Do You Wear Your Mask....

People who have active jobs that cause respiration to dampen masks need to keep multiple clean masks handy -- it's just that simple. Athletes in strenuous workouts do the same thing. My DD is a serious athlete whose standard daily training workout is 3 hours long; she routinely goes through 5 clean masks in that much time. She washes them immediately when she gets home so that they will be dry in time to start over again for the next day's workout. No one can breathe through a wet mask; masks need to be changed out regularly when engaged in strenuous activities, so that they stay fairly dry. I've also been told that it is important to consciously make an effort to breathe through one's nose, because it's easy to develop a habit of mouth-breathing when you wear a mask, but mouth-breathing contributes to faster dehydration.

I've been sewing masks for charities since March, and there is simply no reason why a properly-fitting, well-made mask would get into anyone's mouth. If that is happening, the wearer needs to get a different mask type that properly fits that person's face. I suggest redirecting energy currently expended on whining toward doing something proactive to find and adopt a more comfortable option, and then get several so they can be rotated throughout the day. Why deliberately be more miserable than you have to be?
People who have active jobs that cause respiration to dampen masks need to keep multiple clean masks handy -- it's just that simple. Athletes in strenuous workouts do the same thing. My DD is a serious athlete whose standard daily training workout is 3 hours long; she routinely goes through 5 clean masks in that much time. She washes them immediately when she gets home so that they will be dry in time to start over again for the next day's workout. No one can breathe through a wet mask; masks need to be changed out regularly when engaged in strenuous activities, so that they stay fairly dry. I've also been told that it is important to consciously make an effort to breathe through one's nose, because it's easy to develop a habit of mouth-breathing when you wear a mask, but mouth-breathing contributes to faster dehydration.

On a separate side note - my son hasn't been wearing masks during his trainings (soccer, in his case). When arriving and departing practices or when on the sidelines during a game or breaks, yes. But not on the field when actively training or playing.
On a separate side note - my son hasn't been wearing masks during his trainings (soccer, in his case). When arriving and departing practices or when on the sidelines during a game or breaks, yes. But not on the field when actively training or playing.

My DD is an ice skater. Indoor rinks, dry air and cold temperatures are a higher risk factor, so they have been advised by USFS that wearing masks 100% of the time while inside the facility is recommended. It has worked so far; after 7 months of training with about 20 skaters on the ice at once, only one person in the club has tested positive, and her exposure was likely from a family member at home, not at the rink. Interestingly, most of the kids' strength and stamina has increased exponentially this year, and they are considering keeping the masks permanently as a training aid, as training with it on seems to convey some of the same cardio benefit as training at high altitude does.
My DD is an ice skater. Indoor rinks, dry air and cold temperatures are a higher risk factor, so they have been advised by USFS that wearing masks 100% of the time while inside the facility is recommended. It has worked so far; after 7 months of training with about 20 skaters on the ice at once, only one person in the club has tested positive, and her exposure was likely from a family member at home, not at the rink. Interestingly, most of the kids' strength and stamina has increased exponentially this year, and they are considering keeping the masks permanently as a training aid, as training with it on seems to convey some of the same cardio benefit as training at high altitude does.

This is too funny to me. I was a skater growing up and I had a coach (this was way, way, way back in the day because I'm old now) that had us wear scarves over our mouths for that exact reason. Masks obviously weren't a thing then, but dang it would have been nicer than a scarf that flapped everywhere. So either my coach was a ahead of his time or, as I always suspected, bat-crap crazy.
On a separate side note - my son hasn't been wearing masks during his trainings (soccer, in his case). When arriving and departing practices or when on the sidelines during a game or breaks, yes. But not on the field when actively training or playing.
My kids did the same... wear onto and off the field, but during training/games the mask was in their bags. 16 games for DS for HS, and 14(?) for DD. Add in the practices, and (knock on wood), no one's come down with anything. One of DS's club team mates caught it from his GF. Club has had 4 games so far with two more this weekend, then we're done for a while.
This is too funny to me. I was a skater growing up and I had a coach (this was way, way, way back in the day because I'm old now) that had us wear scarves over our mouths for that exact reason. Masks obviously weren't a thing then, but dang it would have been nicer than a scarf that flapped everywhere. So either my coach was a ahead of his time or, as I always suspected, bat-crap crazy.

Well, to be fair, there are an awful lot of bat-crap-crazy coaches in skating, LOL!

We just got results from our first virtual competition, and all of the American teams who submitted entries skated their programs masked. The power levels on display definitely seemed to meet or exceed what I've seen in past competitions, so it certainly doesn't seem to be hurting the athletes in that respect.
I really don't know many people who are actually comfortable in masks, there's just things you do to work with it. I have a small face so many mass produced masks are just way too big for me.

I don't think we have to be enthusiastic about mask-wearing, it's okay to be like "yeah I'll be glad when I'm given the all clear to not wear it" or say that you don't really like to wear them but you do wear them.

But at this point some complaints are just "I hate it so I'm going to make sure y'all know it" even when you make considerations for thinking about others and their challenges with it. I know someone who works in a factory position with having to wear a mask for long hours, it isn't like she's all jumping for joy at it but she makes due with it. I'm a very stubborn person (although generally a rule follower) but even I quickly adapted to mask wearing even with the annoyances with it.
I am assuming since you keep taking it off at work to speak that you do not work alone. I would then think the kind thoughtful thing to do (since you know you take your mask off frequently at work) would be to stay home as much as possible (do your part to help limit those you work with to an unnecessary exposure) but I remember you just posted about being at a mall and sitting maskless so apparently that's not happening either... I hope those you work with or interact with at work stay safe. I am genuinely worried about them.
I usually wear a face shield at work. Can breathe in that. But I work a physical job and it gets caught in everything I do. Also, it's not fun when you're face is in a cloud of steam every 30 seconds to have a face shield or mask on. Other times I put the mask on, then my ear plugs which have a string, then take the mask off one ear so I can put it on when I need to be around people. We are suppose to wear it at all times but that seems silly when I may go 4 hours without a person in sight.

I do everything I can to stay away from people and not talk to anyone. If they needvto talk to me, they have to deal with me pulling the mask away from my mouth. The noise is 100+ db, you have to scream when talking to people and everyone is spitting out their masks when they talk. It's disgusting. I emphasized "need" because it's usually someone walking up to me and getting in my face to scream and tell me I need to have a mask on. Why would you walk up to someone and scream in their face if you think you are going to die if someone isn't wearing a mask? That makes no sense to me.

It was just reported that our governor tested positive. Wonder how that happened when obviously he follows his own guidelines and always wears a mask and didn't get together with family for Thanksgiving, and doesn't leave the state to his Florida vacation home, and social distances, and doesn't go anywhere. I'm sure he does all that he orders us to do, right?

As I said, the hardest hit areas are places where everyone is wearing a mask. Why is that if they work so well? Why do people continue to get near others? I live rural, I go to the store and there's a handful of people in the whole store, yet everyone needs to get near other people. I actively stay away from people. If anything, I am doing it right and everyone else is doing it wrong. If there's no one in sight of me, then how is the mask protecting anyone? I don't face anyone, I stay well more than 6 feet from anyone (except for the idiots who get up in my personal space on their own like crawling up my back when I'm standing in line 10 feet from the person in front of me) and when I do need to get near someone, then yes, I have a mask on such as when I need to go talk to someone or someone actually needs to come talk to me. You can bite it if you're going to come up and scream in my face about a mask.

And yet you still expose the fast food server when you don't wear yours "for just 15-30 seconds".
I would really like to know how. Well, actually, yes, I do expose them and so does every one that goes through the drive thru as you hand them your card, they touch it, touch everything in their work space, touch my food bags, after they've touched the previous person's card and food, and touch the next person's card and food. They are up above the roof line of my car like 8 feet way behind a plexiglass wall. I'm in my car, back in the seat, I have to lift myself up out of my seat, put my face up on the inside of the a-pillar of the car so I can reach up and out the window to get my food. Please tell me how I am infecting anyone. It is nothing but pure virtue signalling. "It shows you care" as you all said for months.

It just blows my mind that everyone is scared yet will get right up against other people whether they have a mask on or not. That and the constant need to go to Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot and the rest. I don't go to those places because of the amount of people, yet I'm doing it wrong with my maybe once every 3 or 4 weeks going to rural stores away from people and all the people packed in the big box stores nearly every day are doing it right?
Amazing the excuses people come up with. We are such a weak nation. My answer is Yes, I wear it everywhere but home or in my car or when I'm eating. Simple thing to do to help get rid of this virus and keep myself and others safe. This is real and almost 300,000 people have died. At what point do we take it seriously. Probably when we are laying in a hospital bed breathing via respirator until we die.
when getting food at a Fast Food Drive-thru?
Yes, I put mine on before I pay and take it off after I get my food. I figure that I'm closer than 6 feet to the person in the window, so it is correct to wear it. They are wearing one, so should I.
That would be you and your family, assuming 4 people. So there are 328,199,996 other people, are we sure that they are all doing just as good of job of not touching the mask? Or do you think there are people out there that are gasping for breathe under it, sweating under it, snot running out of their nose into it and maybe they are constantly touching it?

I do know one thing, I don't sneeze and cough on people. The mask actually gives more of a chance of me sneezing or coughing on you because I don't carry hundreds of masks around with me or a laundry bag full of washable masks for when my allergies kick in. I remove the mask and will sneeze as normal, thus the added step of removing the mask means the sneeze has a good chance of getting out before I can continue on with the sneezing as normal. No way am I going to sneeze into the mask and continue wearing it for any amount of time (like the girl making the sandwich that you all stated you wouldn't eat after she sneezed even though the masks work...)

I stopped with the mask when I realized I needed to change it out 23 times from sneezing and it was only half an hour into my workday and I still had 9.5 hours to go. I simply don't sneeze on people. It's not a difficult thing to do.
I cannot possibly help what other people do other than share in large forums like here. And we are a family of 5. My extended family does the same. All trying to do what is best for the greater good.
That would be you and your family, assuming 4 people. So there are 328,199,996 other people, are we sure that they are all doing just as good of job of not touching the mask? Or do you think there are people out there that are gasping for breathe under it, sweating under it, snot running out of their nose into it and maybe they are constantly touching it?

I do know one thing, I don't sneeze and cough on people. The mask actually gives more of a chance of me sneezing or coughing on you because I don't carry hundreds of masks around with me or a laundry bag full of washable masks for when my allergies kick in. I remove the mask and will sneeze as normal, thus the added step of removing the mask means the sneeze has a good chance of getting out before I can continue on with the sneezing as normal. No way am I going to sneeze into the mask and continue wearing it for any amount of time (like the girl making the sandwich that you all stated you wouldn't eat after she sneezed even though the masks work...)

I stopped with the mask when I realized I needed to change it out 23 times from sneezing and it was only half an hour into my workday and I still had 9.5 hours to go. I simply don't sneeze on people. It's not a difficult thing to do.
Also, my son has severe allergies and we both have asthma. We breathe absolutely fine with it. We have very comfortable masks from Athleta, I highly recommend, they are the most comfortable ones we have tried.

I carry 4 extra disposable masks in my purse, definitely not hundreds. I also keep a stash in my glove box in case someone forgets their very comfortable, reuseable one.

Sneezing on people is not the problem. It's also coughing, talking, singing, etc. Anything where you'll be distributing droplets into the air.

Also, I have never sneezed on anyone but I am sure I spread the flu and other viruses, unknowingly, before being masked this year. Funny, we have not been sick at all in the last 15 months when previous years we have been knocked out with the flu and various viruses (even though we get the flu shot every year).
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I usually wear a face shield at work. Can breathe in that. But I work a physical job and it gets caught in everything I do. Also, it's not fun when you're face is in a cloud of steam every 30 seconds to have a face shield or mask on. Other times I put the mask on, then my ear plugs which have a string, then take the mask off one ear so I can put it on when I need to be around people. We are suppose to wear it at all times but that seems silly when I may go 4 hours without a person in sight.

I do everything I can to stay away from people and not talk to anyone. If they needvto talk to me, they have to deal with me pulling the mask away from my mouth. The noise is 100+ db, you have to scream when talking to people and everyone is spitting out their masks when they talk. It's disgusting. I emphasized "need" because it's usually someone walking up to me and getting in my face to scream and tell me I need to have a mask on. Why would you walk up to someone and scream in their face if you think you are going to die if someone isn't wearing a mask? That makes no sense to me.

It was just reported that our governor tested positive. Wonder how that happened when obviously he follows his own guidelines and always wears a mask and didn't get together with family for Thanksgiving, and doesn't leave the state to his Florida vacation home, and social distances, and doesn't go anywhere. I'm sure he does all that he orders us to do, right?

As I said, the hardest hit areas are places where everyone is wearing a mask. Why is that if they work so well? Why do people continue to get near others? I live rural, I go to the store and there's a handful of people in the whole store, yet everyone needs to get near other people. I actively stay away from people. If anything, I am doing it right and everyone else is doing it wrong. If there's no one in sight of me, then how is the mask protecting anyone? I don't face anyone, I stay well more than 6 feet from anyone (except for the idiots who get up in my personal space on their own like crawling up my back when I'm standing in line 10 feet from the person in front of me) and when I do need to get near someone, then yes, I have a mask on such as when I need to go talk to someone or someone actually needs to come talk to me. You can bite it if you're going to come up and scream in my face about a mask.

I would really like to know how. Well, actually, yes, I do expose them and so does every one that goes through the drive thru as you hand them your card, they touch it, touch everything in their work space, touch my food bags, after they've touched the previous person's card and food, and touch the next person's card and food. They are up above the roof line of my car like 8 feet way behind a plexiglass wall. I'm in my car, back in the seat, I have to lift myself up out of my seat, put my face up on the inside of the a-pillar of the car so I can reach up and out the window to get my food. Please tell me how I am infecting anyone. It is nothing but pure virtue signalling. "It shows you care" as you all said for months.

It just blows my mind that everyone is scared yet will get right up against other people whether they have a mask on or not. That and the constant need to go to Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot and the rest. I don't go to those places because of the amount of people, yet I'm doing it wrong with my maybe once every 3 or 4 weeks going to rural stores away from people and all the people packed in the big box stores nearly every day are doing it right?

I rarely see people "all right up against other people". Nearly every store I go to I see people respecting others with distancing. If it appears some people are not, it's easy to move around them. However, we have long ago realized that Home Depot and Lowes folks are the worst at distancing so we just do pick up orders.

If you are conscious of it, you aren't doing it wrong at all. It's the folks who truly don't care who are doing it wrong. But those of us who are trying, are doing what we can, right?!
Yes At the pick up window. It's Just courtesy they wear there's I'll wear mine
Of course! Why wouldn’t I. You’re always closer than 6 feet from the person at the pickup window.

It is respectful to the drive thru employee. It reduces their exposure so they don’t get exposed and can keep working. So they can stay open. I do it to protect them.

Wear. The. Mask. Protect your local food service workers.
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On a separate side note - my son hasn't been wearing masks during his trainings (soccer, in his case). When arriving and departing practices or when on the sidelines during a game or breaks, yes. But not on the field when actively training or playing.

Same with my daughter who plays lax.
I pull up with it on, mumble incoherently for a minute, then pull my mask down to speak with them asking “What was that? Sorry, but I can’t understand you.” They pull their mask down and we talk.


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