Go Home, December. You're Drunk. - A December 2015 TR - COMPLETED

Well Hello there!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New year!

Great start to your trip! So sorry your Aunt is cutting the days down. That's the pits. The Christmas party is fantastic!!! Just love it!

I WILL get to Universal one day.. I WILL!!!

Great pictures of AoA.. Oh How i miss it already!!!
So awesome you got chosen! Ever since seeing fantasmic last week DS has been asking where he can get a "magic stick" like Mickey had. Of course Ollivander's is the answer, but with a baby on the way we won't be back to Orlando until at least 2017. Guess he'll have to wait!
It's worth the wait! He'll love it when ya'll do take them there!

I need to get some better friends! Yay for free tickets!!
I'm lucky in that working in the industry, I often get hook-ups here and there. It certainly doesn't suck! :D

Awesome. You are the perfect person to be chosen by a wand! I skipped this last trip because the lines were always massive - I'm hoping that staying onsite will let me beat the hordes of people next trip.
Pro-Tip from my friend who's a TM there, for when you do go again: Go first thing in the morning to the one in Diagon Alley, not Hogsmeade. When they built the one in Hogsmeade, they underestimated just how popular it would be. So when they built the one in Diagon Alley, they had learned their lesson, and they built it with more "theaters" in order to handle more people at once. :thumbsup2

Bummer that you had to leave so early but glad you got to do so much in the few hours you were there.
Just getting picked at Ollivander's made it worth going! :hyper:

See we don't really do valet parking here in Australia (some of the bigger international hotels do but that's about it) so I can understand their apprehension about leaving your vehicle with someone else!
I don't know that I would necessarily trust valet anywhere but Disney. (I also don't get on any boats but Disney boats!) :laughing:

That would have been awesome! Thanks for posting a video of the wand selection, too. It is cool what they do with it. :)
It's VERY cool! I'm glad you appreciated it. I knew I couldn't even begin to do it justice by trying to just describe it myself! :sad2:

I'm glad to read your good review of 'Ohana. We have an ADR for it in June. We'll be at POR on a free dining bounce back and I was really looking forward to taking the family there. I've read some bad reviews lately. It is nice to hear it is still good.
You know, I've read the bad reviews too, but honestly... Ohana has NEVER let me down! It's always been consistently wonderful when I've gone, and I've gone every trip since 2005! ::yes::

I had the gluten free dessert at 'Ohana in 2013 and it was ice cream with the cookies, but no berries. I would love to have the one your aunt had. :)
She was really happy with it!

Gonna have to plead Universal ignorance on this one so you've got some shirt explainin' to do ; )
It's a Harry Potter thing! Have you seen the films?

Shocker there. When in doubt never trust GPS is my motto. We had one literally try and drive us into a river one time ; )
In general, I don't trust them myself. I've worked in the travel industry long enough and have fielded enough calls from lost tourists who followed their GPS into the Hood. No thank you! :laughing:

SCORE is an understatement. So lucky to get free tickets.
I'm a lucky gal! :goodvibes

I've never heard of this before (another shocker I'm sure) but it looks so cool. And how lucky to get picked on your birthday!!!!!
I know!! I couldn't believe it!! I was just giddy with excitement!! :hyper:

We stayed in the Lion King section of AoA before and I never made it down to the Little Mermaid section. All the decorations are perfection and look especially wonderful at night. #LackOfPhotosMadeUpFor
It's quite a hike to the LM section, so I understand not making it over there. It is really super cute, though! (There will be lots of pics of the other sections later, too!)

Love this. Wish I'd seen it when we were there, Casey would love it
They have a purple version, too! I found them both in the BouTiki gift shop! Only ones like them I saw all week. (I'm usually on the lookout for cute hair flowers!) :cutie:

It's not a trip to Poly until someone gets lei'd ; )
That's what I'm saying! :laughing:

You got picked!!! Wow! I would have been flipping out! What a fun memory and an awesome birth souvenir.
I was flipping out on the inside!!! I think I kept my composure on the outside. I think. I hope. :rotfl:

I'm sorry you didn't get to spend much time in Universal. But it sounds like a fun afternoon exploring AOA. We never made it down to the LM section when we stayed there so I love those pictures. And that lobby is just amazing!
The lobby is beautiful! That check-in desk and all the colors... just so pretty!!

Yum, dinner sounds amazing all around. Great seats and delicious food!!
It was definitely a good experience! :goodvibes

I thought I was the only one who yelled at the GPS lady. When I use it at home I almost always go a different way than she trys to send me. :laughing:
On the rare occasion that I even bother requesting her assistance, I often ignore her, too. :rotfl:

Such lovely, lovely photos! So many fun hardscapings at AoA. Yeah, dang it for missing Sam's! Can't wait to try that out with DISFriends!
I am still kicking myself for forgetting all about Trader Sam's! :headache: Next time, dangit!

I was just looking at the Universal portion of the DIS here and it grows on me. I'm not a huge Potter Fan, but the theming here just screams, "Well done!" and good theming draws me in.... Next trip, after October, I just may take the plunge. Disney's dollars just don't stretch like they used to.
The theming is AMAZING. Seriously above and beyond. Disney is going to have to really out-do themselves with Star Wars land in order to compete with it.

How very Potterpropriate
Thanks, I thought so!

That's so cool. Congrats.
Never underestimate FlowerPower
It was totally the flower that did it... It must have just made me look so whimsical and charming, and denoted me as not just your average muggle! :flower:

Yay!!!! Can't wait till I get to explore
I can't wait for you to, either!

Especially a selfie with this one!
I'm going to hold you to that promise!

Love this pic! You look fantastic!
Thank you!!! :cutie:

Hopefully it's not too late for me to join in! I was grabbed by your title. :rotfl:
Never ever too late! :welcome:

How awesome that y'all were able to get comp tickets to Universal! Otherwise it's soooooo expensive for a 1 day park to park, but I guess they know people are going to pay it, so they know they can charge through the nose for them! Extremely cool that you were chosen at Ollivander's. I'd love to get chosen someday, but I would really love for my son to be chosen! He's five and just getting into the Harry Potter thing. :thumbsup2 The shirt you made is so cute too!
They really are expensive, so I know I'm very lucky to know somebody who works there! And the Ollivander's thing is AWESOME! I'm sure your kiddo would love it!

I've been a bad DISfriend! I've gotten so far behind!
It's okay! If that's true, then I'm a bad DISfriend, too! I'm always chronically behind on all of ya'lls threads! :scared:

OH no! Clearly Aunt Debby has not let go of her park touring shyness yet! Pictures must be taken!
Don't worry, she gets over it slowly! By the end of the week, I was getting her in all kinds of Photopass pics! :thumbsup2

Well, ya, naturally you have to buy it, it CHOSE you! And it's an awesome one to boot!
Absolutely! I just couldn't leave it there after it CHOSE me! It had to come home with me! ::yes::

Not cool, at all. Attention must be paid.
Even if they didn't want to pay attention, then at least SHUT UP and don't ruin the attraction for the other people riding with you. Common courtesy!! >:(

I can kinda see where this is going with Aunt Debby and why you mentioned before how solo touring is more your style. Disney is a marathon sport, for sure!
I tried to prepare her, I swear! :rolleyes1 And it's not her fault that she wasn't feeling well right before we left, either. It took several days to get through that, plus the amount of walking and wear & tear on her feets was understandably overwhelming. But it did cause me to have alter the plans, which was a bummer at the time, but I also understood. :-)

Hi Billie! :wave2: I couldn't get my iPad to copy this photo of you in front of the white Christmas tree but I wanted to tell you I think it's beautiful! Love the lighting, it's like you're glowing!
Aww, thanks! I'm relatively pleased with it, too! (It's actually my Facebook profile picture right now!) :goodvibes

Score table by the window! So glad your Aunt and Uncle liked Ohana.
Me too! I think their favorite thing about the whole trip might have been the food! :rotfl:

Happy New Year Billie pixiedust: Very awesome getting picked for the wand ceremony! The line was always SO long when we were there in Aug. even though the park wasn't crowded, we didn't get a chance to go in :(
I keep reading that from different people on here! I must have lucked out, because both times that I've done it now, it wasn't that bad! :confused3

I thought the LM section was so adorable and just ......happy! Like how can you not be happy walking through there each day? My favorite section was the Cars section though, but the whole resort is such a well themed place you can't help like it even if values aren't your thang :goodvibes
While my preference is still Moderates or Deluxes, I do love the big bright cheery theming of the Values. And AoA is the BEST out of them all, for sure! :P

Love your trip report! I have a question for you....Did you have to be there when Walker Mobility delivered to the hotel or would they drop it off a bell services for you to pick up when you checked in? It has been years since we have been and I thought they dropped off at the hotel last time, but maybe I used a different company?? We will be arriving late at night but want the ECV there for the next morning when we head to the parks. Is Walker the only company you have used?
:welcome: To answer your questions, Walker Mobility is NOT one of the companies that will leave the ECV with bell services at you resort. You do have to schedule a time for drop-off and pick-up with them. I had my reservations about doing it that way, but in my case, it worked out just fine. In the past I have rented from Buena Vista Scooters, who WILL leave it at bell services for you. I decided to try a different company on this trip because my experience with Buena Vista Scooters has been that 3 out of the 4 scooters I've rented from them have been falling apart. On my next trip, I'm giving Apple Scooters a try, which is another company that WILL leave the ECV at bell services, so I'll have a review of their services towards the end of the year!

Well Hello there!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New year!
Mo! OMG, it's Mo! Hi, Mo! :wave2: Happy Holidays to you!

Great start to your trip! So sorry your Aunt is cutting the days down. That's the pits. The Christmas party is fantastic!!! Just love it!
Yeah, it was tough missing out on so much. But it's okay... After another day or so, once I felt comfortable that they could make it around on their own, I started just letting them head back to the room while I stayed out late and played! :goodvibes

I WILL get to Universal one day.. I WILL!!!
It's WORTH IT! Do it, dude. Your three lil' nuggets would love it, too! ::yes::

Great pictures of AoA.. Oh How i miss it already!!!
More pics to come soon! I went pic crazy at AoA! :D
*knock* *knock*

Loving all your selfies and your castle pic too - you did not look awful, lol. FAR from it!

How exciting to get chosen for a wand ceremony! My BFF's son was chosen on our Universal day (which I have yet to write up) so I just assumed it was only a kid thing. Lucky you! You're right about the one in Diagon Alley being easier to get into. We had no wait there.

I have no choice but to be that crazy lady taking pics of her food and stuff!

Hey, I resemble that remark!

I am still kicking myself for forgetting all about Trader Sam's! :headache: Next time, dangit!

I'll go an extra time to make up for your lack of visitation. Oh, the trials of being your DIS friend. ;)
*knock* *knock*

Loving all your selfies and your castle pic too - you did not look awful, lol. FAR from it!
You are TOO sweet! :cutie:

How exciting to get chosen for a wand ceremony! My BFF's son was chosen on our Universal day (which I have yet to write up) so I just assumed it was only a kid thing. Lucky you! You're right about the one in Diagon Alley being easier to get into. We had no wait there.
It makes a huge difference, doesn't it?! ::yes::

Hey, I resemble that remark!
Me too, actually. :rotfl:

I'll go an extra time to make up for your lack of visitation. Oh, the trials of being your DIS friend. ;)
You're a such a good person! :thumbsup2

Such a lovely visit, thank you for sharing; I'm looking forward to more.
I'm planning my 35th birthday party, this early August, in Disneyland :-)
I'm writing more now! And I'm planning on Disneyland for my 40th birthday! :cloud9:
December 6th, 2015 - Sunday
Epcot, and Hollywood Studios!

I think I overslept just a tad this morning. I remember rushing around, to the extent that later I realized I forgot to pack something important in my park bag. Uh oh! :scratchin

We boarded our bus, and I can't remember why, but we were running a bit late for our breakfast ADR. I think we had to wait forever for an Epcot bus, but I could be wrong. I can't for the life of me remember why we were running late, though! I just remember trying to keep panic at bay, and even calling Disney Dining from the bus to find out just how late we could be before we lost our ADR. (The answer, by the way, is 15 minutes.) It would be cutting it close, but I felt reassured that we could make it!


On the way, I also got a text from a friend. See, a good friend of mine from high school, Bruce, and his wife Amie, and their new baby were all in WDW, too! I hadn't seen Bruce in maaaaaany years, and had only ever talked with Amie via Facebook. We knew we wanted to get together, but different plans and schedules were making it hard. They were just staying across the bridge over at Pop Century, and they wanted to come over to AoA and check it out anyhow, so we agreed to meet up there at some point during the week. Amie was texting me that morning to make sure that day was okay, and I told her what time we planned on being back at the resort for our afternoon break, and that I would text her when we made it back. Hooray!

So we got to the park, cleared bag check, and made our way through the turnstiles, we made a sharp left and headed over to the ECV/Scooter rentals. Why? After the pain of the last two days, Debby decided to try giving a scooter a try today. Hooray! (This made me a very happy girl!) So we got her all saddled up, and off we went!

It turns out mine went faster than hers, so they sent me on ahead to get us checked-in before we ran out of time, and they came up behind me shortly after. We parked our rides, and then patiently waited for my name to be called so that we could head into...


Even thought this was my first time here, I'd already read what the deal was, and knew that we would get thrown into a meet & greet... and photo op... with Belle (my favorite!) that couldn't be escaped! Bahahaha! Picture time FINALLY!


Finally, ya'll get to meet Uncle Mark and Aunt Debby! Aren't they adorable?! And yep, I'm rockin' that tiara for my royal conference with the princesses, of course! princess:

We were sat at our table, which was literally right across from Belle's spot! So we were able to sit and watch others coming in and interacting with her. It was really neat!

Apparently the princesses had just started their rounds in another room, which was fine by us, it gave us plenty of time to hit the cold bar and get whatever noms we wanted from there. Our hot platter arrived shortly after, complete with Mickey waffles (at my request!).

I forgot to take photos of ANY food here, even half-eaten food photos. Sorry! To Google we go!


To hear more of my thoughts on the food and service, visit my Dining Report (with more Googled pictures) HERE!

And then of course, the ladies started making their way around to visit each of us!








They were all super sweet! Sadly, it was so loud in there, we couldn't hear half of what they were saying to us. :laughing: They they all put in the effort anyhow, God love them!

After our delicious royal breakfast, we headed back down to Future World for our first FP+ of the day, and made our way into Spaceship Earth. From there it was over to the Seas pavilion, starting with a FP+ ride on Nemo & Friends, then touring the aquariums. In a fashion unlike myself (again), I took ZERO pictures in here. Not even of my beloved manatees (whom I visited with for quite some time).


Then we headed over to the Land pavilion. I was hoping to sneak in a ride on Living With the Land before our 3rd and final FP, but the line was 45 minutes long. WHAT? :eek: Nope! So we just found a place to sit and rest a bit over near the entrance for our next destination... Soarin'!

Now anybody who followed my PTR for this trip might remember that I was putting quite a bit of thought into how to get Debby on this ride. She heeded my advice that I gathered here, and bought and brought with her the SeaBands to wear to help keep her motion sickness at bay. I passed on all the advice that you all were so kind to provide, including the tip about closing her eyes for a moment during the golf course scene, or any other time she started to feel woozy. So what did she decide? Did she or didn't she take a chance?


SHE DID!!! And she loved it!!! :goodvibes She did have to close her eyes at parts, but not for too long. I was soooooo proud of her!

From there, we made our way up into World Showcase, and did a bit of exploring. I had a goal for us to get from Canada through America done this day. They weren't all that interested in Canada, but we did spend a bit of time browsing in the U.K. I have quite a number of people in my nerdy circle of friends who are massive fans of Dr. Who. I don't watch it myself, but I couldn't help snapping this pic in one of the shops and posting it to my Facebook just to taunt them...


Also as we left the UK area, I thought this was cute so I took a picture (too bad the lighting it terribad)...


We continued on into France, and murmurs about lunch arose, so we went to check out Boulangerie Patisserie les Halles. This was a bucket list item for me, and so I was happy that Mark and Debby were able to find something they could eat!


Looks good, right? It was some sort of cheesey hammy croissant. It was crazy tasty, as was the frozen coffee and the mousse dessert thingy thing. I'll do my research and go into more detail on my Dining Report over HERE!

I will say it was craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy busy. Is it always like this? I wish I had taken a photo, it would have been a perfect opportunity to show just how ridiculously crowded the parks were while we were there. We had to stalk down a table, and came very close to just having to eat standing up. I finally spotted one outside, and literally had to bellow across the noisy interior of the restaurant to get Mark & Debby's attention (which I don't think they loved, but I think they were thankful to get to sit and enjoy lunch).

After lunch, as we made our way out, a circle started to form around a couple of fellas, carrying tables and chairs. Sure enough, it was France's street performers. It was very funny, and pretty amazing. I had a great view, so I grabbed my phone to do a video, and... 3% battery. No problem! Reach into my bag for my portable battery charger... And the pocket was empty. And that's when it dawned on me that it was sitting on the nightstand in my hotel room. DOH! :headache: So I decided to try and use that 3% wisely, and wait until a really cool moment in the show to try snap a couple pics. And that moment came, and I snapped... and the phone went black. Dead. Finished. Oh well, I tried! :laughing:


When the show wrapped up, we made our way over to Morocco, which I just looooove walking around in and checking out all the neat stuff and smells. I adore the way this pavilion is designed, especially once you get deeper into the back of it. We wandered a bit, but didn't buy anything.

Up next was Japan, where I had goals! Again, if you were following my PTR, you know that I had bought and brought with me a couple of pearl cages so that I could do the Pick-A-Pearl but not have to pay for a setting. I took Mark and Debby over to the counter and told them about it, and got Debby to help me pick an ugly hairy gnarly clam. Then they went off to shop, but didn't make it back in time for my turn. So... no photos. :oops:

But I did get my pearl, and it was soooooo... unremarkable. :rotfl: Seriously. Average color, average size. lol. I've done it twice now, and both times got boring pearls. Oh well! I had fun, and it looks cute in the rose-shaped pearl cage that I brought. I wear it every day now (which in this close-up photo I just took today, I can see that it needs to be cleaned up, it's looking bad!):


By this time they were done shopping, where as I hadn't even gotten started, so I didn't get to spend near as much time in here as I like to. I tore off to the very back of the store to the snack foods section, because I always like picking up a few things here. I quickly grabbed two old favorites...



On my way back up front to the counter, I spotted a cute little knick-knack for my desk at work. I love pink, and I love owls, so I brought this little guy home with me...


(The part that looks like brown speckles didn't photograph well... That's actually a very fine gold glitter paint.)

We headed over to the American Adventure next, but I could tell they were pooped and ready for a break, and I'm not enough of a patriotic person to really get excited for this pavilion, so we bypassed it and just made our was around World Showcase, heading back towards the front of the park for a much-deserved break before our evening plans.

As we made our way around, my battery problems continued on. At this point we'd been in the park for about 8 hours, our longest outing with yet. And this poor pink princess scooter from Walker Mobility was strugggggling. I was shocked, because the ones I'm used to renting from Buena Vista Scooters always carried me through the night. It was creeping along so slowly that Mark was actually pushing me along. I got to thinking about it, and realized that it may not have enough power to get up the ramp onto the bus, much less from the bus stop at AoA allllll the way back to my room in the LM section. :scared:


So a plan had to be formed. I told Mark & Debby that I would go to the ECV rental station at the front of the park (where we had to go to return Debby's scooter anyhow), because I knew they would let me plug in for as long as I needed to. They could go on back to the room, and I would hang around and put 20 minutes or so worth of juice into my scooter, then make my own way back to the resort. They were apprehensive, but eventually agreed, insisting that I take Debby's phone that way I could call them if I needed to. No worries, I got this!

As usual, the CMs at the ECV rental station were very understanding and accommodating, and let me pull right into their bay and plug in for as long as I needed to. Since I couldn't walk very far on my own from there without hurting, and my phone was dead... What's a girl to do to pass the time?


SLEEP. :rotfl: Took me a quick scooter nap while sitting there letting it charge a bit! I woke up from my snooze after the desired 20 minutes, unplugged, and was on my way to the bus! Everything was going swimmingly until I got back to the resort... when it slowwwwwwed down again... Creeeeepin'... I'm moseying along through the Lion King section, praying it makes it alllll the way back to my room! I'm trudging along, slowly but surely, and grumbling to myself, trying to figure out what to tell Amie when I got back to the room to explain my lateness and lack of communication, and bummed that all of it meant I probably wouldn't be seeing them.

I reach the round courtyard thingy between the Lion King and Little Mermaid sections, and I look off in the distance, exiting the Little Mermaid area, and I see a young couple pushing a baby stroller. I stop. I squint. I peer.

Then the guy raises both arms, flailing them at me. IT WAS BRUCE AND AMIE!


When we reach each other, I jumped up and hugged them both fiercely, apologizing profusely for dropping off the face of the earth like that, and explaining what had happened. Turns out that Amie had tried messaging me a few times, but when she didn't get a reply, they decided to go ahead and head over to AoA and walk around, and hope maybe they would run into me. And they DID! I was soooo ecstatic... that I totally forgot to take a picture. Again. Fail. :sad2:


I couldn't stay and visit too long though, unfortunately. I needed to get that sad scooter of mine back to the room and plugged in, because we had more park touring ahead of us that night. Plus I was POOPED and needed to lay my head down and catch a real nap if I was going to make it. So we said our goodbyes, with hopes to meet back up before the week was over.

By the grace Mickey, my poor scooter did manage to limp all the way back to my room. I got her all plugged in for a couple hours of charging, and popped next door to Mark and Debby's room quickly to return their phone and let them know I made it safely. Then I was back in my own room and CRASHED!


After quite possibly the BEST.NAP.EVER., I got up and freshened up, saddled my scooter back up and asked it nicely to pleeeease get me through the night. The three of us boarded our bus to Hollywood Studios, and upon arrival grabbed a scooter for Debby, then went in search of food. I took us over to the Sunset Boulevard market thingy, since it has such a variety of quick-service options. Strangely, only a couple of them were open, despite the place being packed! So we ended up at Fairfax Fare. But were NOT disappointed!


Can't ever go wrong with chicken & ribs! NOM! (You know what to do... Dining Report HERE!)

After dinner, we beelined it for the Great Movie Ride, which had a surprisingly short wait. Debby liked the idea of a nice long seated chill-out ride, and this made her very happy! I know it's pretty dated, but I love it anyhow. And the new pre-show film and the new film and the very end (both installed as part of TCM's relatively new sponsorship of the attraction) were really good!

Next we headed over to Toy Story Midway Mania, as I was hoping this late into the evening and Extra Magic Hours was happening now, that the wait would have died down... No such luck. It was at an hour or so.


NOPE! No thanks! Onward!

Originally I had planned on us doing Muppets 3-D next, but we didn't. As much as I love it, Debby let it slip earlier in the day that they don't much care for the Muppets, and I didn't want to make them sit through it. So I skipped it. I realize it'll probably be gone forever before I make this year's trip down, but oh well!

And besides... By this point, I could already see a glow in the sky that was calling to me. That's right, I was headed for the Osborne Lights! Soooo pretttttty! I was really excited, but my companions didn't seem too interested in them. I felt like I was dragging them through, so I didn't stay long. Just enough to snap a few pics...




I love the bikes. I want a bike that that! :p

As we made our way out of the park and passed by the new Star Wars Launch Bay (in the old Animation Courtyard area), I saw a small crowd, and these guys walking along "policing" the area. I wish I could have gotten a better picture of them!


After our very long day, we returned Debby's scooter, and headed back to the bus. My own wheels did managed to hold out until I got back to my room, which was a blessing! After a quick shower, I snuggled into my clam shell bed for some sleepytime. Tomorrow would be a "rest" day, so I was looking forward to sleeping in a bit!

Up Next... Shopping, More AoA, and Disney Springs!
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I was hoping to sneak in a ride on Living With the Land before our 3rd and final FP, but the line was 45 minutes long. WHAT? :eek:

Wow, that is shocking. I don't think I have ever seen any kind of line there, ever.

The scooter issues sound annoying, glad everything worked out though with meeting up with your friends.
SHE DID!!! And she loved it!!! :goodvibes She did have to close her eyes at parts, but not for too long. I was soooooo proud of her!
I'm glad that Debbie agreed to go on Soarin'. It is a fun ride.

we did spend a bit of time browsing in the U.K. I have quite a number of people in my nerdy circle of friends who are massive fans of Dr. Who.
We love the UK store. We are fans of Dr Who, Sherlock and Downton Abbey and they have all those fandoms there. :)

Also as we left the UK area, I thought this was cute so I took a picture (too bad the lighting it terribad)...
Very cute!

I will say it was craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy busy. Is it always like this? I wish I had taken a photo, it would have been a perfect opportunity to show just how ridiculously crowded the parks were while we were there.
We were there the first week of Dec 2013 and it was much more crowded than I expected. In fact, I was shocked! MK got very crowded on the non-party nights and it was some of the worst mobs scenes I ever saw. :(

After dinner, we beelined it for the Great Movie Ride, which had a surprisingly short wait. Debby liked the idea of a nice long seated chill-out ride, and this made her very happy! I know it's pretty dated, but I love it anyhow. And the new pre-show film and the new film and the very end (both installed as part of TCM's relatively new sponsorship of the attraction) were really good!
I love the new updated movie scenes.
An update! Whoo Hoo!

So hopefully this was the only time you had trouble with the battery for the scooter...I wonder if they have break down scooters that have the extended life batteries. I never even got close to running down a battery on mine, but I did diligently plug it in every night.

Glad you got to at least briefly met up with your friends!

I feel your pain on the touring at others speed and likes.

Looks like you all had a good time with the princesses this morning...I need to go read your dining report...were those potatoes to die for or what???

Dinner looks yummy...I have not been to Fairfax Faire in a long time...last time I ate there it still served Mcdonalds fries...we knew where every Mcdonalds fry place in WDW for my then much picky eater son...

I am so sad that I will not be able to check off seeing the Osborne Lights at WDW of my bucket list.

You need to have me with you to pick a pearl...or maybe it was Matt...no, it was me!!! All me! I still have my twin pearls...need to do something with them. :) I am one of the few people that can live without shopping in the Japan store...I know...blasphemy!

I think we need to do a tandem solo trip in April 2017 for my 55th birthday... just saying....
photo op... with Belle (my favorite!) that couldn't be escaped! Bahahaha! Picture time FINALLY!

What a great picture of you all!

I will say it was craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy busy. Is it always like this? I wish I had taken a photo, it would have been a perfect opportunity to show just how ridiculously crowded the parks were while we were there. We had to stalk down a table, and came very close to just having to eat standing up.

Yeah, half of our party in November had to mill around in the store area because we could only get a table with 2 seats.

I was headed for the Osborne Lights! Soooo pretttttty! I was really excited, but my companions didn't seem too interested in them. I felt like I was dragging them through, so I didn't stay long.

That's such a bummer. Sounds like my EPCOT day where I felt like I was dragging the BFF around by the neck and eventually we just sat down somewhere and chilled out because she seemed so bored.
I'm with you, it was really crowded for the time of year and the week, I also noticed that only a couple of the places were open at the Sunset Blvd Market, I was shocked by this for the amount of people that were down there.

Loving your report and I sure hope you didn't have anymore scooter issues!
You are setting the standard, gurl!
#princesslife princess:

I can tell from Aurora's expression that she is thrilled to have a new bestie!
I sure hope so! She was so sweet!

Well, if you were enjoying your communing to such an extent, it must have been very special time indeed.
It always is with my manatees. I just love them!

Yay! Disney magic accomplished!
Yes! I was so thrilled!

I'm worried for DH during spring break, as I expect big crowds. I think I'll be fine for my solo times though.
Just go ahead and prepare him for heavy crowds. It's just gonna happen. If he goes into it with the right attitude, it'll be fine. :thumbsup2

Love. This. Seriously, I thought from all that you had posted that you had already done a full day!
We were in Epcot for 8 hours or so, so we sorta had! We just had a few more things to accomplish that night.

Oh, too bad they weren't feeling the lights. I love just people watching and soaking up the neon shine into my very soul.
Yes, me too!!!

Wow, that is shocking. I don't think I have ever seen any kind of line there, ever.
I know, right?! That just illustrates how unexpectedly crowded it was that week! I wasn't loving it!

The scooter issues sound annoying, glad everything worked out though with meeting up with your friends.
It was super annoying! But I dealt with it. But yeah, running into Bruce and Amie was nice, and made me feel much better!

I'm glad that Debbie agreed to go on Soarin'. It is a fun ride.
I am too! I was so proud of her!

We love the UK store. We are fans of Dr Who, Sherlock and Downton Abbey and they have all those fandoms there. :)
I did see the Sherlock and Downton Abbey stuff, too!

Very cute!
I thought so! :goodvibes

We were there the first week of Dec 2013 and it was much more crowded than I expected. In fact, I was shocked! MK got very crowded on the non-party nights and it was some of the worst mobs scenes I ever saw. :(
Yeah. The first week of December 2009 was a dream! I guess the secret's been let out since then, though. :( And on man, our MK night was the WORST. More crowded than the Saturday I spent there during Spring Break!! :eek:

I love the new updated movie scenes.
Me too!!

An update! Whoo Hoo!
You're welcome! :laughing:

So hopefully this was the only time you had trouble with the battery for the scooter...I wonder if they have break down scooters that have the extended life batteries. I never even got close to running down a battery on mine, but I did diligently plug it in every night.
They do! Walker has three sizes, and they all break down: The Deluxe (regular) for up to 250 lbs (I think), the Heavy Duty Deluxe (up to 425 lbs) which is what I had at this point in the trip, and the Heavy Duty Deluxe Extended Range (up to 500 lbs).

Glad you got to at least briefly met up with your friends!
Me too!!

I feel your pain on the touring at others speed and likes.
Yeah. Learning that I'm better off on my own. :sad2:

Looks like you all had a good time with the princesses this morning...I need to go read your dining report...were those potatoes to die for or what???
Ohhhh, my DR most certainly addresses those taters, don't you worry!

Dinner looks yummy...I have not been to Fairfax Faire in a long time...last time I ate there it still served Mcdonalds fries...we knew where every Mcdonalds fry place in WDW for my then much picky eater son...
The menu was different this year from when I ate there last year, but definitely NOT McDonald's fries anymore either time! :laughing:

I am so sad that I will not be able to check off seeing the Osborne Lights at WDW of my bucket list.
It's okay! There's going to be so many more awesome things for you to check off!

You need to have me with you to pick a pearl...or maybe it was Matt...no, it was me!!! All me! I still have my twin pearls...need to do something with them. :) I am one of the few people that can live without shopping in the Japan store...I know...blasphemy!
I think I definitely need ya'll with me next time! My oyster luck is obviously CRAP!

I think we need to do a tandem solo trip in April 2017 for my 55th birthday... just saying....
Aww, I would LOVE that! I miiiiight be able to sneak in a quick trip in April 2017. Maybe. Possibly. My mom and I are talking about a quick trip in late February, though. If that happens, then no. But if that falls through (and it very well may since it's been like to pulling teeth to try and get her to agree to do a mother/daughter trip with me), then maybe!! :scratchin

What a great picture of you all!
Thanks! I like it, too! Belle's my favorite! (I kinda wanted a photo of just me and her, but I was too shy to ask!)

Yeah, half of our party in November had to mill around in the store area because we could only get a table with 2 seats.
So ridiculous!!!

That's such a bummer. Sounds like my EPCOT day where I felt like I was dragging the BFF around by the neck and eventually we just sat down somewhere and chilled out because she seemed so bored.
Hahaha, yes! We had those moments, too!! Especially on our last night at Epcot! :confused3

I'm with you, it was really crowded for the time of year and the week, I also noticed that only a couple of the places were open at the Sunset Blvd Market, I was shocked by this for the amount of people that were down there.
It was crazy that they didn't have more of them open! It was SO BUSY!!!!!

Loving your report and I sure hope you didn't have anymore scooter issues!
Thanks!!! And scooter issues were a theme of this trip... :rotfl:
Glad you enjoyed Akershus! We've always had good food and good interactions there. We just did CRT breakfast for the first time in Nov. and while the princesses were great (and Merida was there-one of my 2 favorites!) I like the food at Akershus better :thumbsup2

That really stinks you couldn't spend more time seeing the Osborne Lights.

I also like the updates to GMR BUT, I miss all the CM dialogue. We only rode it once in Nov.; I know they still say some of it but our guide had to rush through many parts to finish before........can't remember his name.........started talking, and so much of it has been cut :(
I am loving your report! I am very envious of your ability to catch quick snoozes -- and on your scooter no less! :-)
And yep, I'm rockin' that tiara for my royal conference with the princesses, of course! princess:

Of course! One must be properly attired when meeting fellow princesses

After the pain of the last two days, Debby decided to try giving a scooter a try today. Hooray! (This made me a very happy girl!) So we got her all saddled up, and off we went!
SHE DID!!! And she loved it!!! :goodvibes She did have to close her eyes at parts, but not for too long. I was soooooo proud of her!


Also as we left the UK area, I thought this was cute so I took a picture (too bad the lighting it terribad)...


I would love a cup of tea please. So kind of you to offer.
(That is adorable)

Oh well! I had fun, and it looks cute in the rose-shaped pearl cage that I brought.

Yes it does

I reach the round courtyard thingy between the Lion King and Little Mermaid sections, and I look off in the distance, exiting the Little Mermaid area, and I see a young couple pushing a baby stroller. I stop. I squint. I peer.

Then the guy raises both arms, flailing them at me. IT WAS BRUCE AND AMIE!

Yay! So glad you got to meet up after all.

Originally I had planned on us doing Muppets 3-D next, but we didn't. As much as I love it, Debby let it slip earlier in the day that they don't much care for the Muppets, and I didn't want to make them sit through it. So I skipped it. I realize it'll probably be gone forever before I make this year's trip down, but oh well!

Is it really? Hope I get to see it in May. I have fond memories of seeing it on my last trip.

I snuggled into my clam shell bed for some sleepytime.

I wanna snuggle in a clam shell bed too! Can't come soon enough.
How long did you have to wait for Akershus to ALLOW you in? They were not so nice with us in 2014.
and the picture with all of you and Belle? Looks like your trying your hardest to stay away from her! LOL did she smell???
Yay for the pearl I LOVE that experience! Sun Knee ITCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohh good times.

SHAME they weren't interested in the Osbourn lights!!! What is wrong with them!

Glad you ended up seeing your real friends! that's excellent and better your Pink Carriage made it! YAHOO!
speaking of sleep. I think i am going to fall over here at work!
We had the same table issue at sunshine seasons. I was with my 4 year old alone and carrying a tray precariously loaded with food and this lady stole my table just as I was about to sit down at it. It was nuts, but worth it for the strawberry shortcake!


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