Entertainment Book Question?


<font color=teal>Pear is probably my all time favo
Mar 15, 2001
Has anyone bought the entertainment book for the Orlando area, and if so do you feel it would be of any value for someone just in the area for 10 days or so? My problem is I live in central Pennsylvania and the closest book for my area is Harrisburg, which is 3 hours away. I doubt very much I would get any use from motels, restaurants or any of the entertainment this area has to offer. So I was thinking I could get the Olando book, and hopefully it will be of some use to us. Does anyone know what type benefits come with either the Orlando or the Harrisburg ones? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
I will try that for Orlando I suppose, but when I try Harrisburg it keeps telling me nothing is available. I'm wondering if it has any coupons in it for my area. LOL I see my book only costs $25.00 and the others all seem to run more.


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