Handicaped Child


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2001
I will be bringing my granddaughter to Universal
in spring. Although able to walk with a legbrace
I will have her in her wheelchair. What is general access like for handicaped?
We will be staying at Protofino

Aloha Lenora,

Recently their have been some posts regarding access at Universal on this board. They seemed to be mostly positive. I will see if I can "search" them out. When in the Spring are you going?

Jim did not make a calendar for Molokai this year, he said he loses money on them and so decided to cut his losses.

Aloha Lenora,

Have to get back to work soon (came home on lunch break) - some of the thread you might read and the last date someone posted on the thread:

Wheelchair Complaint 1/1/01
Just Back from IOA 12/29/00
Wheelchair at IOA 3/6/00
Disabled Unfriendly 11/12/00
Trip tip - Storm Force 9/16/00

Maybe the reports were not as good as I remembered. :(

We are planning a DIS meet at Universal between 3/8 and 13. Will you be there then? We would love to have you join us. :)

Let me give my input....ACCESS IS NOT A PROBLEM!! :)

I just came home from doing USF/IOA and WDW (IOA is not all access....except Suesslanding is great fun for the young uns that are chair bound)

USF...IS FABULOUS!!!! there was only ONE ride I couldnt have access to from my chair Back to the Future (edited post cuz I wrote MIB by accident LOL...and Jaws was closed due to renovations so I didnt do that one (nor did I wish to of it had been open ROFL) Girl In my LIFE Ive never (and Im 26 now) been able to do THRILL RIDES!! You better BELIEVE I did them at Universal....and ENJOYED IT!!!! It was the MOST fabulous experience Ive had in a theme park in my life!!!! (ok I know Im a DIS Mod....but WDW really needs more work than even I imagined b4 going to USF!!! LOL)

If you have any other questions feel FREE to email me anytime you like...also let me know when your going so I can be of any help you may need! :)

Wheelsie Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


[This message was edited by Wheelsie on 01-08-01 at 09:30 PM.]
Actually, Jaws is wheelchair accessible. You just roll aboard and sit in the back row.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Thank you all for the information. Brittany and I will be in Universal May 24-29th. We,ve been to Disney 4 times in 2 years so we decided we needed a change.
Have a lot to learn about the place so after I learn how to use this site, I will be a frequant visitor.

Nervous Grandma from Pa.
heheh dont ssweat it!! We learn fast around here...have you been to the disABILITIES board? If ya care to pop over follow the link in my signature.... we have some good info over there as well an d I think I inparted some USF/IOA wisdom over there as well if I recall :) and again feel free to email me when you need anything :)
and your EXTREMELY welcome....I want EVERYONE to know how accessible USF is :)
Wheelsie Co-Moderator of disABILITIES

Hey wheels you should have been there when they first opened. We went the 2nd year they were open and there was NOT a ride you could stay in your chair like you can now. We were told that if you couldn't walk 50 ft through the line that you couldn't ride the ride. We were told this AFTER we paid to get in the park( now we now why we got in for half price). I ended up carrying my dw through the lines after we got the chair as far as it would go. We finally went back last year after hearing about the changes they finally did to all the rides and were amazed. Ton bad it took them twice to do everything right.But for anyone thinking about going, go even if it costs an arm and a leg to go but what doesn't down there.


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