Has anyone got a copy of Art of the Haunted Mansion?


Feb 18, 2004
Amazon says this book is seriously on back order, because it appears to have been a limited edition. Does anyone know where I might find a copy of this book? It's a gift for a collector of HM memorabilia. If you have a copy, could you tell a little about it?
Have you tried the Art of Disney? I am not sure of the number but they may have it.
Here is a number to try...

Walt Disney World Merchandise Guest Services 407-363-6200
ShadowWind, no answer for you but could you post a review if you are able to locate it? I can't believe I missed that book.

Thanks and Good luck in your search.
There is currently one on Ebay by a new seller. Not sure I'd trust it, and the price is fairly high. It is 134 pages apparently and has on the cover the gate plaque design on the cover..
I called Disney's merchandising number (thanks for that), but they didn't have it, neither did Art of Disney. I didn't see it when I was at World of Disney either in their book section. It's apparently quite rare.



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