*** Important Notice from Alex: Email Notifications ***


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2002
We are having a problem with people not updating their email addresses etc. We are sending out 1000's of email notifications every day that bounce back to the server and are causing performance problems.

Later tonite everyones preferences will be set to NOT email you if there is a new thread or a new PM. You will have to go in and check off that you do want to continue recieving these notifications. If you do set this to yes please be sure you have given us a valid email address.

Thank you

No Tag...No signature... no need....
(unless you lose a bet)
MeanLaureen is a goddess!
Just wondering if this is complete? I did resubscribe to favorite threads and also made sure I checked the box to get e-mail for pm's but so far I haven't gotten any notifications.
I am still not receiving any emails from the DIS. I checked my preferences, and it all looks okay. Any ideas?
It's not working for me yet, either - I've received both a PM and replies to several subscribed threads, but no notifications.

Hoping it will be fixed soon!
I am getting no email notifications as well, and all my boxes are checked:magnify: :magnify:

Any thing else we can try?


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