DVC owner demographics?

We bought in 2011 and own at SSR. We were 26 (dh), 28, and had a 16 month old DD. We had already done 3 solo trips and 2 trips with DD all were at deluxe or dvc properties. Since married we have only done 2 other vacations besides Disney and they were in Orlando so DVC makes a lot of sense for our family. We love Disney though and choose to spend more time there because we love it. :)
We bought in 2005 at SSR. We did not know about resale or that you could buy at any other DVC. DH & I were in our early 40's with DD 10 & DS 7.

DD & DS had talked us into staying at ASMov (which they loved!). DH & I got no sleep in a double bed. I had fallen in love with OKW villas seven years earlier. Got my DH to take the tour and sign while still at WDW.

We all still love WDW and through the years have done three add-ons.

Hope you enjoy as much as we have.:goodvibes
My husband and I bought in 2012 after debating for 4 years about it as a 26/28 year old couple with no children nor any children planned for the future.

We have since added on at VGF as well.
We purchased in 2007 when I was 37 and my DH was 34. Our kids were 13, 11 and 3 at the time. We've added on several times after the original purchase. Love, love, LOVE our DVC.

You can see from my signature, how many times we've used it since then. And that needs updating because as of today, we booked four more short trips (3-5 nights each) through the end of 2014. :banana:
We bought in 2009. DH and I were both 26, our oldest was 8 months. We had done two Disney vacations that year. One in January when she was 2 months and were on our second in July when we bought. We also had a third scheduled for the upcoming November. It just made sense for us. We loved that even taking DD as a baby was fun and she could enjoy most of the rides and she loved characters. It's gotten better as she's gotten older and we've added another DD to the mix who loves WDW too.
We just bought on or honeymoon last month. We have no kids and I'm 29 and DH is 26. We just planning for our future kid to have awesome vacations and memories!
We bought in 2010. I was 36, DH was 33. Dd was 7 and DS was 4. We also had discussed it for several years before we purchased, and regret not having done so sooner!
My wife and I just closed on VWL and BWV to make us new DVC owners last month! We're 36 and 37 respectively, with 3 kids - 11, 8, 6. I went to DW for the first time ever in 2007, thinking it was just an amusement park, but absolutely fell in love with it! It didn't hurt we used my wife's boss' VWL points for a 2 bedroom villa. We went back in 2010, stayed in a Treehouse Villa. Now, being the owners of two contracts, we're using the VWL for the family trips and saving the BWV for our own adult trip for F&W. Can't wait for our first trip home to VWL at the end of May!
Originally bought in back in 2000 at BW, then added at WL. I was 29, my DW was 28 and our daughter was almost 2 (since then we were also blessed with our son - now 13 years old). We made annual trips (via car) from NJ to WDW. We sold our memberships 3 years ago to buy a beach house much closer to home. A few months after doing so, we realized it was a big mistake and bought back in, resale, at SSR. Looking forward to our first trip to SSR in November 2015!
We bought in 1992 when we were in our early 30's with 2 toddlers. We have gone dozens of times, our kids are grown and call DVC our "cabin."
In 2010, my birthday gift for my 60th birthday was BLT points, with 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren, we are thoroughly enjoying it. My husband and I have always been Disney lovers, we have instilled that in our children, and now our grandchildren enjoy it as much as us. My husband and I look forward to making memories, with just the two of us, and with the whole family, for many, many years to come.
This is awesome. :)

In 2010, my birthday gift for my 60th birthday was BLT points, with 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren, we are thoroughly enjoying it. My husband and I have always been Disney lovers, we have instilled that in our children, and now our grandchildren enjoy it as much as us. My husband and I look forward to making memories, with just the two of us, and with the whole family, for many, many years to come.
My wife & I bought in to SSR back in 2006 a year after we got married, I was 26 and my wife was 27. I've been a big Disney fan since little (my grandmother used to live in Ocala so we'd visit often as a child) and I was able to convert my wife into a Disney fan after 2 visits:thumbsup2 Prior to purchasing, we had been to WDW 5 times as a couple so it totally made financial sense to take the DVC plunge since we knew we'd be coming back often.

We now have a 3 year old son who has been twice and is also hooked on Disney (mostly thanks to Disney Junior, Planes and Cars). We also managed to finagle my inlaws into making a DVC purchase too so we can gang up our points. It was great last Easter having two adjacent 2-bedroom villas at WL with both grandparents, my sister and her husband from the west coast, and an old college roomie (who lives down in Palm Beach now) all together for a great family vacation.
We purchased (the first time) in 1995. My DH & I were both 28. Our girls were 5 & 6. We purchased with the amazing incentive of length of stay passes with each stay. We used the heck out of it. Plus we cruised 1x on the Big Red Boat, 2x 4-day DCL and 1x 7 day DCL.

Then life got in the way. Girls in college and all. So we sold. Now that we are (for the most part) empty nesters, we purchased again. Our goal is to have two equal contracts to will to the girls. Plus enjoy it while we can. Hopefully with future grand babies.
DH and I purchased in 2011 when DS was 1. I was 31, DH was 36 and DS will be an "only.". we did buy in to be able to bring our extended families as well.

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Back when we first purchased DVC the wife and I were in our mid 40's with two children 10 & 9. Of course now I'm retired and the kids are in their early 20's and we are still active DVC members (course with fewer points).
We bought at SSR in 2005 when DS was in college and DD was in HS. We had been visiting WDW for 10 yrs staying at POR. Had never thought DVC was doable for us but it was...so much so that we have done one add on too. Now with both kids out of college, we go one week every year with one or both of them, and two weeks every October for F&Wm(just the two of us).We are on Owner's Locker number two. We could not be happier with our purchase. It is one of the best things we have ever done. Love SSR!
We purchased BCV in 2002 when DH and I were 37; kids were 8 and 6. Added on OKW for my 40th. DD in college now, DS 17. We still look forward to every trip--leaving in 2 days for OKW--our favorite resort!!
We bought in 2010 when we were both 43 with two children aged 16 and 13. We should have done it years before. We have since added on twice as the age of our children means that we like extra space.
We bought in 2011 right when my wife (then girlfriend) and I graduated college, we were 23 & 24 respectively. We got engaged there, honeymooned there, and although we are child-less for now (as well as the next 4-5 years), there will be some eventually. All I know is they will be spoiled rotten!

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