Dramamine Vs Bonine


DIS Veteran
Sep 29, 2005
Not sure where to put this question. I bought Bonine to take before our drive. DH will be driving for the most part and I usually feel a little sick. IS either one better to take, less chance of drowsiness?
I had this same question back in June when I was going on a 9 day driving trip with my son's boy scout troop. I knew I was going to be in the back seat and always get sick, on top of that I had my monthly friend who also makes me nauseaous. I took ginger pills that I got at the whole food store near me and they were wonderful. No problems at all with my stomach or drowseyness. You should read the label first because it does say something about being sensitive to it but I have lots of food and enviromental alllergies and had no problems with it. We went for a long ride (about 3 hours) the week before we left and I sat in the backseat to test it and it worked. You may want to try that.

I use Bonine. I like it because it doesn't make me drowsy.

I may have to look into the ginger tablets though, that sounds great.
oh man. Myth busters did a great segment on this and there is some household thing that works better than any drug. But I can't remember what it was. Is it possible they have a web site w/ the answer? I'll look into it.
It was ginger. They took ginger tablets. but the test was for sea sickness, I don't know if it works the same for motion sickness. But none of the dramamine or electric shocks or any other method worked. Ginger was the only thing that stopped it for both testers. fyi
I think I feel worse taking Drammamine than if I just was motion sick. My favorite medicine is from the local all-natural pharmacy. It's Hyland's Homeopathic Motion Sickness "Natural relif for nausea and dizziness due to motion, car sickness, or sea sickness." I stopped in the store before a long trip that would include car, bus, boat, train, plane - and this is what the pharmacist recommended, in addition to chewable ginger tablets. It worked wonders. (I've taken it on its own before, and it worked bette for me than just the ginger tablets.) It's a bit on the expensive side, but then again, I'm buying it in the city at an expensive store, so it may be found cheaper elsewhere.

You dissolve 2-3 tablets in your mouth every four hours or so. It says the active ingredients are Nux Vomica, Tabacum, Petroleum, and Cocculus Indicus and the in active ingredient is lactoce.

Hope this helps! I'm always looking for good motion sickness remedies!
3DisneyBuggs said:
Not sure where to put this question. I bought Bonine to take before our drive. DH will be driving for the most part and I usually feel a little sick. IS either one better to take, less chance of drowsiness?

start taking either the night before you take off.....they are more effective taken that way
At different times I have tried Dramamine, Bonine, and a generic brand (don't remember which one.) I did not get the non-drowsy formula the first time, and did get a bit tired. The subsequent times I made sure to get the non-drowsy form. All worked well for me.

One thing I wanted to mention, and see if anyone else knew anything about this: One pharmacist told me to take 1/2 pill the day before I needed the anti-nausea effect, and then take a full dose the next day. I can't remember why he said to do this? But I didn't have any problems with the medication, they all worked well, and that was all I cared about. :)

I don't like the taste of ginger, but I'd be willing to try tablets...
I would try ginger pills. They are natural and will not make you drowsy. My husband and I get motion sickness, we tried it our last trip and were able to ride the rides that normally make us feel sick. We felt great! It's worth a try!
Good Luck
You can also buy great lollipops with natural ginger - they are terrific for kids who get motion sickness. Don't laugh: they are called Preggo Pops. :sad2:

They were originally designed for morning sickness for expectant moms but they are great for motion sickness.

You can purchase them off the 'net.

Jennifer princess:

Disney bride 12/11/06 :bride:
We find that Bonine is better as far as not making you drowsy, or woozy. We just cut the dosage down for the kids because they are both sensitive to that type of thing. Yo Ho! pirate: Helen
Just a heads up for the ginger fans - Peppermint also works quite well, at least after the fact... I've never tried it as a preventative method.
But I've seen Peppermint cure everything from your common motion sickness to mild food poisioning. :thumbsup2
Can I do both Bonine and ginger pills? I'm gong on a cruise tomorrow (first time!) and I do get seasick on smaller boats. I can take Bonine this evening, again tomorrow, and take the ginger too. Do you think that would be OK?
JeriLee said:
Can I do both Bonine and ginger pills? I'm gong on a cruise tomorrow (first time!) and I do get seasick on smaller boats. I can take Bonine this evening, again tomorrow, and take the ginger too. Do you think that would be OK?

Yes, you can take both! I always take both on cruises, just to be sure. :)Bonine is great as a preventative measure, and ginger is great if you're already feeling icky.

Your first cruise?? Oh man... welcome to your new addiction. :teeth: Have an awesome time!!

I like the Bonine much better, as Dramamine makes me EXTREMELY tired! I once took it for a car trip from Myrtle Beach to Buffalo, NY and slept the entire way!

When I went on the cruise, I took a Bonine every morning and was fine, even on a VERY BUMPY bus ride in Puerto Rico! (And I get car sick whenever DH drives!) :rotfl2:

Quick tip: The day after you get home from the cruise, you will have sea legs...to eleviate this, take a Bonine and you'll be fine! I got this tip from my Travel agent and it worked like a charm! :thumbsup2
dramamine non-drowsy 12 hour...works everytime and i get sick anywhere/anytime? does anybody know if they make one for kids? my girls will be flying for the first time and im nervous about them getting sick? i dont want to try benadryl. i want something specifically made for them that treats motion sickness...they are 3. any suggestions?
I've found Bonine to be better than Dramamine when it comes to not making you tired. Every time I've taken Dramamine I've been groggy feeling for hours afterward. I always used to take it when flying, and if we flew to FL in the morning (for us it's about a 2 and half hour flight), I would be very tired for the rest of the day. Since I switched to Bonine, I haven't experienced sleepiness at all after taking it.

As for ginger, it's great! When we were in Hawaii for our honeymoon a few months ago we went on a snorkel cruise. As we pulled into the first dive spot, the water was very choppy and I got extremely nausaus (the thought never occured to me to take something for motion sickness prior to getting on the boat... :sad2: ). Someone working on the boat gave me a drink that he mixed with ginger, and it helped almost immediately! Within 15 minutes I was in the water and didn't have any problems when we got to the other sites!!
Dramamine less drowsy still makes me drowsy and so does Bonine. I'll have to try the ginger on my next trip!


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