Girls-Only Trip ~ Old planning thread, see first post for new link

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for everyone on facebook, Ms. Sally is beside herself with worry. Please send her good thoughts and such.

I can't begin to tell you how hard today was--thank you Mel for posting Bob's email--I couldn't bring myself to do it. I do know that the family met at Ms. Sally's today as Bob is finally out of quarantine.

the guy in the office next door to my office is a part-time psychic healer--when he's not being a plumbing engineer. (I know--sounds wacky-he just told me this a few weeks ago) I actually went next door to his office today to ask him to send healing thoughts to Dawn. I'm ready to try anything.

Ladies, please keep the prayers and thoughts going. I am also doing visualization and visualizing Dawn in her pj's at next year's Meet and Greet!

Cheryl, I will continue to send Miss Sally fb messages. It is shocking how fast this has escalated. Two days ago, I imagined she would be home soon. :hug:
Great on the healer.

Ladies, I have to be gone this weekend. I hate like heck that I need to be gone, but it can not be helped.

I am going to try and find a computer to catch up, and in the meantime Cheryl is going to keep me informed.


Melody, you are doing so much, don't worry, just go.

Jen, I can't remember if I responded, but loved the update. Cristabel, that dog is a cutie.

Michelle, I've heard of many people who didn't pass the CA bar the first time, but did later.

To Dawn: :hug:
Hi all...I've been battling DIS for weeks now. Often I can't get it to load. Frequently, even when I can get it to load, I can't reply. That's been why I've been MIA.
I've been able to keep up what was happening with Dawn and I am just so sad! Sending hugs to her family and all my DIS friends here who are sick with worry.
I wanted you all to know, since you have been so supportive that I did find out yesterday that I didn't pass the bar. :( I know more for taking it next time, though.

:hug: So sorry to hear about the bar. You'll get it next time! :hug:

I'm just so anxious for news about Dawn.

I just wanted to post something sweet before I go to bed.

God willing everything goes smoothly and she isn't sick or have serious behavioral problems, we may be adding this cutie to our family tomorrow.

Good night.

I hope no one thinks that I don't think Dawn's situation isn't important. This is just my way of keeping myself distracted because if I don't I'll just sit here and my worries will overwhelm me. Dawn, I'm praying right now!

She is a sweetie. Good luck!

Hi all...I've been battling DIS for weeks now. Often I can't get it to load. Frequently, even when I can get it to load, I can't reply. That's been why I've been MIA.
I've been able to keep up what was happening with Dawn and I am just so sad! Sending hugs to her family and all my DIS friends here who are sick with worry.
I wanted you all to know, since you have been so supportive that I did find out yesterday that I didn't pass the bar. :( I know more for taking it next time, though.

Sorry to hear that Michelle. Glad you are already looking forward to next time.

Love and Light to Dawn!
Hi girls--I posted the full update in the Disneyland Community Board from Bob--the news is what I would call "neutral"--no crashes in the nighttime, but still concern that there might have been brain damage. They are weaning her off some of the systems/medications that she is on so they can take her for a brain scan. And I agree with everyone--Dawn would not want us to all be sad and not be happy with happy things in our lives, so with that--Kelly great idea on the Christmas card thing!

I just wanted to post something sweet before I go to bed.

What a face! Have you thought of names? She would be such a lucky doggie to get to be with your family.

And I am keeping myself distracted as much as possible too--so no worries!

Thanks to to everyone who has PMd me--Dawn became such an important part of my life over the last year and I am feeling lost--many times I would call her just to chat on my way to work. It was like having morning coffee with a friend. I keep thinking of things I want to share with her and it's hard because I can't.
And to Michelle--I know many many people who have not passed the bar on the first (or second, third, fourth .. . . ) try and have gone on to do so and have successful careers. I know it's hard to have a family and study when you're the Mom but your family is going to have to do without you and allow you the time and space to study the way you need to for the California bar. It was difficult 25+ years ago when I took it and from what I understand it's worse now.

Best wishes the next time around--
Hi girls--I posted the full update in the Disneyland Community Board from Bob--the news is what I would call "neutral"--no crashes in the nighttime, but still concern that there might have been brain damage. They are weaning her off some of the systems/medications that she is on so they can take her for a brain scan. And I agree with everyone--Dawn would not want us to all be sad and not be happy with happy things in our lives, so with that--Kelly great idea on the Christmas card thing!

What a face! Have you thought of names? She would be such a lucky doggie to get to be with your family.

And I am keeping myself distracted as much as possible too--so no worries!

Thanks to to everyone who has PMd me--Dawn became such an important part of my life over the last year and I am feeling lost--many times I would call her just to chat on my way to work. It was like having morning coffee with a friend. I keep thinking of things I want to share with her and it's hard because I can't.

Awww Cheryl, you'll have that time. You'll have lots of catching up to do while she recovers. I'm praying for you too. I know how how hard this must be on you. Hang in there.
Hey lovely girls.

Cheryl, thank you again for the updates. It means a lot to all of us.

Cristabel, that puppy is just darling. I really hope you get to take it home!!! Look at that face!

Michelle, it's nice to see you on here! I'm sorry about the board, but just keep trying! You'll get it!
Oh Cristabel now THOSE are puppy eyes! So cute! I've been watching and waiting on Facebook for the post that you did get a new furry family member!
Everyone knows how important Dawn's situation is, but like Beth said we still need to think happy thoughts. It would be what she'd want as well.

Good morning and happy saturday all!

Cristabel what a cute puppy! I hope you DO end up getting him/her! I know when I lost my kitten years ago I ended up getting another one right away and sometimes it helps. I know sometimes you can't replace your pets but sometimes it helps to bring another pet into your home to feel that awful void your other loved pet left! He/she looks precious and I hope it all works out!

Is it too late to get in on the Christmas card exchange? Not sure how I missed that.

Check your PMs

Good morning girlies. I sure do hope we get some good news about Dawn today.

Cristabel--super-cute puppy!

Michelle-- I'm sorry about the bar. But like you said, now you'll be more prepared for next time.

Janelle--just PM Cristabel with your address to get on the Christmas card list.

She is a sweetie. Good luck!

Sorry to hear that Michelle. Glad you are already looking forward to next time.

Love and Light to Dawn!

Hi girls--I posted the full update in the Disneyland Community Board from Bob--the news is what I would call "neutral"--no crashes in the nighttime, but still concern that there might have been brain damage. They are weaning her off some of the systems/medications that she is on so they can take her for a brain scan. And I agree with everyone--Dawn would not want us to all be sad and not be happy with happy things in our lives, so with that--Kelly great idea on the Christmas card thing!

What a face! Have you thought of names? She would be such a lucky doggie to get to be with your family.

And I am keeping myself distracted as much as possible too--so no worries!

Thanks to to everyone who has PMd me--Dawn became such an important part of my life over the last year and I am feeling lost--many times I would call her just to chat on my way to work. It was like having morning coffee with a friend. I keep thinking of things I want to share with her and it's hard because I can't.

Hey lovely girls.

Cheryl, thank you again for the updates. It means a lot to all of us.

Cristabel, that puppy is just darling. I really hope you get to take it home!!! Look at that face!

Michelle, it's nice to see you on here! I'm sorry about the board, but just keep trying! You'll get it!

Thanks everyone. I've been e-mailing the owner and I called her to organize a pick up time. She hasn't yet responded but it seems we're the only interested party. I'm assuming she's at work and that's why she hasn't responded. I'm going to Beverly Hills around 3:30 with my dad because he works for the city and they are doing their annual Christmas light set up. If anything I'm sure we could pick her up afterward.

We have been thinking about names. My sister wants Nieve (Spanish for snow) but I want to give her a real name! So I was thinking "Fall. November. Thanksgiving is this week and then I remembered Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and I thought of Priscilla" :lmao:Priscilla Mullins and Miles Standish from the Plymouth colony.

We're still thinking :rolleyes:

Send Dawn more prayers this morning! :hug:
Continued prayers for Dawn and her family. I also can't get my head around this. Know that I am thinking of her and her loved ones and praying that all will be ok.
For those of you on FB, I just posted a link the the local Stockton news that shows by bro in law's homecoming and interviews him a bit. I totally got misty!
Thanks for posting that Tina. I'll check it out when I get on FB in a bit. ::yes::

Oh and Stacie..desperate times call for desperate measures! Guess the advantage would mean I get the shower FIRST every morning!:banana:
:rotfl2: True! Gotta look at the bright side.

Hey everyone...I haven't read back but I had to come on and tell you how upset I am ! I just found out my only sibling is getting married over new years! I can't go!
Oh bummer. Sarah, that sucks. I'm sorry. But airfare over the holidays is outrageous.
This is for you Beth, Callie, and Tina and all my other diva friends who couldn't make it to Disneyland for the Christmas season, I hope you enjoy this little movie. I'm sorry if it's a bit shaky, I was surrounded by kids bouncing up and down as if they had one to many lollipops before sitting down. :lmao:
Thanks Cristabel. I love it! :love: LOL on the kids with a sugar high!! :hyper:

The park is SO much more beautiful and magical. It seems so DRAB when it is not decorated! I LOVE IASMW and Main Street and just ALL the decs everywhere. Esp New Orlans Square. It is just so magical and REALLY gets you into the holiday spirit!!
New Orleans square is my favorite section of the park anyway, but over the holidays it's even more special. Makes me want to take a trip to the real New Orleans.

Then Friday I want to start decorating for Christmas minus the tree (we'll get that later because we get a real tree) and then Sat. Bob and I are going to DL for the weekend and staying thru Monday for my birthday. I'm looking forward to some the perfect BD gift, 'us' time!!
Oh, that sounds so nice. Enjoy your time there for your birthday!
My DIL went to the midnight showing last night. She said, it is waaaaaaaay better than the first one. Better directing, acting and do on. :cloud9:
I agree with your DIL. I loved it. I also thought Kristen Stewart looked much prettier in this one. Not sure what was different though. Let us know what you thought.

I am going to a concert at a medium-sized club tonight (friend of a friend is the lead act), then tomorrow we're seeing a Handel opera.
Enjoy the opera. I know nothing about it, but I guess a Handel opera is a good thing. ;)

I did convince DH to get the annual passes:) which are actually less expensive than three day park tickets.
That's great!! I love hearing all about it. Glad you are having fun.

I'm going to Disneyland on Sunday !!!
Looking forward to the Christmas parade.
Have fun there Trudi! I love that parade. :lovestruc
I am also doing visualization and visualizing Dawn in her pj's at next year's Meet and Greet!
She's going to look great of course. I wonder what Divalicious pajamas she'll show up in. I can't wait to see. I'm thinking something satiny in a wild print with her trademark red lips. Oooo laa laa! :thumbsup2

I got her the cutest Monkey butler get well card today.
She's going to love that!! ::yes::

The kid can tell you what is a good play and what isn't. It's funny to hear him talk football "jive". LOL :rotfl:
:rotfl2: How cute is that.
Anyway we went to the harvest festival yesterday and mom and I were able to find Tye dye shirts. They aren't "disney" looking but they are tye dye so at least that's done! :)
YAY for tie dye!! I'm so excited to see everyone in their various hippy shirts. :rotfl: :hippie:

I wanted you all to know, since you have been so supportive that I did find out yesterday that I didn't pass the bar. :( I know more for taking it next time, though.
Aw, I'm sorry Michelle. :hug: I imagine that's got to be very frustrating, but as you said, next time you will know more and do better.

Hi girls--I posted the full update in the Disneyland Community Board from Bob--the news is what I would call "neutral"--no crashes in the nighttime, but still concern that there might have been brain damage.

I keep thinking of things I want to share with her and it's hard because I can't.
Neutral is good. We'll take it! And write those things down. Just think of the massive "catch up" fest you'll have when she's back to her old self. A few glasses of wine, a comfy chair, and talking for hours on the phone. :hyper2: :thumbsup2

We have been thinking about names. My sister wants Nieve (Spanish for snow) but I want to give her a real name! So I was thinking "Fall. November. Thanksgiving is this week and then I remembered Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and I thought of Priscilla" :lmao:
My mom almost named me Priscilla. :eek: :rotfl2:
Good afternoon ladies!! :)

I hope you are all having a good weekend so far. I made some pumpkin bars this morning and the house smelled so good afterward. They are for Ruben's work though so I had to keep my hands off, lol.
Then I remembered Dawn saying there was nothing like left over birthday cake for breakfast, so I dug Noelle's cake out and had a big piece of that. ::yes::

Know what? Dawn was right. lol It was yummy!! :goodvibes :thumbsup2

Talk to y'all later. :grouphug:
I'm still having trouble with my DIS access.....if I put down here what I'm going to be able to do, and you all help me with getting it to the right people for planning?? Thanks!!

Thursday (lime green shirt)
Lunch: Rancho del Zocalo patio @ 2:00, followed by group ride on POTC.
Dinner: Meet and Greet Pajama Party in Hojo's (Time TBD)

Friday (new castle shirt)
Lunch: Ariel's Princess lunch @ 1:00
Dinner: Carnation Cafe @ 6:00
Cove Bar for drinks followed by a group drawing at the Animation Station (Time TBD)

Saturday (black pirate shirt)
Scavenger Hunt @ 10:00??, followed by group ride on the train
Late Lunch: Cafe Orleans @ 2:30
~Also Club 33 lunch is @ 2:30 for those going
Dinner: Jazz Kitchen @ 7:30

Sunday (tie dye shirt)
Breakfast at Riverbelle Terrace (Time TBD)
Dinner: Napa Rose (Time TBD)

Monday (red shirt)
Breakfast: Steakhouse 55 @ 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: Wine Country Trattoria @ 2:30, followed by a group ride on Soarin
Blue Bayou for dessert in the evening (Time TBD)
Enjoy the opera. I know nothing about it, but I guess a Handel opera is a good thing. ;)

well, personally, I prefer Italian operas. Much livelier and not as dark and ponderous. and usually better costumes! I am no expert by any means however~!

She's going to look great of course. I wonder what Divalicious pajamas she'll show up in. I can't wait to see. I'm thinking something satiny in a wild print with her trademark red lips. Oooo laa laa! :thumbsup2

I'm picturing a wild print with lots of pink.
I hope no news is good news about Dawn.

So I'd like to introduce you to the newest family member, Laurel (her name given at birth)/ Almond (our choice). They named her Laurel because they found her mom when she was pregnant on Laurel Canyon.

Congrats to your family Cristabel! How cute is she?!?!:cutie:

We are L-O-V-I-N' our new kitty, Spikey. He is so full of love and is such a mischeif-maker. He is into everything!

Did some Christmas shopping today. Feel like I am beating the crowds, although the stores were pretty hopping with business. That's a good thing.

Bree & I are going to Sea World tomorrow (we have annual passes). DH is staying home to rest.
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