IOA In A Day


Earning My Ears
Feb 4, 2001
I need some help. My family and I will be going to IOA as part of a weeklong trip, and I need to schedule everything for that day. I need to be able to do everything in IOA in a day. We don't care much for shows, and we'll go on ANYTHING no matter how big, fast, tall, or scary. There are no kids under 15 in the group, and we want to have lunch at Mythos. What I'm pretty much asking is, "What would be the best and/or fastest way to get all the major things done in a day, and still eat at Mythos?" Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks for your time.

A Good Lie Is Easier To Believe Than The Truth.
do the early entry thing if you have a multi-day ticket to ioa/universal. do spiderman first, if its still not busy, do it again. then to dr.doom, hulk. move on towards the lost continent area(it was not open for early entry when we were there)do ripsaw falls and jurassic park on the way. that puts you at fire and ice next in the lost continent. i think that's the major thrill rides
Hi dx2478,

Get there when park opens. Early entry is only for onsite hotel guests. When are you going? Call ahead and see if Mytho's will have extended hours and decide if you will eat dinner or lunch and plan accordingly. I would get to IOA and go right to Spiderman then do Hulk them maybe do spiderman again if lines permit. Then you can do Dr Doom. From there I would head to Lost Continent and do Dueling Dragons and any other rides that interest you continue heading counter clockwise through Jurassic Park, then Toon Lagoon for the water rides...back through Marvel Island (spiderman again?) :D and last Seuss Landing. Depending on the time of year you should be able to see it all and do a couple favorites again. Mytho's is in Last Continent so after riding dragons stop for lunch...also eating a meal off normal times will save you a bit of time! Earlier ot later whatever the case may be. Make sure you take the time to enjoy the beauty and theming of IOA! Have a great time! :)

Early entry is only for hotel guests now? We went in June and had a two day ticket and got in early... We did Dr. Doom first because we heard that the line moves very slow. Then we did Hulk. But by the time we got over to Spiderman the line was already out the door and it broke down twice so we were in line for like 2 hours. So I would say hit that one first. After that, just keep circling around til it's time for lunch! We went in June and it was blistering hot and the crowds were horrible, but we still got everything done around 4:00, and that included a character lunch. So you should be fine. We actually came back the second day and rerode a few things after going to US. If you like thrill rides... you will have an awesome time! I loved it! If I could say one thing I think they could do better at IOA it would be the theming on Ripsaw falls. The whole park has incredible theming... and then you ride that which only has a few standups and it's kindof a let down. But other than that it is fabulous! You'll love it! Have fun!

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
we did early entry by accident in december with our multi-day ticket. we didn't stay onsite. spiderman filled up first, and in december, dueling dragons did not open for early entry(the entire lost continent was roped off until regular opening time)that is why we did jurassic park and ripsaw falls before dueling dragons


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