In Every Run That Must Be Done; There is an Element of Fun (comments welcome)

Maple Grove Lions 10K

It was a beautiful morning for a race, but I was pretty tired from staying up late on Friday looking at Northern Lights (I’ll do a separate post of my best pics)

I had picked up my bib and shirt Friday after work because they really didn’t want people picking them up on race morning, even though that would’ve been way more convenient for me. Maple Grove is 30-35 minutes from me, so spending an hour for a 2 minute errand is irritating.

Anyway, the race started and ended at Maple Grove Senior High, so there was great on-site parking. I dropped my bag at bag check and kind of wandered around for a bit. There was also a Half and a 5K running, the half started first at 7:30, and the 5K started after the 10K at 8:00. After the half runners got on their way, I lined up toward the back and on the right side for the 10K. My goal for the race was not to race it, but to treat it like a catered training run. So I kept my intervals at 30/60, rather than the 30/45 I would normally use for a 10K, but I did run the downhills, regardless of what my intervals were telling me to do.

The race started with a full loop around the track, and my playlist had jokes and started with “Right Round” 😄😄 Because I chose to stick with my intervals right from the start, rather than keeping up with the crowd, I quickly ended up at the pack of (if not the back of) the pack. It wasn’t a great feeling, but I tried to just keep on keeping on. Luckily, there was a nice downhill less than half a mile into the race and I permanently passed a number of people I had been behind. It was shortly past the first mile that the fastest 5K runners passed me. And occasionally, the half leaders would zip by me when our courses converged.

The course was super clearly marked for all 3 races. You just followed the signs that matched your bib color (yellow for half, orange for 10K, green for 5K). Most of the race was on paved nature trails, with the occasional jaunt into a neighborhood, including one that had a great divided road with a big greenway and paved trail going down the middle of it. There were volunteers at almost all intersections to point the way and cheer people on, and police manning the very few busier crossing points. I would definitely run this course again as an actual race.

There was a nice section along the north shore of Rice Lake.

Someone along the lake path had a little collection of painted rocks, fairy houses, and other random bits of stuff.

Somewhere in the fifth mile, we turned east onto a very sunny trail, and my playlist had another joke: “Soak Up The Sun” 😄😄

There were some people I was hoping to pass in the last mile, because we’d been leapfrogging for a while, but I just couldn’t do it. But I wasn’t last, and I was ahead of more people than I thought! I finished 229/250 overall, and 136/151 women, in a time of 1:21:10. My watch only measured 6.13 miles, but I think it lost me a few times along the way.

After I drank my water and ate some chips, I walked back to the car and headed home. I ate some more food, got cleaned up, and then had to head out to my great aunt and uncle’s house to do some work for their big garage sale that starts next weekend.

Sadly, we didn’t get a repeat show from the Aurora on Saturday night, just some white streaky bits before the clouds rolled in.

Sunday, I had to help my grandma with her outdoor work (it was Mother’s Day after all) so I didn’t get onto the treadmill until 10 pm, and I only managed 2/3 miles of my progression run. My legs just felt heavy and it wasn’t a very good run, and another mile wasn’t going to make it any better. I feel bad that I cut it short, and that I skipped an easy 3 mile run this week, but, on the other hand, my long run for the week was only supposed to be 4 miles, and I ran a 10K instead, so I’m only short about 2 miles on the week.

And my estimated current fitness changed again, getting closer to where Runna thinks I’ll be at the end of my plan. I’d say that the current 10K estimate is accurate—if I’d been running 30/45, I think I could’ve found 3 minutes to shave off the race on Saturday.

In critter news, one of my chipmunks has gifted me with 2 little babies! They’re too shy to get pictures of yet, but their mama only just brought them out of the den for the first time yesterday, so I’ve got plenty of time to work my Disney Princess magic on them.

Here’s Rocky

Bashful (FKA Happy)

And Mama Red, who isn’t ready to take food directly from my hand, but if I put some peanuts down and back off about 2 feet, she’s happy to sit and munch on them while I watch.
Great photos (race and AB)! As much as I would love to see AB, I just can't stay up that late. Still, one day I will go to Iceland, and force myself to.

my playlist had jokes and started with “Right Round” 😄😄

See, if one is going to do music, this is how to do it!
Great photos (race and AB)! As much as I would love to see AB, I just can't stay up that late. Still, one day I will go to Iceland, and force myself to.
Honestly, I took my pictures at about 9:45pm, but doing that pushed the rest of my nighttime routine later
Congrats on the 10k…. The rock village was cool 😎

Baby chipmunks 🐿️ that is so amazing.

I had the same experience with the Northern Lights, my camera could see them better that my own eyes.

It was a bucket list item for me so was very excited.
Amazing about the aurora! Great photos! It was cloudy for us, BOOO.

Also, the 10k looked like a very nice race!
11 Days Until: Human Powered Health 10 Miler

Shockingly, I managed to complete 3/4 scheduled runs last week. I did decide to drop my Pilates and strength programs though, it was just too much pressure to get things done. Running is the most important thing for me.

My whole week was mixed up because originally, I had scheduled my runs for Tues/Fri/Sat/Sun this week due to my great-aunt’s big garage sale starting on Thursday. But then my stupid cousin decided that he’s planning to move his family out to New Jersey, so he and his wife needed to drive out there and scope it out, so his kid needs to stay with us from Thursday to Tuesday. And I’d be on kid duty all day Friday and most of Saturday. So Saturday’s easy run became Wednesday’s easy run (I do know enough not to do my speed workouts on back-to-back days) and Friday’s speed run became Saturday’s speed run. I was hoping I could find time for my long run on Sunday, but the morning phone call with my mother got delayed and then we were gonna go play mini golf and get dinner and ice cream, so the time never materialized (technically, I had time in the evening, but running after a burger, fries, and ice cream cone seemed like a recipe for disaster 🤢)

Although I skipped Sunday’s long run (4.6 miles) I did spend more than 2 hours over 3 different days playing soccer with a 7 year old boy, so I wasn’t exactly lounging around. And I managed to get both my speed workouts done, even though I had exactly 0 desire to do it on Saturday after playing soccer in the early afternoon and then hanging out at the garage sale for 4 hours.

Tuesday’s speed workout was Rolling 300s (ignore that it says “recovery” on my spreadsheet, it’s a multipurpose tracker for any workout with even-distance intervals) and I did it on the treadmill. I was a bit slow on the first “fast” interval, and a bit fast on the last “slow” (although that was actually the one that was almost the correct pace) and my treadmill continues to not get me running at the proscribed speed, but I think I’m about in the right place effort-wise, so I’m going to stick with using the MPH listed in the workouts.

Wednesday was a 3.4 mile easy run (no faster than 13:25 pace)—my splits were 13:41, 13:37, 13:31, and a 13:33 pace for the last .41 miles, so I was right on. I did my run over my lunch break because we were going to see MJ at The Orpheum on Wednesday night.

Thursday was a long day at the garage sale, followed by 42 minutes of soccer in comfortable shade. Friday was 37 minutes of soccer in the blazing sun 🥵🥵 Saturday was 33 minutes of soccer in the blazing sun, 4 hours at the garage sale, plus my .25 repeats on the treadmill in the evening. I really really wanted to quit about 5 different times, but I just kept going. There’s no way I could’ve done these any faster, so I guess it’s a good thing that 5.3 mph on my treadmill doesn’t actually make me run an 11:20 pace. I’m just happy that they’re reasonably consistent all the way through the 10 reps.

Here is where my training estimate stands after 3 (mostly) completed weeks of training

The mini golf place we went to on Sunday also has some farm animals, and a whole big sculpture garden. I’ll do a separate post with pictures from the place. It’s actually right off one of my regular running trails, so sometime I’m going to bring some cash with me, run 2 miles there, play a round of mini golf, and then run back to my car.

Doesn’t that sound like something we should be able to do at Disney?? Well, I guess you can run from Epcot, Hollywood Studios, or one of the Crescent Lake resorts over to Fantasia Gardens, play, and then run back.

My little cousin loves to help me feed the chipmunks
Here he is with Rocky in his hand

And here he is with King

We had some rain early Friday evening, and ended up with a double rainbow! It was actually still raining when I went out to take this picture over our neighbor’s house.

Oh! I almost forgot! I had a close encounter with a doe in our yard on Sunday night. I think she’d tucked her fawn away somewhere in our woods (does often bring their fawns to play in our “park” in the woods because it’s very sheltered and there’s lots of space for them to race around) because she wasn’t as skittish as deer usually are, I was able to talk to her and get within 15 feet or so without her spooking at all.
Big Stone Mini Golf and Sculpture Garden (part 1)

There were some seriously weird sculptures and stuff here—so much so that I think I need 2 posts for it all

There was a “life-sized” Sasquatch made of old tires (grandmother for scale)

There was a pig and a chicken making eggs and bacon, also made of old tires. I quite like that they’ve got aprons, complete with pockets.IMG_7876.jpeg

There was this carved wood sculpture of cats sleeping on sheep

The goats had their very own cherries and spoon bridge (modeled after Minneapolis’ famous Spoonbridge and Cherry sculpture at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden)IMG_7886.jpeg

Look at this adorable baby goat!!

Okay, back to weird sculptures. There was a dragon slingshotting a dove

A goat driving a plow pulled by seahorses

And a frog playing an electric guitar and singing, while also trying to eat the bug on his microphone

And this giant rock, which someone carved to look like it was being squeezed into this shape by the wire wrapped around itIMG_7911.jpeg

They also had this giant slab of granite laid over 2 giant hunks of tree trunk with a metal fence in the middle for ping pong (the paddle and balls were stored in a mailbox nearby, which was terribly clever) My grandma is the world’s greatest accidental sports photographer—she couldn’t have taken this picture on purpose if she’d tried!)IMG_2814.jpeg
Big Stone Mini Golf and Sculpture Garden (part 2)

Rock, Paper, Scissors

A flying pigIMG_7922.jpeg

A giant shrimp or somethingIMG_7921.jpeg

A happy dog

A shiny rhino

A woolly mammoth, as seen through a stone arch a la Stonehenge

A big-a** snapping turtle—I couldn’t get my little cousin in the picture, but this thing could eat good-sized children easily

A bear playing an accordion (maybe he could join the Country Bear Jamboree?)IMG_7894.jpeg

This freaky fish monster

And finally, a chicken riding a unicycleIMG_7892.jpeg
Those are some very strange sculptures! Probably would be extra funny in person so you could see all the details.
8 Days Until: Stars & Stripes 5K

It’s been a while (again)

After my 10 Miler on June 1, I took an unscheduled break from running for a variety of reasons (more on that later)

Anyway, the race went alright. It was hillier than I expected, and I haven’t been running outside enough to be ready for the humidity. But it didn’t rain, and the sun held off until I was finished. I don’t have much in the way of details of who I passed, because there was a half marathon that followed the same course as the 10, up until the 9.5 mile point, so I don’t know if the people I passed were in my race or the other race. I do know that I came in 159/164. I also came in in the top 10 of my age group (nevermind that there were only 9 women in my age group and I was #9 😂😂) My official finish time was 2:19:50.

I got a couple good pictures. The first one must have been from the beginning of the race, because that was the only time I was near that many people.

So, about my unscheduled break. My grandma wanted me to take a picture of a big branch that fell in a storm overnight, so I went down and did that while I was still wearing my post-race Sanuk flip flops. That was all fine and good, until I decided to relocate her garden art from under the branch, in case it fell all the way to the ground. I slipped on some wet mulch on a hill and my right leg went forward and my left leg went under me. Luckily, I didn’t myself…much.
I’ve had a messed up big toenail since a virtual half marathon last August, and the end of the nail was raised (compared to the new growth, which was coming in normally) and when I slipped, it caught on the mulch and ripped partially away from the nail bed and so I had to cut away half my toenail and release some infection a few days later. So I thought it was a good idea to let the nail bed heal up before I tried running again.
I ran last night on the treadmill and it was totally fine, so I think I’m good to go.

Here’s the branch. This came off the same tree that dropped a big branch last June, so we’re shopping around for someone to deal with the fallen branch, and take out the whole tree later this year.

I got my Luisa skirt for my MNSSHP costume, and I love it so much (it’s been ironed since this picture was taken 😁😁)!

I’ve been trying to take more interesting pictures of my chipmunks lately.

Here’s Bashful hiding with his food in his stump

Here’s baby Chip (brother of Dale, obviously)

Here’s Rocky, looking concerned about what some other chipmunk is chirping about.

And here’s King, wondering why I’ve got a camera instead of food (the food was on a different rock and he was being lazy)

And also King, in an accidentally NSFW shot 🫣🫢

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