Government Employee Discounts -- is there a list??


Dec 7, 2000
I know there has been a lot of discussion on the boards about discounts for government (federal, state,local) employees for the Swan and Dolphin.
What I would like to know is if there is an actual LIST some place for people to check to see if their job qualifies them for a discount. Thanks a bunch! :D
I'm bumping this up...hopefully somebody will be able to help us the way, hi to you fellow Ohioan Mickeyouse! (my in-laws live in Independence) :)
A big "hello" to you too! Independence is just around the corner from us. It's a small world!
I hope we get a reply, too. :)
I just called the Dophin and asked them the same question. All you have to do is bring your Gov. employee ID with you. I work for the State and that is all I need. I think we all know who we work for so dont sweat it if you work for county, town, state of Feds. :rolleyes:


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