How much time to allow?


Earning My Ears
Nov 15, 2000
Since we are new to the Disney Adventure I was wondering how much time to allow to get to places from Fort Wilderness. Are we better off driving or using the TTC. For instance, Our first night we have PS for Chef Mickeys at 5p for dinner. I was thinking of letting the kids ride the monorail to dinner just to get an idea of the lay out of the World..but I don't know how much time to allow...thanks again
Hi! You'll have a great time at FW! And, we love the transportation! We park our car and we don't move it for the entire trip!

I would definitely take Disney transporation to anything on the monorail - including Chef Mickeys.

Just take the bus to the Transportation Center and transfer to the Resort Monorail!

Or, the more fun way is to take the boat over to the Magic Kingdom, then hop a Resort Monorail from there!

It will take you about 1/2 hour to get most places. I know many people think that's too long and would rather drive, but we think it's part of the Disney experience to use their transportation! It's part of the fun!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
Hi Ann0511,
The quickest way to get to Chef Mickey's from FW is to take the boat. There are 2 boats that go from FW to WL to Cont. One goes in one direction and the other one goes in the opposite direction.
From FW we always take the boat to MK and take the bus to AK (it also stops at BB). We like
driving to Epcot and MGM because parking is free and it is alot faster and less of a headache (for
us)than the TTC. This always worked best for us. Have a great time.


[This message was edited by ALostBoy on 01-05-01 at 12:48 PM.]

[This message was edited by ALostBoy on 01-05-01 at 12:57 PM.]
We were at FW last November and never used our car! We used Disney transportation and never had a problem. We always gave ourselves enough time so we didn't have to rush. We had dinner at Chef Mickey's the first night and took the boat. We had a 5:15 PS and we left our cabin at 4:15. We had over 30 minutes to spare when we got to the Contemporary. Have Fun!


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