Hoop De Doo


Earning My Ears
Jan 25, 2002
Have any of you seen this show? My kids will be 13 and 14...would they like it or think it was "boring"...you know how teenagers can be!
i go to the hoop de doo revue everytime i go to disney.....it's the one thing that i do the first night that i am there.

I have taken friends, sisters, mother kids........from age 1 to age 17 and EVERYONE has always loved the show. The younger kids don't necessarily understand the humor, but they like the songs and dancing and clapping, etc........

i highly recommend going to the show- your kids are old enough to enjoy it!
We went to the Hoop De Doo in Nov with a 15 & 8 yr old. They both loved the show. We definitely would do it again.
We just returned from a trip to WDW. Went to the HDDR for the first time--3 girls, 13, 10, 6. It ended up being their favorite thing to do on the trip. They still laugh about some parts of it. The food was tasty too!! Enjoy!:D


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