Feeling guilt about the prospect of going

We canceled our August trip where we were planning on taking our baby son on his first trip to Disney and his first Halloween party. I'm disappointed for sure but I moved the trip to April school vacation (high school teacher here!) and will also book a back up trip at the end of June when the school year has ended. I an expecting that the April trip is probably a no-go if things do not get better soon or be told that I have to do a 14 day quarantine. Since I used up most of my sick days for maternity leave, I can't afford to take 14 days out. I think as a fellow teacher, I would recommend going when you won't be expected to self quarantine after you come back. Keep an eye on the banking deadline and if you need to cancel...book a bigger accommodation than you normally will with your banked 2019 points and go during the summer.
I'm feeling the same exact way - I'm sitting on Sept/Dec trips (we already cancelled the year's big trip to Asia, so these were "consolation prizes" that are quickly slipping away).

I work from home full time now, and live alone, so if I test negative before departing (quarantining while I wait for results, and after, and repeating after i get home) my risks are *mostly* personal. I don't leave the house unless it's to go grocery shopping or running in the woods, sans people. I'm saying all these things to talk myself into the idea that if case levels lower, and if I see compliance is good at the parks, I'll be ok with the risks involved. But as I type them out, I'm not so sure. My doubt stems from not wanting to harm others, and do my part to keep outbreaks low in NJ.

All that to say, I feel your pain. Sending you a virtual hug, and hoping we can all plan our dream trips in a not-too-distant, safer future.
I am not a big into social media, but a few weeks ago we did a small trip instead of planned Disney trip For the first time ever, I did not tell anyone where we were or what we were doing. I felt that I was nervous enough (almost did not go the night before) and did not think that others shaming or guilting me would be beneficial.

At the end of the day, I am glad we postponed our Disney trip. The cost and the fact that we go often outweighed the desire to "go right now".

There just seems to be no right answer at the moment.
Been struggling with my emotions the last couple days as the parks reopen, felt that you guys would understand best. Wondering if you have any input.

Joined DVC in February after a tour at WDW. Booked a Welcome Home stay for me (33) and my wife (30) at RIV for 10/16-10/20, and managed to get 2 nights at BLT for 10/14-10/16 so we can try out staying there before a possible add-on.

There are several reasons we wanted to make this trip:
-2nd wedding anniversary, and we wanted to try out California Grill
-Use up the 2019 banked points that we have (August UY)
-I'm a teacher and schools in MN have a fall recess every year on this weekend in October and so it's a good time for me to take off work
-Food & Wine (and to a lesser extent, MNSSHP which is canceled)
-The other time we'd be able to go is my spring break in early March, but that's when my wife's work is busiest and needs her on board

Right now there's a lot of discussion about what school is going to look like this year. I feel like if we are in session, then it would be irresponsible of me to take a luxury trip to FL and come back to a full classroom.

But even if we are doing distance learning and I'm not with huge groups of kids - my HS classes are usually 34-38 students - I still feel this guilt like I would be shamed or judged by family, friends, coworkers for going. Maybe I'm just projecting or being paranoid, but I worry about being looked down on for wanting to go.

Not sure what I want to hear. For the time being, I'm just waiting for more information and developments: what the plan is for school, if I'd be able to reserve certain dinners, if WDW is going to close up again like HK, what FL cases will look like in 3 months...
Take the trip and don't look back. You don't need to wonder what everyone else will think of you if you go. That's their problem. It's your life...enjoy it!! We are in the same boat as you: we are first time DVC'ers and closed on our contract in January. We had an Easter trip planned (our first DVC stay) that was obviously cancelled due to Covid. We booked for next April, but I wouldn't think twice about what others thought if I wanted to go sooner. Our schedule just prohibits us going before then. If you are ok with the risk, then go for it! Just my opinion.
I am not a big into social media, but a few weeks ago we did a small trip instead of planned Disney trip For the first time ever, I did not tell anyone where we were or what we were doing. I felt that I was nervous enough (almost did not go the night before) and did not think that others shaming or guilting me would be beneficial.

At the end of the day, I am glad we postponed our Disney trip. The cost and the fact that we go often outweighed the desire to "go right now".

There just seems to be no right answer at the moment.
Unlike any other type, COVID-shaming is not only permissible, but apparently considered virtuous.
I’m sorry, this is hard. We had to postpone our kids’ first trip to Disney (April trip) and I truly have no idea when we’ll be able to reschedule because I want them to have as much of a full experience for their first trip (fireworks, etc). That being said, I think you know what the right answer is. The idea of going doesn’t feel good because you know deep down it’s not the wise and considerate choice. Everyone has been sacrificing so much and our kids especially—if my kids’ teacher took an unnecessary trip to a theme park two months into a new school year, especially given how much of the last school year they missed out on, I’d be very upset. It risks the students health (and HS kids especially are much more at risk than younger kids), the staff’s health, your own health...You can wait longer to pull the plug on the trip but you know what the right choice is. ❤️ And to those who casually say they’d go and not think twice, unfortunately, that kind of individualistic attitude is partly why we’re in this mess to begin with.
The guilt comes from knowing you’re contributing to the problem. Although I would have LOVED to go on my trip to Disney next month, I just can’t do it. I can’t quarantine when I get back to NY. I don’t want to risk the fine, and no, I won’t lie about it because I’d be putting people’s life in danger! I’m in close contact with clients everyday. I have a child, a husband. I’ve talked to nurses and doctors here in NY and not one of them isn’t traumatized by covid. And they all fear others will ruin what NY has accomplished. Put that in perspective and look at the big picture...Disney will be there when it’s safe again to be there!
Been struggling with my emotions the last couple days as the parks reopen, felt that you guys would understand best. Wondering if you have any input.

Joined DVC in February after a tour at WDW. Booked a Welcome Home stay for me (33) and my wife (30) at RIV for 10/16-10/20, and managed to get 2 nights at BLT for 10/14-10/16 so we can try out staying there before a possible add-on.

There are several reasons we wanted to make this trip:
-2nd wedding anniversary, and we wanted to try out California Grill
-Use up the 2019 banked points that we have (August UY)
-I'm a teacher and schools in MN have a fall recess every year on this weekend in October and so it's a good time for me to take off work
-Food & Wine (and to a lesser extent, MNSSHP which is canceled)
-The other time we'd be able to go is my spring break in early March, but that's when my wife's work is busiest and needs her on board

Right now there's a lot of discussion about what school is going to look like this year. I feel like if we are in session, then it would be irresponsible of me to take a luxury trip to FL and come back to a full classroom.

But even if we are doing distance learning and I'm not with huge groups of kids - my HS classes are usually 34-38 students - I still feel this guilt like I would be shamed or judged by family, friends, coworkers for going. Maybe I'm just projecting or being paranoid, but I worry about being looked down on for wanting to go.

Not sure what I want to hear. For the time being, I'm just waiting for more information and developments: what the plan is for school, if I'd be able to reserve certain dinners, if WDW is going to close up again like HK, what FL cases will look like in 3 months...

You do you, and don't worry about what others think of what you doing you is. That's part of the problem with this country right now. Everyone feels they are being judged (and to be fair, they are) and everyone feels they have a right to judge you (and they really do not). I have 2 trips planned, and short of a legal issue preventing me from going (mandatory quarantine, Disney shutting down, whatever), I am going to go. There are people on social media who disagree with my decision. There are local friends who disagree with my decision. There are also friends who support it. Ultimately it doesn't matter what any of them think, because its my decision.

I know and hear about the concerns. At the same time, I will repeat as I have said previously - with the safety measures Disney has put in place. it is safer at Disney than at my local grocery store who does not take sanitation nearly as seriously. The only real danger is the plane, and if you are careful you can protect yourself pretty well on the plane (keep your mask on, and use plenty of wet wipes on all surfaces you come in contact with). The risk once you are at Disney is pretty small with the measures they have in place.

But here is the thing. Right now, we live in very stressful times. If you do not relieve the stress, you will explode. And not in a good way. We need to destress. If Disney is your destresser, then you should go and not feel guilty. That's my reason for going. I would rather be careful during the plane ride and have my time to decompress then then just completely loose it with pent up stress.

Just my 2 cents, but what they really boil down to is you do you and do not feel guilty for going where your heart guides you.
Since a couple people were referencing it, I'll make it clear: If we are in session in any capacity where I'm working with other people, I won't go on this trip. The point of my post was that even if we aren't in-person, I still feel guilty at the thought of going, just because of my obligation to society at large surrounding luxury things like travel during the pandemic.

And I see the tugging from different sides even from people responding to this thread, and all of it is part of my internal monologue. As I said above, I don't know what it is that I want to hear... just wanted to share that the feeling kinda sucks, and see if others are feeling the same way.

I think it’s good youve decided if you have in-person schooling, it’s a bad idea. But even if fully remote it’s a bad idea. All of us adults are responsible for setting an example in our daily lives, and we are usually striving to show kids to think of others, to think of their community, etc. I just don’t see how traveling to a theme park during a pandemic is in furtherance of this. And teens especially are going to struggle this fall to comply with proper COVID-protocol. It just seems hypocritical to expect teens, with their barely developed brains, to defer so much while surreptitiously traveling to a theme park. And if you get sick, how easy will it be to find a remote learning sub? I feel like you’ll have more credibility if you’re able to commiserate with them that everyone, including you, is sacrificing, and you’ll also generally feel better about yourself. Just my 2 cents.
But even if we are doing distance learning and I'm not with huge groups of kids - my HS classes are usually 34-38 students - I still feel this guilt like I would be shamed or judged by family, friends, coworkers for going. Maybe I'm just projecting or being paranoid, but I worry about being looked down on for wanting to go.
I think many of us are in the same boat. First off our higher ups in our company were starting to say that because of the quarantine recommendations (in MA) that people should just cancel vacations. We work in a healthcare facility and frankly we all need the mental break to get away from all of this. They have changed their tune and now they will just have us get tested when we come back. This maybe something you will have to discuss with your school. I am guessing FL will remain a hot spot for quite sometime.

Personally I have a November trip planned, we will be just as safe and will follow the same procedures as when we are at home so really not putting us at any greater risk than we already have been in. I will need the mental break from work and I will go and decompress and relax. I suggest you keep your trip, it will give you something to look forward to because I am sure your job, which is already stressful will be even more stressful. If you are concerned with what other think or will say then don't say anything to anyone -- it really isn't anyone's business. The only issue you might have is if your home state has any recommended self-isolation upon return from FL and if your school district has any input on that recommendation.
Been struggling with my emotions the last couple days as the parks reopen, felt that you guys would understand best. Wondering if you have any input.

Joined DVC in February after a tour at WDW. Booked a Welcome Home stay for me (33) and my wife (30) at RIV for 10/16-10/20, and managed to get 2 nights at BLT for 10/14-10/16 so we can try out staying there before a possible add-on.

There are several reasons we wanted to make this trip:
-2nd wedding anniversary, and we wanted to try out California Grill
-Use up the 2019 banked points that we have (August UY)
-I'm a teacher and schools in MN have a fall recess every year on this weekend in October and so it's a good time for me to take off work
-Food & Wine (and to a lesser extent, MNSSHP which is canceled)
-The other time we'd be able to go is my spring break in early March, but that's when my wife's work is busiest and needs her on board

Right now there's a lot of discussion about what school is going to look like this year. I feel like if we are in session, then it would be irresponsible of me to take a luxury trip to FL and come back to a full classroom.

But even if we are doing distance learning and I'm not with huge groups of kids - my HS classes are usually 34-38 students - I still feel this guilt like I would be shamed or judged by family, friends, coworkers for going. Maybe I'm just projecting or being paranoid, but I worry about being looked down on for wanting to go.

Not sure what I want to hear. For the time being, I'm just waiting for more information and developments: what the plan is for school, if I'd be able to reserve certain dinners, if WDW is going to close up again like HK, what FL cases will look like in 3 months...

I’m a teacher too. Our trip is in November and we can cancel up until October 22 with no penalty. We are waiting to make a final decision. If my school is virtual at that time or plans to be after Thanksgiving break (due to so many families perhaps wanting to travel), we may still go if states get COVID under control some. If the cases are not somewhat controlled or if school is in person (full or at 50%), we will cancel as I do not want to expose my students and my own kids would not want to expose their friends.
As it stands, the chance I think we’ll go keeps declining. I went from being sure it would work out when I booked in March, to going to 50-50 when school got out in June, to being like 20-80 now. I’d see how it looks in september 31 days before your arrival, but I’d be prepared to cancel if I were you.
I think many of us are in the same boat. First off our higher ups in our company were starting to say that because of the quarantine recommendations (in MA) that people should just cancel vacations. We work in a healthcare facility and frankly we all need the mental break to get away from all of this. They have changed their tune and now they will just have us get tested when we come back. This maybe something you will have to discuss with your school. I am guessing FL will remain a hot spot for quite sometime.

Personally I have a November trip planned, we will be just as safe and will follow the same procedures as when we are at home so really not putting us at any greater risk than we already have been in. I will need the mental break from work and I will go and decompress and relax. I suggest you keep your trip, it will give you something to look forward to because I am sure your job, which is already stressful will be even more stressful. If you are concerned with what other think or will say then don't say anything to anyone -- it really isn't anyone's business. The only issue you might have is if your home state has any recommended self-isolation upon return from FL and if your school district has any input on that recommendation.

This x 1000. We are all so concerned with our physical health, we are neglecting our mental health which is just as important. Its no accident that suicide is at ridiculously high rates right now. And while I am not saying if you do not take your trip, you will commit suicide, I am saying that your mental health has a BIG toll on your physical health. When you are stressed, it has all kinds of horribly physiological changes - including reducing your ability to withstand disease.

Different people have different needs for their mental health. If Disney is part of yours, take this into account.
If you were my kid's teacher, I would question your judgment, honestly. You want to put a classroom full of kids -- and their households by extension -- at risk so you can go to a theme park? There is so much selfishness in this thread. No, you don't need to go a luxury theme park in the middle of a pandemic.

If you want to go risk it for yourself, why not go now? Availability is wide open right now. At least you know you won't be risking the health of your students and their families.

If I were a teacher responsible for spreading this, and something serious happened, I'm not sure I could live with myself.

Maybe this will be a very different discussion in September. Maybe everyone will have already spread it around the school, or a vaccine, or WDW shut again by then.
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We went on a camping trip and I didn't even want to post about that on social media. It wasn't a secret as I told some people we went, I just didn't post photos. Honestly I feel like camping is safe but some people shame you if you leave your house ever. I believe you can go out and have fun in a safe way, to parks and other outdoor places. However WDW seems too risky to me, especially the getting there on an air plane, and dealing with renting a car or taking buses, etc.
If you were my kid's teacher, I would question your judgment, honestly. You want to put a classroom full of kids -- and their households by extension -- at risk so you can go to a theme park? There is so much selfishness in this thread. No, you don't need to go a luxury theme park in the middle of a pandemic.

If you want to go risk it for yourself, why not go now? Availability is wide open right now. At least you know you won't be risking the health of your students and their families.

If I were a teacher responsible for spreading this, and something serious happened, I'm not sure I could live with myself.

Maybe this will be a very different discussion in September. Maybe everyone will have already spread it around the school, or a vaccine, or WDW shut again by then.

I feel like I've said it multiple times and people keep not reading it, and I absolutely am feeling defensive about comments like this. I will not go if we are in person for school. The point to my thread is that even if we are in full distance learning, and even though my trip is schedule over an already existing break from school, I would still feel guilty going on this trip.

To reiterate, even though I and my wife would be completely quarantined when we get back, since we both would be working from home and not interacting with anyone else, I would still feel guilty about going. This is completely because I feel that obligation to society as a whole to not be another vector for transmission while traveling, etc. That's why I'm very much leaning toward not going.

Again, I am not spreading anything to students, this is completely over a scheduled break, and yet I still feel like I won't go.
It changes the percentage of positive tests. So, there is no way to know for certain how much of the rise is due to increased testing.
The %'s don't matter when you have 10-15k positive tests.The + numbers coming out of FLA. are higher than any other state right now.2%-5% all semantics.
Why yes increasing how many people you test will raise the probability that you will have more cases.It still means you have more +'s period.

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