Intro and question about "Anti-DVCers"


DVC isn't for anyone so some may disagree with it and how it works.

I have also seen people who have spent more on one vacation staying at the GF and could have almost paid off a 150 DVC contract.

To each their own but do what is right for you and your family.

The one thing is, the DVC has dues every year - so maybe the following year they'd not be going to Disney (or the year after, or the year after). Plus, with the vacation, they probably had tickets and maybe the dining plan. Even with a full priced $400 room, that is $2800.00 plus tax for the room for a week (less than a DVC contract).

I do think DVC is good for someone who wants that type of accomodation on property and goes often. I'm pretty happy at the Pop Century, and I tend to travel very inexpensively (I paid $88 US in the London area for a Bed and Breakfast a couple of weeks ago for just myself, which included a VERY nice breakfast, bottled water, snacks, cereal bars, tea, etc.) I couldn't have stayed there on DVC points. But if one had a larger family, I think those type of accomodations (here and abroad) would be very welcome.

So DVC is for some, not for others. But again - I do like the accomodations (they have never been run down when I've been, though I have heard a few complaints recently about OKW).
I have never experienced a rude or unkind DVCer since being a member. We stay at VWL a lot, and I wouldnt know the difference in an owner or renter, etc. I can see that being an owner might give off some kinda vibe that we are snoots or something like that.

Well here is our story...I am a lowly carpenter/builder who very much enjoys time spent with my family. WDW creates for a very expensive vacation, but one we all enjoy together. Together is the key word. We only live once, so we only get one chance to spend this life, together. I think it is great you are able to save enough to pay for DVC upfront. For us, we are still paying. But it is one bill I dont mind footing. Why? Because DVC helps to make those memories. I dont mind putting in a little extra time to foot that bill.

We are able to go twice, sometimes 3 times a year and stay in accomodations that otherwise we probably couldnt afford. With 1 teen and another soon there, both of opposite sex, sleeping together wasnt an option for very long. And though DS doesnt mind an air mattress right now, that aint gonna last long. And as another poster put it, staying at the All Stars is something we still dont mind if it means slipping in another night or two without using points.

So let the naysayers speak on. I, the lowly carpenter feel good to be in the company of such great folks as those I have met here on the DIS that happen to be DVCers. Some are dentists, attorneys, coaches, homemakers, among many other proffessions. We all have different status in the social order of things, but all the same in Gods eyes. One things for sure though, we all love WDW enough to give them our hard earned money so we can guarantee many visits to come.

Sorry for the rambling. I do hope that all works out in your hopes of becoming a member. We will welcome you with open arms!
Well if you've read any of the DIS boards for any length of time I'm sure you know there are always folks who don't like something or other. Whether we're talking popular restaurants, resorts, or WDW rides, you are bound to hear from a few who seem unable to comprehend why anyone in their right mind stays at resort X, eats at restaurant Y, or bothers with theme park attraction Z.

Everyone has opinions and the beauty of such is they are only valid from the perspective of the person with the opinion. It's perfectly legitimate for someone to dislike DVC, Le Cellier, the Polynesian, or Mission:Space, but that has absolutely no bearing on whether the next person will or won't.

So I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in what a few internet posters have to say (pro or con). I'd simply check it out for myself and see if it works for me!

Good luck!
The one thing is, the DVC has dues every year - so maybe the following year they'd not be going to Disney (or the year after, or the year after). Plus, with the vacation, they probably had tickets and maybe the dining plan. Even with a full priced $400 room, that is $2800.00 plus tax for the room for a week (less than a DVC contract).


Hi Denise.

I guess I should have qualified a length of vacation and such.

And maybe I stretched by a little of a vacation being the same cost as a DVC contract but the stretch is not by much.

If you go to Disney's web page and select a GF room only - club level (which is very common to hear on this board) for the dates of 07-01 to 7-15 (people speak of two week vacations all of the time on this board) the room only comes out to $11,418.82 without park tickets, food or what not. The cost comes out to a little better then $6200 per week. 150 contract as SSR I think the price $90.00 per point but not sure comes out to about $13,500.

Of course you can find cheaper accommodation's then this, but what is listed above is not uncommon to hear or see.

The MF's we pay are true a cost over the initial price of DVC and should be considered.

Let me say that anyone who says DVC saves money 100% of the time is incorrect. Since we have bought DVC we spend more at Disney then ever before as we have been average several trips a year in lieu of the once in a while trips we used to take.

Again DVC is not for everyone. We went back and forth with this when we bought as Dixie Landings was out favorite resort and it was hard for me to justify the expense.

I bought my first contract with DVC and just added on again and have not regreted once vacation staying at a DVC resort. Well, we did say we won't stay in a studio again :)

P.S. I like your webpages :)
I think part of the problem also is related to pure ignorance about DVC. I think alot of people really look down on timeshares. They put the sales folks in the same category as slick used care salesmen. I know that's the way I used to feel. I remember being in vacation and at the Venetian and we were followed around and hounded by timeshares sales people. It really got old. I think some folks put DVC in the same category.

I do know that I feel like our DVC purchases have been some of the best purchases we've ever made. And if people look down on us for doing it, that's their problem not ours.
Welcome to our little community!!

Do your research and make the decision that is right for you. This progam is not for everyone and WDW offers such a variety of options that there is something for just about everyone.
Hi Then, I went to the community board and read where someone wrote that they'd never again stay at any DVC resort (they were cash-room guests of the hotel, not the villas) and other posters agreed, like it was a common stance to take.

p.s. - Thanks again for all the knowledge you all bring here to help us DVC-hopefuls make better informed decisions! :goodvibes

Amanda - could you be a little more specific if they said any particular reasons for these feelings. It sounds as if they were at WL, BC/YC or BWI not the villas themselves so am wondering why they say they won't stay at any DVC resorts again. I tried to find something on the Community board about this but gave up after a number of pages. I'm just curious about what reasons if any they gave. It sounds as if they had a problem with the hotel section of the resort but are blaming it on DVC.
Hi everyone! My name is Amanda - I'm a 29-year-old SAHM to my DS (18 months) and I am coming out of semi-lurkdom to ask about perceptions about DVC. We aren't DVCers (yet!), but that's only because we're saving up to be able to pay in full for our membership (a lesson learned here.... along with "buy where you want to stay!" ;) Anyway, up until about 2 weeks ago, I'd only ever been to the DVC section here. Then, I went to the community board and read where someone wrote that they'd never again stay at any DVC resort (they were cash-room guests of the hotel, not the villas) and other posters agreed, like it was a common stance to take. I'm definitely not trying to stir the pot, if this is a heated subject I don't know about, I just can't seem for the life of me to figure out what anyone would have against DVC or its members, other than just being jealous of the perks offered (and hey, I'm guilty of points-envy myself!). So, I thought I'd ask you guys about the perception some non-DVCers have of DVC, since you're the ones who'd know best.


p.s. - Thanks again for all the knowledge you all bring here to help us DVC-hopefuls make better informed decisions! :goodvibes
Amanda, while I think DVC is great, it is not for everyone. First, it is indeed a timeshare, a very good one but still a timeshare. This comes with certain good and bad accompaniments. You give up daily maid service or else you have to pay extra above an beyond. You have certain commitments to usage to get value from it as well as risks and obligations over time. For the most part DVC doesn't save people money but it does give them more for their money in many cases.

IMO, DVC is good for those that can handle the above issues, have a history of Disney travel at least about every other year, can afford it, and who go light or neutral on weekends. Do realize there are other choices including off site timeshares which are better for many and can be much cheaper overall. With 3 people you can make out like a bandit if you do S-F stays (or similar) in a studio. The larger units are a bit of a splurge but many do feel they are worth it.

BTW, when would you normally travel to WDW? There may be cheaper options for you.
Starbox - of all the replies, I definitely feel like yours captured the vibe I got from the CB posters. I guess since I've been DVC-daydreaming for the last 5 years, I can't imagine looking down on it, but I bet you're right and that's what he/she meant. p.s. - I wish I could live in the Swiss Family Treehouse, too! :)

castleri - I'm not sure where exactly it was, because it wasn't a thread that was even about DVC - the comment about DVC was just kinda thrown in in an offhand way. a few people agreed and 1 or 2 asked why, but most didn't even notice or respond to the remark. the poster who said it never responded again (at least not by when I finished reading the thread and I didn't subscribe, so I haven't been back since)

jimmytammy - we are by no means wealthy (like. at. all. lol!) - we just have a 1 year old son, so that gives us a few years to savesavesave before he's the "right" age (in our eyes) to start going. btw, ITA with everything else in your post!

I should mention that noone's opinion of DVC will ever sway me from joining (and I've done tons of research and numbercrunching, I should add)! I just couldn't see through my rose-colored glasses what anyone could possibly have against DVC and reading the posts just kinda felt like hearing a joke and not "getting" it, you know?

p.s. - WolfPackFan - I absolutely loved your WWII website and, as the proud granddaughter of 2 veterans of that war, want to thank you for creating it! I'll also ask my grandpas if they have anything they can contribute :)

With 3 people you can make out like a bandit if you do S-F stays (or similar) in a studio. The larger units are a bit of a splurge but many do feel they are worth it.

BTW, when would you normally travel to WDW? There may be cheaper options for you.

Hi Dean! I've been reading your posts for a long time - nice to finally "meet" you!

Yes, we will be going 2-3 times a year from Sun-Fri (weekends offsite or POP)and will be staying in studios almost exclusively, except for very occasional splurges. So, I feel like we can really benefit from joining and I can't wait to start our family's WDW traditions! :yay:
Hi Dean! I've been reading your posts for a long time - nice to finally "meet" you!

Yes, we will be going 2-3 times a year from Sun-Fri (weekends offsite or POP)and will be staying in studios almost exclusively, except for very occasional splurges. So, I feel like we can really benefit from joining and I can't wait to start our family's WDW traditions! :yay:
Welcome home and enjoy.
Originally Posted by Dean
With 3 people you can make out like a bandit if you do S-F stays (or similar) in a studio. The larger units are a bit of a splurge but many do feel they are worth it.

I totally agree. I originaly bought 200 points for a 1 bedroom. Then we stayed in a studio from default on a weekend and decided WOW we can stay twice as long. And now we do. 2 weeks at BCV every year June or July 204 pts and just added 100 pts at AKV. For us DVC has been great. I am totally a tight wade and find that I would never justify 300 a night for a room, any room. But now we get that room for $65 to $75 a night. I would agree that if your not a Disney lover it might not be the best thing for you. But who in there right mind isn't a Disney Lover.
I have never met anyone or talked to anyone who made me feel uncomfortable about being a DVCer. Oh, I get the usual, "You're going to Orlando AGAIN??" comments, but nobody has been negative about DVC. And those who own DVC are the friendliest and most helpful people around, as you are probably aware by now.
I'm not on this board much, but wanted to add my 2 cents here. We've been menbers since DVC started in 1991 and we love it, BUT I have to agree it's not for everyone. We are very fortunate that we get to do numerous vacations each year, Disney and non-Disney. We even do non-DVC Disney vacations so I get to experience a lot of different ways of looking at things. Every once in a while I do run into a person who thinks DVC is not worth the money and start to go on and on about how they can stay off-site or they love staying on the monorail, yada, yada, and I have to agree with them because for THEM DVC wouldn't work. I have to be honest, we still love staying at the Poly, in fact I just made a quick trip last month to the Poly and had a wonderful time. The biggest thing I always tell people is to not put too much thought into what other people think. You need to do what is right for you and your family. There will always be someone saying to me "Are you going to WDW AGAIN!!", but I've learned to just ignore them. We know people who own a house on a lake or on the ocean and never go anywhere else. Now that wouldn't be me, but for a lot of people it works. Please just look at you own life and what you want in vacations and make the decision based on YOUR FAMILY and ignore the naysayers. I hardly hear them anymore anyway, I'm too busy packing for my next trip!!

Good Luck!!
I get snobbed against simply for going to WDW regularly. That's the risk when you hang with the crunchy granola crowd.

People who want to look down on you will find a reason to do it, whether its where you vacation, what you spend your money on, or what you eat for breakfast. It says a lot more about them than about you.
I think that there are some at my work who look at me kind of funny when I talk about it. Okay, at every opportunity.

I think that they see me being excited about DVC and wonder about me. Maybe something is wrong with me for doing this, they probably think. That is the impression that I get anyway.

I am not a young chicken anymore, but I'm not ready for retirement either. I will be able to break even and then some if all goes well.

Do not let others discourage you. They most likely do not understand how it all works or they are not really interested in going to WDW. People who do not understand something tend to not like it.
I have no idea why there is that attitude. I've always stayed at value resorts. DVC was a HUGE jump for us. We're the mentality that you're only in the room to sleep, although this time hoping to enjoy some more. I feel a bit intimidated by DVC owners a bit. When I was going to value resorts and even just visiting the parks, I'd encounter people who didn't have a clue, they'd never been to WDW before. They got up that morning and decided they'd go to Disney World that day, meaning Magic Kingdom. I've done my research, and around my community and around "regular" resorts, I'm pretty smart. At a DVC resort I feel like everybody knows more because these people have been coming for years.

But, I don't think that for the most part that DVC people act any differently. In a park you wouldn't have a clue. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that DVC is only for "members". People who are staying at ASMo don't visit this board to see what's going on. It's only visited by people who are actually thinking of doing DVC or already own. So, maybe the exclusiveness makes it that way a bit. I don't know. It's silly, though.
Wouldn't life be ever so much nicer if everyone celebrated rather than judged
different choices? :idea:

well say.

but remember that DVCers bash other DVC all the time.

their resort is better than your resort - how many times on this board has that become an issue.

all the DVC resorts are great in their own way.

I stay at oKW in a studio Sun-thurs - then sometimes Pop on Fri or sat - sometimes come home - sometimes start the trip the week before staying sun to sun at another timeshares then go to DVC.

some people I have meet are definitely jealous. Others don't understand the conmitment. but once I explain it - they realize that it takes work to be a DVC member. that said if you love WDW and want to go back again and again - then DVC is definitely the way to go.

I don't have alot of money either. I financed my first purchase and my latest.

some people got into finance trouble with DVC. you know the type stayed only in value resorts. then got DVC and suddenly starting staying in 2-bedroom instead of the studio. they blame DVC because they claim you can't get your investment out of DVC. Now if they had stayed in studio and rented their excess until they were in better financial shape - then they would have loved it. but some people want to go immediately to first class. they don't want to work up to it.

well I got my investment out long, long ago - even financing it.
And then I think there are just alot of folks who, if their vacation is not absolutely magically they will complain. If you lurk around the trip planning forum long enough-you'll start questioning why you even come to disney EVER!
Complaints run the gamut from "The DDP is causing to earth to fall off it's axis" to "The park is closing and I actually had to wait 5 minutes for a resort bus or I had to share a bus with a value resort"


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