Going to WDW last week of August: Should we avoid early entry or use it


Earning My Ears
Feb 18, 2001
We will be staying at Contemporary last week in August. I've read in several places to avoid the early entry parks during the summer. But since many of the schools are back in session by then, should I follow "summer" crowd-avoiding touring tips (such as avoiding early entry parks)or is there a noticeable difference in the crowds that late in August?
If you are early risers then I definitely recommend e-e. You can get a lot done befopre noon when the crowds swell.

If you cannot get your gang out of bed to wtach the gate open then adopt the strategy of statying away from e-e parks that day and going to the park the day after ee.

Hoosll Do It
Cont -'84
Poly - '90
WL - Dec '00 - Big 5-0
WL - Aug/Sep '02 ?!?
You may want to consider going to the early entry park until about noon, when it gets really packed...and then hop over to another park for the rest of the day.



Disneyland - 1974
Disneyland - 1975
Disneyland - 1976
Disneyland - 1978
Disneyland - 1980
WDW - 1990
WDW - 1992
WDW - 1999
WDW - 2001 (4/28-5/5)
I have done the park hopping strategy for an e-e day, and it worked out great, We even had time for a refreshing nap halfway through the day!
I'd go to EE parks in August b/c it'll be a little cooler (relative term, I know.....) in the early morning. You can probably get a lot done before it gets really HOT!
We went the last week of August last year. Did not do e-e...didn't really need to. We walked on just about everything (except Buzz and Space Mountain, for which we used fastpass). I agree that it might be cooler earlier. :cool:
We went this past year August 2000 thru set 2000
and it was really hot the parks were crowded but the Fast Pass was a God sent! And the early entry the parks were basically dead! You hardly waited at all! It's a good thing if like the others said you're an early riser and can get everyone up and out early!!!
We use EE also, but get out of the park by noon. High Noon, great movie. Think I'll go rent it. :D

Don, DVC/VWL 2000

OS/90, BC/95, WL/97, Cont/98&99, Poly/99, DxL/00, CBR/00
Thank you for all your input. Since we are early-risers, I think we will go with early-entry especially to avoid the hot noonday sun. Thanks again!
I would def recommend going non e-e, at least during busy seasons. There is a remarkably noticeable difference in numbers. I guess 14,000 hotel rooms worth of guests all going to one park really fill that one up. It's insane.

Also, where I'm from, NY (where it's all about the brass), schools aren't in sesion until early September, and I'm sure other states are like that too. So, there'll still be thousands of New Yorkers down there.




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