How to get Planning Video?



I've seen a couple of posts concerning a vacation planning video, but I can't find a link or # anywhere. Could someone help me out with this, please (or any other resources I might need to know about?) Thank you!
I made three (3) requests to get the video and have never received it. The "link" above doesn't help because it won't resond to my typing, nothing happens when I try to type my address. I notified U about this and was assured a video would be sent. That was several weeks ago and no video yet.
Hmmm...I checked the website and it works for me. Try calling them at 1-888-U-ESCAPE.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
website still does not work for me - I have an IMAC and use aol if that has anything to do with it. The number (1-888- U ESCAPE) is one I previosly called which promised me the video but never sent it. Hoewever I will call them again. We have reserations at PBH for 5 nights at the end of May and wanted the video to plan some of our schedule.
I'm sorry to hear that you've not received your video. Mine was here in less than a week! I think Disney should take lessons from Universal!!!
I called 1-888-345-4857. They have adults only and one for families now. I ordered both so I can see the difference. :)


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