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OMG!!! I come back from a week at HHI and this thread is still going. Not only is it still going, it's spreading (like a Rash - LOL). I have seen 2 threads on the CB and 1 on the DCL Board. Wow!! All I can say is "Hanname to you all!!" :rotfl:
I'm having a BBQ at my house today and the rest of the family is late so how do I spend my free time? Talk about being a lime green neck, I think my whole body must be lime green!

(To the Tune of Golden Dream from the American Adventure)

Hanname spread your lime green wings
Sail on Disboard threads
'Cross the 'net

Fun word
It means everything
Flying High
Flying High

(Tune of It's a Great big Beautiful Tomorrow)

There's a great new word that's on the Disboards
Let's all shout it loud now, Hanname!
There's a great new word that's on the Disboards
And I can't stop posting every day.

DIS is a place for anyone
Who loves Walt Disney World and havin' fun

There's a great new word that's on the Disboards
Let's all shout it loud now, Hanname!
There's a great new word that's on the Disboards
Just a post away!

I keep coming back to read about this hanname phenomenon. Is it a noun? YES! Is it a verb? YES! Adjective? YES!! It's the all purpose word of the universe!

Hanname to everyone!
Next time I go to Jellyrolls, I'm going to request Hanname and see what happens.

tinker-kyle said:
i confess i've been lurking ... read the whole hanname thing

I've trying to think of something clever to contribute ... not very musical, me
so no new songs ... ah, but movie quotes ... those i can do and no Disney movies either ... you'd have em all figure out before i cound hit submit ...

so where the hanname are these from ....

1. "Frankly, my dear I don't give a Hanname"

2. "Hanname is as Hanname does"

3. "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to Hanname. Aren't you?"

4. "Is this Heaven"
"No, Its Hanname"
"I could have swore it was Heaven"

5. "Remember Hanname, no man is a failure who has friends"

6. "We're going need a bigger Hanname"

7. "Greek women, we may be lambs in the kitchen, but we are Hanname in the bedroom."

8. "The rain in Hanname stays mainly in the plain"

9. "Gotta get my boxer shorts at Hanname"

10. "Hanname we have a problem"

Have Fun :wave2:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
This one did it....the post that put me over the edge and has DH on the internet looking up a cure for Hanname! I saw the post on the first day, but was busy at work and didn't get back to it. (Darn kids, they actually wanted me to teach them something! ;) ) Tonight I see it at the top of the page, and I can't resist, I sat down to read it all. So, I am Hanname, I've been Hanname, I did Hanname!!!!! :cool1:
It can mean hello. It can mean goodbye. It can mean "don't touch that, it's dead."
OMG I cannot believe I sat here and read 44 pages in one sitting ROFL. I guess that makes me a Hanname. Dh and the kids go to a movie and what do I do with my alone time???? Sit here and read this thread ROFL!!!
lvs_eeyore said:
OMG I cannot believe I sat here and read 44 pages in one sitting ROFL. I guess that makes me a Hanname. Dh and the kids go to a movie and what do I do with my alone time???? Sit here and read this thread ROFL!!!

You aren't alone :)
I started reading this thread because I couldn't imagine what in the world was so interesting . . . but :rotfl: This is the wackiest thread I have ever read in my 5 or so years on the DIS!!

Will the OP ever "stand up!"? :confused3
Good night, and have a hanname tomorrow! (that's what Tina Fey is going to say on Weekend Update on SNL from now on).

I cant believe that I am in Hilton Head and I am still checking in to this thread!

Hanname is alive and well here. Life is good. Now if the boy would just fall asleep!
Well, June 10, another snowy day in colorado. Actually, it was warmer here than in Denver where it dropped to 41 around noon.
I went to one of those make a tee shirt stores and ALMOST had a hanname tee made up, but alas, no lime green lettering. DRAT.

But if someone is patient enough to tell me how to post a photo, I 'll try to post what I DID come up with!!!! (Intrigued?

I realiZed in my absence, some latecomers have knocked me out of the top 10 postings! Will have to remedy that.

Next post, derivitive defiinitions!
In a bizarre and disturbing incident, Michael Jackson was seen dangling his Hanname from a balcony at the Neverland Ranch. Several bus loads of fans invited there to rally in support of the imbattled entertainer, witnessed the incident. When questioned later about the dangling Jackson replied, "I dont see why everyone is making a such big deal over it, It was just a few seconds. I had a very firm grip on my Hanname, my Hanname was never in any danger and was not affraid." He further explained that the fans wanted to see his Hanname and that is why he dangled his Hanname over the balcony." A fan who was at the rally and witnessed the dangling first hand gave this annonymous account of the incident. "No one was asking to see his Hanname, he just suddenly appeared on the balcony with a towel draped over his Hanname and just started dangling the poor thing over the balcony. I can definitely say that more than a few of us were completely horrified. You could see his Hanname wriggling around, it was just awful." :crazy:
OMG, they killed Hanname! (But Hanname lives on just like Kenny).

Just wanted to say "hanname!" to everyone on this early Sunday morning.
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