Help getting around WDW


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2002
My family and I are taking our 1st trip to WDW next Thurs 1/17! We are also talking my parents (age 59) for their 1st trip). My mom has trouble getting around (arthritis in both knees) among other things.

Any suggestions on how to make our WDW trip enjoyable?
Welcome to our board! I hope you find lots of useful information here.

Click on the link in my signature, where is says disABILITIES FAQ, for fast answers to frequently asked questions. There are sections there about the GAC (read that for sure) and Pacing, among other things. The distances at WDW are vast between attractions, so you should strongly consider using an ECV or wheelchair for the length of stay, to conserve energy for the fun activities, not let her get worn out just going from point A to point B.

I have been to WDW with elderly folks (MUCH older than 59!) and special needs kids, and also have been there when my arthritis was flaring, and we had a fine time. :)

Feel free to ask questions!
My advice (besides looking at the links that teri has) is to take things slow. One of our best hints is to NOT try to leave the parks quickly if you are staying until closing time. Most people try to rush out as soon as the parades, Illuminations, etc end. If you wait a few extra minutes, you can have a leisurely walk out and not have to fight the crowds. If you are riding the buses, you will also find the first buses might be full, but the next ones will likely not be.


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