fast pass for children under 3?


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2002
Subject says it all. Our son is 2 1/2 and was wondering will we be able to use fast passes for him at the WDW parks? Will he even have a ticket, or does he just get waved in? Our 5yr old will have a child's ticket, but imagine there will be some rides they do together.

I've searched the boards for this answer and couldn't find in a guidebook either, so thought I'd ask.

Imagine if he has no ticket and is just waved in the park, the answer is no, but wanted to check to be sure.

Assume the same for US/IOA with their no-wait policies as well.

I've never done Universal, but at WDW kids who don't need tickets don't need FPs. They'll be allowed in with the rest of the group. Many FP rides have height restrictions, so the 2 year old won't be able to ride, but some of them are slow rides with no restrictions.
Our daughter was 3 during our last trip and there wasn't a problem bringing her in with the rest of us using FP
Excellent question, I'd never even thought about it! I just carried DS in with us as we used our fast passes.
Thanks to those who have replied!

Yes, the only intention for him using would be to ride with his older sister in the case
where we were using her FP for things like Dumbo and Pooh, and wanted to make sure
he wasn't going to be prohibited from riding as well - you can imagine how much fun that
would be to deal with?!

Glad to hear they'll let him on with her assuming hers is valid for the time.

Again, thanks!
And just in case he wants his own, like my 2 1/2 yo DD did, you can just reinsert your DD's ticket and it will give you another ticket that says not valid for fast pass. The CM's understood perfectly well what we were doing when she handed it to them.

oh, loribell, that is a WONDERFUL idea. It's never been an issue before because DS was really too young to notice. For our next trip, he'll be one week shy of three; he would definitely notice!

Wow, great idea. I never would have considered that! Thanks!

2 days and counting! :)
Give my DD the credit. At 2 1/2 she wanted her own. So of course she got one. Anything to keep them happy. LOL!



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