Gotta be honest.... Not my best trip

Inquiring minds want to know: what cutbacks has Club 33 experienced?
Once seated, NOTHING. Was amazing as always. The accoutrements in the court weren't present, and it may have been a bit to be seated. We were a late lunch seating which may have had something to do with it. Last table for lunch. Honestly, nothing to complain about but the usual refreshments would have been nice while waiting. I literally looked for them like here's the cart but there's nothing on it.
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The rides down thing is just so problematic. I was at DCA last Friday, Veteran’s Day. We walked through the gates at 8am and RSR, Web Slingers, Toy Story, Goofy’s Sky School and Ariel were all down. Were they up at 7:30 for EE and went down by 8? Or never went up? I have no idea. Either way, it was a total mess. Especially on a holiday you would think they would have things up and running. I was having trouble with the app and was talking to a CM at guest services and I mentioned that so many rides were down and she said something about it being cold so the rides couldn’t operate? Which sounds very strange to me. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
The rides down thing is just so problematic. I was at DCA last Friday, Veteran’s Day. We walked through the gates at 8am and RSR, Web Slingers, Toy Story, Goofy’s Sky School and Ariel were all down. Were they up at 7:30 for EE and went down by 8? Or never went up? I have no idea. Either way, it was a total mess. Especially on a holiday you would think they would have things up and running. I was having trouble with the app and was talking to a CM at guest services and I mentioned that so many rides were down and she said something about it being cold so the rides couldn’t operate? Which sounds very strange to me. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I SWEAR, everything was 101 Pretty much always during our stay. Again, not the front line CMs fault but when Rise is down for 7 hours, RSR is down for 5 hours, Mission Breakout is down for 4 hours, Matterhorn is down for 4 horus, and Space is down for 18 hours.... something is awry
I SWEAR, everything was 101 Pretty much always during our stay. Again, not the front line CMs fault but when Rise is down for 7 hours, RSR is down for 5 hours, Mission Breakout is down for 4 hours, Matterhorn is down for 4 horus, and Space is down for 18 hours.... something is awry
The thing that is really crazy is the ride breakdowns seem to be getting worse and worse as time goes on. It's so puzzling honestly!
I'm sorry that you had a disappointing trip. It seems to be the trend that I'm seeing lately with other trip reports on here and on Twitter. I was planning on going next year but I decided to cancel those plans. It's just not worth it for me, especially since I don't live on the west coast. I even saw people on Twitter saying that it's cheaper from the west coast to fly to Japan, go to their Disney parks and then come back rather than go to Disneyland and I find that to be really sad.

Also this isn't Disneyland but I noticed WAY more VIP tour groups in WDW too.
If I could go to Tokyo DL/Disney Sea, I would do it in a heartbeat. The Oriental Land Company who runs them KNOWS what customer service means. That's actually Katherines HS graduation gift... I should probably start saving.
Sad (but not surprising) to hear of another trip just like our last one. We went Oct 23-26 and as I stated in my very brief trip report it was the worst trip we've ever done to DL. Insane crowds, constant ride breakdowns, food costs skyrocketing while proportions shrinking to insulting levels, Genie+ a must buy but still we've never ridden so few attractions, etc. I mean, 3 days in DL and only 1 lousy ride on HM - that one is usually good for a couple rides per day. Last straw was daughter paying $50 on her gift card so 2 of us could do Rise so we would at least get on something. Then it broke down for several hours and we were SOL. So instead we left at about 3pm on our last day as it was just too maddening to stay. As others have said we usually leave the parks sad that the trip is over and planning the next one before we are out the gates... but not this time. Now it just feels like getting betrayed by a beloved family member.
I'm sorry that you had a disappointing trip. It seems to be the trend that I'm seeing lately with other trip reports on here and on Twitter. I was planning on going next year but I decided to cancel those plans. It's just not worth it for me, especially since I don't live on the west coast. I even saw people on Twitter saying that it's cheaper from the west coast to fly to Japan, go to their Disney parks and then come back rather than go to Disneyland and I find that to be really sad.

Also this isn't Disneyland but I noticed WAY more VIP tour groups in WDW too.

Here's how the Tokyo math works out:

Right now a one day ticket in Tokyo is 8900 JPY or just under 65 USD. If you go 3 days, Tokyo Disney tickets will cost just over 190 USD vs $360 for Disneyland. Four nights at the Sheraton Grande which I consider to be the best Disney Official Hotel starts at 66K JPY or just over 470 USD in January. The Westin which I consider to be the best non-Disney hotel near Disneyland starts at $1052. If you compare the Disneyland Hotel to Tokyo Disneyland Hotel or the Grand Californian to the Miracosta, the price difference will often be around 150 USD a night as well. Flights from San Francisco to Tokyo will likely cost between $900 and $1100 compared to around $200 to get to Disneyland round trip including ground transportation.

Since the price is basically the same, once you factor in food, merchandise and Genie+ or Premier Access, it can be slightly cheaper to visit Tokyo Disneyland if you pick the right dates, especially for one person. With a family, you really have to spend a lot on these extras for it to make up the difference in airfare but it is theoretically possible for the Tokyo trip to be cheaper.

For most people living on the West Coast of the US, the trip to Tokyo will likely not end up cheaper unless they already had a reason to be in Asia anyway and aren't factoring the full cost of airfare in this comparison. I personally am willing to stay at a lower quality hotel when in the US compared to in Japan which means I usually pay a similar amount per night. Additionally, most Americans visiting Tokyo Disney will likely turn it into a bigger trip with lots of additional expenses.
Oh, that is something I didn't even bring up but will now. World of Disney in DTD... You can enter from the East, but you can only leave via the West. Seriously. It is now a literal funnel. I was going to press the issue as I was PISSED, but my wife talked me out of a confrontation with a CM over my ability to LEAVE A BUILDING. FFS. GARBAGE.

It's because of the mobile checkout they have added in. They can't have people leaving at all the doorways or they would have to have a mobile order CM at every one, defeating the purpose of it.

I hate it too.
I'm here right now. So disappointing. If you manage to get a good lighting lane the attraction goes down. It seems like practically every "major" ride is down so much. Was Rise ever open today? Couldn't use our Big Thunder Lightning Lane as it was down for hours. Lots of ride elements not working on Pirates. Just everywhere you look there is disappointment. We try to make the best of it, but it is not up to par. And by the time you can park hop nothing good is left for lighning lanes (or it is booking into the middle of the night).
As Laurel And Hardy used to say "it's a fine mess" and I think what Disneyland needs to do is to start improving themselves and not turn into a fine mess and return to the old image that Disneyland had before. Because I think a lot of the reasons why Disneyland is downhill is because they had lost tons of money from being closed between 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic and when it reopened in 2021 I think Disneyland spent more money on getting the park ready for reopening and focusing on opening new rides and attractions like Avengers Campus rather than maintaining the rides. Because I think the main reason why I think Disneyland has so much ride breakdowns is because the workers find the jobs too hard to do and end up giving up and quitting for the day and if they would get more people hired to fix broken rides it would be a miracle for Disneyland. Regarding the situation at Plaza Inn with character breakfasts I think the reason why characters don't stop at every table now is sometimes it's mainly because the families are busy eating and I don't see why Disneyland doesn't wait until the families finish eating for the characters to visit their tables and as for table skipping this really needs to stop because it is very annoying to people. Last if Disneyland were to improve the park why do you need reservations to go visit it in the first place? Disneyland should not have a reservation system and return to the system of walking into the parks the way it used to be. I mean you are visiting an amusement park not shopping at Costco? But Disneyland should improve itself and return to it's classic image because that's what makes a Disneyland trip wonderful and special and if improvement happens it will be a miracle
On our last visit which was 10/05 and 10/06 we experienced a lot of what the OP experienced. Crowds were insane. The worst that we have experienced at DL. Three hour wait for HM without G+. Major rides down. We also did not think that OOB was worth the price. RSR was down all evening. I think it reopened for about one hour that evening.

We’re both AP holders and have a few days scheduled for the second week of next month for the Christmas holidays. We originally had the GCH booked but we canceled as I refuse to pay over $1600.00 for two nights in a room that’s worth only about $200.00. We moved offsite. We stayed there last year and paid out the nose and the place was packed. The beautiful lobby area was unusable due to the treats area set up and the lines and crowds made it packed.

We will go and enjoy the decorations, parade, etc. and make the best of it but it’s clear that people like Chapek and D’Amaro are working to place the almighty dollar over guest experience. IMHO they have increased the daily attendance numbers to force sales of G+. We just watched one of our favorite vloggers videos. They took their son to DCA and since he is a huge Spider-Man fan, they had to ride WS. They dished out an extra sixty bucks to cut down on wait time. This is the new Disney.
Here's how the Tokyo math works out:

Right now a one day ticket in Tokyo is 8900 JPY or just under 65 USD. If you go 3 days, Tokyo Disney tickets will cost just over 190 USD vs $360 for Disneyland. Four nights at the Sheraton Grande which I consider to be the best Disney Official Hotel starts at 66K JPY or just over 470 USD in January. The Westin which I consider to be the best non-Disney hotel near Disneyland starts at $1052. If you compare the Disneyland Hotel to Tokyo Disneyland Hotel or the Grand Californian to the Miracosta, the price difference will often be around 150 USD a night as well. Flights from San Francisco to Tokyo will likely cost between $900 and $1100 compared to around $200 to get to Disneyland round trip including ground transportation.

Since the price is basically the same, once you factor in food, merchandise and Genie+ or Premier Access, it can be slightly cheaper to visit Tokyo Disneyland if you pick the right dates, especially for one person. With a family, you really have to spend a lot on these extras for it to make up the difference in airfare but it is theoretically possible for the Tokyo trip to be cheaper.

For most people living on the West Coast of the US, the trip to Tokyo will likely not end up cheaper unless they already had a reason to be in Asia anyway and aren't factoring the full cost of airfare in this comparison. I personally am willing to stay at a lower quality hotel when in the US compared to in Japan which means I usually pay a similar amount per night. Additionally, most Americans visiting Tokyo Disney will likely turn it into a bigger trip with lots of additional expenses.
Yeah, with a family it'll be more expensive. I saw a Tweet from a vlogger/influencer who did a trip to Japan that did ONLY the Disney and Universal parks and their trip was cheaper than going to Disneyland for that same length of time. They went with one other person and I don't believe they stayed at a Disney hotel. The average person isn't doing a trip like that nor should they. I just thought it was sad that a trip like that is cheaper than Disneyland.
I think Disneyland is simply letting too many people in the parks. The parks are overcrowded and that has the effect of more ride breakdowns, overworked CM's, etc. When AP transitioned to Key's I think Disney was going to try to control the flow of people, but then many Key Holders had loud upsets with this (they were used to Disney on tap and wanted the same). There was even a lawsuit. Lots of bad press. Now, Disneyland has opened up the floodgates of reservations and there are way too many people in the parks. I say this as an Inspire Key holder; I think Key Holders should modify their expectations, because of demand. If you are a middle-aged adult you have seen the world population more than double in your lifetime. The Los Angeles area has over 2 million more people than it did just 20 years ago. The days you can pop in after work for dinner and fireworks cannot continue with a place that has the global demand of Disneyland. I think Disneyland is a national treasure and should be treated as such.
I think Disneyland is simply letting too many people in the parks. The parks are overcrowded and that has the effect of more ride breakdowns, overworked CM's, etc. When AP transitioned to Key's I think Disney was going to try to control the flow of people, but then many Key Holders had loud upsets with this (they were used to Disney on tap and wanted the same). There was even a lawsuit. Lots of bad press. Now, Disneyland has opened up the floodgates of reservations and there are way too many people in the parks. I say this as an Inspire Key holder; I think Key Holders should modify their expectations, because of demand. If you are a middle-aged adult you have seen the world population more than double in your lifetime. The Los Angeles area has over 2 million more people than it did just 20 years ago. The days you can pop in after work for dinner and fireworks cannot continue with a place that has the global demand of Disneyland. I think Disneyland is a national treasure and should be treated as such.

The Disney company is not treating it like a national treasure. It's a cash cow. More people, more money. MOO!!!!
I feel for ya. If I'm still alive and of scooter age, I might need a fog horn on my scooter because I'm not slowing down. If you and I are ever there simultaneously, you can always rest an arm on me...

I'd gladly take your arm since I know what a 'gent' you are. Maybe our paths will cross at our favorite place someday.
Oh no! I hate to hear this. We live in Florida and have been to WDW hundreds of times and annual passholders the last 20 years. We finally tried Disneyland about 5 years ago and fell in love. To us, it is what WDW use to be. My daughter and I have been back 3 or 4 times now including last summer and still love it. However, everything I have been reading is making me rethink our short Dec. 11-14 trip. WDW is a mess as well. Super crowded but with passes we go for a few hours and then head out. We were so excited to be able to see the Christmas parade & fireworks at Disneyland. I guess we will be splurging on genie.

Anything else I need to book so we are guarranteed to see. I booked a Plaza meal so if I read correctly we have a guarranteed spot for the later parade? What about World of Color or Fantasmic? I just hope the crowds are at least "friendly". My husband was just commenting on Sunday how rude everyone has gotten. This is going to be an expensive few days.
While I didn't have quite the experience you did (I went with some family at the beginning of October and the kids still had a good time... including taking my son to Napa Rose Chef's counter for his 16th birthday which was the highlight of the trip for him), I did cancel my planned annual weekend trip in December with my husband. We have gone every year together since 2014 and buy our Christmas ornament.

We are now spending the weekend in SD and will just pop into WOD on our way out or home and buy the ornament there without going into the parks. Just not worth it any more.
Thank you for the explanations, Whoever.

That EE situation is ridiculous. Why on earth did they change from a 60-minute EE with a procedure that worked to a 30-minute window with a procedure that's so bad it eats up all the EE time??
It saves Disney money to only staff for 30 minutes extra instead of 60. Sad but true.
This is exactly how I felt after our august trip. We are going again Saturday. We have lowered our expectations and are deciding to do things differently than we normally do. We aren’t expecting to get much done actually. We will see. This trip will decide if we go again anytime soon. I don’t have high hopes being that it’s a holiday week.
Hi Crystal,

I know your August trip was rough for so many reasons.... I truly hope you have a great time! I hate to see that you (and all of us) have to reduce our expectations down so much, just to try to avoid being utterly disappointed by Disney.


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