IOA Ride Question


<font color=9933CC>Shoot for the moon. Even if you
Aug 19, 2000
After deliberating for ages I've finally decided to go to IOA for one of our days, now I'm trying to decide which rides are the best for us.

I've already decided to give the big roller coasters a miss and, taking into consideration we're travelling with a 5yr old and very cautious/nervous 8 yr old which other rides do you suggest that we DO NOT go on?


We will

DWC - June '84 & Oct '94
WDW - Oct '89 & Mar '99
DLP - Dec ' '97
but the Jurassic Park River Adventure really spooked our 5 year old (at the end, you go straight toward a huge T-rex, and at the last moment, the ride plunges and you drop about 5 stories. Huge splash, you get really wet in you are in the front.). It's really great for adults, though.
Our 5 year old did not do Dudley Do-Right's Riptide Falls or Bluto's Blige Water Barges (I think he may have been too short).
The Unicorn is a kid's rollercoaster (like Goofy's Barnstormer). Our kids were fine, but like I said, they are pretty bold. Likewise for Spiderman. The special effect are pretty intense, but ol' Spidey is our 5 year old absolute favorite, so he did great. Again, I think the adults should not miss this one!
Anything in SeussLand should be fine.
If your child can handle the Countdown to Extinction ride at AK and Splash Mountain at MK, then he should be ok with the JP River Adventure. It is like a combination of the two. Actually, I think that Countdown is probably more intense than JPRA, because it is so dark. Dudley and Popeye are just fast and wet, not scary, so they are probably fine. Rent some Spider Man movies for the kids and see how they feel about the villians - I would think it would be ok.

Have fun.

Donna R.


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