Insurance Question


DVC Member - BCV
Oct 26, 2000
I always get trip insurance and plan on doing so again for my cruise in 400+ days, lol. I'm confused as to when the best time to purchase insurance is. Can someone here help? I know with some companies if you purchase the insurance within 7 days of deposit, you get pre-existing condition waivers, etc. I have made my deposit for the cruise, but I'm holding off on purchasing the airfare until it gets closer to sailing date. (Never know which airlines will be around this time next year after all!)

Should I purchase insurance now (I'd need to guess on the cost of the airfare to base my trip price on) or should I wait until just before final deposit for the cruise to purchase the trip insurance?
If I did purchase it now, would my airfare (which has not been purchased yet) still be part of the insurance? (or would it not count since it has not yet been purchased?)

wow! did that make sense, lol ?

thanks (sorry so long) :)
We are going on our cruise in january. our final payment is due mid-nov. our ta told us not to get insurance until we make our final payment as the trip is fully refundable until then.
I bought insurance within 14 days of paying my deposit so that I could get several waivers, including the pre-existing medical condition, from Access America (my dad is 79yo and although he is not traveling with us I never know what could come up.) At that time I bought a policy that would cover the amount of the cruise only. As I added more costs to the trip for things like airfare and Cirque I called the insurance company and raised the amount of my policy.

Sometimes adding expenses to the trip does not increase the premium. The rates for Access America are in $500 increments. So if, for example, your cruise is $1200 you need to buy a $1500 policy, the cost of which is determined by your age. When you buy your airline tickets for $300 you don't need to increase your policy because you're covered up to $1500.

We are a family of 6 adults and one child going on a cruise and 4 days at WDW. It's very expensive and I just can't take the chance of losing the money if one of us gets sick. Most professionals advise buying travel insurance through a third party rather than the cruise line. If you get it within 2 weeks of making your deposit you get additional coverage. HTH,


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