Flu shot

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The flu shot is NOT 100% effective. So I guess everyone should wear a mask!?!?

If it's 60% effective I guess I'd rather have my family surrounded by those who have a 60% chance of not being affected than by those who take that chance...
How many of you that don't get the shot run to the doctor for Tamiflu after you get sick?
I know this will fall on deaf ears but I believe God designed our bodies and set up the laws of nature for a reason. I trust my immune system the way God designed it. If you think your mission in life is to improve on God's providence then put you faith in government.

It will fall on deaf ears. My older twins (19 now) were rarely ever sick. My youngest (6) gets sick very often. It was a totally random thing. Everyone has a different immune system and that's fine if you are a person who never gets sick. But you are basically saying that the laws of nature determine who gets sick and leaving it in "God's hands" doesn't wash with me as a mother. We will stick with the flu shot.

Now I agree, we don't need to force people to get a flu shot or any other vaccine. If you don't want it, don't get it. But when you get sick, keep your sick butt home.
Disney should make a rule: Those who choose not to get the flu shot should wear a mask to protect fellow passengers.

That's what we need, private industry stepping into the role of tyranny and forcing people to trust the CDC. And why stop with cruise lines....airplanes, trains, subways, malls, schools....

It's amazing how quickly some people will cede their liberty because the government has instilled fear in them!
horric29 said:
How many of you that don't get the shot run to the doctor for Tamiflu after you get sick?

Well I actually have never gotten the flu shot and I have not had the flu in over 12 years. My daughter is ten and have never received the flu shot and has never had the flu. We eat healthy, wash our hands, and exercise....we let our immune system work...
horric29 said:
How many of you that don't get the shot run to the doctor for Tamiflu after you get sick?

Plus we drink 2 glasses of 100% grape juice everyday. People claim it is an old wives tale and I say that it works.
Bonniec said:
So do we. My oldest two never got sick. My youngest is sick all the time. It's not that simple.

For people who have a suppressed immune system the flu shot is a good idea. I do not have that problem so I opt out. If my circumstances were different I would get one.
Studies have already shown that the over use of anti-bacterial soaps weakens the body's ability to resist infection. I believe getting the non-replicating flu vaccine virus every year adversely effects our body's ability to fight real viruses.

Think bout this, why is the vaccine only 60% effective? Might it be that they really don't know what are doing? Certainly they do not completely understand our immune systems.

You know medical science does not know why some get motion sickness and others no not. We all have that little furry, gyro thing in our ear but when subjected to the exact same motions, some get sick and some don't.

About 5 to 20% of the population will get he flu (if you believe the CDC). Almost half of those that got the shot and were exposed got the flu anyway.
I know this is hot button, but here is my perspective. The year my dd was old enough to get the flu shot there was a shortage. She wasn't high risk and could not get it. I was worried and my Dr. said Do not worry. She does not have a compromised immune system, she has no underlying conditions. She will be fine. This statement and my own views about not all vaccines being necessary has led me to not do this one. I've never had it either and so far no flu(over 8 years). Do I know it is 50/50 on if we get it...yes, but I'll take my chances. I agree with pp about our bodies building up immunity the natural way. I will be honest the more I see/read the more I don't really trust the crap in shots. I also do not trust big pharma to be truthful. They rushed H1N1 so fast it is like Russian Roulette...what the hell will be the side effects? Who knows. Look at Chicken Pox. Perfectly fine illiness to get for most people, but now there is a vaccine...why? If you had it at a young age no problem. Now lets vaccinate all kids...what happens kids are getting shingles!! A disease typically seen only in older people. A disease extremely painful and much worse to have than the chicken pox. Plus once you have shingles it is dormant in your body and any time you get sick it can resurface. Is this what you want your 8 year old getting? I mean fine if the vaccine was for 12and older b/c the older you get the more dangerous chicken pox is, but why vaccinate small children...I'll tell you why. More people get the shot and pharma makes more money. If you really believe all vaccines are for the greater good and not for profit, you should look a little closer.

Don't get me wrong I do vaccinate, but against illnesses that are dangerous. Sadly I did vaccinate my dd against chicken pox, but that was before I knew so many with small children infected with shingles...and it isn't just one or two. I will not vaccinate my younger boys until they are older and yes they can get it when they are older. But don't worry kids will be getting shingles vaccines soon...because why not keep pumping our bodies full of man made chemicals to fight off germs and then the germs will mutate to much more severe disease and so on and so forth. Again, vaccines do have their merit, but so does the body building up it's own defenses by fighting off an illness. Too much of a good thing is not so good and I think that is the path we are heading down with all these vaccines. Just my two cents, but feel free to give them back if you don't agree :duck: I certainly don't think badly on people who do just as I think those who decide not to get it shouldn't be brow beaten either. We all make decisions in the best interest of our families with what we know. No person is doing anything because they are selfish and think the world revolves around them. :rolleyes2
nugov2 said:
I know this is hot button, but here is my perspective. The year my dd was old enough to get the flu shot there was a shortage. She wasn't high risk and could not get it. I was worried and my Dr. said Do not worry. She does not have a compromised immune system, she has no underlying conditions. She will be fine. This statement and my own views about not all vaccines being necessary has led me to not do this one. I've never had it either and so far no flu(over 8 years). Do I know it is 50/50 on if we get it...yes, but I'll take my chances. I agree with pp about our bodies building up immunity the natural way. I will be honest the more I see/read the more I don't really trust the crap in shots. I also do not trust big pharma to be truthful. They rushed H1N1 so fast it is like Russian Roulette...what the hell will be the side effects? Who knows. Look at Chicken Pox. Perfectly fine illiness to get for most people, but now there is a vaccine...why? If you had it at a young age no problem. Now lets vaccinate all kids...what happens kids are getting shingles!! A disease typically seen only in older people. A disease extremely painful and much worse to have than the chicken pox. Plus once you have shingles it is dormant in your body and any time you get sick it can resurface. Is this what you want your 8 year old getting? I mean fine if the vaccine was for 12and older b/c the older you get the more dangerous chicken pox is, but why vaccinate small children...I'll tell you why. More people get the shot and pharma makes more money. If you really believe all vaccines are for the greater good and not for profit, you should look a little closer.

Don't get me wrong I do vaccinate, but against illnesses that are dangerous. Sadly I did vaccinate my dd against chicken pox, but that was before I knew so many with small children infected with shingles...and it isn't just one or two. I will not vaccinate my younger boys until they are older and yes they can get it when they are older. But don't worry kids will be getting shingles vaccines soon...because why not keep pumping our bodies full of man made chemicals to fight off germs and then the germs will mutate to much more severe disease and so on and so forth. Again, vaccines do have their merit, but so does the body building up it's own defenses by fighting off an illness. Too much of a good thing is not so good and I think that is the path we are heading down with all these vaccines. Just my two cents, but feel free to give them back if you don't agree :duck: I certainly don't think badly on people who do just as I think those who decide not to get it shouldn't be brow beaten either. We all make decisions in the best interest of our families with what we know. No person is doing anything because they are selfish and think the world revolves around them. :rolleyes2

Very well said! You listed a lot if the same reasons that I have decided to not get the flu shot
I know this is hot button, but here is my perspective. The year my dd was old enough to get the flu shot there was a shortage. She wasn't high risk and could not get it. I was worried and my Dr. said Do not worry. She does not have a compromised immune system, she has no underlying conditions. She will be fine. This statement and my own views about not all vaccines being necessary has led me to not do this one. I've never had it either and so far no flu(over 8 years). Do I know it is 50/50 on if we get it...yes, but I'll take my chances. I agree with pp about our bodies building up immunity the natural way. I will be honest the more I see/read the more I don't really trust the crap in shots. I also do not trust big pharma to be truthful. They rushed H1N1 so fast it is like Russian Roulette...what the hell will be the side effects? Who knows. Look at Chicken Pox. Perfectly fine illiness to get for most people, but now there is a vaccine...why? If you had it at a young age no problem. Now lets vaccinate all kids...what happens kids are getting shingles!! A disease typically seen only in older people. A disease extremely painful and much worse to have than the chicken pox. Plus once you have shingles it is dormant in your body and any time you get sick it can resurface. Is this what you want your 8 year old getting? I mean fine if the vaccine was for 12and older b/c the older you get the more dangerous chicken pox is, but why vaccinate small children...I'll tell you why. More people get the shot and pharma makes more money. If you really believe all vaccines are for the greater good and not for profit, you should look a little closer.

Don't get me wrong I do vaccinate, but against illnesses that are dangerous. Sadly I did vaccinate my dd against chicken pox, but that was before I knew so many with small children infected with shingles...and it isn't just one or two. I will not vaccinate my younger boys until they are older and yes they can get it when they are older. But don't worry kids will be getting shingles vaccines soon...because why not keep pumping our bodies full of man made chemicals to fight off germs and then the germs will mutate to much more severe disease and so on and so forth. Again, vaccines do have their merit, but so does the body building up it's own defenses by fighting off an illness. Too much of a good thing is not so good and I think that is the path we are heading down with all these vaccines. Just my two cents, but feel free to give them back if you don't agree :duck: I certainly don't think badly on people who do just as I think those who decide not to get it shouldn't be brow beaten either. We all make decisions in the best interest of our families with what we know. No person is doing anything because they are selfish and think the world revolves around them. :rolleyes2

Good point about the pharmaceutical companies. Average price or a shot is $18. Multiply that times 40 million people and billions of dollars are moving. With money like this on the table it's not inconceivable that numbers are fudged and an atmosphere of fear is fostered.
Good point about the pharmaceutical companies. Average price or a shot is $18. Multiply that times 40 million people and billions of dollars are moving. With money like this on the table it's not inconceivable that numbers are fudged and an atmosphere of fear is fostered.

I would respect their numbers more if they gave us all the information too. How many of the people who die from the flu have underlying conditions, had the flu shot, didn't have health insurance and waited until the 11th hour for treatment for fear of medical bills, (I know this sounds bad but happens) a neglectful parent who was too busy getting high or drunk to take care of themselves or their child and didn't seek medical assistance at all or until it was too late. If they took all of this into the numbers and it was a large portion of the statistic I would think twice. For all we know that makes up 90% of the people who die...and if it did would people reconsider getting the shot? Also if you look at the CDC stats only 3,000 to 49,000 people have ever died of the flu in one year from 1976-2006 no info on what year had the biggest figure...there are 311,591,917 in the US...even at the biggest year that is a very tiny percentage of people who die. You are putting your kids at a bigger risk by putting them in the car and taking a road trip. Over 40,000 people die each year in a car accidents and sadly that number never drops as low as 3,000 people in a year like the flu number does.
Wow... Here come the crazies...

That is very helpful and informative. Your post has really raised the bar and will require more educated posts on this thread by all members. If you treat the people around you IRL with this much respect your cup must really runneth over!:thumbsup2
I know this is hot button, but here is my perspective. The year my dd was old enough to get the flu shot there was a shortage. She wasn't high risk and could not get it. I was worried and my Dr. said Do not worry. She does not have a compromised immune system, she has no underlying conditions. She will be fine. This statement and my own views about not all vaccines being necessary has led me to not do this one. I've never had it either and so far no flu(over 8 years). Do I know it is 50/50 on if we get it...yes, but I'll take my chances. I agree with pp about our bodies building up immunity the natural way. I will be honest the more I see/read the more I don't really trust the crap in shots. I also do not trust big pharma to be truthful. They rushed H1N1 so fast it is like Russian Roulette...what the hell will be the side effects? Who knows. Look at Chicken Pox. Perfectly fine illiness to get for most people, but now there is a vaccine...why? If you had it at a young age no problem. Now lets vaccinate all kids...what happens kids are getting shingles!! A disease typically seen only in older people. A disease extremely painful and much worse to have than the chicken pox. Plus once you have shingles it is dormant in your body and any time you get sick it can resurface. Is this what you want your 8 year old getting? I mean fine if the vaccine was for 12and older b/c the older you get the more dangerous chicken pox is, but why vaccinate small children...I'll tell you why. More people get the shot and pharma makes more money. If you really believe all vaccines are for the greater good and not for profit, you should look a little closer.

Don't get me wrong I do vaccinate, but against illnesses that are dangerous. Sadly I did vaccinate my dd against chicken pox, but that was before I knew so many with small children infected with shingles...and it isn't just one or two. I will not vaccinate my younger boys until they are older and yes they can get it when they are older. But don't worry kids will be getting shingles vaccines soon...because why not keep pumping our bodies full of man made chemicals to fight off germs and then the germs will mutate to much more severe disease and so on and so forth. Again, vaccines do have their merit, but so does the body building up it's own defenses by fighting off an illness. Too much of a good thing is not so good and I think that is the path we are heading down with all these vaccines. Just my two cents, but feel free to give them back if you don't agree :duck: I certainly don't think badly on people who do just as I think those who decide not to get it shouldn't be brow beaten either. We all make decisions in the best interest of our families with what we know. No person is doing anything because they are selfish and think the world revolves around them. :rolleyes2

You need to educate yourself. Chicken pox killed children when I was young. Once you have had chicken pox you can get shingles. It is more common to get shingles as you get older but anybody who has had the chicken pox can get the shingles and some even get it more than once.
ilovemk76 said:
You need to educate yourself. Chicken pox killed children when I was young. Once you have had chicken pox you can get shingles. It is more common to get shingles as you get older but anybody who has had the chicken pox can get the shingles and some even get it more than once.

I had shingles back in the 80s when I was 10, and there was no chicken pox vaccine to blame. Actually, the doctors said I got it because I had such a mild case of the chicken pox. The vaccine would have provided me with more protection, not less. Kids have always gotten shingles. Yes, it's more common for older people, but it's not some shocking proof of a vast medical conspiracy.
That's what we need, private industry stepping into the role of tyranny and forcing people to trust the CDC. And why stop with cruise lines....airplanes, trains, subways, malls, schools....

While I don't agree with the idea of DCL making such a rule, it would be neither tyrannical nor forcing people to trust the CDC. It is simply that masks do help reduce the spread of airborne viruses. The non-hospital/military grade ones aren't very effective but some help is better than no help. In the event of a massive outbreak or epidemic, all of those systems would be likely to mandate either the use of masks or staying the heck home. If the virus has no one else to travel to, it will eventually fade out.

It's amazing how quickly some people will cede their liberty because the government has instilled fear in them!

No private enterprise is required to protect your liberties. They are free to do as they choose so long as they don't discriminate against someone based on a protected class.

I believe getting the non-replicating flu vaccine virus every year adversely effects our body's ability to fight real viruses.

A vaccine against a specific virus should not adversely affect the immune system's ability to handle non-related viruses.

Think bout this, why is the vaccine only 60% effective? Might it be that they really don't know what are doing? Certainly they do not completely understand our immune systems.

Or maybe it's because the virus mutates fairly frequently, thus the vaccine is no longer effective against the new strain? Or maybe it's because some people's immune systems, regardless of receiving the vaccine, are so compromised that they still get the flu?
Look at Chicken Pox. Perfectly fine illiness to get for most people, but now there is a vaccine...why? If you had it at a young age no problem. Now lets vaccinate all kids...what happens kids are getting shingles!!

The vaccine doesn't cause shingles, it prevents it. You're at risk for shingles after you have had chicken pox.
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