Harry Potter movie SPOILERS

Oh my goodness, I thought it was pretty good! Overall, it covered most of the stuff (I thought so, anyway). The only thing that annoyed me was the no-battle at the end of the film, and no funeral. Other then that, I liked the movie. I loved Draco's performance.
Just got home, really tired, and want to go to bed, but wanted to post first.

What an awesome movie! It may be my favorite movie so far.

Three things I noticed that weren't included, the Dursley's, there was no battle at the end, and Dumbledore is special and can apparate inside the castle. Also some of Dumbledore's memories are missing.
I just remembered one other thing that was left out- the whole Bill/Fleur romance. They weren't even in the movie at all. I wonder how that will get worked into Movie #7.
I truly loved this movie. The filming was just incredible and I think the castle looked better and more glorious than it has in any of the previous movies.

It was definitely so much darker, but the comedy was also perfect. The acting was really good, just wonderful and true to all the characters.

Now, I've read the books several times (from 1 to 7 and then again during my cancer treatment) and felt a few important things were missing:

*The Dursleys. I really missed them and the way that Harry waited for Dumbledore to pick him up. I loved those parts in the movie.

*I felt that some of the love that Dumbledore had for Harry wasn't shown. He was more of the general with Harry than the loving parent and although that was important now more than ever, in the book, you felt it between them.

*When Dumbledore was drinking the potion in the cave, he really didn't have the tortured memories and guilt of his sister dying and feeling he was responsible. He said "it's my fault" a few times but it was so dramatic in the book and so important to the 7th book.

*When the Burrow burned down, there was an audible sadness and sigh's in the movie theater. I hated that. The Burrow is like our home. And that was not in the book, of course.

*And the only part of the movie that I hated. When Dumbledore is in the tower and Draco is coming up, he instructs Harry to go below and not do or say anything no matter what. In the book, of course, he was "frozen" and under the invisibility cloak and watched the whole horrible scene. He had much time when just Dumbledore and Draco were alone and knew that Dumbledore was disarmed and that Draco meant to kill him. He did nothing. In the book, all he wanted to do was move to say the Professor. I understood he could do nothing once the Death Eaters were there, but when it was just Draco, he had a perfect shot at him. That really upset me because it went truly against Harry's character.

But overall, I LOVED this movie. I can't wait to see it again.
I won't be able to see it for a few days.

But how can there be no battle at the end of the movie? :confused3
I truly loved this movie. The filming was just incredible and I think the castle looked better and more glorious than it has in any of the previous movies.

It was definitely so much darker, but the comedy was also perfect. The acting was really good, just wonderful and true to all the characters.

Now, I've read the books several times (from 1 to 7 and then again during my cancer treatment) and felt a few important things were missing:

*The Dursleys. I really missed them and the way that Harry waited for Dumbledore to pick him up. I loved those parts in the movie.

*I felt that some of the love that Dumbledore had for Harry wasn't shown. He was more of the general with Harry than the loving parent and although that was important now more than ever, in the book, you felt it between them.

*When Dumbledore was drinking the potion in the cave, he really didn't have the tortured memories and guilt of his sister dying and feeling he was responsible. He said "it's my fault" a few times but it was so dramatic in the book and so important to the 7th book.

*When the Burrow burned down, there was an audible sadness and sigh's in the movie theater. I hated that. The Burrow is like our home. And that was not in the book, of course.

*And the only part of the movie that I hated. When Dumbledore is in the tower and Draco is coming up, he instructs Harry to go below and not do or say anything no matter what. In the book, of course, he was "frozen" and under the invisibility cloak and watched the whole horrible scene. He had much time when just Dumbledore and Draco were alone and knew that Dumbledore was disarmed and that Draco meant to kill him. He did nothing. In the book, all he wanted to do was move to say the Professor. I understood he could do nothing once the Death Eaters were there, but when it was just Draco, he had a perfect shot at him. That really upset me because it went truly against Harry's character.

But overall, I LOVED this movie. I can't wait to see it again.

I was disappointed. I thought they left out many important things and totally don't understand how they could leave out Dumbledore's funeral, but ADD the running through the cornfield and the burning of the burrow scene. What was the point of adding that? It wasn't necessary at all, didn't add anything to the story and took up time they could have used for the funeral or some information about Merope and Dumbledore's other memories. I couldn't believe they left out the part about Tom Riddle getting Helga Hufflepuff's cup, that's pretty important, him getting something from all the house namesake's.

I wasn't wild about the cinematography and what in the heck was Professor Mc Gonegal wearing? It looked like a left over costume from Star Wars. Also what was up with Draco in the black suit? A minor thing I suppose, but it looked so out of place to me.

I'm most upset that they cut out Dumbledore's funeral the important memories of Dumbledore. I know it was a long book and things had to be cut, but again, then why add things? I hate that.
Yea I am also upset about leaving out the funeral...I don't know if it is because I am so tired, but I just wasn't WOWED like I have been with the other ones...I had SO many emotions when reading this book and didn't have any of them during the movie--maybe a little bit of sadness over Dumbledore's passing, but I just wish there had been more...:confused3
I loved this movie! But I think they're going to have a LOT of catching the audience up for the next movies.

The cornfield thing bugged me. I totally get that they were trying to make clear how dangerous these times are, that even the Weaseley's can be attacked at home, but...it was totally unrealistic. As if they would have allowed first Harry and then Ginny to get past them and run off with Death Eater's attacking. Ridiculous.

How did they get past the circle of enchantments to torch the house anyway?

But really, the humor was totally perfect!
Just got back. HATED the apparating/disapparating rule violation. What were they thinking? It's the one rule that been beaten into the readers' and viewers' heads over and over. Yet, this movie just ignores it because he's Dumbledore and it saved two minutes of screen time. Just let them walk down to the gate, sheesh.

Loved the potion seashell much more than the crystal goblet of the book. It was far more appropriate.

This was the funniest HP ever. Loved the comedy, especially the scene where Hermione tells Harry that Romilda's trying to slip him a love potion because he's the "Chosen One." His reply ("But I AM!") and Hermione's reaction was classic.

I can't get over how well Daniel Radcliffe acted in this movie. I'm not a movie buff and I usually don't notice good or bad, especially with HP movies, but I was really taken aback by some of his scenes. Well done.

The lack of funeral and phoenix song for Dumbledore was terrible. I hope it's in the next movie, but I doubt that we'll ever see it. Too bad - the book description was beautiful and moving, plus it included a key point for the last book/movies.
Alright, I'll add my 2 cents-

Why no Merope or Morphin? Why don't we get to see Tom's father?

Why not show how he got Helga Hufflepuff's cup or the locket?

Why, why, why burn down the Burrow?

What happened to Bill & Fleur? Where's the wedding going to be?

Why wasn't Harry "frozen" at the end? It doesn't ring true that Harry would trust Snape enough to not intervene.

Why no fight at the end? The bad guys justed walked out, no problems. Who was that guy they blasted out of the way, a teacher?

Why no funeral? The wand tribute reminded me of a crowd at a concert holding up their cells phones.

The movie was very funny & well acted. But, the waitress scene, the burning of the Burrow & running through the cornfields, and Lavender/Ron relationship were either not needed, or went on too long (Lav/Ron), IMO.

It was a good film, but not the best film it could have been. It seems like a film that was made for the non-reader audience. (I don't mean people that can't read, I mean people that don't read HP books.)

ETA- I did love Slughorn's story about the fish. When he said the flower was lily, you just knew who he was talking about.
Ok i am bothered that we didn't get to see the following:

Voldemort obtaining the ring from his grandfather (i think) then
killing his real father

the capture of the Huflepuff cup

the meeting btwn Dumbledore aand Voldemart at the castle

dumbledore stunning Harry while he has his invisibility cloak on

and the darn fight scene in the stairwell....jesh this was such a big piece

no mention of tonks and the werewolf's budding relationship

the funeral...o my goodness. that was a very impt part of the book.

It was quite entertaining and Snape was good.
Ok i am bothered that we didn't get to see the following:

the capture of the Huflepuff cup

the meeting btwn Dumbledore aand Voldemart at the castle

The cup wasn't captured until the next book. Voldemort and Dumbledore never met in this book either. The rest you are right about. They just gave us Tonks and Lupin as a couple without any angst.

I didn't think the beginning part with the waitress was necessary at all.
Just got back. Other than the film ripping in half and missing the part where they are with McGonagal after the cursing of Katie it was great. We jumped from Harry, Ron, and Hermione with McGonagal to Harry and Ron in the dorm talking about love interests (after a ten minute break to fix the film), so I'm not sure how much we missed. Can anybody let me know?

I loved it. I think it is by far the best movie. They stayed very true to the book, some of my favorite scenes were in there. I do wish Bill, Dobby, and Kreacher were in there but I can understand why they were cut and I do not think it affected the plot of this movie much. The same thing with some of the earlier memories, although I think when they do 7 they will miss having he part with Hepzibah Smith and the scene with Voldemort coming for the job, as well as Harry hiding it. I also missed the part with the other minister and thought that would be neat, but I'm sure it would have messed up the pacing.

Despite it all, I can understand why they added what they did (the Burrow) and changed/left out what they did and I think the movie was just amazing. The acting was spot on and they did an incredible job with it. I was given re admit passes because of the problems with the film and they told me that in 2 2 weeks they will have it in Imax. I am definitely going back!
The cup wasn't captured until the next book. Voldemort and Dumbledore never met in this book either. The rest you are right about. They just gave us Tonks and Lupin as a couple without any angst.

I didn't think the beginning part with the waitress was necessary at all.

I think the poster was talking about Dumbledore's memory of Tom coming back to the school to ask for a job as a teacher.

ETA_ I did love the actor that played the young Tom Riddle. He was outstanding.
I didn't re read the book before seeing it last night and I came out of there thinking it was good. DD18 just finished re reading it 5 hours before the movie and she was pretty disappointed about things they left out.
The cup wasn't captured until the next book. Voldemort and Dumbledore never met in this book either. The rest you are right about. They just gave us Tonks and Lupin as a couple without any angst.

I didn't think the beginning part with the waitress was necessary at all.

i'm actually ok with leaving out tonks and lupin - it doesn't forward the movie and doesn't need to be in since you don't go to their wedding or really see their relationship so just mentioning they got together is fine and they'll mention their wedding in the next one o they could mention having the baby (but it's not really necessary since they don't even have to talk about teddy and victwhatever snogging in the last scene 19 years later)

at this point i'm wondering who will go see the movie and still hasn't read the book? my guess is no one to very few so why make so many glaring changes that the readers (obsessed readers) will notice that they made huge changes and why would JK allow it? i would have thought she would have enough power to say NO you can't burn down the burrow, have dumbledore apperate inside the castle (even though he can turn that rul;e on and of as it is stated in the book so they can test their practicing in for their tests)
I don't quite understand how Harry and Ginny could suddenly perform magic outside school and not get into trouble :confused3

The ending annoyed me too - I knew they were cutting Dumbledore's funeral (I'm wondering if it'll be in part one of the next film?), but I thought it ended really abruptly. Why would Harry not stun/curse Malfoy when they arrived on the tower - there were no Death Eaters at this point and no sign of any coming. I really don't think Harry would've just stood there and let it happen. Plus, if Dumbledore can now magically apparate within the castle, why didn't he just apparate the heck off the tower??

They brushed over the HBP plotline too I felt. Snape was just like 'I'm the half-blood prince, but we're not going to bother to explain why I'm called this or anything. We'll just cut to the Astronomy Tower instead, where a heart-warming discussion is taking place.' Also no mention of Harry/Ginny breakup (indeed, they've not long got together at this point) but I'm guessing that will be saved for the next film too, so no big loss there.

I'm always pretty easy-going about the films because I know they try to dramatise them more (and this was always one of the most boring books plotwise anyhow) but inaccuracies annoy me. I mean I'd love them to include all the memories, and the elf tails and so on, but I appreciate it's not always possible. There's no need to be inaccurate though is there :confused3
I don't quite understand how Harry and Ginny could suddenly perform magic outside school and not get into trouble :confused3

it was actually explained in the movie - doubledore tells harry that the ministry can detect when magic is used around underaged but can't tell who did it. so those who live in a magic family could do it and not get in trouble because the ministry wouldn't know if it was an older brother or parent.

it's why harry got in trouble when dobby used the hover charm with the cake. harry was the only person in the house the ministry knew knew magic therefore it had to be him.

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