here's my story from the 1/19 magic...(long)


DIS Veteran ºoº DVC 4ME
Nov 14, 2000
I just returned from the January 19th sailing aboard the Disney Magic. I wanted to take a few moments to describe the wonderful experience we had, and to praise some of the crewmembers. This was our second cruise; the first was a three night Wonder cruise last February.

We were in a category 4 stateroom. Our room steward, Garry was terrific. The room was constantly kept clean and in order. Garry had a surprise towel animal for us every night. The kids loved seeing the animals and the other things that Garry would do to make our room feel like home. Whenever we had a question or needed an extra towel or whatever, Garry was always around as cheerful and friendly as could be.

Our dining servers were Sylvio and Dally. Sylvio was a great server. We are typically very plain eaters. When there was nothing “plain” available for us on the menu, Sylvio would go out of his way to accommodate us. It was kind of like the old Burger King motto, “Have it your way!” He was constantly trying to appease us if we wanted something special. A few examples coming to mind were fruit salad when it wasn’t on the menu; cheesecake when no other dining room was serving it, good old fashioned steak instead of some fancy named steak, Caesar salad nightly. He was fun and friendly, and when the kids decided to join us, which was not often, he made them feel as comfortable as their own kitchen table. Great job Sylvio! Dally was always making sure our drinks were refilled and that all was well.

Many times we ate up at Topsiders. I am more of a buffet person. On the first night we got chatting with Sherwin, who was, I believe, the dining manager. Sherwyn was a super-friendly guy. Since our room was directly below Topsider’s, we saw him quite often. No matter what he was doing, he would always take a minute out of his busy schedule to chat with us and make sure our cruise was all that we expected. His personality drew us to eat at Topsider’s more often. The food was always fresh with a wide assortment for all three meals. We saw Sherwyn all of the time, either at Topsider’s or walking around deck 9 making sure everything was right on the cruise. One night we went up there for desert, my wife was craving chocolate covered strawberries, something that was not available on the cruise. Unfortunately, Sherwyn didn’t have it either; instead he served us up a special Strawberry Shortcake, delicious! The next morning when I went up to get my coffee at the coffee bar, Sherwyn, once again, stopped me and we chatted for a bit, he suggested we come to Topsider’s for dessert that night. This was the Captains night. Well, we were dressed to the nines, myself in a tux and my wife in an evening gown. We went upstairs around 9pm to find Sherwyn with his usual big smile. He personally sat us in a romantic and quiet corner of the restaurant. About 2 minutes later, here comes Sherwyn with a plate full of Chocolate covered strawberries! The look on my wife’s face was incredible. She was completely amazed that not only did he remember, she was over the craving, but also that he actually went out of his way to have it prepared and personally serve it to her. My only wish would have been that Sherwyn was our head server during our dining rotation so that he could have dazzled us more with that magical feeling. What a great guy!

As for the cruise itself, I expect a lot from Disney, thinking that no one can light a candle to the Disney way of doing things. I am a DVC member and visit Disney World quite frequently. I will be the first one to admit that I am not an easy person to please or that I am not easily impressed or surprised. Therefore, I was extremely shocked when this cruise turned out to far exceed my expectations. Obviously, we went on the cruise to enjoy some warm weather and to have fun. Never did I think I would have so much fun. Since our kids were mostly in their clubs, we participated in almost every adult event. I can’t express how much the fun cruise staff added to our cruise. Mary Jo, Big John, Jessica, Steve, Powell, Darren, and Brent (DJ L.A.) were absolutely terrific. They made the cruise! As I said, we went to have fun, and fun we had. They were always doing something to motivate the crowd. All crowds have the people that sit in the corner, but they did their best to get those people up as well. We were in a lot of the contests including the Who Wants to be a Mouseketeer show. My hats off to them! They were full of energy and always on the go.

Two others that were always there for us were Daniello, a bar server on deck nine and Castaway Cay, and Ann Marie, a bar server at Rockin Bar D and on Castaway Cay. They could always spot us out in a crowd and made sure that we had what we needed and were enjoying ourselves.

Upon our return home, people keep asking us how the cruise was. You should see the amazement on our friends’ faces, when I, not one to be at a loss of words, am speechless. I have yet to find the right words to describe how great of a time we had on the January 19th Disney Magic Cruise.

Although I doubt that any cruise will top this one, trust me when I tell you, I am already trying to figure out when we will cruise the Magic again.
Sounds like you had a "Magical" time. Thanks for posting.
Ya know... just when I thought there was NO way I could be any more excited, your report definitely just did it. :D We set sail Saturday (!!!!!) on the Magic, and also our very first cruise. After reading your report, I'm even more anxious to just get there already. :D

Thanks for sharing your impressions!!

Chocolate covered strawberries?? YUM!!
Thanks for sharing your trip report with us. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and found the 7 day to be full of magic! Your report makes us even more anxious for our first Dis cruise this Dec. :D

Your comments about Daneilo and Ann Marie...they are the best.

We had Ann Marie on our cruise in 2001 and there she was again this year. Did she by any
chance tell you her remedy for getting rid of a cold???????? This was our first time
to meet Daniello...but he is a dear. He knew dd was always ready for him to bring her
a coke....and he did!!!!!!

We took some phone cards for crew who were extra special...and we gave each of
them a card...and they were so appreciative.

That's funny you should say that - a little rum, honey and ??? cures the cold!

I was going to do the phone card thing but decided to just give the special ones a little something extra on the "last night" in green. They truly appreciated it.
Hi Pluto and Family....this was also our best cruise...the CM;s and service to weather to cruise members made it so wonderful. I am so glad we got to meet. I got a kick out of watching all your lucky times aboard the Magic. You must of been really sprinkled with pixie dust this trip. You won DVC door prizes, get chosen for Who want's to be a Millionaire, and other games in the adult clubs, etc. etc. I was really happy to see a fellow DIS and DVCer enjoying them selves so much but you spent way to much time in internet cafe!!)LOL) You are a fun guy and have shared so much with all of us - thank you. Your trip report helps us relive the best cruise we ever had. We just booked the $99 cruise for Nov 21 and plan to stay on at WDW for Thankgiving...lmaybe our paths will cross. :cool:

Thanks - well, like I said, I went to have fun and fun I had! We were quite fortunate to be included in a lot of the events. And yes, I did come home with quite a few memories.

We'll be at the BWV for Thanksgiving...maybe we will see you there???
Enjoyed your report! I'm glad you got lots of "magic" :)
ain't DVC grand?:D
I am already trying to figure out when we will cruise the Magic again

Try entering some sweepstakes/contests - with your luck you'll probably win a cruise! Or maybe you should do another add-on :D

This was my 3rd time on the Magic, but the best so far! I, too, am trying to figure out when to take another 7-night cruise. I already have the 3-night $99 one planned for 10-17-02. I'm thinking about winter/spring of 2003 for another cruise on the Magic. I'd like to do the Western itinerary, but would have no problem doing the Eastern again.
Great trip report P4P!

We also are trying to decide when to do the Western.....the weather was so perfect this January that we are considering another January 7-night cruise.

The add-on bug has bitten us too! Looks like we will be proud owners of some BCV points.

DVC Minnie


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