Finding the best book on WDW??


Certified pixie dust user
Jul 27, 2000
I've been trying to locate the Passporter (is the correct name??) in the local bookstores in the past couple of days but can't find it!! Is this the best book on WDW??

I've been planning our WDW trip for several months and find that Passporter (I have the deluxe 2001 edition) is really neat. Not only does it have maps and all the information you need to tour the parks, but also has pockets to store the various maps, brochures, reservation and confirmation notices, etc.-all in one place. Also on the pockets you can note PS numbers and times, plans for the day, etc. It also has reviews on restaurants, rides and details on all the resorts. Go to for more information.

I also have the Unofficial Guide to WDW which is different than the passporter, but has its own reviews on everything plus many tips on touring plans which I like. At the back of the book, it has mini guides for touring the parks you can remove and use as a guide.

Every guide book seems to have its own "schtick" so to speak and if you get the chance, stop in your local Borders or Barnes and Noble to review them firsthand. Good luck!
I love the Unofficial Guide to WDW. Haven't used Passport though

In memory of Dale Earnhardt, Sr....

Been there, done that, going back!

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Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
All Star Music 98
All Star Movies 99
Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01

Love the passporter - best book out there.

Hoosll Do It
Cont -'84
Poly - '90
WL - Dec '00 - Big 5-0
WL - Aug/Sep '02 ?!?
Just bought the Passporter for the first time. I have all the other books and while they're all helpful, the Passporter seems user friendly. The pockets are great and I think I'll be really organized for my next trip. I have 5 months before my trip and I've already started writing things in my book.

'75 off-site
'84 D.D.
'89 off-site
'96 CBR
'97 off-site
'99 Poly
next rip 8/01 at Beach Club
We use Birnbaum's book and also our kids both have a copy of his WDW for children. Gives the kidsviews of the different attractions. Also, has a location in the back for character autographs.

I can't remember the exact names of the books. We bought the kids books in the local Disney Store.

Just hangin' around waitin' to go see the Mouse

Passporter!!!! also available at amazon
Passporter at Amazon

<img border="0" src="" width="120" height="61">

"Walt Disney World... been there, done that, GOING BACK!"

Remember the Magic ºoº
I didn't find mine at a bookstore. I ordered it online at They are still having a discount sale on them I believe. It came in about 3 days.
I visited the travel section of our local library and have found 4 different travel books for Disney. Each book has its different tips for different age groups. One book gives a better description of character meals than the others. The best reason for reading each of them is that they have turned each night's reading time with my 9 year old (his 1st WDW trip) into a special planning time. This has been an extra special surprise. As my trip grows closer I may go out and purchase the current edition of the book that best suits the needs of my family.
I ordered the passporter online at barnes&noble almost 3 weeks ago. :mad: I keep checking the status and it says processing. Luckily my trip is 6 monthes away. :rolleyes:

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
I love Ritq Aero's Walt Disney World for Adults and families. I think I read that she had a new one coming out in April or May, a third edition. It's wonderful. It also has a site that goes along with the book. The people are friendly and post very helpful information on the board.
My vote is for
This book is great because it talks about other central Florida attractions. I agree with the others in just to go to a Barnes and Noble or other similar book store and just plant yourself down and decide for yourself. I also own the Official and Unofficial guides and I will probably also buy the Passporter before my next trip.


offsite- 86, 92, 93
PO(now french quarter)- 2000
CS- 2002
Now that I am on guide #9 ( my trip is in November, I have to get my Disney fix somehow! ;) ) I have to say I like the Passporter best with the Econoguide coming in a close second. The Passporter is more user friendly and concise. I got all 9 of my guides at
Waldenbooks in my local mall. Gives me a good excuse to go shopping!

I used Passporter on our last trip in Feb. It worked out great because DH was there on business, so tracking our expenses was more mandatory than usual. The Passporter was soooo useful in keeping things organized. And even though we've already been to the World umpteen times, I would remove the pages for the Park-of-the-day, put them in my backpack and refer to them here and there for anything special I had highlighted. Also, I ordered through their own web site (, and they really went the extra mile to make sure I'd have it in time for my departure date. Can't recommend the book or the authors enough!!

Counting the Hours Til We're Back in the World

Mother-of-Four (Five, If You Count My Husband)
I generally collect quite a few books (Hint: if you're willing to buy ones that are a year old and supplement the new information with sites like this, you can get "old" guidebooks really inexpensively. I buy a "new" one each year, then buy the others "old". That way I get the variety at a fraction of the cost.)

I like the Unofficial Guide for its tongue-in-cheek attitude and for it's touring plans. It really helps send home the message that planning is everything.

Rita Aero's Guidebook has friendlier color-coding and maps than the others, I think. Also a good website with great fans (like other places, hmmm.)

The Passporter is nice, the authors are really fans and know how to organize a good journal, but....Well, I'm a journal person myself so I tend to create my own journal with pockets for mementos and such and use that. I decorate it with stickers and have my own printouts for ressies, etc. I then incorporate another guidebook for the information because I like other guidebooks' information (see above). Still, if you don't want to create your own, and you like the idea of a guidebook serving as a journal/beginnings to a scrapbook, try this one.

Hope this helps

Always Stalking the Mouse,
We used the Unofficial Guide to WDW. It was full of information. Some of it quite candid. I found it quite useful in explaining the attractions at each park and for what attractions to go to first to try to beat the crowd. It did contrdict itself in a few areas. That is when I asked questions here to get another viewpoint.


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