Ear infection: the WORST pain I've ever had.

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Son. Husband. Father.
Oct 4, 2014
my GOD what a painful experience...I could not believe how painful that was I couldn't sleep for two days.

I had to go to the doctor and she prescribed for me...drops...I came home and DH was FURIOUS! He asked where the oral antibacterial was!? I didn't know so I had to wait until they opened again the next day.

It was SO bad that I couldn't even chew food or speak the infection had spread to the bottom of my jaw too.

I got the antibacterial oral pills and I feel like a new man again seriously it was so effective.

Anyway the point of it is to warn you guys if you feel discomfort or since some kind of infections take care of it ASAP it was the worst pain ever...
absolutely. I've had ear infections since early childhood (over 50 years) and the worst ever sent me running to an e/r where the doctor was convinced I had done scuba diving followed by an airline flight too soon afterwards (I've never done scuba in my life). he and the ent specialist said they had never seen anything like it outside pilots and scuba divers. repeated ear infections that have led to repeated DRUM ruptures due to 'pooh-pooh, we can't treat it until there's a culture proof of infection' stances from doctors have resulted in my securing a solid ENT group that knows that when I call and say that something is going on w/my ears means-SOMETHING IS GOING ON WITH MY EARS!!!
What did you take to help you and I feel so sorry for you as well such a painful experience:
Sounds pretty painful. However, I'm guessing you've never had kidney stones or given birth without anesthesia. My dad got morphine for the latter, and I can't really describe the horror that went on after my wife got in the delivery room too late for an epidural. I can't imagine anything more painful than those two possibilities.
Sounds pretty painful. However, I'm guessing you've never had kidney stones or given birth without anesthesia. My dad got morphine for the latter, and I can't really describe the horror that went on after my wife got in the delivery room too late for an epidural. I can't imagine anything more painful than those two possibilities.

And I'm guessing you've never had an ear infection as an adult. No need to discount someone else's pain or show anyone up.
Sounds pretty painful. However, I'm guessing you've never had kidney stones or given birth without anesthesia. My dad got morphine for the latter, and I can't really describe the horror that went on after my wife got in the delivery room too late for an epidural. I can't imagine anything more painful than those two possibilities.

no kidney stones but can identify w/a lack of anesthesia- childbirth twice w/ the shortest at 29 hours of labor beginning w/contractions 5 minutes apart and being one of the unlucky ones for whom epidurals do not work. could also go into detail about what it feels like to have outside medical attention multiple strokes wherein despite the blinding pain you can be acutely aware but unable to communicate that your vision, hearing, verbal and muscular skills are slipping away let alone that you are in need of medical assistance (again-all absent pain medication) but that's apple and oranges in this thread topic-which is about the o/p describing the worst pain she's ever experienced which involves an ear infection.

it's not a competition-it's an individual who is sharing a tremendously painful experience and offering a caution to others to take action in order to avoid the same.
I had horrible earaches when I was in elementary school, and to this day I still remember it as being one of the most painful things there is. I remember every time my heart would beat it would send a wave of pain. OP - hope you're better soon.
My dd(16) just went through double ear infection. Gave her drops in the beginning. Did NOTHING. We back and he gave her 3 shots--pain reliever, antibiotic, and cant remember the other one) plus the oral antibiotic. Within hours she was feeling better. Well, let me rephrase that. When she woke up 8 hours later she was feeling better :) Boy she got home and crashed!! I had to check on her several times to make sure she was ok :) I've been through no epidural childbirth, gall stones, and earaches. Pain is pain!
My DD had an ear infection as a toddler. Medicine #1 didn't work. Went to Medicine #2. Not much improvement. Now DD was really in pain. Dr wrote Rx for Amoxicillin and said if that didn't work, DD would need surgery. I took the Rx to the drug store and waited for it to be filled. I had DD with me, as I had picked her up from day care, then gone to the Dr's exam. DD was crying with pain so bad, that the others waiting for their Rx's gladly let us go first (I didn't ask). Luckily, that medicine worked very well. And no ear infections since.
I think it's pretty common these days for the first line of treatment for an ear infection to be handled without antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are frequently ineffective on ear infections, and they are concerned about the bugs becoming resistant. My daughter had chronic ear infections that usually did not respond to the first, or even second line antibiotics.

That said, if you try the medication and it doesn't work, the right move is to call back and request something different.

Glad you're feeling better.
I'm prone to ear infections partially because I have a smaller Eustachian tube in one ear. Not fun. If it's heading into your jaw it's definitely severe.

My worst experience was when I had one that didn't look like an infection to the doc and it proceeded to worsen so much that I had to go back in two days, by which time it was definitely obvious. Not long after I started the antibiotic I started hearing a really strange scratching/crackling/weirdness in my ear, followed by a volcanic eruption spewing from my ear. That went on for the next day and a half. At least it released the pressure rather than rupturing the drum.
Sounds pretty painful. However, I'm guessing you've never had kidney stones or given birth without anesthesia. My dad got morphine for the latter, and I can't really describe the horror that went on after my wife got in the delivery room too late for an epidural. I can't imagine anything more painful than those two possibilities.

Not to start an argument but I gave birth to my three sons with no anesthesia and I can name several pains I have had in my life that definitely top giving birth, for me anyway.

OP, sorry about your ear pain. :hug:
I had a painful earache for a few days that turned out NOT to be an earache - it was a tooth that needed a root canal. Yes, very very very painful.

Hope you are getting rest now and feeling better! :)
Not to start an argument but I gave birth to my three sons with no anesthesia and I can name several pains I have had in my life that definitely top giving birth, for me anyway.

OP, sorry about your ear pain. :hug:

Amen to this. I only had one birth completely medication free, and also not looking to argue, I went on to have a few brain surgeries, one without the possibility of pain medication for the first 24 hours, and that was MUCH worse than any stone or giving birth without medication. And surely there is more painful than that.

Having said that, as a youth I suffered tremendously with ears, and watched my daughter as well, she had to have 3 sets of tubes, and I still have such empathy for you OP. Hoping the meds set in quickly, take them ALL!!
I get them all the time and the antibiotic drops work way better and quicker than oral antibiotics. I don't understand why your husband was angry.:confused3 Yes, they are painful but toothaches are much worse.
Had so many ear infections as a child. One even put me in the hospital. It was bad.

That said, the worse pain I have ever had was a kidney infection. Nothing like feeling as if someone was stabbing me in the back.
I can relate, I am a scuba diver and have small ear canals and have wear ear plugs when I dive. I get an ear infection, every trip so I've learned how to self medicate. One was so bad in Roatan the doc had to vacuum out my ear, which was painful and gross but did help the pain when it was all over. I wasn't supposed to dive for the rest of that trip but that wasn't happening but I did sit out that day and just didn't go as deep at DH on the rest of the dives. I have given birth without medication and have had surgery without pain meds because I'm allergic to codene and morphine so OTC is the best I get and I can tell you, an ear infection is right up there in the pain department. Glad you are feeling better and I agree, if it starts hurting get to the doc right away and don't let it get out of control.
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