Five Days at US and IOA too much?


I like being ME
Sep 19, 1999
We have never been to US or IOA before, what should or could we accomplish in this much time? Or shoule we change it to three days? We will be coming over from WDW which we have done numerous times...........It will be two adults and two girls 10 and 13
I've done both parks in 5 days and I could have used more. If you want to do 5 days, you might want to buy an AP. Then you can come back in 11 months! :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Five days will give you lots of leisure time! You will really have an opportunity to enjoy the hotel! I say go for it! You will love it!
Third trip to USF and second to IOA and no kids this time - and we are doing 5 days! :)


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