How early to JFK airport before flight?


Aug 10, 2000
We're going to Disneyworld at the end of this month. How early should we get to the airport before the flight takes off, allowing for security and everything? We haven't flown since 9/11. We are taking Jet Blue in the morning.

I see on their website they recommend 1 hour in advance. Does anyone one know if that is enough time now? We're going JB in October.
patpat15- we are also going at the end of the month. The 21st to be exact and also flying jetblue. We live in queens and are planning on leaving about 1:45minutes before the flight leaves. It should only take us no more than 10 minutes to get there.
When are you going? What time is your flight?
Ours is 8am.
Have a great trip!!!
We just flew JetBlue 2 weeks ago. They have lots of counters open so the wait wasn't bad at all. However, you should still be there 1.5 hours beforehand, because the wait for checking your belongs are still long. Not to mention, the traffic to JFK can be really bad at times.

I think if you are flying really early, then you can afford to be at the airport 1 hour. But if you're travelling after 10am, plan to get there 2 hours ahead. Just in case.
Yes, you can do curb side check in with Jet Blue.

Right after 9/11 they were telling us three hours in advance for security checks. Not so, we were waiting at the airport for all eternity. You prob. only need to get there an hour and a half in advance, just to be safe.

I flew Jet Blue from JFK to Ft. Lauderdale (I think, lol) in Feb. It was fine, the only time I had a problem with security was in Florida, I had to take off my shoes and they took my bag apart.

Good choice with Jet Blue though. I had such a great experience on this airline. The seats were comfy, all the planes are new, the TVs are great! and the employees were cheerful and very helpful.
Yes. Actually I saw more people using curbside checkin than queuing in line.
I'm too very satisfy with Jetblue. There are a LOT of counters open, so the waiting is really 5 minutes. The staffs are relaxed and cheerful. And the blue chips are really tasty. And I feel like they have way more staff on each plane than the others. My plane has at least 5 hosts.


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