"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

@buzzrelly :

Hi! Thanks for the nice words :) That's funny you say that, I looked through the kiosk outside of Space Mountain as well! There was an awesome Tomorrowland case that I'm still kicking myself for not buying :sad2: We love RFC, but not really because of their food, but more because of the atmosphere. So I can't say that we were super surprised that T-Rex's food was less than delicious! We loved our treats from Goofy's; my mom declared it the best caramel apple she'd ever had in her life!

I can imagine how tired you were getting! I'm glad you guys found things at Lily Pulitzer! AND found your Dumbo slider, so cute!

Wow, what a rude lady at T-Rex! I would have been so annoyed!

I had a drink similar to yours one (I'm also obsessed with all things cotton candy) and you are so right, VERY dangerous because it's hard to taste the alcohol!

I'm sorry your meal wasn't good :( At least you made up for it by going to Goofy's!

I can't believe you had to wait so long for a bus! It's great that you made the best of it.

You guys had such a long day! Good idea ditching the rope drop plans! Can't wait to hear about MK!!

Thanks :) Yeah, I was annoyed but more in shock than anything else! Maybe I'm used to Midwestern manners, but NOBODY does that around here!

I could have had probably two more of those drinks!! That would've made for an interesting bus ride home :rotfl2: It totally helped having the treats to munch on while we were waiting in line! We were soooo overtired at that point!

<shudder> Ugggh. I had a similar experience at Ample Hills Creamery.

At least you had some room for a yummy Goofy treat! And something to do while you waited in that bus line...

....which is SOOOO ridiculous. No, just no. You guys are so awesome to be so chill when you were so tired. That would have been the end of me!

Ahhhhh! I wish every deluxe would do this!! That would be heaven to come "home" to every night!

Haha! We haven't made it over to Ample Hills yet, but considering your glowing review, I don't know if we will anytime soon ;) It so helped having the treats to eat, we got the biggest sugar rush which helped us make it through the night! It was super ridiculous! We kept saying that if it hit 1 hour, we would call somebody. It was good that we were in good spirits, because basically at that point, if we weren't laughing, we would be crying :rotfl:And I agree! We were so spoiled by turn-down service and it really made us feel like we were on vacation.

Great update! I have yet to eat at T-Rex. I've figured that it's basically the same as eating at Rainforest Cafe and I've been pretty frequently to the one at Gurnee Mills. I figure when I have a kid I'll have to check it out, but until then I'll pass. But you're drink and that flatbread look awesome!!

Thank you! Ahhh, I love the Rainforest Cafe at Gurnee Mills! When I was little, my family and I would frequently spend the day at 6 Flags then eat at RFC for dinner that night :goodvibes It was our little tradition! And they were awesome; just my sandwich and the salad were a little off!!

The Ganachery was smaller than I thought it would be. I don't like white chocolate either and that sounds gross :crazy2:

Crazy people :rotfl:

We ate at T-Rex and found the food only okay, but the atmosphere was pretty cool.

omg that's awful

Yeah, we wanted to give it a try but it was really gross ::yes:: And hey, Disney isn't Disney without crazy people, amiright? Sometimes the most fun that I have in Disney is people-watching! And we agree, the atmosphere rocked but the food was meh.

I've been lurking along and I couldn't help but chime in after I read about the lady grabbing your arm- like what the heck?! Disney makes some people so entitled! Hey, be mad- that's cool, I would be too if my reservation was first but don't be grabbin' people! NOT COOL, ya weirdo!

Anyways, thoroughly enjoying your report!

Hi!! Thanks for lurking :) And I know, that was definitely the craziest encounter I've had at Disney! I was in such shocked that I didn't even know what to say to her! :lmao:Like hey, plz don't touch me ::yes:: Haha but thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my report :cutie:

Loving your report. I'm planning on taking my daughter on a mother/daughter trip in a few years when she is 12 so it's really nice seeing you and your mom enjoying some quality time together.

:welcome: and thank you so much for reading :) That's awesome that you are planning a mother-daughter trip so far in advance, it's perfect bonding time and you'll have memories to last a lifetime! :goodvibes


No problem :teeth:
Day 2: Part 1- “Welcome to Our Family Time!”

Hi Disfriends!! Where I last left off, my Mom and I were settling into bed at 2 AM after a marathon first day!! We were planning on hitting rope drop at Magic Kingdom the next day, but we knew that we’d be too tired to function after going to bed so late. So, before hitting the sack, we changed around some FP’s to allow us to sleep in!

We woke up naturally this morning at about 8:45 AM. It sounds early, but we were so refreshed. You guys, the GF’s beds are literally the comfiest things on the planet!! It felt like sleeping on clouds :cloud9: We were pleasantly surprised, because we remembered CBR’s beds to be a bit hard.

My mom woke up about 5 minutes before me, but I also got up once I heard her moving about. We made some tea and decided to sit on our balcony to enjoy our wonderful view.


Can’t get much better than this :love:

We took our time getting ready this morning. We hung out and talked for a bit on the balcony and let ourselves wake up a bit before heading out. Our first magical moment of the day happened when we realized we could hear MK's train whistle from our balcony!! We could also hear the music from the park opening show. It was so cool and it felt like our own little private welcoming :music:

Mom and I left the room at 10 AM on the dot! Of course, not before taking one more resort pic (because nobody can have too many GF photos, right?!)


Our beloved Poly! I feel pure peace and tranquility whenever I look at this picture :goodvibes

We hopped a monorail to Magic Kingdom, and in 3 minutes, we were there!!


EEP! Our first sight of Disney Halloween decorations! We breezed through security and practically ran around the corner to catch a look at this beauty…



Mom and I definitely teared up. There is nothing better than seeing the castle up close. Even though we had just been at MK last year, it had felt like forever since we had seen this glorious castle! It looks crowded in the picture, but the crowds actually weren’t too bad on Main Street! Also, one day, I will finally get one of those amazing balloons. ::yes::


Much closer this time! I love the new hub design; it feels so much more organized and I think that it disperses the crowds really nicely. Of course, my mom can’t resist a mini-photoshoot in front of the castle!


Even though I took a lot of pictures this trip, my mom is definitely the photographer of the family! She is always taking pictures and is a great photographer! I was happy to be her model for the trip :cutie: We got a picture together as well, but the people took it very far away; we looked like ants compared to the castle :sad1: This is where Photopass would have came in handy; castle shots can be tricky!

Since we hadn’t had breakfast besides our morning tea, our tummies were starting to grumble. Luckily, I had just the place in mind for a nice breakfast! We made a beeline behind the castle for New Fantasyland, with Gaston’s Tavern on the brain!


We had never been to Gaston’s Tavern before, but I had heard great things about their cinnamon rolls! One thing that you must know about me is that I LOVE cinnamon rolls! Cinnabon in the mall is my guilty pleasure :worship: Since they are ginormous, I enlisted my mom to help me share one.


We took in the sights of New Fantasyland, then headed inside to get in line for Gaston’s Tavern. The line was made up of about 8 people total, not too bad at all! Then, all of a sudden, a family with two young kids gets in line behind us. The kids are a boy and a girl, the girl being about 5 years old and the boy being about 2. The little girl is dressed to the nines as Ariel and is adorable, but clearly hangry as all heck! She starts throwing a fit in the line behind us, yelling at the top of her lungs; “THIS IS THE LONGEST LINE ON EARTH!!”


Honey, if you think this line is long, you’ve clearly never been to WDW during Spring Break :rotfl: My mom and I were trying so hard not to laugh, but it was hard because the line was literally 8 people long! It was cute, but then, she started getting really bratty and sassing her parents, saying things like “I hate Disney World! I want to go home!”


Yeah, not so cute anymore :sad2: (Bonus points for anyone who can name the movie that this GIF is from! It’s one of my faves :cheer2:)

Luckily, it was finally our time to get our breakfast!


We ordered a cinnamon roll and a Lefou’s Brew to share! As soon as we got our food, two people left the sitting area and a table opened up. Score!


YUMMY! This totally hit the spot. I was a little worried about the Lefou’s Brew being a weird combination of flavors (passion fruit, apple, and marshmallow), but it was so refreshing! Even my mom loved it, and she’s not a huge fan of sweet slushies. And the cinnamon roll was delicious as well. The glaze on it was light but just the right amount of sweetness. I do not enjoy cream cheese frosting, so I’m glad that there wasn’t any to be found on this tasty treat!


After devouring our breakfast, we decided to peek in Bonjour Village Gifts. My mom’s favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, so she really enjoys this area of Magic Kingdom! I eyed up a Chip coffee mug, but decided to wait until later in the week to buy it. Sadly, this day never came :sad: Hey, there’s always next time!

With our bellies full and our excitement through the roof, we decided to take on our first ride of the day! What would that be?!?! You’ll have to find out in the next update!

Coming Soon- Day 2: Part 2- “You’re Never Too Old to be Young!”
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Is the movie "Bring It On"?:cheer2: It's been awhile, but looks familiar. :cheer2:

We tried Gaston's last summer and shared the cinnamon rolls and LeFou's Brew as well. Both were good, but for me, a little of the brew went a long way. Good thing we were sharing! :flower3:
One of my favorite things about staying at BLT is waking up to all the sights and sounds of the MK, especially the train. It's awesome that you can hear it from the Grand :love:

That cinnamon roll looks yummy! DS used to get the cinnamon roll at Main Street Bakery all the time, before it was turned into a Starbucks :mad: Sadly. We never seem to remember to go to Gaston's to try one.

I'm going to guess you went on Dumbo :-)
Starting off your day on the balcony sounds lovely!

Love the pic of you in front of the castle! No matter how many times you go, it's always exciting seeing the castle for the first time on a trip!

What a bratty kid!

Bring It On GIF!

Your breakfast looks yummy, glad it hit the spot!
Fun TR!

I miss being close to a Lilly Pulitzer brick and mortar:( Every now and again you could score some good deals on the sale rack. They hardly ever have sales online. There is a little shop in the GF lobby that sells a smaller selection of LP...and I'm sure that stuff NEVER goes on sale!

Crazy about the lady in TRex. You handled yourself MUCH better than I would. What makes people think they can grab a total stranger like that?
That cinnamon bun looks delicious!

Kids thinking 8 people is a long line at WDW :rotfl:

We got the Chip mug last year it's so cute.
OMG BRING IT ON IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME. I probably watch it at least once every other month. Whenever I'm feeling down and don't know what to watch, my husband will run and grab me Bring It On because it's a movie I'm alwayyssss willing to watch and I love it! :D

I have yet to try a cinnamon roll from Gaston's but I have had the Brew. I didn't care too much for it but that's because I was comparing it to butterbeer from Harry Potter which is PHENOMENAL and really nothing can compare. I think I'll have to give it another chance. :)

Fun side story: The first time I had butterbeer was the first time I was stung by a bee. My brother was trying to save me as we were sitting outside of Hogwarts and he started kicking the bee!! Well, naturally it flew under my leg and stung me. One of the first things out of my mouth besides the screams was "Where did my butterbeer go???" A friend had moved it out of the way so I wouldn't spill. Clearly it was THAT important to me. lollllll
Catching up on your last 2 updates :surfweb:

You guys got alot of shopping done! I can't do that when we have our boys :rolleyes: DH starts off all positive and happy to shop with me, but then his smile gets fake and at that point-I just can't shop anymore. Oh, well. But I do love Tren-D and I buy something there every trip. Also looking forward to seeing all the changes/additions to DS since we were last there in January.

Mmm, your rice krispy treat from Goofy's looks delicious :-) On all our trips we've never done that either but it's high on my list for next month!

I had never thought about being able to hear the train whistle and MK opening show, but that's so cool! Cementing my feeling that I need to stay at the GF one of these days........
YUM on the Gaston's cinnamon roll :cloud9: And just an FYI, DH and I each get our own. I do not share something that full of goodness!
That's too bad your meal was less than satisfying at T-Rex. It's great that you keep such a positive attitude!

Your rice krispie treat looked scrumptious!

Hearing the sound of the MK train whistle from your balcony must have been heavenly. Some day...

Sadly, the happiest place on earth brings out the worst in some people.
We could also hear the music from the park opening show. It was so cool and it felt like our own little private welcoming :music:

That is SO AWESOME. The more I'm hearing about the GF, the more I'm wanting to stay there!!

We got a picture together as well, but the people took it very far away; we looked like ants compared to the castle :sad1:

Ugh. I feel this always happens when we ask someone or someone offers to take our pictures. And they're being nice, so I shouldn't complain. But I will. :rolleyes: Why do they think that I need to see a ton of sidewalk/ground in front of me in the picture??

Yeah, not so cute anymore :sad2: (Bonus points for anyone who can name the movie that this GIF is from! It’s one of my faves :cheer2:)

"Don't hate us 'cause we're beautiful, we'll we don't like you either! We're cheerleaders! Yah! Cheerleaders! Woooo!" :woohoo: Haha. I used to be able to do the whole opening cheer with the movements as well. I can still remember how to do "Knock 'em down, roll 'em around, come on defense, work! Work!" Haha. Good times!!!!!

We ordered a cinnamon roll and a Lefou’s Brew to share!

I :love::love::love: LeFou brew!!!!

My mom’s favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast

Mine too! I knew your mom was good people! :thumbsup2
Is the movie "Bring It On"?:cheer2: It's been awhile, but looks familiar. :cheer2:

We tried Gaston's last summer and shared the cinnamon rolls and LeFou's Brew as well. Both were good, but for me, a little of the brew went a long way. Good thing we were sharing! :flower3:

Yes!! It is Bring it On! :cheer2:

I totally agree with you about the Lefou's Brew. It was very sweet and one cup was just perfect for sharing! :)

One of my favorite things about staying at BLT is waking up to all the sights and sounds of the MK, especially the train. It's awesome that you can hear it from the Grand :love:

That cinnamon roll looks yummy! DS used to get the cinnamon roll at Main Street Bakery all the time, before it was turned into a Starbucks :mad: Sadly. We never seem to remember to go to Gaston's to try one.

I'm going to guess you went on Dumbo :-)

It was soooo amazing waking up to the train!! We haven't stayed on the monorail since 2002, and we totally forgot how magical it is! :love:

Ugh, I can't believe they turned Main Street Bakery into Starbucks :sad2: You can get Starbucks anywhere!! Why can't they just leave Disney alone? Haha :rotfl: Well, I'm sure your DS would love the cinammon roll at Gaston's!

And ahhhh good guess! But Dumbo was actually our second ride! :dumbo:

Starting off your day on the balcony sounds lovely!

Love the pic of you in front of the castle! No matter how many times you go, it's always exciting seeing the castle for the first time on a trip!

What a bratty kid!

Bring It On GIF!

Your breakfast looks yummy, glad it hit the spot!

It was so nice just to relax on the balcony in the morning instead of being rushed to get to rope drop!

Thanks! I don't think seeing the castle will ever get old :goodvibes

Yay fellow Bring it On fan!! And yes the breakfast was perfect! It was just enough to tie us over until our very special lunch ADR :)

Fun TR!

I miss being close to a Lilly Pulitzer brick and mortar:( Every now and again you could score some good deals on the sale rack. They hardly ever have sales online. There is a little shop in the GF lobby that sells a smaller selection of LP...and I'm sure that stuff NEVER goes on sale!

Crazy about the lady in TRex. You handled yourself MUCH better than I would. What makes people think they can grab a total stranger like that?

Thank you and :welcome: :) It was our first time going to a Lilly outlet and it did not disappoint! The dress I got was originally $90 but I got it for $30 :thumbsup2 I don't know why they don't have sales online, I think it's silly they don't. And we actually did visit the store in the GF but didn't find anything! As you suspected, everything was full price :scared1:

Haha, thank you!! Not sure what possessed her to do that, especially since she had only been waiting about 15 mins! If the hostess hadn't whisked us away, I probably would've said some choice words :laughing:

That cinnamon bun looks delicious!

Kids thinking 8 people is a long line at WDW :rotfl:

We got the Chip mug last year it's so cute.

It was soooo good, we devoured it!! And I know, hey I guess it's all relative ;) I definitely have to get that Chip mug next time we go to Disney!

OMG BRING IT ON IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME. I probably watch it at least once every other month. Whenever I'm feeling down and don't know what to watch, my husband will run and grab me Bring It On because it's a movie I'm alwayyssss willing to watch and I love it! :D

I have yet to try a cinnamon roll from Gaston's but I have had the Brew. I didn't care too much for it but that's because I was comparing it to butterbeer from Harry Potter which is PHENOMENAL and really nothing can compare. I think I'll have to give it another chance. :)

Fun side story: The first time I had butterbeer was the first time I was stung by a bee. My brother was trying to save me as we were sitting outside of Hogwarts and he started kicking the bee!! Well, naturally it flew under my leg and stung me. One of the first things out of my mouth besides the screams was "Where did my butterbeer go???" A friend had moved it out of the way so I wouldn't spill. Clearly it was THAT important to me. lollllll

YAY! I'm so glad I found someone who loves Bring It On as much as I do! I was a cheerleader for 3 years and we always watched it at parties and on the way to competitions! But our competitions were nothing like theirs ;)

I totally agree that Butterbeer is way better than Lefou's Brew. Not saying that the brew isn't yummy, but I LOVE cream soda and butterscotch, and mix that with a slushie and I'm in heaven :cloud9:

HAHA, love the story about the bee! Priorities :thumbsup2 Dont worry, I would've done the same thing!!

Catching up on your last 2 updates :surfweb:

You guys got alot of shopping done! I can't do that when we have our boys :rolleyes: DH starts off all positive and happy to shop with me, but then his smile gets fake and at that point-I just can't shop anymore. Oh, well. But I do love Tren-D and I buy something there every trip. Also looking forward to seeing all the changes/additions to DS since we were last there in January.

Mmm, your rice krispy treat from Goofy's looks delicious :-) On all our trips we've never done that either but it's high on my list for next month!

I had never thought about being able to hear the train whistle and MK opening show, but that's so cool! Cementing my feeling that I need to stay at the GF one of these days........
YUM on the Gaston's cinnamon roll :cloud9: And just an FYI, DH and I each get our own. I do not share something that full of goodness!

We definitely had our fair share of shopping this vacation!! Aw man, I'm sorry that the boys keep you from shopping, my boyfriend is the same way as your husband, haha ;) Sadly, I've never bought anything from Tren-D! You'll love all of the changes, Disney Springs is like a completely different place now!

We both loved our treats and have now deemed making our own treat a must-do for every trip :)

We had no idea that we would be able to hear it from the GF, we were so shocked and excited! The GF is definitely something that you should stay once, it is so beautiful and elegant but has an incredibly strong Disney feel to it as well. And if we didn't have lunch at BOG planned for 2 hours later, I would have definitely got my own cinammon roll :thumbsup2

That's too bad your meal was less than satisfying at T-Rex. It's great that you keep such a positive attitude!

Your rice krispie treat looked scrumptious!

Hearing the sound of the MK train whistle from your balcony must have been heavenly. Some day...

Sadly, the happiest place on earth brings out the worst in some people.

Thanks! We figure that it takes more energy to be upset and complain than it does to just get past it! I feel like perhaps that lady needed that advice as well ::yes:: Plus, our first-day high didn't hurt either ;) Both of our treats were delicious and hit the spot, especially while waiting for the bus!

It was such a cool surprise, we never expected to hear the train, especially since we didn't have a theme park view! It was a perfect way to start our day, I wish every day could start that way :sad:

This might be enough to make me go to Disney Springs on our Feb trip. I LOVE Lilly and we don't have a store either. Love your dress!

:welcome:YES you should definitely make a trip!! Especially if you love Lilly! They have a whole bunch of other cool stores there, like Free People and Kate Spade too! And thank you :)

That is SO AWESOME. The more I'm hearing about the GF, the more I'm wanting to stay there!!

Ugh. I feel this always happens when we ask someone or someone offers to take our pictures. And they're being nice, so I shouldn't complain. But I will. :rolleyes: Why do they think that I need to see a ton of sidewalk/ground in front of me in the picture??

"Don't hate us 'cause we're beautiful, we'll we don't like you either! We're cheerleaders! Yah! Cheerleaders! Woooo!" :woohoo: Haha. I used to be able to do the whole opening cheer with the movements as well. I can still remember how to do "Knock 'em down, roll 'em around, come on defense, work! Work!" Haha. Good times!!!!!

I :love::love::love: LeFou brew!!!!

Mine too! I knew your mom was good people! :thumbsup2

The GF is amazing!! At first, we didn't know if we should've chose the Poly instead, but we were SO happy with our choice. The GF is a once in a lifetime experience!!

Hahaha :rotfl: the accuracy! We didn't want to complain, nor did we want to ask them to take our picture again, so we just kind of moved along our way :rolleyes1

Awesome, oh wow! Like, totally freak me out! I mean, right on! :woohoo: I first saw this movie when I was 7, and I remember getting in trouble at school for singing the opening cheer and doing the, um, motions during recess :lmao:

Haha, I'll tell her you said that! :thumbsup2
Awesome, oh wow! Like, totally freak me out! I mean, right on! :woohoo: I first saw this movie when I was 7, and I remember getting in trouble at school for singing the opening cheer and doing the, um, motions during recess :lmao:

Hahahahahaha. :rotfl2: Did you even know what you were doing??

Don't be a cheer-tator, Torrance!
What?!? It's an OUTLET?? I'm going to have to just abandon my family at some point and sneak over there.

Shoot!! I just looked it up online and it's not :( I'm so sorry to get you so excited! I guess I just figured it was an outlet because there was some great deals! I think you'd still love the store if you made the trip :)

Hahahahahaha. :rotfl2: Did you even know what you were doing??

Don't be a cheer-tator, Torrance!

Hahaha oh definitely not!! I mean, I knew that the movie had strong language, but my parents let me watch adult movies at a young age. Case in point- when I was 8, I asked my dad to rent a movie for my birthday slumber party. What movie did he choose? Billy Madison :rotfl2:We loved it!! :rotfl:
Day 2: Part 2- “You’re Never Too Old to be Young!”

Hello friends! Where I last left off, we had just eaten a yummy breakfast at Gaston’s Tavern and were about to go on our first ride at Magic Kingdom! These were our plans for the day:


11:20-12:20 PM- Seven Dwarves Mine Train
2:45-3:45 PM- Splash Mountain
7:50-8:50 PM- Peter Pan’s Flight


12:25 PM- Be Our Guest

If you followed along with my Aug/Sept 2015 TR, you’ll know that we chose Mad Tea Party as our first MK ride on a complete whim! This year, we originally had a fastpass for Peter Pan’s Flight from 9:05-10:05 AM. Our plan was to hit rope drop, take our time walking around Main Street, and then use the FP as our first ride. But, since we went to bed at 2 AM the night before, we rescheduled Peter Pan’s Flight for 7:50-8:50 PM. That meant that we had to choose a new first ride!

Two nights before we left for WDW, we were doing some last minute shopping at Kohl’s when we ran into one of my mom’s patients. She is a 14 year old with Down Syndrome and is cute as a button :cutie: We told her about our upcoming trip, and I was asking her questions about Disney. She had mentioned that her favorite ride was Journey of the Little Mermaid. It seemed like a no-brainer to ride Journey of the Little Mermaid first, in honor of my mom’s adorable patient :goodvibes

The line was about 10 minutes, then we were on! I fell in love with this ride on our 2013 trip. I wasn’t expecting much the first time I rode, but it is so cute and the music is very catchy! I love the Flounder animatronic when Ariel is singing Part of Your World.


See! Look how happy he is :)

Also, during Kiss the Girl, Ariel and Eric’s fluttering eyes are so realistic! It was a perfect first ride.

Once we disembarked, we decided to head on over to Storybook Circus! The crowds were a bit larger than we were used to, especially during September. We were so spoiled with last trip; everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) at Magic Kingdom was a walk-on! But, we were also prepared for this, since it was the Sunday before Labor Day.

Dumbo was only a 15-minute wait, so we jumped in line! Even the Barnstormer was a 25-minute line, no thank you :sad2: We got a pager for Dumbo and sat in the play area for about 10 minutes before it was our turn!


This was a cool way to people-watch! Both my mom and I adore children, so it was fun to watch the kids run around and have a ball. But, it was also hilarious, because kids would get so upset when they’d have to leave the play area to ride Dumbo :rotfl: They would rather play on the playground instead of going on the actual ride! And then the parents would get frustrated with their kids and yell at them for being sad!


I laugh now, but just wait. When I’m older and have children of my own to take to Disney World, I’m sure that exact conversation will occur! Throughout the trip, my mom would often tell people with young kids to come back when they’re older, because then at least you can have a drink together ::yes::

We decided on a pink Dumbo, and then we were off!


A Disney classic! Although I do miss the spectacular view of the castle :sad1:

After landing, it was time to cash in our Seven Dwarves Mine Train FP! Last year, this ride was our second-to-last ride of the whole trip, and while we enjoyed it, we were also suffering some last-day depression. Plus, my mom ended up leaving her sunglasses in the seat pouch :lmao: So, we were pumped to try it again when we were in better moods! Mom and I breezed past the 80-minute standby and were on in less than 3 minutes.

And our verdict? We really liked it! Although I will say, like I mentioned in my last TR, I always compare 7DMT to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. 7DMT is smoother, but BTMRR has more nostalgia for me. That being said, the graphics with the dwarves are awesome! Plus, we had a really fun group who all sang along when we got the the “Heigh-Ho” part :goodvibes

We then had about 25 minutes until our Be Our Guest lunch ADR. Since all of the waits in Fantasyland were longer than that, we sort of moseyed about!


Had to get a shot of the Beast’s castle!!

We looped over past Winnie the Pooh and ended up back by Mad Tea Party. The wait time was only 10 minutes! Riding Mad Tea Party before rather than after lunch proved to be an excellent plan :thumbsup2


The theming of Mad Tea Party is so cute! Many times throughout the trip, I saw a teacup and saucer in the shape of this ride vehicle, and I was so tempted to buy one. But, I feel like I would have to buy multiple cups so that I could have
one in every color :ccat: “Painting the Roses Red” is one of my favorite Disney songs because of this ride! I have such a vivid memory of riding this on our last trip, that every time I hear that song, it instantly takes me back!

Mom and I ended up going all-out and whipping the cup around as fast as it would go! We were literally falling all over each other and couldn’t even sit up from the g’s! It was fun in the moment, but we could barely stand once we got off :crazy2: We definitely had to take a moment to get over the dizziness!

But not too long! We had a very special lunch ADR to get to!! :hyper:

Coming up Next- Day 2: Part 3- “Tale as Old as Time, Song as Old as Rhyme!”
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Aw! I think Ariel would have been my second guess :-) My mom and I love that ride too. It's definitely better since they fixed the lighting.

HaHa…That meme of Abby Lee! That's so funny, and definitely true of most moms at WDW at one time or another! I speak from experience :oops:

I have never gone on the teacups in all of my trips…isn't that odd? I have walked by many, many times but always on my way to somewhere else. I may have to stop and ride one of these days! I hear that song, "Painting The Roses Red" on Pandora all the time and never knew it was from that ride.

Be Our Guest for lunch is my favorite meal there. I like that you can sit wherever you want. I haven't sat in Belle's room with the music box yet…next time I go, that's where I'm sitting.

Great update!


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