How long to give the sellers for a purchase offer?


Feb 28, 2023
As stated, I’m wondering how long most give sellers to respond to a purchase offer.

Made an offer through the board sponsor on a contract Saturday morning. Received confirmation from an agent that he would present the offer. Still haven’t heard anything back yet. I’m wondering when I should send a follow up email that I’m moving on.

There are several contacts all with the same points and UY that I’m looking at.

Our first contract offer was accepted within a few hours through the same company but with a different broker. Understand it’s the weekend but surprised I haven’t heard anything back yet.
Our first contract offer was accepted within a few hours through the same company but with a different broker. Understand it’s the weekend but surprised I haven’t heard anything back yet.
I don’t think you 'understand it’s the weekend'.

Many people don’t even check their emails on the weekend. Give the person at least until Monday night to allow them to respond.
I had a somewhat similar situation where I was ghosted on an offer a few weeks ago over Easter weekend, the difference being I didn't get a response from the broker. The offer was at the asking price so it wasn't like I lowballed and was wasting someone's time. I ended up calling into the broker and they said they saw the offer and would get back to me. Still crickets, ended up not waiting around and bidding on a contract that popped up which was better and with another broker and was immediately accepted.

A day later I noticed that the original contract I bid on was listed as 'offer accepted'. Still never heard anything from the original broker either way.

I think the long story short is do what's good for you. If something better popped up in the meantime just go for it.
As stated, I’m wondering how long most give sellers to respond to a purchase offer.

Made an offer through the board sponsor on a contract Saturday morning. Received confirmation from an agent that he would present the offer. Still haven’t heard anything back yet. I’m wondering when I should send a follow up email that I’m moving on.

There are several contacts all with the same points and UY that I’m looking at.

Our first contract offer was accepted within a few hours through the same company but with a different broker. Understand it’s the weekend but surprised I haven’t heard anything back yet
I have offered on like four total. One never responded period.. One responded but a week later. The two that were accepted both took 3-4 days just to get back to me on my original offer. I think its just the type of seller dictates terms more than the broker.
I think the long story short is do what's good for you.
Agreed. What I’d want to avoid is a case where someone offered ahead of me and I’m left dangling in the wind as a‘back up offer’. After a certain amount of time I’d let them know I’m planning to start putting out other offers.
I heard back from the Broker this morning. He actually apologized and said he has been unable to get in touch with the sellers after a few emails, a call, voicemail and text message.

I told him I’d wait through the end of day and if we don’t hear back I’ll move on.

Again understand it’s the weekend but I made an offer in our first contract on a Saturday afternoon and had an accepted offer that night.
I usually share that they have 24 or 48 hours to respond, but the reality is until you sign there is nothing binding.

Since I tend to make aggressive offers, sometimes you never hear back, or they slow walk it to see if they get anything better. That's fine, but I'm moving on at that point.
I usually share that they have 24 or 48 hours to respond, but the reality is until you sign there is nothing binding.

Since I tend to make aggressive offers, sometimes you never hear back, or they slow walk it to see if they get anything better. That's fine, but I'm moving on at that point.
Thanks for this response. I wasn’t sure if I was being too hasty moving on after a few days but it looks like others are doing that as well.

Honestly the no response might be for the best. I think we are leaning towards picking up OKW direct instead so we can get points loaded right away. Our 200 pt PVB contract just hasn’t been enough points.

I was willing to wait try on a low price AKL contract because it had 23 pts still available for our UY.
Best deal I ever got was when I made an offer and received an acceptance offer 3 months later after I had forgotten I made the offer. I decided to go through with it, very glad we did. Eventually may use the 11 month window one time at Aul, but really the contract is SAP for $70pp for another 38 years

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