Going in Jan and looking for buffets


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Mar 4, 2000
Bizzibee and I are going with my 10yr old dgrdd as well as will sons 24. We like to eat at the buffets about 1 p.m. We will be in all 4 parks (different days of course) so are looking for good and filling buffets. The one place where I think we are going to eat is in Japan. My ds wants to eat there. I know it's not a buffet but he really wants to eat there. He also thinks La Cellier is good as he and a friend ate there once but I haven't eaten there. I am thinking about that one too but am not sure. The rest I really would prefer buffets. Are there any suggestions? Character buffets in the parks are what I am looking for.
Hmmm, let's see.

Oh, to start - if you're talking about Teppanyaki, you'll get small bland portions at big prices :( But that was just our experience. We've had much better dinners at Benihana (at the DTD Hilton) and Arigato's (in Clearwater, where I grew up).

For theme park buffets/all you can eat, you've got:

MK: Crystal Palace, Liberty Tree Tavern, CRT breakfast
Epcot: Akershus Princess Breakfast, Garden Grill, Akershus dinner, Biergarten
MGM: Hollywood and Vine

Out of those, Crystal Palace, Liberty Tree Tavern (dinner only), CRT breakfast, Akershus Princess breakfast, and Garden Grill are character meals. We've done CP, LTT, and GG. Crystal Palace is *fantastic* - the food variety is amazing, it's always fresh, and character interaction is great, even for us two 20-somethings. We love LTT and GG as well, for the same reasons. But we enjoy CP most out of those.

Le Cellier is fantastic as well, by the way - it's our favorite restaurant both at Disney and anywhere. We've been there more than any other Disney restaurant (except maybe Kona Cafe?).
If you would like Resort choices don't forget Boma at AKL, Chef mickey's at Cont, Also not a Buffet but Family style are Whispering Canyon & Ohanas.

Know the buffets , go with hubby, 4 teenage boys who love them. These are some of our favorites

The best deal is Fort Wilderness , they have breakfast, lunch and dinner, I like breakfast the best.

We eat every new year eve at MGM Hollywood & Vine

I liked Fresh at Dolphin but the "men" didnt because of the atmosphere they didnt like. They felt it had too many "old" people :confused3

And really recommend Crystal Palace at MK, they make an effort with the characters if your 10 yr old is in to that, but the food is great

Thanks for all the replies. It seems that the Garden Grill will be down in Jan. which isn't great because it's Bizzibee's fav. The CP was really nice last year. That was the first time I had been there in many years, actually 19 to be exact and my dh & I were really happy with it. We thought my dgrdd would like that one. We really don't want to go to any of the resorts. We are looking at stopping during our time at the different parks for a breather and some food. We were also thinking of buffets so that we could have breakfast in the room and then if we have a big lunch we won't need a lot for supper.
You definitely can't go wrong with Crystal Palace! Also, I would consider Chef Mickey's at the Contemporary. It is easy to get to since it is on the monorail line.
I forgot Boma is at Animal Kingdom lodge. We really are only interested in the spots in the park. I don't think they want to leave the park to eat and then go back.
Don't discount BOMA's yet. Remember parks usually close early in January, so you might want to make your way over to BOMA later - besides the meal, they can sit out afterwards around a fire, there are animals you can look for, and at certain times there are "seminars." (Call about their schedule when you get closer).
One of the reasons for liking BOMA is that it gives you a nice intro. to the african culture and cuisine and the lodge is awesome w/ artifacts, etc.

Another option you might want to consider is DD. IF your passes include Disney Quest you might be able to get them out of there for a bite of pizza at Wolfgang Puck's or on the other side there's Raniforest Cafe.
Rainforest is not my favorite place, but they used to have the best quesadilla's.
If you're going to be at Epcot you might want to try Germany's buffet.
Reasonable price, reasonable food and entertainment is included.

If you're the adveturous type you might want to try Morocco. I thought they used to have a lunch buffet - alas, my hubby is not much into lamb or mediterranean spices - so I don't have more info.
GOOD LUCK!!! :wave:
okapi said:
If you're going to be at Epcot you might want to try Germany's buffet.
Reasonable price, reasonable food and entertainment is included.

If you're the adveturous type you might want to try Morocco. I thought they used to have a lunch buffet - alas, my hubby is not much into lamb or mediterranean spices - so I don't have more info.
GOOD LUCK!!! :wave:

Germany's excellent and authentic - we just went again last night. :)

Morocco is really tame, actually - there isn't anything wild and crazy there, and there are plenty of choices, even for your husband, okapi. There's only a little bit of lamb, and the spices in many of the dishes aren't detectable as "mediterranean."
okapi I think I will look into Boma's now. You have made a great argument for it. Also, after hearing what the school had to say about my dgrdd it would be a great learning experience for her by the sounds of it. We are having a meeting on Sunday afternoon and I think I will bring it up.
Another character breakfast buffet is at Donald's Breakfastosaurus in AK. We've been there several times and have always enjoyed the food and the service. Plus it's one of the few places you can find Donald. :D
Thanks for that "feed"back Forever42. I've just talked my DH into trying Spoodles again (he's not a feta man either - I don't know how he'd survive in Greece...and he talks about traveling there someday) LOL.
And tigercat, wish you luck w/ Boma's. :teleport:
I really like the Crystal Palace at MK for lunch.
Hollywood and Vine is great at MGM, but I think it's only open for dinner now.

a trip to the AKL (a five minute bus ride from the AK) would be VERY worth it!!! It is only open for dinner (YUM). I would take your time there and just take a cab back to your resort, so you can linger and enjoy the resort.

Epcot- GERMANY-no contest!!!! We just ate there two months ago-it was WONDERFUL!!! :cheer2:
The Cape May Cafe has an outstanding seafood buffet. :smooth:
We have never been buffet fans (too many Las Vegas vacations) but like all things Disney their buffets break the mold. Our favorite buffets are Boma (breakfast and dinner), Cape May Cafe (dinner), Angels (off site at Holiday Niki Tiki off 192). Sorry I don't have any buffet suggestions for the parks we normally have reservations at the sit-downs, or just graze on snacks.


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