Harder to get a room?

Chuck S said:
In your own experience right now, you are still in that booking window for early December and still have that home resort priority. You aren't competing with SSR or any other resort, you simply waited too long to try to book an extremely popular DVC season. The SSR sales have no effect.
It's pretty bold to say SSR has NO effect. Many people are buying SSR so they can book at the better resorts (better in terms of park access, ability to eat and fun). Most BWV owners have zero desire to stay at SSR. I would agree with you that even without SSR it might be hard to get a reservation, but I think saying SSR sales have NO effect is a little much.
WebmasterDoc said:
Since you are just within 7 months, I hope you were placed on the waitlist and asked to use autoconfirm where the dates you want will be automatically added for your stay- that way each day will be added as it becomes available instead of having to wait for all dates to open up at once. Using this waitlist method you will greatly enhance your chances to get what you want. The dynamics of the DVC reservation system create daily changes in availablity. DVC will NOT save dates for the waitlist as they become available- days will go to those on autoconfirm unless all of your dates are cancelled at once and you are at the top of the waitlist. I have often accepted dates, leaving open days in the middle of the stay - but those have ALWAYS become available using autoconfirm. Usually, I just receive a confirmation for the entire stay. If you get on the waitlist right at 7 months, your chances for any reservation are extremely high. The longer you wait, the chances will decrease- by defintion alone.

Waitlist early and often (and auto-confirm) ! ;)
Yes I did thanks! This isn't our first wait list rodeo and we have waitlisted this way for all the other dates we have right now as well. My info was more to state that TODAY was the 7 month mark to book 10/26 and it was not available.... hence confirming that the 7 mo window is becoming more challenging. We were trying for one night - not several.

Dean said:
Rob, I've stated before on a couple of occasions that I am quite confident that the 7 month window will become more and more difficult. Not being able to get anything at 7 months is overly strong however, I predict that within 2-3 years of SSR sell out, it will be FAR more difficult. Basically after all SSR owners have a couple of trips under their belt. I'd say by then that greater than 50% of the time on average, one will not be able to get what you want at 7 month. But I've also stated that those who know how to play the system, call day by day, use the wait list effectively, etc will be far more successful than the rest. So I guess you can take it either way. To me this is not doom and gloom, merely reality. And we have at least 6-7 years before we're likely to know reasonably for certain one way or another. So how many similar threads can we get in between now and then?

I agree, it will be more challenging and we will all need to be more aware of the fact we'll be staying where we own.
Mississippian said:
It's pretty bold to say SSR has NO effect. Many people are buying SSR so they can book at the better resorts (better in terms of park access, ability to eat and fun). Most BWV owners have zero desire to stay at SSR. I would agree with you that even without SSR it might be hard to get a reservation, but I think saying SSR sales have NO effect is a little much.
I think you missed the context of Chuck's post. The person that Chuck was talking to in his post said he couldn't get the BWV for early December. Chuck just pointed out that the 7 month window for that time isn't open yet, so SSR owners couldn't be responsible for the BWV being booked up. Chuck rightly said that early December (especially for standard view and BW view rooms) is a very popular time for BWV owners to use their points and that the poster just waited too long to call for that reservation.

Until the 7 month window opens, BWV owners are only competing with other BWV owners. SV rooms in early December have been hard to get at the BWV since we first became members - in 1999.

Best wishes -
Mississippian said:
It's pretty bold to say SSR has NO effect. Many people are buying SSR so they can book at the better resorts (better in terms of park access, ability to eat and fun). Most BWV owners have zero desire to stay at SSR. I would agree with you that even without SSR it might be hard to get a reservation, but I think saying SSR sales have NO effect is a little much.

It is equally bold to say there are BETTER resorts in terms of park access, ability to eat and have fun.

I stayed at BWV and the trek from my room in the next county then the wait for a boat and walk to the front of Epcot was longer than the bus ride from SSR to Epcot. Walking to MGM - not a freaking chance.

As for food I will take a counter service and DTD anyday and as for fun have you ever been to DTD??

See the thing is this is all in your opinion of what is better - you like BWV GREAT, you like VWL better WONDERFUL, you like BCV better STUPENDOUS, you like OKW better YIPPEE SKIPPEE but just because YOU (whoever the YOU is) like a certain resort more does not make YOUR choice any better than anyone else.

I happen to like SSR BEST - I love DTD, I love the condo style, I love the counter service, I LOVE the spa. Personally I think BWV sucks - I would rather stay at the All Stars - in fact I liked the All Stars better but you know what that is just MY OPINION I do not assume since I loathe BWV everyone else does or should or that if they don't they are in denial.

I am really tired of the SSR bashing...
But, keep in mind that all of us DVC members are investors as well!
Sorry, but spending $10K on something -- even spending $100K on something -- doesn't qualify us as investors. When we purchase something we deserve what we purchased and only what we've purchased, nothing else.
Why should anyone feel the need to keep closing out threads that are clearly of interest to so many people here who have spent so much money on a Disney product?

Are we honestly just supposed to log on every night and type in Polly Anna happy-talk comments about where to buy the super yummy wummiest waffle cones for "DD?"

I too have a very legitimate concern that SSR will create a lopsided supply/demand ratio between the mega condo-style resorts and the smaller theme park resorts. Is that really so unbelievable? Is it really unfamothable that there may be more people heading to Disney World who are interested in close access to the theme parks than people interested in staying at the quiet resorts?

Seems pretty logical to me, despite how relaxing SSR may very well be. And I fear it will lead to some inevitable drawbacks: limited 7-month reservation opportunities, 100% occupancy in the smaller DVC resorts, and the wear and tear that a high occupancy rate can create.

I don't hate SSR, and I'm not bashing people who choose to stay there. I do think, however, that DVC makes it a common policy to sell newbies into the program based on the strength of BWV, VWL and BCV.

My brother almost bought into the program because he loved VWL when I took him last year. I told him to buy only if he felt the same way about SSR. He didn't. But how many potential buyers are getting the same story from DVC sales guides?

Could it be that people who voice this concern aren't necessarily SSR haters, but people who love DVC and think Disney is making some large-scale planning mistakes?

I, for one, have have dropped about $18,000 in points over the last few years - which is a paltry amount compared to others around here I know.

So I think discussing what that product may look like (and how it may function) in the future is entirely legitimate and does not have to spark emotional knee-jerk reponses from SSR apologists. In fact, SSR does not need to be defended. DVC's sales tactics are really the focus of most of the concerns and comments on these boards.

I love the Grand Floridian, but if Disney decided to install a go-kart track around the pool I'd be vocally disappointed. Now, would that make me a GF basher? Or could it be that Disney actually gets it wrong from time to time and needs to hear from their customers?

Keep the discussion and the threads going, because the concern about SSR sure as heck is not going away anytime soon.
as far as i am concerned, building the ep resort out like okw and ssr is an asset not a detriment to my membership, i say the more resorts the merrier, spread members out all over the world. it also gives us another resort to try out.
...they're clustering them all on DW property.

Which would be fine if they all had equal appeal.

DVC needs to be very careful about the appeal of their mega properties, which can upset the balance of room availability.
well actually when i said the world, i was actually referring to wdworld not the planet, sorry for being a little too esoteric with the dennis miller like reference. i was just referring to my preference for more resorts all over wdw. iwould like some more resorts in other parts of the country as well, but more at wdw would be good, too.
My original point stands.

If they're going to build mega resorts then make them as appealing as the existing resorts, or it will upset the balance of room availability.

The math is simple on this one, and the numbers just don't add up.
Brian430 said:
My original point stands.

If they're going to build mega resorts then make them as appealing as the existing resorts, or it will upset the balance of room availability.

The math is simple on this one, and the numbers just don't add up.

I think no matter HOW attractive they make the mega resorts, they cause imbalance. There is no way a resort can be seven times as large as VWL AND be seven times as appealing across the entire population.
How do you describe BWV, then, as compared to OKW? There has always been imbalance, since the first day the second DVC property opened.
crisi said:
I think no matter HOW attractive they make the mega resorts, they cause imbalance. There is no way a resort can be seven times as large as VWL AND be seven times as appealing across the entire population.
Actually it doesn't have to be 7 time as appealing. But given the size, it does need to offer enough to entice the members of the smaller destination resorts to stay there preferentially in numbers at least equal or exceeding the reverse. And to keep the members who own there staying there MOST of the time over many years. Even OKW has trouble doing that consistently with the far lower points so I think it'd take more. And no, I don't think the DDD location will even come close to that. IMO, DVC had their chance to do so with a combo of even better unit options, lower points and better building planning as well as a dramatic pool option far better than SAB and maybe a members only restaurant much like a country club membership.
Brian430 said:
The math is simple on this one, and the numbers just don't add up.

This same concern has been voiced since long before SSR was announced or began sales. It's curious how a resort that is not yet completed and has sold "around" 50% could suddenly have such a dramatic effect on the reservation system. Prior to the Fall of 2003, when SSR presales began (there were not even any SSR points in the system until the first building opened in May, 2004), OKW, VB nd HH were "blamed" for the perceived challenges in making reservations within 7 months. The issue is not at all suddenly unique to SSR and has been rasied by members at the annual meetings for a number of years (again, long before SSR was even announced).

At the present time, there are more owners at both OKW and BWV than SSR- so perhaps the "problem" (if there is one) should be shared by many rather than the few. As bicker already noted, the problem is not caused by DVC, but by members who make the reservations. The comments suggesting in some way than SSR is inferior are far from fact, IMO, although it's fine to express that as a personal opinion. I personally like the theming at the resort- having grown up 20 miles from Saratoga, NY - but I realize others don't care for the theming. Over the years we've seen similar opinions of OKW, BWV, VWL and BCV from those who have some past memory (either good or bad) about some aspect of the decor or location or landscaping. Opinions are great and the unique thing about them is that EVERYBODY has one.

IMO, the increased challenge with non-home reservations is created by the nature of the system itself and not because of any one resort. Certainly the larger resorts play a role, just because they have more members, but presently SSR may have the third largest number of members and every resort contributes to the "problem" in it's own way.

Perhaps it's really the fault of those who own at OKW, VB, HH, BWV, VWL, BCV and SSR.
bicker said:
Sorry, but spending $10K on something -- even spending $100K on something -- doesn't qualify us as investors. When we purchase something we deserve what we purchased and only what we've purchased, nothing else.

I think that is the point of this thread. Some people feel they are not getting what they purchased! That is debatable - but - many very learned people on this people have said: "Yes it is getting difficult and will get more difficult in the future!"

I really believe that the next few on-site resort choices are critical to this equation. If they choose Contemporary and AKL as new resorts - then - I think the problem will be mitigated for a while. If they choose EP then - the problem worsens.

While we are not investors or shareholders we are customers - customers that invested thousands of are hard earned money! And, I would think WDW or any company would be concerned at the views of a Customer Base that 90K strong!

People on this board are prepared to picket to get the temp raised in the pools! Why should anyone sit on the sidelines regarding this issue?
Doc, I have to agree with Dean here. SSR is a lovely resort - no bashing here. But it doesn't sufficiently differentiate itself in a meaningful enough way to entice a large number of owners at the smaller resorts - there's no knock-out anchor feature or features to draw owners from elsewhere. There's little to encourage owners of the hotel-attached resorts to give up their home resort amenities and choose SSR as a "destination resort". I too think this aspect was a major missed opportunity. This isn't a fault of owners at any resort, it's the fault of SSR's planners.

Dean said:
IMO, DVC had their chance to do so with a combo of even better unit options, lower points and better building planning as well as a dramatic pool option far better than SAB and maybe a members only restaurant much like a country club membership.

Dean, to your point, can they lower the points at any of the resorts or is that cast in granite? Certainly I do not think they can raise them - but lowering them?
Some people feel they are not getting what they purchased!
With real estate, I just cannot see the merit in such an assertion. The Statute of Frauds deliberately ensures that every relevant piece of information about what you're purchsing is written down. So, at most, people could assert that they are not getting what they had wished they had purchased.

While we are not investors or shareholders we are customers - customers that invested thousands of are hard earned money!
As such, buyer's remorse is a very reasonable reaction.
I'm one of those people who actually did not get her home resort at the 8 month window! It was for Thanksgiving one year. We did not waitlist. However, I also learned my lesson. I now book at the 11 month window at Beach Club, our home resort. I think other BC owners might have learned this lesson as well making it difficult for even our fellow BC'ers to book at the 8 month window. I think you will find that Beach Club will actually be booked up for the first week in December, Thanksgiving, Christmas and for most of F&W at the 11 month window. Also those folks with home resort advantage with a sufficient number of points will start booking multiple reservations with different days in order to assure that we get into our home resort, if we are unable to determine a specific date atht 11 month window. Fortunately, this year we are booked for both Thanksgiving and July 4th. I did try to get a friend of mine a studio for the first week in December in the middle of March but nothing was available and that was 9 months from the departure date. I think it will continue to be difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to get BC for holidays, F&W and the first week of December at the seven month window without wailisting.

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