Does Sprint PCS have a good signal at WDW??


Sep 27, 1999
We have two way radios, but on nights out with babysitter in the room (YESSSSS!!) we are hoping we could be reached via our mobile phones in case of emergency. Any thoughts.


Brian, Rania and Family
WDW '72 '74 '77 '90
OKW 9/99, OKW 12/99, BWV 5/00, OKW 12/00, BWV 5/01, BWV 11/01 and more to come
My husband had to do some business while at Disney and he used Sprint PCS without any problem
Also used sprint phones in the parks without problems. Sometimes they might lose signal but would pick it right back up. I also couldn't hear it ring sometimes in busy places.

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC size=4>Janette</font>

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>WDW ~*~ Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - Jun 1988
Vistana/Contemporary - Jun 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001</font>
<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>Disneyland ~*~ Apr 1998</font>
Just got back and with our group of 12 (having 3 Sprint PCS phones between us) we were able to use them to communicate with each other just fine. Occassionally we would lose signal but it would pick right back up when we started walking again! Had more signal than not! :)
Thanks for the great info. We have 2 sprint pcs phones and I was wondering if they would have a signal or if I should buy the 2-way radios. Thanks again. :)


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