Don’t Know If She’s Elated or Gassy: Disney World with a Newborn, Feb 2020. Day TR UPDATE 9/18

I just LOVE a good mocktail!! Makes me think about trying to make some at the time right now lol!!

Your pasta looked so good too!!

Let's hope we can all get back to Disney (safely...) sometime soon!! You will have plenty of opportunities to bring April I'm sure!!! But I know that's got to be hard being so close but not being able to go!!

I know it's killing me, but it probably wouldn't be as magical as I think lol. Especially now that she's more fidgety.

Glad you had a good day with DH. Some relaxation, shopping, eating. Your dinner choice looks so good! Your DD is so cute - glad you included a recent photo. She really has grown! I think all Disney loving people are missing being there so much. We moved our March trip to Sept. but that isn't looking good right now. Not sure I would want to wear a mask all day. Whenever we do get back, I will enjoy every minute and not take it for granted.

Yes, there's so much I've learned not to take for granted from this whole experience. I'm not sure if our fall trip is going to happen. Even if the parks are open.

DH and I had lunch at the Edison back in December and really enjoyed it! Dinner didn't fit into our short trip schedule but I do want to go again when there's entertainment happening.

This is what I got and LOVED it. The sandwich was super cheesy lol

Ooh that does look good!

Oh she's just precious ❤ Our DGD will be 2 next month and every once in awhile an old picture of her pops up on my FB timeline or whatever and I can't believe how fast time goes even with grandchildren. We are taking her for her first visit (and our daughter in law's too) in late Sept. and I just hope things are "normal" enough for them to have a great 1st experience. As for us, we still have one June trip we're holding on to until Disney cancels and then 2 July trips booked that I seriously hope we can do but I'm sure if I had an infant I'd feel differently. We all need to do what we're comfortable with but you'll get April back there! Our boys were 4 and 11 months the very first time they went and it was wonderful!

I hope you get to do at least one of those trips!
Day 5, Part 1: The Grapefruit Connection

I woke up around 10 and got ready as quickly as possible. I wanted to run over to Disney Springs before we got going to Animal Kingdom to get dad’s Magic Band. It still took me awhile to get out the door, and I left around 12 pm. I told Dad that I “had to go take care of something” and luckily, he didn’t ask for clarification. I did tell them I would be back in about half an hour, though, and that would turn out to be a huge lie.

It ended up taking me half an hour just to get parked at Disney Springs. My intention was to park at Lime Garage, but it was full. On a Sunday morning! I guess that’s the brunch crowds for you. So I decided to try Grapefruit Garage for the first time.

Let me tell you, this waylaid plan turned out to be a blessing in disguise. First of all, there was practically no one there. The only moderately crowded level was the one at the walkway. I parked one level above that, and had my pick of rows and spots. I put April in her stroller and used the elevator to get the the walkway level.

To get down the walkway if you have a stroller (or wheelchair, or any situation that prevents you from using stairs), you have to use another elevator, of which there is only one, which is a bummer as there was a bit of a bottleneck, but soon enough I was down on the ground level, and discovered the other advantage of the Grapefruit Garage: the walkway takes you right to the Marketplace! I was so much closer to the Co-op than I would have been if I’d parked in the Lime Garage. So that was an important lesson. If the majority of your Disney Springs experience will take place in the Marketplace, park in Grapefruit.

Anyway, I headed over to the Co-op and picked up the magic band. I thought it looked really nice!



The process of getting back to the Polynesian after that went a lot smoother than the process of getting to Disney Springs, and soon enough I was back in our villa. I’m sure I had to text my dad at some point during my journey to assure him that I had not been kidnapped or anything.

I presented him with the band, and Rebekah and I both thanked him for being such a great Disney dad. He loved the band. Of course there were the “you shouldn’t have” platitudes, but I could tell it meant a lot to him.

I think I’m going to make this a short update, since the “story” of the magic band ends here and it’s a good stopping point. Next time, we finally get to Animal Kingdom!
That's special. I'm sure it made you and your sister feel good too. On to AK!
presented him with the band, and Rebekah and I both thanked him for being such a great Disney dad. He loved the band. Of course there were the “you shouldn’t have” platitudes, but I could tell it meant a lot to him.
That's such a sweet story and worth the trip 💕
You are a brave woman to conquer WDW with a newborn, practically by yourself. Miss April is absolutely precious ❤! It seems as if she did very well with all of the hustle and bustle that comes with Disney though. So glad someone finally agrees with me about Carousel of Progress. I absolutely LOVE it. Such nostalgia. I will have to watch a YouTube of it tomorrow to get my fix after reading your report. Hopefully the rest of your trip went as smoothly as the first couple of days.
That's special. I'm sure it made you and your sister feel good too. On to AK!

It did! :goodvibes

That's such a sweet story and worth the trip 💕

Aw, thank you!

You are a brave woman to conquer WDW with a newborn, practically by yourself. Miss April is absolutely precious ❤! It seems as if she did very well with all of the hustle and bustle that comes with Disney though. So glad someone finally agrees with me about Carousel of Progress. I absolutely LOVE it. Such nostalgia. I will have to watch a YouTube of it tomorrow to get my fix after reading your report. Hopefully the rest of your trip went as smoothly as the first couple of days.

Thanks for reading! It was a strange trip but a good one.
Day 5, Part 2: A Pandoran Afternoon

I gotta show off April’s outfit for the day. Since she was mostly in the sling while we were at the park, I didn’t get to show it off much. That, and it was also too big. Now it’s too small ;_;


We took the bus to Animal Kingdom, and arrived pretty late in the day. Our Safari fastpass ended at 3:05, and I know we just missed the grace period after, so we must have pulled in right around 3, since we still would have had to go through bag check and the tapstiles, and get all the way to the back of the park.

We decided we still wanted to ride, so we made out way towards the Safari to get a return time. Then we headed over to Pandora to redeem our next fastpass, Navi River Journey. On the way, we stopped for some Starbucks. I got another iced flat white, which I immediately transferred to my awesome new cup!




I still love this thing, though it’s not as thermal as some of my other mugs. In other words, ice melts quickly. Oh well. Still cool!

It made more sense for us to use our tier one selection on NRJ instead of FoP since NRJ was something everyone could and wanted to ride (FoP makes my dad motion sick and obviously April can’t ride yet), so Rebekah and I could get a return time for FoP. But we already had a return time for the Safari right now. Would we end up going back for Flight of Passage? You’ll have to keep reading to find out!


Crappy selfie in the queue area.

Anyway, count NRJ as another ride April slept through. This is a ride I’m most looking forward to taking her on again once it’s safe to return to the parks, now that she’s a little older and so drawn to look at things like lights and screens. Of course, this time, she did her usual snoozing.

We were hungry, so we decided to hit up Satuli Canteen for a late lunch/early dinner. On the way across the Moara Valley, I had Dad take some pictures of me and April since DH was asking for some.






At Satuli Canteen, my sister got her favorite cheeseburger pods (which I always kind of regret not getting), and I got the beef bowl with creamy dressing and the sweet potato hash for a base. I’m kind of salty they got rid of the rice pilaf base, as I don’t love the beans and rice that replaced it. So I decided to try the hash to see if I liked that. It was fine, but it didn’t make me as happy as that rice pilaf did. Sigh. Next time I’ll have to try the noodles. My dad got the chicken bowl with rice and creamy sauce.



Up next…more Animal Kingdom!
Day 5, Part 3: The wildest ride on the Savannah

Next up, we decided to watch Festival of the Lion King on our way to the Safari. I was surprised my dad was willing to attend this show. In fact, I think it was his idea. He’s commented a couple of times about not thinking it’s so great, but since he’s never been able to explain what he doesn’t like about it, I think he’s coming around to liking it and just doesn’t want to admit it 😉

With Rebekah’s scooter, we were able to get into the show fairly last minute through the wheelchair entrance. I forgot which section we were seated in. I want to say the warthogs? We were directly across from the giraffes, that I remember. So whichever section is across from the giraffes. Anyone know?

We had a few minutes to get settled before the show started. I took some cute pictures of April.

She seemed to enjoy the show! She was awake and pretty mesmerized by the lights. I think she would just adore it now.




Some vids of the fun:

Not sure why the sound's not working. Anyone know?

Towards the end, though, she started to get really fussy. I wasn’t too concerned for the people around us, since it’s a loud show, but it’s just not fun to watch with a squirming, sad baby in your lap, and since I’ve seen it countless times, I decided to cut my losses and head outside.

I don’t think I waited long before the crowds from the show emerged behind my. I waited a bit ahead on the path, towards the main part of Africa. This very nice family that didn’t speak English hung out near me. Their kids were very cute and were trying to ask me questions about April, but I really couldn’t understand them. I assume it was basic things like how old she was, but the language barrier was too much for me to even answer those. Still, they were very sweet and as you can see, they left an impression on me!

Soon enough, Dad and Rebekah joined me, and we made our way over to the safari to redeem our DAS return time.

Kilimanjaro Safari is a weird beast in that it doesn’t have a height restriction, but it’s not considered safe for pregnant women to ride. I really can’t think of any other ride at Disney World that’s like that. When I was pregnant, though, I took the advisory seriously and did not ride, so I hadn’t been on it in awhile. And now of course, I looked at the signage and said to myself, “No height restriction. Must be fine for babies, then!”

Let me tell you, I don’t know why Kilimanjaro Safari doesn’t have a height restriction. Maybe because it’s supposed to be the flagship ride of the park? But it needs one. I always forget how bumpy it is, even after riding it many times over the years, but nothing really puts it into perspective like riding it while holding a baby with developing neck control. It was SO bumpy. I was holding onto her for dear life. And of course it wasn’t worth it to ride with her, because as usual, she didn’t have any interest in looking around. And because I was so concerned with holding onto her, we didn’t really get any pictures.

Chalk this one up to another one we’ll have to try again when we can get back to the parks!

Early evening was fast approaching, and we were too exhausted to wait for an FoP return time. So sadly we did not make it on this trip. But someday soon, I’m confident! Hopefully before April is old enough to ride it herself.

We headed out and got on a bus back to the Poly. I had some big plans tonight, and they involved drinking!

Up next…drinking!
A good AK afternoon! Your DD's outfit is adorable. She's probably big enough now to really show off her cute clothes. Agree with how bumpy the safari is - can't imagine holding a baby! Wonder how many kids have flown out of the vehicle?? Probably a good idea to leave when everyone is tired rather than pushing it. Drinking is a good way to end the day :drinking1
A good AK afternoon! Your DD's outfit is adorable. She's probably big enough now to really show off her cute clothes. Agree with how bumpy the safari is - can't imagine holding a baby! Wonder how many kids have flown out of the vehicle?? Probably a good idea to leave when everyone is tired rather than pushing it. Drinking is a good way to end the day :drinking1

I've definitely transitioned to caring more about her clothes being cute than mine lol. It's a weird part of parenthood.
Joining in! I'm super impressed that you took a two-month-old to Disney World - even though you had an out being a local, you had a ton of park time! I'm sure it helps that you've been to Disney so many times and that you and your family seem to be flexible on your plans.

Isn't it amazing how fast babies grow and change?! The physical changes are harder to notice day-to-day, but it's stunning when you look at past pictures. Your daughter is adorable and it looks like she was so good in the parks. She's already a fan!
Joining in! I'm super impressed that you took a two-month-old to Disney World - even though you had an out being a local, you had a ton of park time! I'm sure it helps that you've been to Disney so many times and that you and your family seem to be flexible on your plans.

Isn't it amazing how fast babies grow and change?! The physical changes are harder to notice day-to-day, but it's stunning when you look at past pictures. Your daughter is adorable and it looks like she was so good in the parks. She's already a fan!

Welcome! I really can't believe how fast time is flying. Seems like only yesterday I wasn't even pregnant yet, and here she is!
Day 5, Part 4

How is everyone? I can't believe Disney is supposedly opening again soon; our cases continue to rise and people are NOT being careful. I'm staying home for the most part but when I go out I do wear a mask. I'm wondering if Disney will push back their open day. Please stay safe everyone!

We got back around 7:15. We went from the bus stop directly to Trader Sam’s so I could see if there was a wait. The plan if there was somehow not a wait was to have us all grab a drink in there together, but I wasn’t optimistic.

Sure enough, there was an estimated wait of about 60-90 minutes. Definitely not the worst I’ve seen, but it would mean admittance past 8 pm, after the cutoff for under 21’s. This meant that April would not be able to go. Which was actually fine with me; it’s not always the most fun thing to drink with your baby in your lap. So I put in for a party of one and we all headed back to the room while I waited for my text (I love that they don’t have beepers anymore, so you can wander off if you’d like).

Back in the room, I tried to put on my Trader Sam’s dress, which is by far my favorite of the few Dress Shop dresses that I own. But…it didn’t fit! I was absolutely devastated! I had lost most of my pregnancy weight by then and thought I was in the clear, but I think the little bit of extra skin hanging around my midsection did me in. We just couldn’t get it zippered shut. So freaking sad. I’m tempted to try it again now, but I’m a little scared. What if it never fits me again?

Here's how it looked on me back in February 2019, when I first got it...


(By the way, speaking of Dress Shop dresses, I was recently featured in a Pass the Brush video for Disney dresses, wearing my Haunted Mansion blue ballroom dress. It was featured on the Dis Facebook page! You can see me about halfway through).


My spirits dampened, I received a text that there was room for me at Trader Sam’s, so I went back to the GCH to get some damp spirits (I’m hilarious).

I was so excited to be back, I took a selfie to commemorate to occasion and posted it on FB.


If you’ve never been to Trader Sam’s at the Poly before, it’s important to know that being allowed inside doesn’t guarantee you a seat. It just guarantees that you can be in there. Why they do this, I don’t know, as it’s not particularly roomy in there and not practical to just stand and drink. It’s not like they have high tops you can stand next to. So you kind of have to be on your toes a lot of the time. I’ve been known to hover next to tables, sit with complete strangers, doesn’t matter to me.

But going solo it’s a lot easier. And luckily, a spot opened up right as I arrived at the center surfboard, which is my favorite place to sit, as it’s always got a few different parties to make friends with. I love making friends at Trader Sam’s. I’ve made some of my best personal and even professional connections there. Trader Sam’s people are my people.

Sure enough, two lovely girls sat across from me. I think it was one of their first time there, and the other had been before? They were very nice. Younger than me, but I can hang with the best of them! I don’t have THAT many grays yet!

They ordered one of the larger drinks, at this point I no longer remember which one, either the Nautilus or the Uh-Oa. They also ordered some food, which reminded me that I was famished. In the rush to get back from Animal Kingdom and get myself here, I’d forgotten to eat. So I ordered some ahi tuna tacos, my favorite thing on the menu. And pretty healthy! When I was late in my pregnancy and dealing with gestational diabetes, I went to Trader Sam’s with a friend one night and had these (plus a diet Coke), and my sugar didn’t spike!

I also ordered my favorite drink on the menu, the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Rum, since I no longer was pregnant or diabetic. I love this drink. I’ve made it at home several times. It doesn’t come in one of the fancy souvenir glasses, but it’s so good that I don’t even care.

I struck up a conversation with the other girls at the surfboard. They were locals as well. It was a good time and I decided to order a second drink. I think the Tahitian Torch? Not sure because sadly, I had to cancel the order when I received this text from my dad.


I’d only been at the bar for about 45 minutes! Poor baby girl. I’d theoretically left her with enough milk to last a couple hours, and my dad promised he pace fed her (which is a method that’s supposed to keep her full for longer), but I think she just missed me. Luckily the waiter was very accommodating and was able to cancel the second drink order, which was just as well because it might have knocked me on the floor and made feeding April not the smartest move (I think I underestimated how much of my tolerance I’d lost during my pregnancy). So, I settled the bill with just the tacos and Tiki Rum on it, and headed back to the room.

My dad told me that not only had he fed her, he had tried to soothe her by walking her up and down the Tokelau hallyway. He said that worked for a bit, but then she was back to crying. Poor baby and poor daddy! I was really grateful he tried. April got her milkies from me, and satisfied that I’d gotten to spend at least some time in Trader Sam’s, we soon after all drifted to sleep.
We have Disney reservations for early Sept. Not sure yet if we'll go......Sorry about your fav dress! From my experience after having a baby, even if the weight comes off the body is a bit re-shaped for a while. Maybe you should try it on again. Loved the Disney dress picture and video. Fun seeing all the dresses. I liked the Trader Sam's dress the best. Sorry your time there was cut short but nice you were able to get in for a bit.
We cancelled our May Disney trip (before it would've been cancelled for us) and one thing I was quite disappointed about was missing out on Trader Sam's. We were going to stay at the Poly Villas and I figured I'd have a shot to visit during my daughter's nap. Hopefully we'll be able to reconstruct a similar trip once we feel comfortable to replan our visit!

I'm glad you got to enjoy a drink and your tacos. Also, I agree with the above poster to try your dress again - I dropped most of my weight quickly but I didn't fully fit into some clothes until months later. Pregnancy does strange things to your body!
We have Disney reservations for early Sept. Not sure yet if we'll go......Sorry about your fav dress! From my experience after having a baby, even if the weight comes off the body is a bit re-shaped for a while. Maybe you should try it on again. Loved the Disney dress picture and video. Fun seeing all the dresses. I liked the Trader Sam's dress the best. Sorry your time there was cut short but nice you were able to get in for a bit.

We have a reservation for the end of October. I made Park Pass reservations because I knew we'd need to have them, but no clue if we will use them. There's no way to predict what things will look like then.

We cancelled our May Disney trip (before it would've been cancelled for us) and one thing I was quite disappointed about was missing out on Trader Sam's. We were going to stay at the Poly Villas and I figured I'd have a shot to visit during my daughter's nap. Hopefully we'll be able to reconstruct a similar trip once we feel comfortable to replan our visit!

I'm glad you got to enjoy a drink and your tacos. Also, I agree with the above poster to try your dress again - I dropped most of my weight quickly but I didn't fully fit into some clothes until months later. Pregnancy does strange things to your body!

Thank you both for your encouragement! I do plan to try again, with a pair of Spanx this time. Just need to work up the courage.
Day 6 (Monday, March 2nd), Part 1: A Tense Teatime

Happy Friday! I've been trying to get through all morning to someone at Disney about my pass extension, but all numbers are saying "all circuits are busy." My dad and sister's passes have been extended, but mine hasn't, which means when Passholder park pass reservations open up tomorrow, I won't be able to reserve time in February when my friend is visiting. I know that's a complete first world problem, but I don't think it's cool of Disney to say, "You have to have a valid ticket to reserve time in the park, BUT we aren't selling new passes right now, BUT don't worry because your pass will be extended anyway, BUT we won't do it in time for you to make a park reservation." Anyway, back to the report.

We woke up this morning around 10. It was our last full day together, and another day that we did not have any park plans. But that didn’t mean we were planless!

Rebekah and I got ready for a reservation we had really been looking forward to. While we got ready, Dad and I took some videos of April, who my dad swore was smiling. Weird to look at videos of her when she was so serious all the time. She's a super smiley baby now!

(By the way for those of you watching the video: Saba is the Hebrew word for grandfather, and it's what my dad wants her to call him).

But after my dad entertained her so I could get ready, soon April got dressed up in her fancy garb.


We headed out around noon, towards the Grand Ceremonial House. On our walk over, I got a text from DH that unfortunately would set the tone for the day. I won’t screencap it here, but given the timing on our trip, it was just when COVID was starting to make an appearance in the states, and he was starting to get worried. Which, in turn, made me worried. But I resolved to put it out of my mind for now and enjoy this time with Rebekah and April.

We took the monorail over one stop, to the Grand Floridian, and went downstairs to check in for our special lunch at the Garden View Tea Lounge.


Rebekah and I ate here the year before and had a really lovely time. Since she doesn’t travel on her own, I rarely get to spend one-on-one time with her, and since afternoon tea is deemed “girly” by my dad, it’s a fun thing for us to do together that he doesn’t really want to participate in. Not that we need his permission to do something without him, but it makes it easier.

It was actually really hard to get this reservation. I had hoped to get it for earlier in the trip, but this had been the only time and day available that really worked for us.

We checked in and were seated pretty promptly. If you’ve never been to the Garden View, it’s really worth a trip. It’s enough food to easily replace a lunch or early dinner as well.


Our waitress was very nice, and we let her know we’d been before so that she didn’t have to explain the menu. I wore April in her sling and she slept the whole time.


We both got the Bedforshire Tea. I believe I chose the black tea with rose and Rebekah got apple & elderflower white tea.

This is the base offering, $35 a person, and it comes with so much food. First, a course of five finger sandwiches. Due to Rebekah’s health issues, she sometimes has trouble with aged cheeses, which are present on at least one of the sandwiches, but I believe this time since there was such a small amount she decided to go ahead and eat them all. Otherwise I would have helped her out!


The second course is a strawberry tart and a golden raisin scone with clotted cream, lemon curd, and raspberry jam.

And the final course is a choice of dessert (one choice each). A seasonal trifle, selection of pastries, or strawberries and cream. I always get the pastries. Rebekah got the strawberries and cream last year, but it looks like she got the trifle this time. But I can no longer for the life of me remember what flavor it was! The swan pastry, which is also seasonal, I believe was churro flavored, and it looks like the macarons were lemon and strawberry or raspberry. There’s also a chocolate covered strawberry behind that trifle.

One other thing to note: all three courses come out at once on this beautiful stacked silver plate holder. You’re encouraged to switch plates out as you move through each course. Of course there’s nothing stopping you from eating the courses in any order you choose, or mixing them together, but we like to be sophisticated and go in the order the tea gods intended!


Each person also gets their own whole pot of tea, so you get a good number of cups out of it. They provide a very nice tea cozy that keeps your tea warm in the pot for the duration of your time there.

We had a really lovely time, catching up in a way we hadn’t really had the opportunity to do before this point in the trip.

It was, however, marred by a few more texts from DH. I want to be clear that he wasn’t telling me to do anything, but he was confessing that he was really starting to worry about COVID, and that he had in fact been worried for the duration of my trip, but it had come to a head the night before when Last Week Tonight covered it. The thought of him sitting at home, worried about our safety was really awful and I hated to put him through that. If he had told me to come home, I would have done so, as April is his daughter too and I think the parent with a higher level of concern trumps the parent who is less concerned.

Rebekah and I finished up our meal and paid the bill. We got some nice pictures of the three of us on our way out of the hotel.


We started walking back to the Polynesian via the path between the two hotels, so that we wouldn’t have to take the monorail the rest of the way around. I texted Dad to let him know we were on our way. And I also warned him of something I was starting to see no way around: I was probably going to go home early.
I'm wondering if Disney will push back their open day. Please stay safe everyone!

I'm starting to wonder this too. I know there would be a lot of people upset who would have to change plans multiple times already...but with cases going up like they are in FL...just not sure it's a great idea...nevermind the fact that us Canadians (plus a lot of other countries around the world) can't even leave home yet...sigh...who knows what the answer is!

Why they do this, I don’t know, as it’s not particularly roomy in there and not practical to just stand and drink. It’s not like they have high tops you can stand next to. So you kind of have to be on your toes a lot of the time. I’ve been known to hover next to tables, sit with complete strangers, doesn’t matter to me.

I will never understand why they made TS so small in general. It was always bound to be popular and even if it was double the size it would still always be busy and could still be cozy...
Sounds like a lovely time with your sister and DD. It looks like a lot of food and, for Disney, not a bad price. Uh oh, COVID is rearing it's ugly head. When it all started, it was a scary and uncertain time. It still is but not quite as scary. Nice you had this time together because who knows when things will 100% return to normal.
I love tea at the Garden View Tea Room. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy a nice time with your sister and your daughter!


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