Girls Only Disneyland Trip ~ Old thread, link to new one in first post

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I think that wearing your flashing blinky light ring while on Space next to me was the best thing you did on the trip. Well, of the things you did while I was around you. :) I think I'm going to have to get one of those for future Space rides!

I loved wearing that blinky ring on Space. I most definitely will bring it on future trips.

You're very welcome!!!

Stacie- you should have yours too!


Yes, it was. I can't wait for that next year, too!
Who's volunteering for it? It's going to be tough to beat.

And the pajama party:cutie:

When does Dawn get home? I want to say HI to her!:wizard:

Do I hear you volunteering??
I might be a helper. I follow, not lead.;) But I do know who and what I am.:laughing:

You want to be the leader?
I magine 4 ladies waylaying a dude for a photo of them on a cannon or the 4 ladies screaming FESS PARKER. It was a lot of fun and I knew where most answers were at but never paid attention to Jingles as I have the pin I think but just never noticed. I had the most fun running up and down the park but next time we would have taken the train around to Toontown then did Fantasyland but could not because of the ECV.

Sitting and waiting to see if them meds are kicking in or if I am going to change colours.:lmao: Ine may not work because of my malabsorbtion from celiac, the thyroid one even warns of that online, sigh. Maybe my thyroid indeed has not worked for 35 years, who knows but it is nice to be blessed and not cursed.:rolleyes1
I'm writing next years scavenger hunt already!

OK, everyone that asked for the scavenger hunt list should now have it. If I missed you or you've decided that you want one after all, 'cause all the cool kids are doing it, then please let me know!
Exactly. And that's what we said to her one hour and 10 min into it. And she said she'd call the office to try to get us a more experienced guide. But instead we got lot of runaround, ("they're in a meeting" "they're working on it"). Most affected by this were Tracey (who had worked so hard on this) and Jane, who volunteered to walk across the park with her to speak with them in person (as she is very gifted with people skills).

Awww thanks... I'm blushing! :blush:

I sent Tracey a LONG email today for her collection of thoughts on the VIP Tour. I won't bore you with all of it, but here are the last two paragraphs of what I wrote.

I was disappointed in many aspects of the day, but I think what I find the most appalling is the lack of response that we received at every step along the way. If the VIP Tour is simply aimed at those guests who are looking to be walked around the park and taken from ride to ride without any interaction with their guide, I believe that Disney is missing out on a great opportunity. There are so many people who have spent significant time in the parks and who would pay for an opportunity to take their experience to the next level. From our pre-trip communication it appeared that is what we were signing up for. However, if the VIP Tour could not meet the needs of our group in terms of "plussing" the normal DLR experience with the insider information, stories and history that we requested from the first communication about setting up the tour, we should have been told so at the get go so that we would not have wasted our time, money and energy on a tour that was clearly not designed for a group like ours.

Furthermore, it is unconscionable that it took over 90 minutes for us to get a response from the Tour Guide Office and that we were charged for that time. As I stated earlier, we first expressed our displeasure just over an hour into the tour and Ginger was up front at that point about the fact that she could not give us the service that we had signed up for. Thus, I believe that if we pay for anything that we should only pay for the first hour of the day. And, I believe that taking away the "perks" such as reserved seating for Fantasmic, Aladdin and the Pixar Parade was simply cheap on Disney's part. No one else was going to use those seats as they had been set aside for us and it cost Disney nothing to give them to our group in the first place. And yet, we were punished due to the fact that we vocalized early and loudly that our expectations were not being met. And, that was perhaps the most bitter realization of all--not only did Disney fail to live up to their promises, but that when we shared that our expectations were not being met, it was turned around and made out to be our fault for wanting too much, when all we wanted was what we had rightfully paid for.
You got it, Molly and Capri! To clarify, we originally were supposed to get the priority seatings for Aladdin and Fant, but for some reason they were taken away from us (punishment?) because we were cutting the tour short of our scheduled 6 hours.

The kicker, Mary Jo, is that after the first ride (IASM) which the guide rode in the back of the boat but never said a word - someone asked her, tell us something about Disneyland (rather than lead us in silence).

She said, "I don't know that much. This isn't the Walk in Walt's Footsteps tour. Why don't you all tell me what you know?"

Now I hope your reaction there at the computer is like ours - our jaws dropped. We paid $750 to hear that?????:confused3

:( I'm really shocked, and sorry you guys went through that.

Princess Sitka I think it was. Come back! We weren't trying to scare you off, we just like to keep the first few posts for info. that's all. We'd love for you to join us. :)
I sent her a pm letting her know why her post disappeared. I hope she joins the thread, and better yet, is part of the meet next year!

We are so bad, we can barely wait a week to start planning again! :rotfl:
I was thinking the same thing :rotfl2:

I found you!

After going on the scavenger hunt, I had no doubts about your sleuthing skills :magnify:

Well, I was the organizer of the WIWF tour and I thought it was very well done. Our guide was good, not great, but good. He tried hard and was very nice (Mark). The second half I was dragging because I was so tired from walking to the Grand for B-fast and running all over DL for 3 hours for the scavenger hunt (which was one of my favorite things of the whole weekend!). We had very little rest in between and I think it was too much for one day. Anyway, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to do it - well worth the $47 - remember it included a lunch, pin and 3 rides. I hope several girls go on it next year.:cutie:
I would really recommend this tour, also. I thought it was well done, and Mark was good. The lunch was tasty, and it was nice sitting in a secluded area that allowed us to enjoy a nice coversation, or talk to Mark since he hung out with us while we ate. We also got fastpasses, just because, and I thought that was really nice, too. I also like our pin because it has a Hidden Walt that is such a nice reminder of the tour. ;)

Beth - if you get mixed results, maybe you could narrow it down to 2 choices and we could vote again?...I agree about the warmer weather in April, but last year it was boiling hot and we want to steer clear of Easter. It's so hard cause I want everyone to come again!:lovestruc

Me, too!

The Segway Tour - I don't think that's for me (not unless they come up with a Segway sidecare :rotfl2:). I am not the most graceful person in the world......

Awww --- it was fun!!! Even the non-graceful enjoyed it. (shhh, don't tell anyone, but I kind of fell off when my Segway went one way & me the other, but I didn't land on my butt!!!)
Hi Hi Everyone!

My Mom and I just got home a few hours ago, and what a very wonderful trip we had!

We had such a happy time on the girls trip, it was so special to meet the friends i've made here and share them with my mother. I wanted to put some of you in my candy tote bag and bring you home with me!:lovestruc I was so impressed with the diversity and the warmth. I made memories that will last a lifetime and am so grateful to have shared them with my mom.

Thank You seems so small to say, yet it is heartfelt.

Thank You, Michelle for being so thoughtful and meeting us at the airport.. i was so happy to see Your smile and it was great to visit with You! Your kindness was most welcomed and appreciated, and so abundant. Mom and I love the pins You gave us. You are so warm and wonderful. It was fun to share time with miss Zoe on her birthday, may she be blessed all the year through.

Thank You Melody, for the leg work you did on the scavenger hunt trivia questions.. wow so much thought must have gone into that. I loved the time you, wendylouwho and i spent answering the scavenger hunt questions.. it was *so* funnY! I think you are so talented and lovely from the inside as well as the out. Your bead work on the lime green mickey ornaments RoCkS!

Thank You WendyLouWho for being the Super Wiz at the Scavenger Hunt questions and putting in time and energy on it. The pages came out wonderful and I was eerrmmm reaLLy grateful for Your help along with Bert's in answering the questions!:rotfl2: You know I love Ya, and am always here for you! Can't wait to see you in april at mouse adventure:hug:

Thank You CheryL, Stacie and Michelle for putting together the pizza party! It was one of the Highlights of the trip! What a great mixer and it had everything anyone could want.. pizzzzzzzzzzzza, peach jeLLo shots and CaNdY.. mmmmmmmm.. YuM!

Thank You Stacie for organizing the tote exchange.. it was reaLLy alot of fun and I can't wait for next years.

Thank You Tracey for all your planning on the VIP tour... I want you to know that all anyone has to do is meet You and they will *know* that everything you do you put thought and care into. I was happy that the one pin trade i did on the trip was with you. :hug:

Thank You Linda for planning the Walk in Walt's Footstep tour. This was very special and I would recommend this tour to everyone. We want to go on it again with other members of our family. We had such a happy time with you and your lovely daughter. Thank You for the wonderful memories.

Thank You CheryL and Michelle for dinner wednesday night.. it was really nice to sit and visit. I hope that we have many more happy times shared with good friend and wonderful food:goodvibes

Mary Jo... it was really great to spend last night with You and Your daughter! We so enjoyed dinner and when we went back to the room we played with our tinkerbell pins.. they will always remind us of You when we wear them. Thank You for the gift of friendship. I can't wait to share more happy times together.

When i close my eyes and think upon the trip it's a mosaic of images, Donna have the most wonderful energy and my mom is right, you do remind me of Kimora Lee Simmons! Steph, you were a great suprise to get to know, i am so impressed with you and am glad that we got to meet. Theresa, want some water?!:rotfl: You know I am so glad we shared that time, I can't wait for next year. We will have such a good time. look just like a statue i saw of a sante fe angel.. i'll always think of you that way. LiLyCat/Heather..i hope your foot is better! I know that walk was so long for you but it was good to learn of your love for your family as i feel the same way about mine. Friendship isn't always about skipping along happily.. sometimes it's about sticking together when things get rough. I hope your foot is better and next time we will pack a pair of sandles in our backpacks:hug: Kelly, I wish we had more time together, you are really so down to earth and warm! Your mom was fun to talk to about her travels. I hope we get more time together next trip. For sure we need to plan a movie night for some down time. Sarah, it was so thoughtful of you to make the cds and share them with everyone! Cristabel, I can't believe you got the same kinda tote that you brought for the exchange!! What are the odds? It was fun to sit with you at the pizza party and thanks for the exchange, i carried the golden tinkerbell all week!

I wish to thank those of you who were so Welcoming and kind to my mother. It meant the world to me. May someone show your loved one equal care.:hug:

For Sure my Mom and i are in for the Oct 23rd weekend mini meet as that is her birthday.
And we can't wait for next year's trip.

Sweet Dreams.. i'm going to bed early.. it's always wonderful to travel but isn't it lovely to come home.:goodvibes
Hi Hi Everyone!

My Mom and I just got home a few hours ago, and what a very wonderful trip we had!

We had such a happy time on the girls trip, it was so special to meet the friends i've made here and share them with my mother. I wanted to put some of you in my candy tote bag and bring you home with me!:lovestruc I was so impressed with the diversity and the warmth. I made memories that will last a lifetime and am so grateful to have shared them with my mom.

Thank You seems so small to say, yet it is heartfelt.

Thank You, Michelle for being so thoughtful and meeting us at the airport.. i was so happy to see Your smile and it was great to visit with You! Your kindness was most welcomed and appreciated, and so abundant. Mom and I love the pins You gave us. You are so warm and wonderful. It was fun to share time with miss Zoe on her birthday, may she be blessed all the year through.

Thank You Melody, for the leg work you did on the scavenger hunt trivia questions.. wow so much thought must have gone into that. I loved the time you, wendylouwho and i spent answering the scavenger hunt questions.. it was *so* funnY! I think you are so talented and lovely from the inside as well as the out. Your bead work on the lime green mickey ornaments RoCkS!

Thank You WendyLouWho for being the Super Wiz at the Scavenger Hunt questions and putting in time and energy on it. The pages came out wonderful and I was eerrmmm reaLLy grateful for Your help along with Bert's in answering the questions!:rotfl2: You know I love Ya, and am always here for you! Can't wait to see you in april at mouse adventure:hug:

Thank You CheryL, Stacie and Michelle for putting together the pizza party! It was one of the Highlights of the trip! What a great mixer and it had everything anyone could want.. pizzzzzzzzzzzza, peach jeLLo shots and CaNdY.. mmmmmmmm.. YuM!

Thank You Stacie for organizing the tote exchange.. it was reaLLy alot of fun and I can't wait for next years.

Thank You Tracey for all your planning on the VIP tour... I want you to know that all anyone has to do is meet You and they will *know* that everything you do you put thought and care into. I was happy that the one pin trade i did on the trip was with you. :hug:

Thank You Linda for planning the Walk in Walt's Footstep tour. This was very special and I would recommend this tour to everyone. We want to go on it again with other members of our family. We had such a happy time with you and your lovely daughter. Thank You for the wonderful memories.

Thank You CheryL and Michelle for dinner wednesday night.. it was really nice to sit and visit. I hope that we have many more happy times shared with good friend and wonderful food:goodvibes

Mary Jo... it was really great to spend last night with You and Your daughter! We so enjoyed dinner and when we went back to the room we played with our tinkerbell pins.. they will always remind us of You when we wear them. Thank You for the gift of friendship. I can't wait to share more happy times together.

When i close my eyes and think upon the trip it's a mosaic of images, Donna have the most wonderful energy and my mom is right, you do remind me of Kimora Lee Simmons! Steph, you were a great suprise to get to know, i am so impressed with you and am glad that we got to meet. Theresa, want some water?!:rotfl: You know I am so glad we shared that time, I can't wait for next year. We will have such a good time. LiLyCat/Heather..i hope your foot is better! I know that walk was so long for you but it was good to learn of your love for your family as i feel the same way about mine. Friendship isn't always about skipping along happily.. sometimes it's about sticking together when things get rough. I hope your foot is better and next time we will pack a pair of sandles in our backpacks:hug: Kelly, I wish we had more time together, you are really so down to earth and warm! Your mom was fun to talk to about her travels. I hope we get more time together next trip. For sure we need to plan a movie night for some down time. Sarah, I can't believe you got the same kinda tote that you brought for the exchange!! What are the odds? It was fun to sit with you at the pizza party and thanks for the exchange, i carried the golden tinkerbell all week!

I wish to thank those of you who were so Welcoming and kind to my mother. It meant the world to me. May someone show your loved one equal care.:hug:

For Sure my Mom and i are in for the Oct 23rd weekend mini meet as that is her birthday.
And we can't wait for next year's trip.

Sweet Dreams.. i'm going to bed early.. it's always wonderful to travel but isn't it lovely to come home.:goodvibes
Welcome home, and it is lovely to be home isn't it? I'm sure Bob is very very happy to see you! :love:

Have a good nights rest.
Here's a thought for next years scavenger hunt: Doing a photo-match kind of thing. Giving out little photo cards of a specific area/thing in the park (a closeup of a small detail) that you have to match and get a picture of yourself standing in front of it and holding the photo card in your hand. We're thinking about doing that for our trip on the 27th and it's something we're doing at work too.
I am REALLY anxious to do the WIWF on this trip...the things I couldn't do if the little one was with me. I'm stoked!:thumbsup2
That's what is so great about these trips. You can do things you wouldn't or couldn't do normally.

I would love to do the WIWF tour. I was hoping to while we're there at the end of the month but because of time issues we're skipping it this time. Someday.
Maybe on the next Girls Trip. ;)

Well, I was the organizer of the WIWF tour and I thought it was very well done.

Anyway, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to do it - well worth the $47 - remember it included a lunch, pin and 3 rides. I hope several girls go on it next year.:cutie:
I loved the tour when we did it. Our guide in October wasn't the best either, but the things you get to do and what it includes made it worth it for me.

Beth - if you get mixed results, maybe you could narrow it down to 2 choices and we could vote again?
Sure, if it ends up being a tie we can do that. We have five days before the poll closes so at this point anything can still happen. :)

Me too me too!!! That is I want everyone to be able to come again!! :banana:
I do too! Trust me, this is hard knowing some ladies might not make it based on the dates. But in the PMs I received there were several who said I cannot go this month, or that month. When you have over 40 ladies interested, there is always going to be someone who has a work trip, a kid's birthday, a wedding, a family trip or some other obligation.
I wish there were dates that are absolutely perfect for all 40-something of us, but sadly that will never happen. All we can do is hope for the best. :wizard:

Just a heads up too - March 11-16 will be Spring Break. I wouldn't mind not boiling hot weather (remember, I'm from Canada, eh??)
Our Spring Break this year isn't until the second week of April. :sad2: I wish it was sooner.

Good news is I got a call back from my neurologist so I might finally get some new meds for my migraines or some other treatment.
That's great. I hope it helps!
I loved the time you, wendylouwho and i spent answering the scavenger hunt questions.. it was *so* funnY!

That was one of my favorite memories of the trip!

I was eerrmmm reaLLy grateful for Your help along with Bert's in answering the questions!:rotfl2:

:rotfl2: That was hilarious! Bert sure doesn't know much, does he?

I can't wait for Mouse Adventure!!!! :hug:
Here's a thought for next years scavenger hunt: Doing a photo-match kind of thing. Giving out little photo cards of a specific area/thing in the park (a closeup of a small detail) that you have to match and get a picture of yourself standing in front of it and holding the photo card in your hand. We're thinking about doing that for our trip on the 27th and it's something we're doing at work too.

I did give thought to that. I'm just worried that it might make the hunt a tad harder then we want it to be. Plus, I'm mean and would take pictures of REALLY hard things to find. :rotfl:
I did give thought to that. I'm just worried that it might make the hunt a tad harder then we want it to be. Plus, I'm mean and would take pictures of REALLY hard things to find. :rotfl:

:rotfl2: I so know what you mean. I want to stump my friend and give her hard things. But I'm such a visual person I get it more over words, lol.
I sent Tracey a LONG email today for her collection of thoughts on the VIP Tour. I won't bore you with all of it, but here are the last two paragraphs of what I wrote.
You go girl!! That was awesome. Very well written. :thumbsup2

I sent her a pm letting her know why her post disappeared. I hope she joins the thread, and better yet, is part of the meet next year!
Oh good. Thanks! :goodvibes
I did give thought to that. I'm just worried that it might make the hunt a tad harder then we want it to be. Plus, I'm mean and would take pictures of REALLY hard things to find. :rotfl:
Well, I know if a certain someone was in charge of that type of hunt we'd probably get a page of character butts & try to figure them out. :upsidedow
I did give thought to that. I'm just worried that it might make the hunt a tad harder then we want it to be. Plus, I'm mean and would take pictures of REALLY hard things to find. :rotfl:

As long as we could get maybe an extra half hour AND you donn't take pictures of things that those (well) under average height can't see. :)

You go girl!! That was awesome. Very well written. :thumbsup2

I thought so too.
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