Inspired by best tips; What tips have you recieved that were pointless?

I think the worst advice I have gotten is the refillable mugs. I bring my own water into the park but that is a different story. ( I will only drink Ice Mountain water and it has to be from Sanctuary Springs in Rodney, MI, Anal I know but it's the best tasting. LOL). Also, not buying the park hopper to save money and not buying enough tickets for your stay are horrible ideas. The last time we went we only got a 4 day non hopping pass. We were in town for 7 days. It was horrible. This time around we are getting a 7 day pass with the hopping option.
umaangel00 said:
Also, not buying the park hopper to save money and not buying enough tickets for your stay are horrible ideas. The last time we went we only got a 4 day non hopping pass. We were in town for 7 days. It was horrible. This time around we are getting a 7 day pass with the hopping option.

Getting less days than you're there just doesn't make sense. I'd rather pay the extra to get the "no-expiration" option than feel like I can't go to a park one day.

We now get AP's, so that point is mute with us, but even before MYW tickets & before we dove into AP's we always got the maximum # of days on a ticket that you could purchase.
I love this!! Keep it going. This is the best way, even as a yearly visiter, to find out how advice really works. Most people won't tell you something they find to be useless, only what works for them. And what works for one person, may not work for two others.

Oh--another one. The lightweight stroller. You either have to shell out big bucks for a nice one, or get one that doesn't have the features you are used to, the kids aren't as comfortable in, and doesn't manuvier as well. And why spend money on a new stroller when the one you have works well and you could be spending that money on non-Walmart :rotfl2: souviniers??
When we got back from disney we found a few pieces of advice werent helpful at all!

1) 'dont take a nap in the day, just carry on through, you can do it at home! Do it here too!' - Nope, doesnt work, us England fokes are not used to the climate and time changes. Not napping in the afternoon left us feeling tired and most of all ill! My sis cant stand the heat, and waks around flapping her hands and being aggitated and cross (18 year old moody girl is no bodys idea of fun at disney!). A nap revived her enough to watch a show in the evening, although wishes was a bit much (too crowded). Esspecailly on the ferry on the way back, leading to point 2.

2) 'Staying on disney property is a waste of money, villas a few minuites away are so much cheaper!' - ok half a lie, me and my sis would NEVER be able to share a room at disney again without literally killing each other. So in that respect it was good. But the endless driving to and from disney (boring!) and the stupid monorail or ferry system out of Magic Kingdom annoyed the heck out of us! Also the constant remebering of where we parked, gave us trouble. As well as always being parked the furthest way away from the walk way to the park!

3) 'If you are staying for 14 days, you will only go to disney about 7 times, you will spend the other days at universal or seaworld or something. Or at another water park' - TOTALY NOT TRUE! We bought a 7 day ticket (which we could use at any time over 2 weeks) and we were always wishing for more time at disney. We feel we had grown out of universal, and doesnt have the appeal that disney has in any way. We spent a lot of time at seaworld, due to my sis' constant heat problems and my stomach cramps causing us to go home early 3 times! We spent a wasted 'shopping day' and mini golf days! Which were nice, but we could have done those in the evenings.

Soz for the rant, lol, and the length! (p.s first experience of a walmart at disney this time, REALLY scared me!)
[/QUOTE]We drive take our own drinks for the resort got an almost unlimited supply in the room take a drink out put another in cooler and NO WALKING down to the food court everytime we want a drink [/QUOTE]

I agree, refillable mugs are pointless. Why not just bring in your less expensive drinks & water and use those?

But then again, I also use a backpack, so maybe you ought not trust my judgment :earsboy:
the kabuki said:
Brita water bottles with the built in filter. They were bulky and didn't work that great.

I clicked on this thread with the intent to say just this, but you beat me to it! Before our first family trip, I read all those posts from people who hate WDW water and came armed with two Brita filter bottles - and an expensive fanny pack with two side "holsters" for them (very awkward to wear, btw). We had such trouble getting a drink from them, they didn't last the day with us. After all that worry over the water, we discovered that we don't mind it at all.

I've also realized that I don't need to stuff that fanny pack as if we're headed into the Amazon wilderness, either. Kudos to those that lug full backpacks with sweatshirts, first aid kit, family-sized bottles of sunblock, 6 packages of crackers/cookies/chips, 2 ponchos per family member, etc - I did for one day (actually, all that fit in my enormous fanny pack!) and decided it just wasn't worth it. Now I take a small fanny pack (hate carrying anything, including backpacks) with my wallet, camera, small sunblock, and maybe one poncho for each of us if it looks like rain. Otherwise, I figure I don't need it or can get it in the parks.
kelleigh1 said:
The buying "souvenirs" before you go to Disney really doesn't work. If you check the tags on anything you buy at WDW, it says Walt Disney World on it. And if you bought it at the Disney Store, it says "Disney Store". You can't really get away with it.
I know I mean my mom will buy shirts to wear at WDW but we'll get "souvenirs" at WDW trust me kids will check
wishspirit said:
When we got back from disney we found a few pieces of advice werent helpful at all!

1) 'dont take a nap in the day, just carry on through, you can do it at home! Do it here too!' - Nope, doesnt work, us England fokes are not used to the climate and time changes. Not napping in the afternoon left us feeling tired and most of all ill! My sis cant stand the heat, and waks around flapping her hands and being aggitated and cross (18 year old moody girl is no bodys idea of fun at disney!). A nap revived her enough to watch a show in the evening, although wishes was a bit much (too crowded). Esspecailly on the ferry on the way back, leading to point 2.

2) 'Staying on disney property is a waste of money, villas a few minuites away are so much cheaper!' - ok half a lie, me and my sis would NEVER be able to share a room at disney again without literally killing each other. So in that respect it was good. But the endless driving to and from disney (boring!) and the stupid monorail or ferry system out of Magic Kingdom annoyed the heck out of us! Also the constant remebering of where we parked, gave us trouble. As well as always being parked the furthest way away from the walk way to the park!

3) 'If you are staying for 14 days, you will only go to disney about 7 times, you will spend the other days at universal or seaworld or something. Or at another water park' - TOTALY NOT TRUE! We bought a 7 day ticket (which we could use at any time over 2 weeks) and we were always wishing for more time at disney. We feel we had grown out of universal, and doesnt have the appeal that disney has in any way. We spent a lot of time at seaworld, due to my sis' constant heat problems and my stomach cramps causing us to go home early 3 times! We spent a wasted 'shopping day' and mini golf days! Which were nice, but we could have done those in the evenings.

Soz for the rant, lol, and the length! (p.s first experience of a walmart at disney this time, REALLY scared me!)
The ferry is a waste of time it's just BORING
My personal favorite is the penny debate. I spent about four months, picking through every penny I had in my huge change jar, pennies I received from purchases and even from hitting up other people to check their pennies so I could check the dates to make sure they were the "pure copper years". Then I spent months testing cleaning methods, coke, ketchup, vinegar, copper cleaner, etc, etc. In the end I discovered that pre 82 or not didn't really pennies actually looked better and pressed better (although there were the dreaded "zinc lines" I actually liked they way it made them look). I ended up leaving a huge ziploc bag of pennies in the room when we left and spent most of the trip hitting my family up for their new pennies!
"Bring lots of snacks with you into the parks to save $$". my kids (or me for that matter!) want to eat a package of PB crackers when they are surrounded by Mickey Bars, Dole Whips, and Popcorn!! :rotfl2:

We actually brought some "healthy" snacks on our first family trip in 2000 because DD was only 5 and a "constant snacker" vs. a meal eater. Beyond that trip, we've never done it again. I limit the kids to one or two per day because it certainly can get expensive, but even I would rather eat a Mickey Bar from MK than a granola bar from home! :mickeybar
I personally think bringing a backpack or fanny pck is one of the best tips out there. I always bring one and would be lost without it. I dont know how anybody could do it. I evan bring one when i got to the zoo. I also got great deals on disney direct for some soveniers. Granted i dont have kids, there for family and friends. I saved tons and i can spend this on my time down in disney. I rather do that. I have found most things ya end up buying just collect dust or end up in the closet. Rather take lots of pictures. Thats jsut my 2 cents though.
When the street vendors roll out the lighted toys at night I have the same ones from the disney store or disney direct for a third of the price!! My kids are crazy for the light up toys and after hearing "I want a sword" a million gazillion times one evening in the parks, now I have them in my bag ready. They are the same ones and oh so much cheaper. The light up toys are $15 to $25 at parade time :earseek: and only $4 at disney direct through ebay. I also pack new pjs from the disney store as an in theme surprise for my 3 kids when we get back to the room after a long day.

However, I will admit we buy the rest while we are there for the big bucks so it all averages out in the end. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
tlbwriter said:
To me, the tip about buying souvenirs for your kids before you even get to WDW is useless. Those are souvenirs of a trip to Wal-Mart, not WDW! :rotfl: I can't imagine my daughter falling in love with something she sees in the store and being satisfied with "Sorry, honey, we can't get that, but Mommy has some Mickey Mouse pencils back at the hotel for you." :rolleyes:

I totally agree with you on this one. My Sons would never go for that.

Also, bringing snacks in the park, big waste of time and money. They want popcorn, Mickey Bars and other stuff. Not the stuff I bring.
I'm curious, of thse of you who said afternoon breaks were worthless how old were your kids? I am planning them for my 4 and 2 year olds. Thanks!
:guilty: :guilty: :guilty: hi
whilst not exactly useless we find it not always wise grabbing fast passes ( i know i really will get shot down in flames for this one) we work anti clock wise round the park usually not waiting more than 30 - 40 mins, usually the waiting time is 2/3rds of what it states. we do the rides and shows going from one to the next one and usually complete all of them plus parades and fireworks by park closing time. you don't waste time hanging around or spending money on snacks or meals you don't really want nor criss csoss the park several times. :guilty:
homedad said:
I'm curious, of thse of you who said afternoon breaks were worthless how old were your kids? I am planning them for my 4 and 2 year olds. Thanks!
my afternoon nap breaks always backfierd. my kids were so tierd from getting up so early that tey fell a sleep by 12pm and naped on the bus back to the resort. they did not want to go down again until 4 pm and that was on the way back to the park if you have kids FORGET IT nap time is when they can grab it :rolleyes:
homedad said:
I'm curious, of thse of you who said afternoon breaks were worthless how old were your kids? I am planning them for my 4 and 2 year olds. Thanks!

I've brought my kids since they were 6 mnths and have done most ages since. I really don't like it when you head back, they fall asleep on the transportation and wake up as soon as you get back to the hotel. Way to short a nap and now you can just turn around and go back anyway, with a cranky kid. They have always stroller napped and for a decent length of time and wake up happy and ready to go. My youngest is now 2 1/2 and he'll be going for his third trip.
I agree about the whole pre-whatever year pennie thing. We went through all the pennies in the house looking for old ones...then I acually spent time soaking them AND SCRUBBING THEM! How foolish! What a waste of time! After all that, we ended up bringing new ones that looked much better.

As for the snacks...we bring them AND buy them. I recognize that my kids are going to want Mickey Bars, etc. But at any given time someone is just STARVING (probably the someone who wasn't interested in lunch when we were eating it 30 mintues before). That's when you tell them to eat the goldfish that are in their fannypack. Or when we're trying to get on a lot of rides and someone JUST HAS TO HAVE A SNACK RIGHT NOW. Snacks in little snack sized zip locks can go in and out of the fanny pack, so the child can grab a handful of something before jumping on a ride.
Napping didn't really work for us.

DS was 4 when we went for the first time. Days 1-3 he was far too excited to nap and kept up with DD (8) just fine. Day 4, though, was Epcot - after three days of non-stop action, throw in a huge amount of walking with few distractions (as far as he was concerned, anyway) - that became the Day of the Serial Meltdowns. We ended up leaving Epcot shortly after lunch and riding the boat to MGM for a calming interlude - not a nap, but a physical and mental rest. I'd planned for Fantasmic on Day 5, so I made us all return to ASMu for lunch and a real nap. It took both kids over an hour to settle down enough to sleep, and then it was very difficult waking them up. They didn't want to eat, so ended up skipping supper and then eating vendor junk once we got to Fantasmic. The kids finished out the evening in great spirits, though I was worn out!

Now that both are older (11 and 7), I need the nap more than they do! We've learned to use the transportation system as rest times throughout the day. Monorail to Epcot and back, or boat to wherever, even the air-conditioned bus ride gives us a chance to recharge. If your children are the type to fall asleep in the car but wake up once they get home, try the Epcot loop of the monorail and stay on for a few rotations or whatever.
homedad said:
I'm curious, of thse of you who said afternoon breaks were worthless how old were your kids? I am planning them for my 4 and 2 year olds. Thanks!

You'll get opinions that make sense from both sides, so the best advice is do what works for your family. My kids (4,2 and 7mos at the time we went) take 2 hour naps everyday (Thank God). My oldest has made it at Disney without naps and my younger two have fallen alseep in their strollers and were fine. BUT we also have gone back to the room and they slept fine too. MINE lasted longer if we went back to the room. It really depends on you and your family schedule.

Most useless advice we got was the baby backpack for waiting in lines. I guess if you're waiting for more than 45 minutes it would be nice, but since we didn't ever wait that long it just took up space. We didn't bring it back after the first day.


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