Driving Questions



Hi All:
We are driving down to florida in April. Anyone experience any problems
crossing the Border?
We don't have passports, only birth certificates and drivers licences.
Is there really a need to get passports?
Anyone who has recently driven down your experiences would be
Thank you in advance.
Hi tracycd. We drove down over New Year's and going into the US we were not asked for ID although I had it ready. On our way back into Canada we were asked for ID.

To be on the safe side, I have passports for all of us (just got Dan and Tim their own so they would have photo ID, even though Dan will probably be getting his driver's license this year) and the border guard could see that I had passports in hand when she asked to see our "ID".

When checking into ASMu the security guard asked to see a photo ID at the gate and the CM asked also when I checked us in at the front desk. For these I just showed my driver's license, which was handier at the time.
We were down a month or so ago, and got passports for everyone in the family. The US Customs officer at Port Huron, MI told us that we were "smart to get the passports". I think it makes checking up on people so much easier and it certainly made things simple for us. 10 minutes going, 15 minutes coming back and most of that wait was for the cars in front of us.

- Mike
When we crossed the border at Lacolle, QC a few weeks before Christmas, we weren't asked for any ID, either way.
We live by the Windsor/Detroit border. I've lived here all my life. We go to the States a couple of times a month. We have never been asked for pass ports. (Don't have any) We do have photo ID with us but have never been asked for it. Since Sept 11th they have been checking vehicles a little closer. However, we have never had a problem. We turn off our vehicle (it's a diesel truck) turn on the domelight if it's dark, we always have our ID ready, we turn the radio off and have the kids "Don't speak unless you're spoken to.":) I think this shows the custom officer that we have nothing to hide and take crossing the border seriously. Have a blast!!
To TimDansMom:

When you were checking into the all star resort, did they ask for photo i.d. for everyone checking into the resort, or just the adult checking everyone in. Thanks,

Hi cottontail, the CM just asked to see my photo ID. I was the one at the check-in desk, while DH was watching TV with the boys.

Also, at the gate, even though DH was driving, I handed over my driver's license as photo ID since it was handier. We also had to show the reservation at the gate to the resort, which had my name on it. I don't think it mattered whose photo ID as long as one of us produced it but that might depend on the CM.
Hello I actually was advised to call to the border that we would be crossing. I called back in october, but we are not going til this april.

I can't remember if it was the fort erie border or not, but it was on the U.S. side. Anyways they told me I did not need a passport, but a birth certificate for everyone and one piece of photo id. I thought about drivers liscenses but maybe you can use the ohip card. Who knows, but I would try getting the number for the border you are crossing and ask them.



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