I'm outta here...


Homeschool Mom Extraordinaire Go Broncos!
Jan 31, 2000
....'til next week. :)

Tomorrow morning we leave for The Happiest Place On Earth....Disneyland!!! :)

I'll need someone to take my place as 'THE most enthusiastic person going to the convention'....any volunteers? ;)

Take care fellow conventioneers....I'll see you on the other side of this trip. :)
Have a great time, Tia!!! Ride some rides for me! I'll try to take your place when it comes to convention enthusiasm. ;) But, you're a tough act to follow! :) Have fun and "see" you when you get back!! :earsgirl:
Thanks Barb. :) You are exactly who I had in mind. ;)

And is it okay with you if I ride the 'whimp rides' for you? I'm not yet 'grown up enough' for the s-c-a-r-y rides. :eek:

Tia, I didn't get to say good bye to you yesterday. I hope you are having a wonderfully fabulous time.


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