If You Were Pregnant, Would You Ditch Your Husband For WDW...?

I don't get the being selfish question...
are you worried about your husband "missing out" on a few days of your pregnancy? :confused3
What does pregnancy have to do with whether you go or not? if you weren't pregnant would you question whether you would go? :confused3

Ditto this. :confused3

And I sort of had to LOL at the post about my husband wanting to "pat my belly". NOT MY HUSBAND! We aren't a real sappy couple. We will be when baby comes, but for now, I am creating life like every mammal on this planet. LOL! He will probably be just as glad for the break! A house to himself for one last chance to be a "bachelor"!
My initial reaction was heck yeah!

BUT for June and being 7 months pregnant..... I'm guessing you wouldn't have a whole lot of fun. You'd have to drink A LOT and we all know that when you are that pregnant your bladder is about the size of a pea. Secondly the swelling of feet and ankles could be really bad making it again not to enjoyable.

I did go to WDW 7 months pregnant but it was April and wasn't too bad. I did Universal at 6 months pregnant again in April. It was still tough but it also wasn't real hot.

Without hubby ~ yes!
7 months pregnant ~ yes!
7 Months pregnant and without hubby ~ yes!
7 Months pregnant and without hubby and in June ~ no way would I do it!
But why would she need her husband there? her parents are with her.

And to address other posters: I hate to break it to you, but woman and men are different. Sure you may think that he wants to see every move or kick, but by the 20th, it isn't the same enthusiasm. And he can't see things while he is at work. I don't think he is oggling her every moment when he is with he just to be close when the baby will kick.:rotfl2::rotfl:
It isn't a matter of hubby being there.... see my post:

7 Months pregnant and without hubby ~ yes!

It's factoring in the time of year that makes me say no.

And I sort of had to LOL at the post about my husband wanting to "pat my belly". NOT MY HUSBAND! We aren't a real sappy couple. We will be when baby comes, but for now, I am creating life like every mammal on this planet. LOL! He will probably be just as glad for the break! A house to himself for one last chance to be a "bachelor"!
LOL!! Yeah, that's my DH alright. He is pretty sentimental that way. His chivalry and protectiveness while I was pregnant was exasperating at times, but also sweet, too.

Ultimately though, you are the one to have to decide whether or not this will put a rift in your marriage. You could have 100 people here telling you that you're absolutely right, it's not selfish to go and if your DH feels differently then that's his problem. But they don't have to live with the fallout of an action you'd take knowing that your DH feels differently. You do.

If it's not a big deal to your DH, then I guess I don't understand why you're even asking. :confused3 Unless you want to know the weather in June and if it's going to be difficult for you to get around in that heat while you're in your 7th month? :confused3

If relatives and friends are telling you that you're being selfish, careless or whatever, then your response to them is the one I just gave you: it's between you and your DH. None of their business. Just don't talk all excited about your trip around them and expect them to share in your anticipation, that's all. You can avoid that pretty easily.
It isn't a matter of hubby being there.... see my post:

7 Months pregnant and without hubby ~ yes!

It's factoring in the time of year that makes me say no.

Oh, but at any rate, she can keep cool, take breaks, keep hydrated.
OP, if your doctor gives you the okay and you want to go, i say go for it. personally, i wouldn't do it. about the time i was 7 months pregnant, i was just suddenly HUGE...looked like i'd swallowed a beach ball, ankles swollen to epic proportions, and HORRIBLE round ligament pain in both hips. no way i could've done wdw in the june heat and humidity at 7 months pregnant. when we went to wdw in june of 2009, temps were in the low 100s and the humidity was 97% by 7:30am. no way. not for me, and i'm from alabama, i'm used to heat and humidity, but this was worse than even i could imagine. DH works next to a 1500 degree furnace 10 hours a day, and even he said he'd never go back to wdw in june. but, like i said, that's ME. h*ll hath no fury like a determined pregnant woman ;) lol
It is just as hot in other parts of the country in June as it is in Florida and for my money I would rather be hot and pregnant in Disney than in Michigan!!!!

In a Hotel I can make as cool as I want without worrying about the bill, getting to be with my Mom, getting all my food made and served to me. going into air conditioned rides, Dole whips, Mickey Bars, please someone tell me the bad side?

No I think she should be in Michigan sweltering, working, cooking her own food, etc instead.

PS the touching the belly etc wasn't my DH either, we used to go to the childbirth classes then barely make it to the car before bursting out laughing at some of the sappy things said.
DH & I regularly take small vacations without each other. I know that if I had the opportunity to go to WDW and he could not attend, he'd make sure to let me know that it would be okay. DH has never stood in my way of traveling. That said, I would probably not go to Orlando in June at 7 months pregnant. Heck, I can't stand Orlando in June when I'm NOT pregnant. But that's just me. Maybe you can just float around in the pool all day, you know, really take it easy, forget the parks this time. Go for the food and souveneirs.:thumbsup2
But at home you wouldn't be walking outside in the heat of the day for hours at a time.

It isn't that hot in Maine in June I can tell you that!

I personally wouldn't do it. IF I did it would be to hang out in the pool, have a spa treatment and relax not do the parks.
It is just as hot in other parts of the country in June as it is in Florida and for my money I would rather be hot and pregnant in Disney than in Michigan!!!!

In a Hotel I can make as cool as I want without worrying about the bill, getting to be with my Mom, getting all my food made and served to me. going into air conditioned rides, Dole whips, Mickey Bars, please someone tell me the bad side?

No I think she should be in Michigan sweltering, working, cooking her own food, etc instead.


ITA. Give me a week that I dont have to do jack, let alone when i was pregnant and have people take care of me, heck to the yes. I took DD12 last year for 2 days-I know I know wish it could have been more-but it was enough to recharge myself and me not have to do jack.
I say yes, plan on going - BUT - be prepared to back out if you are not feeling up to it when the time comes. I know that when I was pregnant with my first, I felt great up until I delivered and could have easily done a Disney trip at 7 months with no problem. With my third, we had sold our house in June and had extra cash - my first thought was Disney trip! Like you, my due date was August - but by June I was feeling bloated and tired and miserable, and there was no way I would have had the energy for Disney. We never did wind up taking that trip. Luckily you said you'd be driving, so you have the flexibility if you need it. Good luck!!
Yes, although we wouldn't really consider it "ditching." I am curious though, what difference does being pregnant make?
No way. I was in Orlando last July and heat and humidity were brutal.
I would question it even if I weren't, yes.

Disney World has become "our special place" for my DH & I. So no matter how much I wanted to go, I don't think I could go without him. Besides how much I'd miss him, I think he'd be a little hurt that I'd want to go without him.

I should say tho that DH & I do everything together. We spend all our free time together & have never vacationed apart. We've only been apart when he's had to travel for work. After 32 years of marriage, I don't see that changing! ;)
I would but then again, my DH doesn't care if I travel with or without him.

I took my oldest out to go see my sister when she was 9 months old with my parents. My DH stayed home. He had no desire to go visit my sister.

I would think as long as everything is going well with the pregnancy and there are not other issues, I would but I know we are weird and don't seem to be normal in these types of things.
But the more I think, the more I would like to go, even myself. I'd like to buy some artwork (cels) and stuffed animals and clothes and things for the baby.?

No, you are not being selfish, but trust me, as a mom of 5, NEVER buy your children stuffed animals! Everyone will bring the baby a stuffed animal, and I swear they reproduce like bunnies. I have a dozen hefty bags filled, the kids have a bunch in their room, and many have found their way to the curb. It's like becoming engaged, and buying picture frames and vases for yourse.f ;)


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