going to MK in late AM/early PM


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
We will be in WDW the first week of June with our 9 month old DS. We know that we can't spend an entire day at MK because his needs come first. What I was wondering was if we'd be crazy to go to the MK after opening, late morning or early afternoon. I really think that DS will do much better if he gets his AM nap in first. What do you all think? Thanks! Leslie :cool:
Honestly, that is not when I would go to the MK. It tends to fill up by late a.m. We always LEAVE at the time you're talking about going. Unless you are going at a non-busy time of year, I would have trouble recommending that plan. If you are there during the off-season, of course, it would probably work fine.
If you are set on this plan you need to plan in as many advantages as you can.Make sure the day you go is AFTER or BEFORE an EE day.

Example:Don't go on a Wednesday if EE was on Monday or Friday.The best day would be either Tuesday or Thursday.

Also,try and enter during lunch time(11:00-12:00).Hopefully most people will be eating lunch or the really early arrivers wil be heading to another park or to their hotels.

Another thing would be to go at the time of the afternoon parade(usually 3:00).You couldn't walk down Main Street but you could take the railroad to Toon Town or wherever and hopefully most people would be at the parade.
Good luck!
We went to Disneyland when one of our DSs was 8 months old. He slept in his stroller (we brought our own-more comfortable for him) for his naps dring the 2 days we were there. You will be able to do so much more if you can be there when the parks open. Could you go early and return to your resort mid-day for a nap? Good luck and have fun!


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