does anyone have a coupon for the disney store online?


DIS Veteran
Apr 11, 2000
I want to order a few things and threw my catalog away. I know they were having some type of promo. I want to order online. Would anyone be so kind to see if they have a coupon(like free ship,10%off etc.) Thanks so much.
Go to and register at their site (it's free). When you enter the Disney store through the ebates site, you will get a 5% discount. The discounts accumulate in your ebates account, and every 3 months, they send you a check for the amount of your discounts. Cool, huh? Also, as of a couple of days ago, you get also get free shipping by going through ebates.
I don't have my catalog either,but I think there is some contest to find Roo's flowers or something to get 10% off.I keep seeing Roo holding a bouquet at most "official " Disney spots.Must mean something :) !Good luck!


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