throw them out when they get too roudy and a bar's main purpose is to serve alcohol). Some people it seems drink like crazy to get their money' worth. Other's may not drink much but forgot to rehydrate with water and ensure they had the correct type of food in their bodies to prevent issues.

I'm all for having an alcoholic beverage at WDW but I know my own tolerances and know when to stop. For my own safety I do not want to be stumbling around in a large park in the dark and for that matter doing some serious damage to myself drinking in excess in the hot humid daytime.

I was also out of the norm for my age. I'm 27 but when I was 21 I drank far less than those around me and since I was about 22, 1 to 2 beers is perfectly fine for me (I'm not a big wine drinker and hard liquored drinks are best limited to 1 for me). Drinking too much lost it's appeal sooo fast. My husband's sister on the other hand is just newly 24 and has only recently slowed down drinking and partying til all hours of the night since she got a job requiring her to put in long hours and unexpected hours on the weekend.

I also think Friday and Saturday nights would be prime time to see negative behavior due to drinking if you were to see any. People also have different tolerances for what they see.
so i just returned from 5 days down in the world and i had my 3rd food and wine experience and boy it was a complete mess and after 5pm and forget about a weekend day. i cant even attempt to understand what was going on.....i must be getting old but i feel like epcot as a whole is not kid friendly during these 2 months...(i know its not the most kid friend place to begin with) even in future world there were random packs of drunks wondering all around i saw people puke and some needing wheel chairs to get out. i feel like they should make it 21 and over event if they are going to concentrate on the drinking.....when i was in my 20s i was all about drinking all around the world so i get it and i love the fun but boy when you have kids it changes my whole feeling. its a shame i love the food and the whole idea but it reminds me of Burban street minus the flashing but i would not be surprised if that happened before....just wanted to see what everyone else i just and old man or do you feel its going down a bad path....

We went yesterday and it was okay. But I deliberately avoided the weekend due to crowds and reports.
Just got back this morning :( and we went to F&W both Friday night and last night. I would say that last night was almost more crowded than Friday. Friday was bad until about 8pm then the crowds seemed to taper off. Besides the couple behind me in one line that could barely speak or stand, I didn't see too much ridiculous behavior. It was my first time, and the food was amazing. I would definitely go back, even on the weekend.
I have no problem with people attending F&W to have a few drinks, or even get a little drunk (as I admit that I usually over-indulge). What I saw though, were many groups of about 10-15 people each (as evidenced by their matching t-shirts) that seemed not only interested in getting drunk, but also in acting obnoxiously and drawing attention to themselves.

Yeah, we saw a group about 6 years ago, and they had a weight belt too, for the winner (however that was determined). This group rowdiness bothers me only in the fact that it's very uncool to drink and act so.... well, juvenile. Believe me, there wasn't one person in our group who hadn't had a drink (or so :teeth:), but the game is to maintain your cool, not go off the rails. Amateurs! :crazy2:
Out of 20 years of festival, there has been one felon.

You're assuming that incidents deserving of security/police intervention ever get a proper response.

I love F&W and do drink (responsibly). Some of the drinking teams get way out of hand and during F&W 2013 an incident almost made me stop going.

End of the night, huge group of very rowdy and drunk guys and gals from (presumably) a gym in Miami, gleaned from their shirts, jump on the All-Stars bus screaming and yelling. Several families left and waited for the next one even though it was nearly empty. The group mocked them as they left. The leader of the group then grabbed the mic at the front of the bus, immediately started cursing and ranting and then started playing raunchy reggaeton through the bus's speakers.

The bus driver got on, told him to move and stop, the guy stepped behind the yellow line briefly, and then we were on our way. Not thirty seconds out of Epcot this guy goes back up to the mic and starts doing it again.

The bus driver's response was like a kid pleading for their bully to stop hitting them. No security called, no firm command to stop. About halfway through the ride an angry dad storms to the front of the bus and gets in the guy's face. Of course THAT'S when the bus driver decides it'd be a great time to pull over and let us sit on the roadside as two full-grown men push and grunt at each other nearly in our laps. Meanwhile the gym-drinking-buddies are in the back tossing out curses and claiming that someone was about to pull a gun to end the fight.

Eventually tempers cooled and nothing happened. No security, no report, nothing. The driver sat in his chair and kept pleading "You're going to get me fired man, please stop doing this!"

The fact that CMs seem to have no training when it comes to situations like this was a real eye opener. It's sort of obvious that the company would rather not have people arrested on property. Since then, that fact has stuck with me and has only been solidified by other incidents like the fist fight in the Test Track line recently caught on camera.

I'll still go to F&W, just missed it this year but went in 2014, I just wish the CMs at least appeared that they were better trained to handle situations with large groups of drunken people.
Speaking of F&W, anyone hear what the 2016 dates are yet?:confused3 :confused3 Had an AWESOME F&W:drinking1 late October trip this year, but avoided weekends purposely. Hoping to do early October in 2016! :cheer2:
I just got back and had zero issues beyond a few people that were just kind of loud. They were not disruptive at all. I went a bunch of times, and honestly the worst experiences was at the after party for the half (a half) marathon. That was more for the fact that everything was way understaffed.

When I went I was only ever there during the day. Of course there were some crowds but nothing was to crazy, and no ridiculous drunks around. So I guess my biggest suggestion wouldn't be to avoid F&W but to go at smarter times. End your day at a different park. I filled up at Epcot for lunch then went back to my hotel to cool off and rest before going to another park or the pool.
I just got back and had zero issues beyond a few people that were just kind of loud. They were not disruptive at all. I went a bunch of times, and honestly the worst experiences was at the after party for the half (a half) marathon. That was more for the fact that everything was way understaffed.

When I went I was only ever there during the day. Of course there were some crowds but nothing was to crazy, and no ridiculous drunks around. So I guess my biggest suggestion wouldn't be to avoid F&W but to go at smarter times. End your day at a different park. I filled up at Epcot for lunch then went back to my hotel to cool off and rest before going to another park or the pool.

I can understand you have a lot of experience in going but if you only go during the day you probably (though cannot guarantee) won't see the worst of what people are describing. During the day people may have just started drinking or are not to the point of being what people describe here as part of their bad experience (of course you do have the outliers who drink to excess even in the daytime).

And I concur with avoiding nighttime or weekend nights if one wants to try to avoid the increased liklihood of seeing disruptive behavior. Like I said in my previous response to this thread people do have different tolerances to what they see.


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