How long to see IOA


Oct 19, 1999
I asked this question before the boards crashed and now it's gone. If we plan on getting there when they open and plan to see most everything, how long should be expect to be there? Thanks
That's sort of a tricky question! "Seeing" everything and experiencing all of the attractions are two different things! A lot depends on when you're going because obviously, crowds could have an impact on your touring plans...
Also, do you plan to do all of the attractions or are there some you will pass on?

Need a little more info and then we can help you!

I will say this, if you go running through IOA without taking in all it has to offer, you'll miss out on a great deal! The theming and attention to detail is just incredible there, so be sure to stop and smell the roses!

If you just hit the biggie rides you will be done by noon. if you go back and explore in detail you might be done by closing time:smooth:
Thanks for the info. Sorry for not providing much info myself. We are going the second week of March on either a MOnday or Tuesday and want to ride all the major rides. I guess I will plan on late afternoon for finishing as that is between the 12:00 estimate and closing. Thanks


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