GOOD MORNING DIS! Whoopsidoodle Hangers On and Friends Meet Here Part 8

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DD had two friends sleep over last night. They all put on their fancy graduation dresses and had a tea party in the living room in the middle of the night, with all my fancy tea stuff, hot chocolate and candlelight. At 2 am, their giggling woke me up.:sad2:

DH kept saying, "I just don't get it."
That's great! I hope one of them took pictures so they'll always remember the fun!

That's LOUD giggling!

We lost one of the children so now it's 5 kids and 8 adults.:sad2: And a LOT of food!
I'm back from my shopping excursion.. .....still time to get to your house in time for the party! :upsidedow ;)

I hurt. I don't mean just emotionally. This morning I just had a sore throat from the tube they stuck down it, but now my neck, back, arms and chest ache. I've heard stories about people who get violent when going under anesthesia, I wonder if I'm one of them and that's why i'm so sore.
:hug: Oh my. I didn't realize you had to go through all that too.:grouphug: Sounds like rest is definitely in order for you. PM me if you would like.:flower3:
I hurt. I don't mean just emotionally. This morning I just had a sore throat from the tube they stuck down it, but now my neck, back, arms and chest ache. I've heard stories about people who get violent when going under anesthesia, I wonder if I'm one of them and that's why i'm so sore.
Nanu... :hug:

If you aren't a candidate for some really GOOD ice cream today, I don't know who is. Indulge...
Hello, guys! I've had a busy day so far. My dad and brothers and I are planning to film a "movie" so we went out location scouting... it is so hot out! :faint:

I woke up to some disturbing news this morning. My mom is Type 2 diabetic and she has to take a large dose of slow-acting insulin in the evening and a small dose of fast-acting insulin in the morning. Well last night she got them mixed up and took a large dose of the fast-acting insulin (she didn't know it). Well she was about to go to bed but my younger brother started talking to her and after a while she noticed her vision getting worse and worse and she started to feel weird and then she was like, uh oh. Her sugar levels were dangerously low and that's when she realized her mistake. She's told us all a million and one times what to do if she ever goes into like a diabetic coma or whatever and so my younger brother started giving her sugar and candy and stuff to try to make her sugar go up. It finally did after a couple of hours, but :scared1:. If she'd gone to bed like she planned she would have died in the night. :worried: My dad says that from now on she has to have one of us kids witness which insulin she's using at which time so she doesn't make that mistake again. She's fine, but not something you want to wake up and hear. :eek:

Today's Major news event will be the Two Year Anniversary of the 7/7 bombings. I can still remember the EXACT place I was when I found out.. As I can with September 11th.. Weird how my Memory fails me for the important things like knowing where my Lessons are. :lmao:

:rotfl: Isn't it weird how that happens?

Catch you later, I'm off to the Cinema later so won't be on most of the afternoon.. :wave:

Ooh, whatcha seeing? My brother and I are going to see Transformers in a bit. :cool:

Hey guys. I am up and moving already this morning. It's block sale day! I'll be heading outside in a few to start the set up process. (I hate set up and take down.) I have way less stuff than usual, but more than I thought I would. I really went though and weeded out my closet/drawers and DH's stuff too. Got rid of anything that said large on it for size for him. PLUS, all the stuff that his Mom keeps buying him for gifts that he would never in a million years wear. Looks like it will be a nice day, but I better pop at least 1 allergy pill before I head out.

See you all later.

Good luck with that!

Come on down!!! Anyone...stop in! We're gonna have WAY too much food.:rolleyes1 DH thinks this is an ARMY!!!

Woohoo, I'm coming... I wish! :rotfl:

I hurt. I don't mean just emotionally. This morning I just had a sore throat from the tube they stuck down it, but now my neck, back, arms and chest ache. I've heard stories about people who get violent when going under anesthesia, I wonder if I'm one of them and that's why i'm so sore.

Oh, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. :hug:
I woke up to some disturbing news this morning. My mom is Type 2 diabetic and she has to take a large dose of slow-acting insulin in the evening and a small dose of fast-acting insulin in the morning. Well last night she got them mixed up and took a large dose of the fast-acting insulin (she didn't know it). Well she was about to go to bed but my younger brother started talking to her and after a while she noticed her vision getting worse and worse and she started to feel weird and then she was like, uh oh. Her sugar levels were dangerously low and that's when she realized her mistake. She's told us all a million and one times what to do if she ever goes into like a diabetic coma or whatever and so my younger brother started giving her sugar and candy and stuff to try to make her sugar go up. It finally did after a couple of hours, but :scared1:. If she'd gone to bed like she planned she would have died in the night. :worried: My dad says that from now on she has to have one of us kids witness which insulin she's using at which time so she doesn't make that mistake again. She's fine, but not something you want to wake up and hear. :eek:

Ooh, whatcha seeing? My brother and I are going to see Transformers in a bit. :cool:

That is Scary! :scared1:

We went to see Shrek the third. It was Funny, but there really wasn't much to the film at all.. Kinda disappointing but was good none the less. :)

Transformers is also on our List at some point. There are too many films to watch now.. :lmao:
I hurt. I don't mean just emotionally. This morning I just had a sore throat from the tube they stuck down it, but now my neck, back, arms and chest ache. I've heard stories about people who get violent when going under anesthesia, I wonder if I'm one of them and that's why i'm so sore.

Nanu..:hug: I can't imagine...Try to get some rest...have a nice cup of tea and then as Terri suggested, some ice-cream...It won't make the emotional hurt go away (maybe help it though), that will take time, but it can help the physical hurt...Don't forget...we're here.. :grouphug:

Hello, guys! I've had a busy day so far. My dad and brothers and I are planning to film a "movie" so we went out location scouting... it is so hot out! :faint:

I woke up to some disturbing news this morning. My mom is Type 2 diabetic and she has to take a large dose of slow-acting insulin in the evening and a small dose of fast-acting insulin in the morning. Well last night she got them mixed up and took a large dose of the fast-acting insulin (she didn't know it). Well she was about to go to bed but my younger brother started talking to her and after a while she noticed her vision getting worse and worse and she started to feel weird and then she was like, uh oh. Her sugar levels were dangerously low and that's when she realized her mistake. She's told us all a million and one times what to do if she ever goes into like a diabetic coma or whatever and so my younger brother started giving her sugar and candy and stuff to try to make her sugar go up. It finally did after a couple of hours, but :scared1:. If she'd gone to bed like she planned she would have died in the night. :worried: My dad says that from now on she has to have one of us kids witness which insulin she's using at which time so she doesn't make that mistake again. She's fine, but not something you want to wake up and hear. :eek:

What kind of movie are you filming??? Will it post to YouTube?

:scared: Scary stuff about your Mom...It's a good thing that she'll have a witness to watch her with her meds... :hug: for you...That IS scary news to wake to..

DD & DGS's came this morning for a bit..DS is here now. It's rainy off and on here...makes for a lazy kind of day...I should be like Nancy and clean but the energy level evaporated when the rain came...(I've got an excuse for everything :lmao: )

Kathy, hope the party went well...

Terri, glad that you're feeling :hippie:

Slow down, you move too fast, you've got to make the morning last
Just kickin' down the cobble-stones, lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy

Lynn, any bargains out there?

Hi Matt...

Hi Steve...

Anyone remember when 3Pirates comes back??
Hello, guys! I've had a busy day so far. My dad and brothers and I are planning to film a "movie" so we went out location scouting... it is so hot out! :faint:

I woke up to some disturbing news this morning. My mom is Type 2 diabetic and she has to take a large dose of slow-acting insulin in the evening and a small dose of fast-acting insulin in the morning. Well last night she got them mixed up and took a large dose of the fast-acting insulin (she didn't know it). Well she was about to go to bed but my younger brother started talking to her and after a while she noticed her vision getting worse and worse and she started to feel weird and then she was like, uh oh. Her sugar levels were dangerously low and that's when she realized her mistake. She's told us all a million and one times what to do if she ever goes into like a diabetic coma or whatever and so my younger brother started giving her sugar and candy and stuff to try to make her sugar go up. It finally did after a couple of hours, but :scared1:. If she'd gone to bed like she planned she would have died in the night. :worried: My dad says that from now on she has to have one of us kids witness which insulin she's using at which time so she doesn't make that mistake again. She's fine, but not something you want to wake up and hear. :eek:
:hug: I'm glad everything turned out ok.
What kind of movie are you filming??? Will it post to YouTube?

I hope she does!!!
DD & DGS's came this morning for a bit..DS is here now. It's rainy off and on here...makes for a lazy kind of day...I should be like Nancy and clean but the energy level evaporated when the rain came...(I've got an excuse for everything :lmao: )

Terri, glad that you're feeling :hippie:

Slow down, you move too fast, you've got to make the morning last
Just kickin' down the cobble-stones, lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy
I odn't know why, but that just made me wonder how Terri saw everything know, all the psychedelic stuff and all......You did notice things looked different, didn't you Terri? :confused3 ;) :upsidedow
Lynn, any bargains out there?
I bought a few pairs of shorts at Penneys.....big sale, got them for almost nothing. I just needed to replace some, and I know there won't be any out in, say..........December. :cool2: :rolleyes1

Anyone remember when 3Pirates comes back??
I thought she had said a week from Thursday? But I thought that meant this past Thursday? Maybe this weekend? Sunday? Oh for heaven's sakes, NEVER leave me in charge of keeping track of something!!!:rotfl:

We went to see Shrek the third. It was Funny, but there really wasn't much to the film at all.. Kinda disappointing but was good none the less. :)
That's what my ds saind. He said the storyline was 'different'. It sounded like something to see after it comes out on dvd. I liked the first one, but found the second one just o.k. Now, Shrek 3D at Universal was great!;)
And now you guys are dropping like flies.:rotfl:

You can be here by 2, right?;)

If I knew at 8am I could have been there by 2 and I don't even need directions! I can drive there in my sleep (well almost in my sleep)

DD had two friends sleep over last night. They all put on their fancy graduation dresses and had a tea party in the living room in the middle of the night, with all my fancy tea stuff, hot chocolate and candlelight. At 2 am, their giggling woke me up.:sad2:

DH kept saying, "I just don't get it."

Tell him he never will either. My girls will still wake me up in the middle of the night when they get a case of the giggles...and I never know what I'm going to find in the kitchen when I wake up. When they get hungry they do not eat snack food...they COOK! One night they make couscous with a curry sauce:confused3

I hurt. I don't mean just emotionally. This morning I just had a sore throat from the tube they stuck down it, but now my neck, back, arms and chest ache. I've heard stories about people who get violent when going under anesthesia, I wonder if I'm one of them and that's why i'm so sore.

I always get a very sore throat from being knocked out...between the tube and the meds they give to dry you out (especially if you hadn't fasted before hand) it makes for a very uncomfortable throat for a few days. As far as the soreness goes, they most likely pumped your abdominal cavity with gas which makes for soreness everywhere. What you need to do is sit up, lean over a big pillow and cough a lot to get it out of your system. I'll send you a PM with more details.
Oh yeah I almost forgot...block sale is done!

It was a nice day, fairly busy but not super busy. I made close to $70.00 which isn't too bad since I really didn't have that much to put out. I ended up only doing the garage and my bedroom and the garage I gave up on after my little surprise. I did get rid of the 2 older bikes and 2 of 3 scooters...I couldn't find the 3rd one (it must be buried somewhere under DH's stuff). I got rid of 2 small suitcases on wheels that the girls used when they were little, lots of little odds and ends and some clothes. I only brought 2 totes back inside and those will go to my SIL's garage sale in August.
Nanu... :hug:

If you aren't a candidate for some really GOOD ice cream today, I don't know who is. Indulge...

Fortunately I stocked up beforehand. I have Turkey Hill Duetti Gelati (vanilla ice cream and raspberry water ice) and Dove chocolate chip brownie ice cream. Last night I had the gelati, maybe tonite will be the Dove ice cream.

I woke up to some disturbing news this morning. My mom is Type 2 diabetic and she has to take a large dose of slow-acting insulin in the evening and a small dose of fast-acting insulin in the morning. Well last night she got them mixed up and took a large dose of the fast-acting insulin (she didn't know it). Well she was about to go to bed but my younger brother started talking to her and after a while she noticed her vision getting worse and worse and she started to feel weird and then she was like, uh oh. Her sugar levels were dangerously low and that's when she realized her mistake. She's told us all a million and one times what to do if she ever goes into like a diabetic coma or whatever and so my younger brother started giving her sugar and candy and stuff to try to make her sugar go up. It finally did after a couple of hours, but :scared1:. If she'd gone to bed like she planned she would have died in the night. :worried: My dad says that from now on she has to have one of us kids witness which insulin she's using at which time so she doesn't make that mistake again. She's fine, but not something you want to wake up and hear. :eek:

That is scary.:eek:

DH and I went to see Ratatouille today to try and "escape" for 1 hour and 55 minutes. I only cried once during the movie, but I cried on the way there and on the way back. I kept thinking of things that I'm missing out on with the little boy, like t-ball games as we passed the park, or playland as we passed mcdonalds. I also feel silly for being so sad, but I can't help it.
Fortunately I stocked up beforehand. I have Turkey Hill Duetti Gelati (vanilla ice cream and raspberry water ice) and Dove chocolate chip brownie ice cream. Last night I had the gelati, maybe tonite will be the Dove ice cream.

Me DH just loves gelato (is that how you spell it) since he had some at Beach Club Villas...The Dove ice-cream is very nice too! For me in VT, definitely Ben & Jerry's New York Superfudge Chunk! :goodvibes

DH and I went to see Ratatouille today to try and "escape" for 1 hour and 55 minutes. I only cried once during the movie, but I cried on the way there and on the way back. I kept thinking of things that I'm missing out on with the little boy, like t-ball games as we passed the park, or playland as we passed mcdonalds. I also feel silly for being so sad, but I can't help it.

We're going to see Ratatouille tomorrow...
Nanu, you have every right to be sad...don't for silly at all...It's traumatic and very sad to go through definitely need to go through the grieving process. :hug:
That is Scary! :scared1:

We went to see Shrek the third. It was Funny, but there really wasn't much to the film at all.. Kinda disappointing but was good none the less. :)

Transformers is also on our List at some point. There are too many films to watch now.. :lmao:

I agree that there are way too many movies out! What happened to having 2 good films come out and the rest be "yeah whatever" movies? :confused3 Transformers got pushed back yet again to tomorrow, but I am bound and determined to watch it! :teeth:

What kind of movie are you filming??? Will it post to YouTube?

Well... I feel kinda silly... but awhile back they had a little contest for the Discovery Channel where you would make a video spoof of a Discovery Channel show and send it in. Well, we couldn't think of anything at the time, even though we're addicted to Man vs. Wild and Survivorman. Then about a month ago we got a great idea! Why not make our own version of these great survival shows, set them in Central Florida, and make the stars be...

toy stuffed cows!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

We've had these cows for years and yes, we're like the weird people who take their stuffed chicken on vacation and take pictures of it everywhere; we're all somewhat camera shy so taking a picture of "the cows" is better in our minds than a picture of us! So it was only natural that we get "them" to "star" in our little movie. It's going to be "Cow vs. Wild meets Survivorcow", and filled with little references that only die-hard viewers/fans of the shows would get. So if they have another "Spoof Discovery" contest, we're all set. If not, we have a funny video made. :laughing:

Did I ever say we were sane? :rolleyes1

I don't know if we'll put it up on YouTube because of "copyright infringement" issues, but if possible we may put it up on private and only let select people view it.

Oh and by the way, whose idea was this whole thing? My dad's! :rotfl:

Oh yeah I almost forgot...block sale is done!

It was a nice day, fairly busy but not super busy. I made close to $70.00 which isn't too bad since I really didn't have that much to put out. I ended up only doing the garage and my bedroom and the garage I gave up on after my little surprise. I did get rid of the 2 older bikes and 2 of 3 scooters...I couldn't find the 3rd one (it must be buried somewhere under DH's stuff). I got rid of 2 small suitcases on wheels that the girls used when they were little, lots of little odds and ends and some clothes. I only brought 2 totes back inside and those will go to my SIL's garage sale in August.

Not bad at all! :cool2:

Fortunately I stocked up beforehand. I have Turkey Hill Duetti Gelati (vanilla ice cream and raspberry water ice) and Dove chocolate chip brownie ice cream. Last night I had the gelati, maybe tonite will be the Dove ice cream.

That is scary.:eek:

DH and I went to see Ratatouille today to try and "escape" for 1 hour and 55 minutes. I only cried once during the movie, but I cried on the way there and on the way back. I kept thinking of things that I'm missing out on with the little boy, like t-ball games as we passed the park, or playland as we passed mcdonalds. I also feel silly for being so sad, but I can't help it.

Don't feel silly, Nanu. :hug: It's very natural for you to grieve and you need to just get it out of your system rather than keep it all inside. Just remember we're here for you. :hug:

Funny story....We had a family here that has 5 little girls. The 20 mo old was playing with her dad's hat. So DH goes out to the garage and puts on his motorcycle helmet which has a full face mask. He comes back in and you could just see the expression on the little girls' face drop, and she starts crying. It was hilarious. DH took the mask more mask playing.:rotfl:

Nanu...:hug: :hug: :hug:

It was a very nice party. Everyone took their leftovers.:goodvibes But we have a LOT of burgers and dogs left.

And speaking of dogs, ours went visitin next door, cause the one little girl was afraid of him. He always barks at visitors, but eventually calms down and goes to sleep. Well, he really doesn't like visiting; he likes HOME. So he whine/wimpered/barked for about 2 hours non-stop. Our poor neighbors tried everything. I think we need to make a peace offering.:flower3:

I predict a nap in my future. :rotfl:
Oh yeah I almost forgot...block sale is done!

It was a nice day, fairly busy but not super busy. I made close to $70.00 which isn't too bad since I really didn't have that much to put out.
I'm glad you made some $$ from the effort!
Fortunately I stocked up beforehand. I have Turkey Hill Duetti Gelati (vanilla ice cream and raspberry water ice) and Dove chocolate chip brownie ice cream. Last night I had the gelati, maybe tonite will be the Dove ice cream.

DH and I went to see Ratatouille today to try and "escape" for 1 hour and 55 minutes. I only cried once during the movie, but I cried on the way there and on the way back. I kept thinking of things that I'm missing out on with the little boy, like t-ball games as we passed the park, or playland as we passed mcdonalds. I also feel silly for being so sad, but I can't help it.
The TH Duetti with raspberry sounds really good! I've wanted to try those combo things and was waiting until after we got the new freezer.... then I forgot about them. :rolleyes:
And there's no reason at all to feel silly about being so sad. We are all sad with you. I can't even imagine what deep emotions you must be going through, but I do know we are all here for you. :flower3: :grouphug:
I agree that there are way too many movies out! What happened to having 2 good films come out and the rest be "yeah whatever" movies? :confused3 Transformers got pushed back yet again to tomorrow, but I am bound and determined to watch it! :teeth:

Should I even tell you that dh and I have movie gift certificates that have been sitting here since Christmas? :confused3 I know I was the one not wanting to take time out for a movie during the game, but......well...... IT'S JULY!!! and we still can't agree/decide on a silly movie to see. And the certificates are good for free snacks too!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well... I feel kinda silly... but awhile back they had a little contest for the Discovery Channel where you would make a video spoof of a Discovery Channel show and send it in. Well, we couldn't think of anything at the time, even though we're addicted to Man vs. Wild and Survivorman. Then about a month ago we got a great idea! Why not make our own version of these great survival shows, set them in Central Florida, and make the stars be...

toy stuffed cows!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

We've had these cows for years and yes, we're like the weird people who take their stuffed chicken on vacation and take pictures of it everywhere; we're all somewhat camera shy so taking a picture of "the cows" is better in our minds than a picture of us! So it was only natural that we get "them" to "star" in our little movie. It's going to be "Cow vs. Wild meets Survivorcow", and filled with little references that only die-hard viewers/fans of the shows would get. So if they have another "Spoof Discovery" contest, we're all set. If not, we have a funny video made. :laughing:

Did I ever say we were sane? :rolleyes1

I don't know if we'll put it up on YouTube because of "copyright infringement" issues, but if possible we may put it up on private and only let select people view it.

Oh and by the way, whose idea was this whole thing? My dad's! :rotfl:
Ok, please put me on the list of people who can see it. DH and sons live on those shows and I watch quite often. We would definitely appreciate your efforts. It sounds like it's going to be great! :thumbsup2

Funny story....We had a family here that has 5 little girls. The 20 mo old was playing with her dad's hat. So DH goes out to the garage and puts on his motorcycle helmet which has a full face mask. He comes back in and you could just see the expression on the little girls' face drop, and she starts crying. It was hilarious. DH took the mask more mask playing.:rotfl:

I predict a nap in my future. :rotfl:
Men always have a tendency to push the limits. ;) I bet your dh felt bad when he made her cry.

I hope your dog and your neighbor recover!

A nap in your future??????? Noooooooooooo, not you! :rolleyes1 :lmao:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: See? By the time I finished that post, she'd signed off for naptime! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ;)
Hello, guys! I've had a busy day so far. My dad and brothers and I are planning to film a "movie" so we went out location scouting... it is so hot out! :faint:

I woke up to some disturbing news this morning. My mom is Type 2 diabetic and she has to take a large dose of slow-acting insulin in the evening and a small dose of fast-acting insulin in the morning. Well last night she got them mixed up and took a large dose of the fast-acting insulin (she didn't know it). Well she was about to go to bed but my younger brother started talking to her and after a while she noticed her vision getting worse and worse and she started to feel weird and then she was like, uh oh. Her sugar levels were dangerously low and that's when she realized her mistake. She's told us all a million and one times what to do if she ever goes into like a diabetic coma or whatever and so my younger brother started giving her sugar and candy and stuff to try to make her sugar go up. It finally did after a couple of hours, but :scared1:. If she'd gone to bed like she planned she would have died in the night. :worried: My dad says that from now on she has to have one of us kids witness which insulin she's using at which time so she doesn't make that mistake again. She's fine, but not something you want to wake up and hear. :eek:

I am glad your mother is ok. My father was diabetic to and had to take 2 kinds of medications like your mother.

It ok to feel that way you are right now, perfectly natural .:grouphug:

Great outcome on the yard sale.:)

I went out to eat at 99 again. I had a great seafood caserole!:love:
Tommorow my sil is taking me to the Music Tent to a production of Disney;s High School Musical. It has already added 5 more shows ! Some
local teens are in the production.:wizard:
Me DH just loves gelato (is that how you spell it) since he had some at Beach Club Villas...The Dove ice-cream is very nice too! For me in VT, definitely Ben & Jerry's New York Superfudge Chunk!

Gelato and Gelati are two different things:) . I love them both. Gelato describes a type of creamy Italian ice cream and gelati is a dessert where you mix custard with italian water ice. At least that's my observation.
I went out to eat at 99 again. I had a great seafood caserole!:love:
Tommorow my sil is taking me to the Music Tent to a production of Disney;s High School Musical. It has already added 5 more shows ! Some
local teens are in the production.:wizard:
That's always more fun when local people are in the show. I still remember long ago when there was a production of The Sound of Music and several of my friends were in it.
I finally got to eat out tonight too! My mom had given dh and I a gift certificate for our anniversary last month. I had no idea what to fix for dinner and remembered the cert. It was great!

Next week will be a lot of take out or delivery food since my kitchen will be under 'deconstruction' all week. Tomorrow evening I have to remove all the food from the pantry, appliances and such off the counters, etc. We'll wait to see if the guy actually shows up on Monday to cover cabinets, counters, vents, etc. with plastic. I'm not really looking forward to this disaster. :rolleyes:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: See? By the time I finished that post, she'd signed off for naptime! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ;)
You're absolutely correct...I crashed soon after that. And I just woke up about 10 minutes ago...only because my cell rang.:rotfl: If that hadn't happened, I'd still be asleep and DH would be waking me up to o to bed.:rotfl:

And he felt REALLY bad that he made a little girl cry. That NEVER has happened before. He usually makes them LAUGH!
I'm just posting while dinner cooks, and I'm too lazy to go back and multi-quote, so I'll see what I can remember...

Nancy, glad you survived your block sale; and Kathy, glad you enjoyed your party (despite your DH's efforts to the contrary! :scared1:)

Rachel, that must have been really frightening with your mom! :hug: Glad she's okay!

Tammy, "Feelin' Groovy" has always been a favorite of mine--appropriate that you posted some of the lyrics! :hippie: And, Lynn, I laughed out loud when I read your comment about how I "saw things" in Haight Ashbury! It all seemed pretty normal to me....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Today was another good day. I really think I'm starting to get the hang of this medication, or at least I'm just adjusting to a new reality! :hippie: I drove DD to Target today with no ill effects, and I've gotten a lot done around the house. I'll have to work my butt off in the next week and a half before I leave for Sioux Falls. If I don't at least start my time away with a clean house, I'd hate to see what I'll come home to after leaving the family alone for a week! :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Nanu: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
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