I'm a Real Wizard Now! A Trip Report Nov/Dec '18


Muggle Dad
Sep 9, 2015

Thanks for stopping by! Welcome to our trip report of our whirlwind quick trip from Nov 28 - Dec 1. Let's get right to it!

Trip details:

Cabana Bay Beach Resort
2 Day PTP + 2 Days FREE ticket promo (bought from visitorlando BF sale)
Flights from Hamilton, Ontario to MCO
Fullsize car rental (Nissan Altima)

So, our adventures began actually on the 27th of November. We live about an hour drive from the airport and our departure time was 720, and since it was an international flight we had to be at the airport for 520. The weather was hovering around freezing and supposed to continue through the night, making us wary of the potential driving conditions at 4am.

Around midday on the 27th we decide that we should book a hotel in Hamilton and at least get us in the area of the airport. It turned out to be a good call as the drive from hotel to airport wasn't the greatest, but we survived.

We book the Best Western Premier C by Carmen. Can't recommend high enough! What a great hotel and decently priced, especially for the room we got. Ended up in a suite with a king and pull out, fireplace, jacuzzi, kitchen. Great amenities. Although I think it was a bit farther from the airport than anticipated.

Pics and story continue in next post....
Look forward to reading more about your trip..........

First nights hotel sounds lovely.....I’m a sucker for a fireplace!
:wave2: following along. Can't wait to read more of your adventure. Fellow Canadian here:flower: I'll just live vicariously through your pictures as no warm weather trip again for us this winter.
Look forward to reading more about your trip..........

First nights hotel sounds lovely.....I’m a sucker for a fireplace!

Thanks for tuning in!

:wave2: following along. Can't wait to read more of your adventure. Fellow Canadian here:flower: I'll just live vicariously through your pictures as no warm weather trip again for us this winter.

Thanks for following! Our weather was so-so but hey, it's Orlando and it beats winter!
Nov 27 continued...

After we decided to drive and stay over we more or less got on the road by 6pm and had an uneventful trip. We brought some things to munch on and just grabbed some fast food for dinner, watched some tv and mostly tried to sleep with alarm set for 415am.

Some Best Western Premier C photos of our room:





Nov 28

Travel day!!

As mentioned alarm was set for 415 which gave us decent time to get ourselves ready and over to the airport.

The flight was as expected besides a half hour de-icing procedure we landed and in terminal about 11. Customs was slow but fine, got our rental and were gone by around 1145, heading straight for Cabana Bay!


On arrival we were told we not only had a room available but we were being upgraded to a suite! What a nice surprise, and it was a great room for us (although we ultimately spent very little time at the hotel).

We were originally booked in a standard 2-bed but the suite added the small kitchen and separate sitting area and a great view of the pool and lazy river!





I don't think we were there long, maybe just to freshen up because it was a cool but beautiful day to get to the parks!

We found our way downstairs and out to the bus stop and had a bus waiting for us. We were off! I ended up opting for PTP tickets so it didn't really matter where we went first but Jack was game to spend all his birthday money on a wand, so we decided to go to IOA first.


I'm always blown away by this park and this trip was no exception. It was especially cool to have J there to watch him explore and soak it all in. We've been reading HP books and we've seen all the movies so it was really special for him!

We went to Ollivanders and watched the wand show (unfortunately Jack wasn't chosen) but nevertheless he found his way to the Elder wand he's mentioned he wanted repeatedly.

We went and explored a good amount of Hogsmeade including some of the interactive displays although J was having a bit of a tough time with it. (It turned out we needed a wand repair on day 2 and then everything worked fine).

After doing some exploring it was time for our first ride - Forbidden Journey. aka probably our favourite ride of the trip! However.. the first time we rode is J was really thrown off by the dragon and wasn't really feeling it at that point. Probably a combination of things since we rode it numerous times over the next few days, but we decided to grab some late lunch at Three Broomsticks.

We ended up splitting the Holiday Feast, our first butterbeer and a pumpkin juice (first and last). It was a good meal to hold us over til we met my parents later that night for dinner (they were in Florida at the same time).



After that J still wasn't feeling a ride so we wandered out of Hogsmeade and made our way to Seuss Landing. We rode the High in the Sky Suess Trolley and that seemed to be just the ticket to get J back into the ride spirit.



J and Kate also rode the Caro-Seuss-el a few times and we continued wandering the park, back through Super Hero Island (including a few times on Spiderman), took a trip on Kong and by that time we were pretty ready to head out of the park. (another 2 times on Spiderman for good measure).

Dinner was back at Cabana Bay, which was good! (sorry, hardly any food pics :( ) Nana and Papa met us in Citywalk and we all went back together. We showed them around a bit but we were pretty exhausted. I don't think any of us saw 830pm.


Up next, day 2!​
Thursday, November 29

After a long travel day we were in bed nice and early, but we wanted to make use of the early park admission (Islands of Adventure this trip) so we were up decently early, I think around 7am. I think after finally getting moving and to the parks we actually missed our full additional hour but I believe we were in Hogsmeade just before 9.

This is our "stoked to be in Universal" look...

It was more a hangry than anything look, and I remember part of our slowness was because we stopped and grabbed breakfast at Starbucks on the way in.


In no time we had redeemed our earlier fears of Forbidden Journey by riding it twice, then J and I on Flight of the Hippogriff twice! (maybe 3 times, he loved it and it was a walk-on).

The previous night J's nana sent some extra birthday/early Christmas money, so he just had to get one of the Hogwarts school robes:



After using our new wand and robe for a bit we hopped on the express and made our way to Diagon Alley to check out Universal Studios for the day.

Never gets old:

Christmas in Diagon:

It was at the fountains right near this area that it was discovered we needed a wand repair, so after dealing with that for a few minutes we were good to go, and we had a much better time with all the interactive wand areas:

Yes!! No big deal, but J's a real wizard now haha!

We decided to leave Diagon Alley and made our way towards MIB for some intergalactic intervention. We rode twice; once all 3 of us and once just J and I.


It was definitely time for lunch by this point so we headed to Springfield and opted for Fast Food Boulevard. I don't recall what we all had (I'm bad for food reports, still), but I know we split one of these:


which was reallllly good! I don't remember it being so good!

Thanks to @lebeau I knew we should hit up the Curious George area and explore some of that "hidden" area. Of course, my suspicions correct J had an absolute blast! (pun intended).


We spent time here every day. Unfortunately today it was pretty chilly so most of the water splashing area was closed, but by Saturday it was fully operational and was a lot of fun as well.

From here we made our way towards New York and rode The Mummy (only once this trip, it spooked J and he wouldn't ride it again), and rode Race Through New York, which I didn't mind. We also got a ride with Gru and nearly became Minions.

For dinner, we had (again) plans with my parents, this time we were heading off US property and over to the Polynesian Resort to dine at the Kona Cafe for a 5pm reservation. I remember I had the Island-syle burger because it was seriously one of the best burgers I think I've ever had. We rode the monorail around the resorts and finally got off at the Grand Floridian, made our way to some Mickey ears ice cream bars and strolled back along the water to the Polynesian and back to Cabana Bay for the night.

Ginger bread house at GF:

Day 3 coming soon!!

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Friday November 30!

Today we seemed to finally get ourselves in gear and make it to the parks early enough to actually have to show our room keys and be allowed to enter Hogsmeade for early park admission.


Today we rode Forbidden Journey twice, then J and I hopped onto Flight of the Hippogriff for 5 trips! He really liked this quick coaster and it was basically a walk on until our last time, which was about a 2 minute wait. Apparently, that kind of wait ruined it so we decided to hop on the Express and over to Diagon Alley.

We had missed riding Gringotts the previous day but today it was under 10 minutes so we were able to ride that a few times. I actually forgot it was more of a coaster than say Transformers or Spider-Man so K only rode it once (she really doesn't like coasters). J and I rode it the second time by ourselves.


At this point I was really getting hungry and when you're on vacation you can do things like eat ice cream in the morning. So we went to Fortescue's and we each had some ice cream! We found a spot on the stairs and gobbled it up. I think J and I both had butterbeer ice cream and K had chocolate something or other.


Bellies growling slightly less we spent a good deal of time exploring through Diagon Alley, checked out some shops and some interactive areas. I think through Knockturn Alley there's a passage outside of Diagon? We somehow made it outside and over towards Springfield again.

Again, it was J and I riding rides, this time with our good alien buddies Kang & Kodos. Again, it was pretty much a walk-on so we rode it a bunch of times.

We also would have rode E.T. a few times since that's K's favourite ride. It certainly has it's nostalgia and again wasn't very busy. I remember one trip through we were the only 3 on the ride lol.

Today I recall we also had lunch in Springfield, this time opting for nachos and tacos from Bumblebee Man. I do recall having the Korean beef and it was very good, but I could have had another order myself. J had the chicken tacos and K had the Mucho Macho Nachos, both which I was able to help polish off.

I do recall us spending more time being Curious with our good friend George, and after that I think we rode Transformers the only time this trip. We all liked it but the line was unfortunately long, and being spoiled by walk-ons most of the trip it wore us out in a hurry.

It was a great and warm day so we decided to go back to Cabana Bay and check out the pools for a bit. Before that we did make a pit spot at Voodoo Donuts and brought a snack back with us!

Someone staying classy:

By the time we got back to the resort and swimming we were only there for maybe an hour before I suggested we go back to see the light show at Hogwarts. It was put to a vote and we decided to head back! We actually rode Forbidden Journey again right before the show started and I think that actually helped get us in a fantastic viewing spot.


I managed to record the whole show but forgive me I had J on my shoulders the whole time, so it's a bit unsteady at times!

After the show we basically made our way back to Cabana Bay again, I think we got dinner back at the resort, checked out the gift shop and crashed once again!

Tomorrow was our last day on our trip, stay tuned for that adventure!​
Thursday, November 29

After a long travel day we were in bed nice and early, but we wanted to make use of the early park admission (Islands of Adventure this trip) so we were up decently early, I think around 7am. I think after finally getting moving and to the parks we actually missed our full additional hour but I believe we were in Hogsmeade just before 9.

This is our "stoked to be in Universal" look...

It was more a hangry than anything look, and I remember part of our slowness was because we stopped and grabbed breakfast at Starbucks on the way in.


In no time we had redeemed our earlier fears of Forbidden Journey by riding it twice, then J and I on Flight of the Hippogriff twice! (maybe 3 times, he loved it and it was a walk-on).

The previous night J's nana sent some extra birthday/early Christmas money, so he just had to get one of the Hogwarts school robes:



After using our new wand and robe for a bit we hopped on the express and made our way to Diagon Alley to check out Universal Studios for the day.

Never gets old:

Christmas in Diagon:

It was at the fountains right near this area that it was discovered we needed a wand repair, so after dealing with that for a few minutes we were good to go, and we had a much better time with all the interactive wand areas:

Yes!! No big deal, but J's a real wizard now haha!

We decided to leave Diagon Alley and made our way towards MIB for some intergalactic intervention. We rode twice; once all 3 of us and once just J and I.


It was definitely time for lunch by this point so we headed to Springfield and opted for Fast Food Boulevard. I don't recall what we all had (I'm bad for food reports, still), but I know we split one of these:


which was reallllly good! I don't remember it being so good!

Thanks to @lebeau I knew we should hit up the Curious George area and explore some of that "hidden" area. Of course, my suspicions correct J had an absolute blast! (pun intended).


We spent time here every day. Unfortunately today it was pretty chilly so most of the water splashing area was closed, but by Saturday it was fully operational and was a lot of fun as well.

From here we made our way towards New York and rode The Mummy (only once this trip, it spooked J and he wouldn't ride it again), and rode Race Through New York, which I didn't mind. We also got a ride with Gru and nearly became Minions.

For dinner, we had (again) plans with my parents, this time we were heading off US property and over to the Polynesian Resort to dine at the Kona Cafe for a 5pm reservation. I remember I had the Island-syle burger because it was seriously one of the best burgers I think I've ever had. We rode the monorail around the resorts and finally got off at the Grand Floridian, made our way to some Mickey ears ice cream bars and strolled back along the water to the Polynesian and back to Cabana Bay for the night.

Ginger bread house at GF:

Day 3 coming soon!!

So much fun! I am glad Jack enjoyed Curious George as much as he did. Sounds like a terrific trip!
That was a nice day!

You managed to fit in a lot including some hotel time too.......always nice to feel as though you have time......

Nice update!
That was a nice day!

You managed to fit in a lot including some hotel time too.......always nice to feel as though you have time......

Nice update!

Thank you!

I'd like to be able to spend a little more time doing some relaxing stuff with resorts, but I booked this trip specifically to spend a lot of time in the parks! We were moving a ton! I actually just checked my step counts for the days we were there...

Nov 28 14,544 steps 12.5km
Nov29 16,862 14.6km
Nov30 21,148 18.1km
Dec1 24,574 21.1km

Needless to say we were pretty exhausted when we got home! Of course, some of that was caused by our return flight... that update coming...
In booking I thought that 4 days was going to be plenty .Of course once you're there and enjoying it seems like there's never enough time!

I keep booking multi-day trips thinking "Is there really enough to do for this long of a stay?" And then every time we leave, there's always something we didn't get around to doing.

I am convinced that the people who complain about running out of things to do race from one queue to the next without taking time to enjoy the little things.
Saturday, December 1

Sadly, our last day in Florida was upon us far too soon.

I woke up this morning early (not on purpose) and decided to take a walk around the resort. Actually, it was just to Starbucks and then the front desk to print our boarding passes.

I wandered around the lobby a bit and grabbed some starbucks for K and J on the way back to the room. I remember we packed most of our stuff on Friday night so we were able to get our luggage to our rental and hop on a bus to Universal by around 815.


Someone was in a great mood this morning... I thank the breakfast delivery.

Today was also the warmest day of our trip and J and I had worn clothes specifically to get soaked... well because sometimes you have to.

We were again there for early entry to Hogsmeade and made our way towards that area, with plans to see and ride as much as possible in both parks.




I actually don't have a bunch of pics from today so it's nearly all from memory. I do remember us riding FJ a few times but not Hippogriff since the line was a little long.

We spend a little longer in Hogsmeade and then made our way to Jurassic Park where J and I rode River Adventures twice. I was initially skeptical of J being on the ride but we watched a few rafts go down the last drop and he decided he was game, so on we went!

After that it was K's turn to do some rides, so she and J went on the Pteranodon Flyers and we hung out exploring Camp Jurassic for a bit. Cool area!

After being slightly soaked from JPRA we decided to try a few other water rides. So we made our way over to Toon Lagoon and J saw Ripsaw Falls, which of course we had to go on. I pretty well knew we were going to get soaked on this one but I was surprised that it actually wasn't the big drop that did it but one of the smaller ones earlier in the ride!

Anyway, we were both dripping at the end which felt great! (mostly) since it was a very nice day by now. I did opt not to do Bilge Rat but I am not entirely sure why. I mean, we were already soaked. Ah well, next trip.

Having not eaten since very early and having had promised J a hot dog earlier in the trip we decided to grab an early lunch at Blondies. I remember J and I getting hot dog combos that weren't anything crazy good (except the brownie/cookie dessert bar...whoa) and K having a turkey sandwich.

Our plan was to continue on towards Spider-Man and hopefully do that one last time but I think the wait time was posted for 30 minutes which we just couldn't handle (haha). So we opted to walk from IoA to USO instead of doubling back to Hogsmeade to catch the train.

Actually, the walk from park to park was really nice down by the water and we sat for a bit and took a breather. The trip was definitely catching up to us.

Upon entering we made our way towards E.T. and rode that once again. And then we checked out Curious George for a while.

We ended up back in Diagon Alley one last time, where we hung out for a while. We caught one of the performances enacting the deathly hallows story and had our last butterbeer of the trip. Actually, I think K had butterbeer and J and I had ice cream from the Hopping Pot, since I took this pic in line:


It's kind of tough to see but it was snowing in Diagon! Do they do this everyday or just for the holiday season?

Anyway, after our snack we left and wandered counterclockwise towards the park entrance. It was here that J decided that we should ride Rip Ride Rockit!

He is just tall enough for the ride and the wait was extremely short (I believe we caught the 2pm parade right before riding since I remember us standing in front of the Monsters Cafe and J pretending to be electrocuted in the chair.

I was a little nervous for him on the ride and I know after the drop and loop I looked over and he was not having it. However, he did rebound nicely and once we were off he proclaimed that he wanted to do that ride first next time we were there. Yay!

We did a bit of shopping in the store on the way out (I got the massive Lard Lad Donuts mug) but unfortunately missed out on Voodoo today since the line was nearly out the door.


Bye Universal!

Thanks to the boards I knew about the locker change rooms at Cabana Bay we we went there and changed to (finally) use the pool areas for a while. I had actually packed inner tubes with us and the staff was extremely helpful getting us blown up and floating in no time.

I think we spent close to 2 hours at the pool area, mostly lazy river which was a great "end" to our time at Universal. We debated a few ideas for dinner but ended up eating at the Hideaway Bar and Grill (which is more or less poolside) and ate on the second level which overlooked the pool.

After that we went back to the locker rooms, showered and changed and headed towards MCO for our night flight.

And that's when things got interesting.

I was filling up gas in the car (total spend for trip: $3 hahaha) and K was like... our flight's cancelled.

Uhh what?

Our flight's cancelled on the app. Well, the app was a bit misleading because the time had moved 20 minutes later departure but I was really nervous that our flight was indeed cancelled. We definitely flew from a small airport on a budget airline and I'm thinking there's no way we can get back there tonight if it's cancelled.

I make the last few miles to rental drop off and we head into the terminal, K and J find some seats and I'm thinking I'll go find out what's going on.

Ok... I see airline on overhead boards so I'm heading in the right direction... past Air Canada... Westjet... ok close... ummm why are there a hundred people standing in the queue???


Long story slightly short, it turns out the flight leaving Canada never left due to mechanical so the plane never arrived to bring us home.

That's a problem.

Uhhh so what do we end up doing???

The airline's solution was for us to get across state to Tampa where there's a plane being held for us to bring us back to Hamilton.


There are a few flights to Toronto we could have gotten on, but we'd still be an hour away from Hamilton once we landed.

So, we run downstairs and (once again) rent a vehicle and proceed to drive the 1.5 hrs to Tampa to catch the flight!!

Actually, the trip across state was uneventful and (thankfully) the staff at check-in are well aware there are people coming from Orlando. There are 3 seats available for us and there's a good chance we will actually be back in Hamilton tonight sometime.

Which we were. Unfortunately the plane is delayed until a take-off of around 1am (I was supposed to be nearly home, in bed by now). K and J were seated separately from me, but we all got home.

Of course, to add to the day when we arrived back in Hamilton our checked bag did not. So I had to fill out paperwork and track down luggage (which is another story) but it was finally delivered Tuesday to our front door.

Up next.... final thoughts on everything Universal!!
You had an awesome vacation and then the show dropped on returning home

What a horrid way to end the trip!

Glad you were able to get a flight back home and hope your luggage was found and sent to you!
You had an awesome vacation and then the show dropped on returning home

What a horrid way to end the trip!

Glad you were able to get a flight back home and hope your luggage was found and sent to you!

We now joke about it but yeah, it was a really bad way to end an otherwise action-packed trip! We're kind of wondering when we can return...

Our luggage did arrive a few days later but it was mis-delivered back to Hamilton airport! I had to coordinate the delivery company to retrieve it and drive it the hour to our house!


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