Home for the Holidays-Wizards-Grinches and Sparkles. 14 nights @Royal Pacific Resort, Nov/Dec 2021

Sounds like a lovely start! For me it's the palm trees that get me excited, feels like you are landing in a whole new world. We have been at near 100% mask compliance here in our little corner of the world for close to two years now, so the thought of no masks makes me personally feel very antsy! What a world we're living in. That blackberry daiquiri has my name on it, I think.
Oh my goodness what a great travel and arrival day! Even reading it made me feel a wee bit emotional. Love traveling PE with Virgin. They really are the best. We did travel upper class with them on our 30th wedding anniversary and I slept most of the flight which was brilliant! Those lie-flat beds are something else! At the minute I’d be happy to travel in the hold just to get there :rotfl:
So glad you connected with so many old friends from UO. I’m sure they were so happy to see you both. So lovely of you to bring chocolate too 😊

They really are the best of who we have to choose from for sure, PE seats in the smaller planes were definitely comfier than the Jumbo, which I do still love, but no numb bums after the flight which was nice!

Upper does look lovely……we asked about an upgrade cost once……I think they maybe thought we looked too scruffy as the cost was more than we paid for the PE flights……lol……just to upgrade…..we declined. But, agree, I’d have sat on the wing just to get there!

Thank you, it was just so lovely seeing everyone again after such a long time, it almost didn’t seem real yet for some reason. And yes, everyone loves all the British chocolate we bring every trip ::yes::
Sounds like a lovely start! For me it's the palm trees that get me excited, feels like you are landing in a whole new world. We have been at near 100% mask compliance here in our little corner of the world for close to two years now, so the thought of no masks makes me personally feel very antsy! What a world we're living in. That blackberry daiquiri has my name on it, I think.

Thank you!

Yes, I agree it is stunning seeing all those palm trees after a grey damp dull UK for the last month or so.

The daiquiri is gorgeous! I guarantee you`ll love it....

I agree, you have to be comfortable in not wearing masks for sure being in Orlando, I understand not being comfortable without one as it took me a while before I was over the masks. It`s horrible now having to wear them again after 2 weeks of only having to wear them twice, once in Wilderness Lodge and once in the Mont Blanc store in the Mall. Yes, the world feels very upside down right now.


I think I was awake far too often during the night, it may have been excitement or being a strange bed again, but I was wandering around a lot and didn`t sleep much, despite the bed being so comfy. I think being overtired and the time change of course doesn`t help much at all. I just didn`t want to be wide awake at 2.30am and wanting to go to Walmart!

Folks often ask why we love RP so much and I usually tell them if they stay there they`ll get it. There was something special the very first time we stayed here in 2009 after visiting other hotels the previous year including Port Orleans FQ and a Downtown Disney hotel. We did like those hotels, but they didn`t grab us too much like RP as soon as we walked in the doors. Some of the folks we met back then have become very close to us and although there have been a lot of TM changes too, we have made firm friends of several, and keep in touch throughout the years. It does seem forever and day ago since then, but it is like a second home to us and that familiarity is something we love. It hasn`t changed for us at all over the years. And looking back at how young Kyle was then is scary........


Yep, how time flies......

But, eventually it was time to get up and I spent about half an hour just watching the light slowly rise and things come into focus from the overnight darkness disappearing.......the lights of Dr Doom and the Hulk slowly dimmed as the sunlight took over and the rides we love so much became visible again and that old excitement began to rumble as we were keen to get to the parks today, despite it being Thanksgiving........but we decided we would rather rumble slowly round the parks as face stores today or tomorrow.....store crowds, especially sales crowds are my worst nightmare.

But, as Tom was still snoozing (this would be a theme) I jumped in the shower and I forgot how good the water pressure is for a hotel, amazing! I used the hotel products till we could get to a store for shampoo and conditioner of my own, but I have to admit, for my hair that isn`t dry the products were fine. If you have problem hair you might prefer your own.

We headed up to the Club Lounge and saw one old face we knew from our previous trip, Katie and it was so good to see someone we knew.......a few hugs and she introduced us to some of the others who all seemed to know who we were for one reason or another.......not sure if that`s good or bad!!

They have changed some of the offerings since we were last there, they are glad to not be serving food in boxes and that it is back to buffet style. They have full size donuts again, I say again as it was way back in 2010 they used to have a selection of larger donuts, before being replaced by the mini ones we have seen for so many years. It`s a nice change and I do have a glazed one with some meat and fruit for an ample breakfast. Tom sticks to his croissants with honey.....and it is so nice again to catch up with Katie and get to know the other new staff members too. Although again, it was quite alarming how they all said they had been looking forward to meeting us as they had heard all about us.......er, ok......lol......

We usually spend our first morning shopping to get essentials like sunscreen, but we had brought one with us as we had enjoyed a beautiful summer this year, so had sunscreen left over, we`d use that till we shopped.....we just wanted to get to the parks......

First we had to go down and get a security box from behind the desk, room safe`s are fine but we prefer our passports and such to be extra secure, and we had to pick up our AP`s that had been renewed for us in the interim. This didn`t take long at all as there was hardly anyone in the line, I think we got lucky.

IOA is always our first park on most trips, and today was no different. We had never been here for a long time when it was such a busy time, so we were surprised to see the boats absolutely heaving and the lines so long! We were walking anyway, and as we neared the half way point....we saw a thing we had never seen before.......a line to get to the security point!!! What the heck.......who were these folks.......

By the time we thought on taking a picture, we were round just under the bridge.......



The line did move fairly fast to be honest, but the security officers were a little antsy and being a little too officious asking folks to split their party and have most wait on the other side if they didn`t have bags, but they were just a little too bolshy in their manner for me. Once we were through, it was fine, maybe took 10 minutes all in.

It was gloriously hot, and I hadn`t expected it to be so warm, so I had worn a warmer top than usual......our previous trips this time of year were much cooler in the mornings, but this was a nice surprise.

Walking through and hearing those lovely Christmas songs did bring another (yes, I know) tear in my eyes and I must have looked a sight blubbing a little.....but I was soon all smiles and enjoying that warm sunshine and being in our favourite place again.

I do have to apologise though......it seems my husband wasn`t with me at times as all the pics, well, most of them are of me.........I did manage to borrow the camera on occasion and get a few of him too.....but he did go snap happy for most of the trip....

I do remember someone negatively commenting how dull it was in Orlando when we arrived......apparently not....it was gorgeous!!!



Walking through POE was amazing, it was busier than we were used to initially, but we just took our time and smelled the roses so to speak.....we are folks that will sit on a bench and watch the world go by for an hour or so on our normal trips, rushing about from ride to ride the way some do is not for us. So we let everyone bypass us as we took some pictures and enjoyed the atmosphere again......


To be honest, today we didn`t even mind if we didn`t ride anything, we just wanted to enjoy walking around the park. We are lucky to have visited so often for longer stays and have done all the rides numerous times, too many to count for most........

All except this one..........:scared1:


This was a must do for us. We had watched it being discussed, saw the foundations go in and start to grow......then we had the pandemic, so only watched from a distance. But, now we were here and the anticipation for this one was huge........this is a ride Universal have needed for years, large and wild!

We decided to walk through Dr Seuss area first, they have beautiful decorations and it`s so bright and colourful at the best of times, Christmas it looks even better....

And this next picture involves the mystery of the missing TM.

One of the TM`s stood to the opposite side of me in this picture......but, we cannot find a single picture with anyone else in it on all our pictures....it`s the weirdest thing. He was just wandering and asked if he could come in the picture.......now we can`t find him. Not even a shadow........

I`m guessing they were deleted, but Tom never deletes anything until I have them all uploaded to my computer, then on to smugmug, then backed up on the hard drive......so we have no clue where 4 pics the same have disappeared to. Odd.



We love this area, it just makes you smile so much and it`s not as busy as we thought it would be judging by the lines to get in this morning.


Mythos looking very majestic and stunning while basking in the sunshine......


Glad to see Poseidon getting a much needed makeover. It`s not something we enjoy, but many folks love it and we do enjoy the water vortex part of it, and some cool shade for a small part of the day is always nice.


And there we were.....after all the bravado of....yes, I`m going on it, no doubt.......well, you know where this is going......I was doubting!

Holy Moly that one high drop and it`s so fast.......Tom was reminding me it`s everything I love and have been asking for in a coaster for years.......still haven`t forgiven them for getting rid of Duelling Dragons!! But, this is a different level.....and it is incredibly impressive visually, certainly an assault on all your senses as you go through towards the entrance.


We also wondered where everyone was......and considered the line may be beyond huge as it was a little later now. But, there were much fewer folks here than we expected, new rides tend to be mobbed for months, so we did wonder.





Oh my Lord!!! Seeing it up close and almost feeling the whizz of the breeze was genuinely exhilerating and I had waited over 2 years for this one.....and by now Tom was almost bursting with excitement to get on this one......

Last minute nerves???



Carole: You are so brave to ride that coaster! I get nervous just looking at it, but I am not a thrill ride person. I'm just a chicken who has a fear of heights, LOL!
It's so much fun reading your report. We love USO so much and can't wait to stay at our favorite resort, RPR, again.

Carole: You are so brave to ride that coaster! I get nervous just looking at it, but I am not a thrill ride person. I'm just a chicken who has a fear of heights, LOL!
It's so much fun reading your report. We love USO so much and can't wait to stay at our favorite resort, RPR, again.


lol....being honest I`m useless with heights normally. Legs go to jelly and I feel weird I can`t stand on the edge of any height for example.....but on a coaster I`m fine and this one (spoiler alert) was FABULOUS!!!

I`m so glad you enjoy the RPR so much too, yes, we do count the days till we get back.

Do you have a trip planned.......you may have said, but I`ve forgotten who all goes when....... ::yes::
:) caught up and looking forward to a good read! that is such a sweet picture of your boy & the mr, time does indeed pass quickly

Thanks Janet. That one was from 2009, there is one from 2007 he looks about 8 years old, when he was 13, such a baby really.

Oh goodness yes, my mother was right all along.....time does pass quicker the older you get!!!

Glad you enjoyed it so far.....and you`re in this one again too!!! :thumbsup2
The line showed 60 minutes, but we had been reassured it would be less than advertised, but to be honest for the first time in history for any ride......if we had to wait an hour for this one, we would happily do it. There was something so exciting about going on this ride, it promised so much and we didn`t think we`d be disappointed.

The last part of the line was outside with no shade, but it moved quickly and bonus was we got to the the cars riding past us at enormous speed and you could see everyone hanging completely out of their seat at the upside down part. We couldn`t wait........


The line streamed outside again a little and it was the weaving through the lines chained off, very Disney esq lines as we roamed up and down these aimless lines.......then we hit the inside and were glad of the air conditioning as it was so hot......did I mention we didn`t expct it to be as hot as it was......not a complaint though.........:sunny:

I did manage to get an occasional picture of my husband though......not many of those this trip, but we did want to capture some points in the line too.......


The line is a good one, and these dinosaurs are very realistic in there, those moving eyes and moving skin look incredible. The line does move fast so we told a couple of folks to move on in front of us so we could snap a few........


The locker area should be wonderful.......but it is a hot mess.....primarily down to the same thing again......too many folks clambering to get stuff out of one locker. But, it only took a few moments, it is a good system where you put your stuff in one side.....you don`t go back to the same area, but you do get to pull your stuff out of the locker, but on the other side of the wall........genius, if it wasn`t so cramped.

After the lockers you do go through a metal detector and every single time.....yep, every single time except one....I had to get wanded. It did become a joke with one of the TM after the 4th time in a row.........

You go upstairs and then you are in the line with the screens behind you with the Characters from Jurassic World (which I did enjoy) and it`s quite a fun pre show to watch......

I have to admit, right about now I began to get incredibly nervous. I love fast rides, but hate heights with a passion and I hate the dropping sensation on rides......yes, what was I doing. The line however was moving fast and before we knew it we were being assigned a row......first time on we were on the last row.........I had heard rumours........and wasn`t sure what to think, but went with it.........and then I pulled the harness over my shoulders.....weird as it doesn`t sit over your shoulders, it really is a just waist harness but it feels incredibly secure once you are clamped in.

Right about now the heart monitor on my watch was going into panic mode.......lol........






This is the BEST freaking coaster I have ever been on in my entire life!!!!

Right from the take off it is one exhilerating twist after the other and then another one hits you and then another........and it continues till the ride stops........the speed of this coaster is magnificent, the turns and swoops absolutely take you to another dimension in coaster rides and the acceleration before you climb the big top will blow you away if it doesn`t terrify you first.....yes, that did freak me out a little and I may have cursed a little.........but.....holy freaking moly is this the best goddarn ride ever or what!!!

The climb over the top hat is amazing, it feels fast and then you almost stop like you are being held in mid air for the shortest time by gravity....and this is the time to look around the park which is spectacular from that height......then you drop, but it`s a measured drop and although you don`t get that horrible stomach lurching feeling, you KNOW you are dropping!!!

The out of seat experience is among the best ever.......not only does your butt come right out of the seat, at times not even any part of your legs or butt are touching the seat when you go upside down......and boy do you feel as if you`re going to fall out several times too. But, it is the most secure ride harness I`ve ever felt but doesn`t help you at the times you`re almost tipping out.....but not quite.

Exhilerating, invigorating, exciting, breathtaking, magnificent, astounding, awe inspiring, wondrous, astonishing and down right will scare the pants off you........it is a huge success and the BEST thing Universal have come up with ever.........I may have forgiven them for getting rid of Duelling Dragons now........maybe.

When it came to a halt.......my goodness we just looked at each other and I almost cried it was so good!! Once we had caught our breath and realised my throat was sore from screaming we just laughed and laughed till we got off....this was worth waiting 2 years for.

We got off and went straight round and went on again.........and again......and again........

The back row is stupendous!! We did make a point of asking for the back on other occasions if we didn`t go for the front (which we did on other visits) and the back gives you more airtime than anywhere else. We did get the middle once......nope, not as much airtime so we`ll avoid the middle rows and always ask for the back or wait in the line you can ask for the front.

I think it was the 5th or 6th ride before we began noticing the dinosaurs scattered around or any of the amazing theming around this coaster.......

One thing no one tells you.......yes, your lanyard will fly out. I had mine tucked in as carefully as I could, but did almost lose it, it also undid the strap on my watch and Tom almost lost his glasses, first time that`s happened to him. But, if you are a lady and have an ample figure up top :rolleyes1.......so to speak.........your lady parts will try to escape as you ride around this one.........yes, I speak from experience.

And thanks to miss keishashadow.....I bought a few lock and loads that worked perfectly and no escapees after that!!! But, no one told me that part and to be prepared.......lol

I forget how many times we rode it that day, but when it said 60 minutes, we waited 45 with a 10 minute down time...our 2nd ride we didn`t do the outside part of the ride line and wait time showed 35 minutes, but we waited about 20 and so it continued the rest of the rides. It was a short wait which we were surprised about for such a phenomenal ride.

Tom thinks we rode it about 6 times that morning....I can`t remember, but we were excited to come back and do it all again.

We walked out of the area completely and utterly smitten with this ride and talked of nothing else for a lot of the day.......but we headed round to the 3B`s as we wanted to enjoy watching the coaster from the outside area of the 3B`s, you get a fabulous view of the ride and get to enjoy the riders reactions which we love seeing........

Seeing and hearing the reactions from the riders is so much fun!!


We went into the 3B`s and before we had a drink we went through to the food area just to take some pictures........as we always do and we were yelled at.....yes, actually yelled at by the "doorman" as he became very unaffectionately known as every time we saw him. Certainly not the standard of TM usually experienced here.

He actually yelled at us "you can`t sit if you haven`t ordered food" as we moved a chair to get past it........I turned and said excuse me??? And he yelled it again only not as brash.........I informed him we had no plans to sit down as we were only taking pictures if that was still allowed........he never said anything except oh.


Yes, I did take his name.........

So, we didn`t take too many pictures through here today as the doorman was watching us like a hawk........lol......I think he thought we planned to take root at one of the many empty tables at this point and he was making sure we absolutely didn`t! lol........



We headed back through to the relative peace of the bar area and a very friendly TM served us a pumpkin fizz to share. It is quite sweet so one between two of us is more than enough.

I don`t like pumpkin juice though, it is very thick and too gloopy, and we are not keen on butterbeer either, although the fudge and the ice cream are very nice......this drink is perfect for today as we are hot and a little thirsty.


We pass some time enjoying the cool bar area before heading out and going to FJ, but to be honest, we didn`t feel like doing anymore rides today, we were heading out soon as we were going to do the Thanksgiving Buffet at Sapphire Falls later, but, we just wanted to enjoy the parks for a few hours today.


The Castle is always so beautiful and we must have along with everyone else, a million pictures of it. It is so majestic and sits proudly on top of the supposed cliffs around Hogsmeade, completely stunning.

Definitely the nicest castle in Orlando :rolleyes1



We wandered as far as Jurassic Park ride, just so we could see the ride from all angles, and you do see some amazing views of the coaster from certain areas......

And JP was almost peaceful here away from the new area......


We headed back out the park, first stopping in at our favourite Christmas Store in POE. I think we will make some purchases for sure before we leave.......:thumbsup2




It was really hot now........but so, so beautiful and as we turned to walk back home we got some pics of the lovely lighthouse and water......it really is the most beautiful area of the resort and we always take the time to stand and have a look and of course take some pictures.



Thanksgiving Buffet coming up...
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It always made us smile as we crossed the bypass bridge to head to Velocicoaster. You overhear so many people explaining to their group which part was their favorite or which part scared them the most. Universal definitely hit a homerun on this ride! The first time we rode it, we both hung on for our lives. After a few times riding it, we were both riding with our hand in the air (totally worth trying!). It wasn't until the third or fourth time that we noticed the four raptors you pass in the paddock area. So much attention to detail.

Yes, even with the lanyard tucked in my shirt and coat, it still felt like it was gonna come out. Just put my pass in a zipper pocket after that and left the lanyard in the locker.

The metal detector on the right seemed to be more picky than the one on the left. We both got wanded when going through the right side.
It always made us smile as we crossed the bypass bridge to head to Velocicoaster. You overhear so many people explaining to their group which part was their favorite or which part scared them the most. Universal definitely hit a homerun on this ride! The first time we rode it, we both hung on for our lives. After a few times riding it, we were both riding with our hand in the air (totally worth trying!). It wasn't until the third or fourth time that we noticed the four raptors you pass in the paddock area. So much attention to detail.

Yes, even with the lanyard tucked in my shirt and coat, it still felt like it was gonna come out. Just put my pass in a zipper pocket after that and left the lanyard in the locker.

The metal detector on the right seemed to be more picky than the one on the left. We both got wanded when going through the right side.

I think you`re correct about the right hand side, I always seemed to go through that one for some reason.

It took me till my second ride before I had my arms in the air, although at the complete upside down part I did move them to hang on......yes, I chickened out lol......but, yes, they hit the jackpot with this coaster!

It was always fun listening to folks impressions of the ride.......glad you both enjoyed it too.
I think you`re correct about the right hand side, I always seemed to go through that one for some reason.

It took me till my second ride before I had my arms in the air, although at the complete upside down part I did move them to hang on......yes, I chickened out lol......but, yes, they hit the jackpot with this coaster!

It was always fun listening to folks impressions of the ride.......glad you both enjoyed it too.
Dear lord... I took a girls trip with my SIL a few weeks ago. I don't mind coasters, but Im not a huge fan either. I had nail marks in my hands from olding on for dear life on this one. At one point apparently I stopped screaming and she asked if I was ok bc she thought I'd passed out lol. Nope, just had my eyes closed and pretty sure holding my breath. It was much smoother than Hulk which I liked, but I'm not in a big hurry to do it again. Having said that, 100% will ride again when we take the family in may lol.

I love reading these reports and I can only hope to be as cool as you all when my kids are grown and out of the house. #goals. Unfortunately, DH does not seem to enjoy the parks or traveling as much as I do so Idk if I'll be able to talk him into these things lol
Dear lord... I took a girls trip with my SIL a few weeks ago. I don't mind coasters, but Im not a huge fan either. I had nail marks in my hands from olding on for dear life on this one. At one point apparently I stopped screaming and she asked if I was ok bc she thought I'd passed out lol. Nope, just had my eyes closed and pretty sure holding my breath. It was much smoother than Hulk which I liked, but I'm not in a big hurry to do it again. Having said that, 100% will ride again when we take the family in may lol.

I love reading these reports and I can only hope to be as cool as you all when my kids are grown and out of the house. #goals. Unfortunately, DH does not seem to enjoy the parks or traveling as much as I do so Idk if I'll be able to talk him into these things lol

lol.....that`s funny! Well, not the part your SiL thought you`d passed out.........yes, there were folks who looked like they had held themselves together the whole ride. We couldn`t get round fast enough to get on again each time we came off.....

You reminded me I completely forgot to mention just how smooth the ride was.....never felt a coaster as smooth in all my life........which made it a much better experience. As I`ve gotten older, I don`t do so well on the bumpier rides like RRR anymore....certainly couldn`t do RRR more than once like we did with this one.

I`m glad you`re going to ride it again though......I do hope your husband will give it a bash. And definitley ask for the front row next time.......lol......you`ll love it!!! I promise........ ::yes::
Your description just makes me want to ride Velocicoaster all the more! What a thrilling update!😎

Thanks Andrea......it is truly the best thing!!!

I know you`re going to love it so much.....it`s everything a coaster should be......now if only they could add a bigger drop it would be completely awesome.......lol.......nah, it`s perfect! And just what Universal needed to add to the parks.

Hagrids is excellent, but this is a whole different experience.......the upside down parts are just stunning!
Wow! The new coaster sounds awesome! I recently watched a 20-minute documentary on the planning, design, and construction on one of the streaming services, so I was already pumped to try it. After your description I’m super pumped! There’s a new coaster in construction at SeaWorld, so we may need to do a big coaster trip (or 2 or 3) to Orlando in 2022.
Wow! The new coaster sounds awesome! I recently watched a 20-minute documentary on the planning, design, and construction on one of the streaming services, so I was already pumped to try it. After your description I’m super pumped! There’s a new coaster in construction at SeaWorld, so we may need to do a big coaster trip (or 2 or 3) to Orlando in 2022.

Now that sounds interesting to watch.

I honestly bet you`ll all love it so much........I haven`t raved about a coaster so much in all my life, yes, it was that good. I doubt any description does it complete justice.

We`ve never been to SW and never planned to go, but new coasters are always tempting.

The new Drop Tower down near the Eye looks a little too daunting.......it`s similar to Dr Doom, but Doom is only 185 feet tall, this behemoth is 430 feet tall :scared1: I doubt we`ll ever go on it....if it was on Universal property, maybe......but I don`t know how they are maintained and so on. Universal, I trust implicitly with safety.

Hope you`re doing ok.......:wave2:
lol....being honest I`m useless with heights normally. Legs go to jelly and I feel weird I can`t stand on the edge of any height for example.....but on a coaster I`m fine and this one (spoiler alert) was FABULOUS!!!

I`m so glad you enjoy the RPR so much too, yes, we do count the days till we get back.

Do you have a trip planned.......you may have said, but I`ve forgotten who all goes when....... ::yes::

Unfortunately, we have not set one up yet. Since covid had us inside and not traveling, we are going to see friends and relatives in Arizona and Tennessee next year. I hope to fit Universal in there somewhere. I really miss it. There's so much we we missed the last time that I want to do and see, so here's hoping:)



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