How much does your 6 or 7 year old weigh


It is never to late to have a happy childhood!!!
Jul 2, 2000
I have a 6 year old DD who will be 7 at the end of December. I am just curious as to how much 6 yr old or almost 7 year old DD or DS 's weigh and also what size clothing they are wearing?
You can't really compare one child to the next. You need to plot her on a growth chart and see that she is making the same progress over time. If she is in the 1th percentile all the time, she is growing at a consistent rate. If she was in the 50 the percentile last year and now is in the 5th, you should make an appointment with your dr.
While the pp is correct, sometimes, it is nice to have a few real life comparisons. My DD is 8 and weighs 42 lbs. She is also short at just 47" tall. Her pedicatrician is not concerned about her height/weight. We are just assuming that she isgoing to be short/petite.
I agree with Golfgal...every kid is different.

My DD turned 7 in June and weighs 48 pounds, and is 51". She wears a 7 slim and they fall off her. She's very, very muscular and solid due to years of gymnastics.

DS just turned 9. He's 58" and 70 pounds. He wears a 14 slim and is outgrowing the length in his jeans way too fast. I don't know where I'm going to find pants to fit him.
I agree with Golfgal...every kid is different.

My DD turned 7 in June and weighs 48 pounds, and is 51". She wears a 7 slim and they fall off her. She's very, very muscular and solid due to years of gymnastics.

DS just turned 9. He's 58" and 70 pounds. He wears a 14 slim and is outgrowing the length in his jeans way too fast. I don't know where I'm going to find pants to fit him.

Companies are FINALLY figuring out that there ARE skinny kids in the world and most online sites have extended sizes so there is a good chance you can find him 26x30's or whatever size you need. DS15 needs a 28x34 which are pretty much impossible to find. He has finally come to the realization he needs to wear a belt. We just got him some 30x34's.
Companies are FINALLY figuring out that there ARE skinny kids in the world and most online sites have extended sizes so there is a good chance you can find him 26x30's or whatever size you need. DS15 needs a 28x34 which are pretty much impossible to find. He has finally come to the realization he needs to wear a belt. We just got him some 30x34's.

Thanks! I've had pretty good luck at Penney's with Arizona brands. I think all of their styles come in slim...and yeah...he's going to have to get used to belts.
Dd7 (almost 8) weighs 48 pounds and wears a size 7/7slim. Ds7 (almost 8) weights about 52 pounds and wears a 8/8slim. They're both on the tall side.
Thanks! I've had pretty good luck at Penney's with Arizona brands. I think all of their styles come in slim...and yeah...he's going to have to get used to belts.

That is exactly what we had to do because the Arizona brands run a little longer. When Macy's still had their Badge line those were perfect because they were a good inch or more longer then any other jeans.
I am not worried about her being small... it is the opposite. She is does not look obese by anymeans but she is 47 1/2 inches tall (Daddy is 5'3) and I found out today at the doctor that she weighs 72!!! pounds. She looks more solid than most of her classmates who have skinny stick legs. She wears a size 10/12 tshirt and size 8 pants if they have an elastic waist. I am having such a hard time finding clothes for her specifically pants. Thank GOODNESS we live in Florida and I can get by with shorts partially during the fall/winter months when it is 70/80 degrees outside. I am having a difficult time with all the "skinny jeans" style of clothing- I have to get a bigger size and then the pants end up twice as long. I am not suzzie homemaker and don't own a sewing machine / really know how to put a hem in pants. So frustrated
My DD7.5 is 52" and ~50 pounds, but she's unusual - it's only in the last year or so that the online BMI calculators have stopped giving me the "your child is underweight and you should ask her doctor" message. She's also long-waisted and short-legged, so pants don't fit her right, either.

FWIW, your DD is 98th percentile BMI-for-age according to the CDC ( 50th percentile BMI-for-age, assuming the same height, would be a hair below 50 pounds.
I know how you feel, but I am here to reassure you. My dd was a chunky thing. Ok she was fat at your dd's age and beyond. My dd was very active, but I have some pictures of her at cheer competitions that made me cringe. Seriously she was that large child that people felt sorry for (your child isn't that large just talking about mine).

Bottom line is dd loved to eat and still does. I never focused on it, just tried to make healthier choices for her when I was cooking. Fast forward to age 13. She is very solid as she is an athlete (competitive trampoline and tumbling). She is about 5'4" and 115 lbs. I was 5'6" and 103 when I graduated at 18. However she wears a size 1/2 pants and let's just say no one ever calls her fat. She has a beautiful body. She is likely about as big as she will get (I'm hoping for another inch for her). She has stayed this same weight for several years. Child still mows down on food, but it has worked for her. Now to keep the boys away as she doesn't look 13

It will be fine. Don't worry about it, and just help her make better decisions for herself even if she doesn't know she is doing it. I used to worry so much, but it is fine for dd. You know if your child is overweight by looking. I mean honestly I would think if I told someone my 13yo weighed 115 they would think her fat if they had never seen her. Don't compare numbers.
I am not worried about her being small... it is the opposite. She is does not look obese by anymeans but she is 47 1/2 inches tall (Daddy is 5'3) and I found out today at the doctor that she weighs 72!!! pounds. She looks more solid than most of her classmates who have skinny stick legs. She wears a size 10/12 tshirt and size 8 pants if they have an elastic waist. I am having such a hard time finding clothes for her specifically pants. Thank GOODNESS we live in Florida and I can get by with shorts partially during the fall/winter months when it is 70/80 degrees outside. I am having a difficult time with all the "skinny jeans" style of clothing- I have to get a bigger size and then the pants end up twice as long. I am not suzzie homemaker and don't own a sewing machine / really know how to put a hem in pants. So frustrated

Is Dad really 5' 3" or did you mean 6'3". If you are both very short, I would be concerned with her height. Either way, if she has been growing consistently since she was a toddler that is what your Dr will look at.
My DD is seven years old and she's about 48 pounds and wears a 6X Slim. I don't know how tall she is, though. That reminds me, time to put her up against the wall and make another mark!
My kids are so different from each other. My 7 yo dd, is 74lbs and 52 inches, whereas her older sister, 9 yo, is only 65 lbs and 54 inches. They both wear size 10/12 shirts and size 8 pants (adjustable waist band for my 9 yo). We have luck with the LEI jeans from Walmart, Children's Place Jeans, and some other brands work for one child, but not the other. DH is 6 foot 3, and I am 5 foot 4. I think they will both end up pretty tall.

Now, my 7 yo used to be sooo scrawny as a preschooler, like scary skinny. But now she has huge appetite and I have to monitor her eating habits quite a bit, and she is solid. My 9 yo has always had the more solid build in the past, and now she is turned into a skinny minnie. I have to make sure she is eating enough, and now she is turning into a much pickier eater :(
My DD7 is 50lbs and she is 51 inches tall. She wears anywhere from a 6, 6X or 7.
My 6 year old is around 45 pounds. My eight year old is around 120 pounds. My eight year old has always been on the higher end of the growth chart. She is slightly overweight, but I don't make it an issue as she is active in dance, soccer and has gym classes at school plus we try to watch food/portions at home.

I've always had problems finding my 8 year old clothes. Kohl's and Sears has plus size in kids or I get junior sizes.

I should add too that with my 8 year she gained weight really fast from age like 5 to 7 and she has been pretty level now for a good year or so which is what her dr wanted...
I am not worried about her being small... it is the opposite. She is does not look obese by anymeans but she is 47 1/2 inches tall (Daddy is 5'3) and I found out today at the doctor that she weighs 72!!! pounds. She looks more solid than most of her classmates who have skinny stick legs. She wears a size 10/12 tshirt and size 8 pants if they have an elastic waist. I am having such a hard time finding clothes for her specifically pants. Thank GOODNESS we live in Florida and I can get by with shorts partially during the fall/winter months when it is 70/80 degrees outside. I am having a difficult time with all the "skinny jeans" style of clothing- I have to get a bigger size and then the pants end up twice as long. I am not suzzie homemaker and don't own a sewing machine / really know how to put a hem in pants. So frustrated

I am right there with you. My DD turned 7 in September. She is almost 51" tall and weighs about 75 lbs. Her doctor was concerned about her weight at her 6 year check-up, but her rate of weight gain slowed to an acceptable range between 6 years and 7 years. I am 5' 3" and 115 lbs. She will be taller than me in no time! (My DD4, on the other hand, is tiny at not quite 40" and only 34 lbs.)

I have had great luck with plus size jeans at Crazy Eight and plus size pants/skirts at Lands End. The waists at both stores are adjustable and pants at Lands End can be hemmed to your specifications for free. My DD is wearing a 7 plus from both places this year.

She also wears a 10/12 shirt - I just have to be careful that the shirts are not cut too narrow.
I think the important thing is to know your kids general height/weight chart. My kids are pretty tall and skinny like their dad. . .I was actually like that too. . .until I don't know what happened. :laughing:

I just measured my 8 yr old. . .because I honestly didn't know. She is 57" and weighs 52lbs. She looks skinny! But I am not worried. She eats like a horse when she is in a growth spurt and like a bird when she is not. But this is the norm for her. All of my kids are typically about 105th percentile in height and 75% for weight. For their sake I hope it sticks. But I don't think it will. . my DD15 is 5'6" and weighs 140lbs! That is pretty much right on track for what I was at that age. We are not small people. She will never be petite. . .but she's not fat. She wears a jr size 7, even at 140. the poor thing is a perfect hour glass. . .she has Pamela Andersons measurements. . .34DD. . .poor kid. . .Mom is sorry. :(

Please don't make a big deal about this for your daughter. . .lots of chunky kids grow up to be perfect. The fattest girl I went to high school with is comparatively skin and bones to some of us now. I wouldn't be concerned unless she was morbidly obese and couldn't so some of the things her peers could do. I think with kids they do what is right for them at the time. I know I got down right chunky in 3rd grade. . .yeah fat. . .but I grew 4 inches after that. . .4'8 in 4th grade and 5'2" by the beginning of 5th grade. . .5'4" by the end of 5th grade. My body was probably just gearing up for that growth spurt. My nephew was always a chunky kid. . .he's 13 and 6'4" now. .. he's skin and bones. I can't imagine what he would look like if he wouldn't have had that extra weight. :scared1:

Whatever is, is. She will more than likely end up just like her parents. . .whatever that looks like. As long as she isn't unhealthy, I wouldn't fill her with all kinds of notions about weight and body image. :thumbsup2
DS is six, around 50" - not exactly sure, but tallest in his class and he weighed 64.4 pounds at the doctor on Monday. He can wear the sixes and sevens that I got him before school started, but they are getting short. His 7x Arizona "hook" jeans fit well and he still has some length to grow into. It seems like he come home from school taller!
Well my dd6 was last measured at her 6 year check up in June. She was 44in and 38lbs at that time. I know she has grown a bit in height/weight since but not much. She wears size 6 slim pants and 6 tops. I buy 6x tops for short sleeves to get more time from them but long sleeves 6x are too long.

My dd10 in May was also last measured in June at her check up. She was 56in and 68lbs. She now wears size 12 slim pants and 10/12 tops. Both girls look small but not tiny. I'm 5'1 1/2 in and dh is 5'11 so their heights can go either way but I think my dd6 will be on the short side.


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